7 resultados para Coronel Dorrego
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
En aquest treball s'aprofundeix en el coneixement del que va ser l' alçament del 19 de juliol de 1936 i es detalla l'actuació contraposada que protagonitzaren, en temps de guerra idel franquisme, dos militars destinats a la ciutat: el tinent coronel Alcubilla iel capità Justo
El llibre editat pel Dr. Ripoll Perelló s'emmarca en un deIs aspectes més destacats de la seva producció bibliografica, la de les recopilacions documentals, necrologiques i altres aspectes relacionats amb la historia de la prehistoria. Vull deixar clar que faig aquesta constatació en termes d' elogi i d' admiració, ja que les aportacions del Dr. Ripoll Perelló són molt valuoses per entendre moltes coses que continuen vigents en la prehistoria mundial.
Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder caused by the expansion of CAG repeats in the Huntingtin (HTT) gene. The abnormally extended polyglutamine in the HTT protein encoded by the CAG repeats has toxic effects. Here, we provide evidence to support that the mutant HTT CAG repeats interfere with cell viability at the RNA level. In human neuronal cells, expanded HTT exon-1 mRNA with CAG repeat lengths above the threshold for complete penetrance (40 or greater) induced cell death and increased levels of small CAG-repeated RNAs (sCAGs), of ≈21 nucleotides in a Dicer-dependent manner. The severity of the toxic effect of HTT mRNA and sCAG generation correlated with CAG expansion length. Small RNAs obtained from cells expressing mutant HTT and from HD human brains significantly decreased neuronal viability, in an Ago2-dependent mechanism. In both cases, the use of anti-miRs specific for sCAGs efficiently blocked the toxic effect, supporting a key role of sCAGs in HTT-mediated toxicity. Luciferase-reporter assays showed that expanded HTT silences the expression of CTG-containing genes that are down-regulated in HD. These results suggest a possible link between HD and sCAG expression with an aberrant activation of the siRNA/miRNA gene silencing machinery, which may trigger a detrimental response. The identification of the specific cellular processes affected by sCAGs may provide insights into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying HD, offering opportunities to develop new therapeutic approaches
Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding regulatory RNAs that control gene expression usually producing translational repression and gene silencing. High-throughput sequencing technologies have revealed heterogeneity at length and sequence level for the majority of mature miRNAs (IsomiRs). Most isomiRs can be explained by variability in either Dicer1 or Drosha cleavage during miRNA biogenesis at 5" or 3" of the miRNA (trimming variants). Although isomiRs have been described in different tissues and organisms, their functional validation as modulators of gene expression remains elusive. Here we have characterized the expression and function of a highly abundant miR-101 5"-trimming variant (5"-isomiR-101). Results The analysis of small RNA sequencing data in several human tissues and cell lines indicates that 5"-isomiR-101 is ubiquitously detected and a highly abundant, especially in the brain. 5"- isomiR-101 was found in Ago-2 immunocomplexes and complementary approaches showed that 5"-isomiR-101 interacted with different members of the silencing (RISC) complex. In addition, 5"-isomiR-101 decreased the expression of five validated miR-101 targets, suggesting that it is a functional variant. Both the binding to RISC members and the degree of silencing were less efficient for 5"-isomiR-101 compared with miR-101. For some targets, both miR-101 and 5"-isomiR-101 significantly decreased protein expression with no changes in the respective mRNA levels. Although a high number of overlapping predicted targets suggest similar targeted biological pathways, a correlation analysis of the expression profiles of miR-101 variants and predicted mRNA targets in human brains at different ages, suggest specific functions for miR-101- and 5"-isomiR-101. Conclusions These results suggest that isomiRs are functional variants and further indicate that for a given miRNA, the different isomiRs may contribute to the overall effect as quantitative and qualitative fine-tuners of gene expression.
En noviembre de 1932 el médico rosarino Carlos de Sanctis se trasladó a Asunción del Paraguay para incorporarse al Cuerpo de Sanidad paraguayo. La Guerra del Chaco todavía no se había declarado formalmente, pero para Carlos de Sanctis estaba claro que ese conflicto ya había ido tomando forma en los años previos, en especial a partir del fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Gracias a su condición de "periodista corresponsal" del periódico rosarino La Capital, prensa hoy día vigente, el Poder Ejecutivo paraguayo le permitió a Carlos de Sanctis fotografiar su entrada a la ciudad de Asunción, el viaje que hicieron por el río Paraguay para entrar al Chaco Paraguayo por el Puerto Casado (así llamado por el español Carlos Casado del Alisal), así como el traslado del ejército hacia la zona del Fortín Arze que era dirigido por el Coronel Carlos José Fernández. Este tema histórico que presentamos a los lectores y a las lectoras, tiene vigencia hoy día: en el año 2010, la presidenta argentina Cristina Fernández intervino en la firma del Tratado de Paz definitivo entre Bolivia y Paraguay. Los presidentes Evo Morales y Fernando Lugo sellaron "La paz de la eterna guerra del Chaco".
En febrero de 1813 la edificación del Convento de San Carlos Borromeo de San Lorenzo resguardó al cuerpo de granaderos al mando del coronel José de San Martín en su lucha contra el ejército español. Pero también fue el escenario en el que se produjo, en abril de 1819, el conocido "Armisticio de San Lorenzo" que se firmó entre representantes de las provincias de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe y Entre Ríos para acordar el cese de la hostilidad.