9 resultados para College Major
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We give a simple and concise proof that so-called generalized median stable matchings are well-defined stable matchings for college admissions problems. Furthermore, we discuss the fairness properties of median stable matchings and conclude with two illustrative examples of college admissions markets, the lattices of stable matchings, and the corresponding generalized median stable matchings.
Les onades de calor eren un fenomen desconegut per la població fins fa pocs anys, i tot i que avui dia ja son més populars, les seves conseqüències passen molt més desapercebudes que la d’altres catàstrofes naturals. En aquest estudi, a partir de l’episodi que va patir la península durant l’agost de 2003, es pretén aprofundir en els factors que van fer propiciar que la mortalitat entre les persones majors de 65 anys augmentés de manera notable en comparació amb anys anteriors. Els resultats de l’estudi mostren que un dels grups més vulnerables son les persones grans que viuen soles i per tant caldria tenir en compte aquest factor a l’hora de fer plans d’acció, així com també que els pics de màxima mortalitat es corresponen amb dies posteriors als de la pujada de temperatura, ja que aquesta agreuja patologies prèvies de les persones i moren temps després. També seria interessant un consens internacional a l’hora d’establir uns criteris estàndards per tal de tenir així uns registres més fiables que permetin extreure noves mesures per lluitar contra les onades de calor.
Hungary lies entirely within the Carpatho-Pannonian Region (CPR), a dominant tectonic unit of eastern Central Europe. The CPR consists of the Pannonian Basin system, and the arc of the Carpathian Mountains surrounding the lowlands in the north, east, and southeast. In the west, the CPR is bounded by the Eastern Alps, whereas in the south, by the Dinaridic belt. (...)
La Participació dels estudiants en la universitat. Anàlisi de la situació a la Universitat de Girona
Aquest estudi posa a debat tant els nivells com les formes de participació dels estudiants en el funcionament de la universitat amb la finalitat d’aprofundir en els models i les dinàmiques que afavoreixen la participació dels estudiants. Parteix de l’estudi del cas de la Universitat de Girona i recull, des de diferents punts de vista, quina és la situació actual pel que fa a la participació dels estudiants en aquesta universitat, i es proposen algunes línies d’actuació per promoure-la. A la base d’aquest estudi se situa el convenciment que la participació dels estudiants en el funcionament de la universitat és un objectiu desitjable per part de la comunitat universitària, i que, com a centre de formació que és la universitat, cal que es plantegi la participació com un objectiu d’aprenentatge propi ja que, a més de formar científi cs i professionals en diferents àmbits, la universitat també contribueix (o hauria de contribuir) a la formació de ciutadans. Es tracta d’un treball fi nançat per la convocatòria 20 de la UdG d’ajuts a projectes cooperatius d’R+D en els àmbits humanístic i de les ciències socials i que s’ha desenvolupat en la seva major part durant l’any 2008 i inicis del 2009. Les dades de participació que es presenten sobre la UdG són de l’any 2008
Taking the Royal College of Barcelona (1760 -1843) as a case study this paper shows the development of modern surgery in Spain initiated by Bourbon Monarchy founding new kinds of institutions through their academic activities of spreading scientific knowledge. Antoni Gimbernat was the most famousinternationally recognised Spanish surgeon. He was trained as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgery in Cadiz and was later appointed as professor of theAnatomy in the College of Barcelona. He then became Royal Surgeon of King Carlos IV and with that esteemed position in Madrid he worked resiliently to improve the quality of the Royal colleges in Spain. Learning human bodystructure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education. Gimbernat favoured the study of natural sciences, the new chemistry of Lavoisier and experimental physics in the academic programs of surgery. According to the study of a very relevant set of documents preserved in the library, the so-called “juntas literarias”, among the main subjects debated in the clinical sessions was the concept of human beings and diseases in relation to the development of the new experimental sciences. These documents showed that chemistry andexperimental physics were considered crucial tools to understand the unexplained processes that occurred in the diseased and healthy human bodyand in a medico-surgical context. It is important to stress that through these manuscripts we can examine the role and the reception of the new sciences applied to healing arts.
Since World War II, the United States government has made improved accessto higher education a priority. This e¤ort has substantially increasedthe number of people who complete college. We show that by reducing theeffective interest rate on borrowing for education, such policies canactually increase the gap in wages between those with a college educationand those without. The mechanism that drives our results is the signaling role of education first explored by Spence (1973). We argue that financialconstraints on education reduce the value of education as a signal. Wesolve for the reduced form relationship between the interest rate and thewage premium in the steady state of a dynamic asymmetric information model.In addition, we discuss evidence of decreases in borrowing costs for educationfinancing in the U.S.
Using comprehensive administrative data on France's single largest financialaid program, this paper provides new evidence on the impact of large-scaleneed-based grant programs on the college enrollment decisions, persistenceand graduation rates of low-income students. We exploit sharp discontinuitiesin the grant eligibility formula to identify the impact of aid on student outcomesat different levels of study. We find that eligibility for an annual cashallowance of 1,500 euros increases college enrollment rates by up to 5 percentagepoints. Moreover, we show that need-based grants have positive effectson student persistence and degree completion.
Background and aims: The extent and molecular mechanisms governing plasma extravasation and formation of ascites in cirrhosis are unknown. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) are endogenous substances with powerful vascular permeability effects. We assessed regional blood flow, vascular leakage, mRNA and tissular expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 and vascular permeability following VEGF receptor 2 blockade in control and cirrhotic rats to define the vascular territories showing altered vascular permeability in cirrhosis and to determine whether VEGF-A and Ang-2 are involved in this phenomenon. Methods: Arterial blood flow was analysed with the coloured microsphere method. Vascular leakage was measured and visualised with the dye Evan¿s Blue and colloidal carbon techniques, respectively. VEGF-A and Ang-2 expression were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunohistochemistry and western blot. The effect on vascular permeability induced by VEGFR2 blockade was assessed by administration of the receptor inhibitor SU11248. Results: Arterial blood flow was increased in the mesentery, pancreas and small intestine but not in the kidney and spleen of cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Increased vascular leakage was observed in the mesentery and liver, where colloidal carbon spread from microvessels to the adjacent fibrotic tracts. Increased hepatic and mesenteric expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 was found in cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Blockade of VEGFR2 markedly reduced hepatic and mesenteric vascular leakage in cirrhotic rats. Conclusions: Enhanced endothelial permeability is restricted to the hepatic and mesenteric vascular beds in cirrhotic rats with ascites and VEGF-A and Ang-2 are key factors in the signalling pathways regulating this dysfunction.