16 resultados para Colistin sulfate

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) participate in molecular events that regulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The present study demonstrates that soluble heparin-binding proteins or cross-linking antibodies induce the aggregation of cell surface HSPGs and their distribution along underlying actin filaments. Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy and immunogold and electron microscopy indicate that, in the absence of ligands, HSPGs are irregularly distributed on the fibroblast cell surface, without any apparent codistribution with the actin cytoskeleton. In the presence of ligand (lipoprotein lipase) or antibodies against heparan sulfate, HSPGs aggregate and colocalize with the actin cytoskeleton. Triton X-100 extraction and immunoelectron microscopy have demonstrated that in this condition HSPGs were clustered and associated with the actin filaments. Crosslinking experiments that use biotinylated lipoprotein lipase have revealed three major proteoglycans as binding sites at the fibroblast cell surface. These cross-linked proteoglycans appeared in the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction. Platinum/carbon replicas of the fibroblast surface incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antiheparan sulfate showed large aggregates of HSPGs regularly distributed along cytoplasmic fibers. Quantification of the spacing between HSPGs by confocal microscopy confirmed that the nonrandom distribution of HSPG aggregates along the actin cytoskeleton was induced by ligand binding. When cells were incubated either with lipoprotein lipase or antibodies against heparan sulfate, the distance between immunofluorescence spots was uniform. In contrast, the spacing between HSPGs on fixed cells not incubated with ligand was more variable. This highly organized spatial relationship between actin and proteoglycans suggests that cortical actin filaments could organize the molecular machinery involved in signal transduction and molecular movements on the cell surface that are triggered by heparin-binding proteins.


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Two experiments were performed to determine the best strategy of use of the product TRACTcare® 4P (ITPSA) (TC, specific immunoglobulin-rich egg yolk powder within an energetic fatty acid matrix) in piglets from weaning and for 6 weeks, in diets without or with inclusion of antibiotics. Each trial was performed with 144 piglets in 24 pens, in a completely randomized design blocked by initial body weight. Feeds were formulated according to animal requirements in two periods. In the first trial no antibiotics were included in the feeds and no room disinfection from previous trial was performed; treatments were: 1) Negative control (NC); 2) NC+TC on top of the feed within the hopper for the first 3 days on trial (30 g/pig×day), and eventually if diarrhea appeared (TCOT); 3) NC+TC ad libitum provided in an extra hopper within the pen (TCAL); and 4) NC+TC at 5 g/kg added to the feed in the mixer (TC5). In the second trial, treatments were: 1) Positive control: basal diet that included 250 mg/kg amoxiciline (BD)+100 mg/kg colistine (AC); 2) BD+2 g/kg TC (TC2A); 3) BD+5 g/kg TC (TC5A); and 4) BD+8 g/kg TC (TC8A). In diets without antibiotics, the product TC at 5 g/kg in the feed numerically improved BW by 8% compared to Control animals, while G:F was almost identical between both groups. When antibiotics were used in the feed, replacement of colistin at 100 mg/kg for TC at 2 g/kg in feed numerically improved the performance compared to Positive control animals (for the whole trial period ADG 8% better: 390 g vs. 361 g; G:F 1% better: 0.748 kg/kg vs. 0.742 kg/kg), possibly due to the stimulation of feed consumption at weaning. In both trials, the lower number of dead and culled animals from TC5 and TC2A together with higher BW represented an advantage over Control treatments of 6% to 10% animals more and 15% to 17% total BW more at the end of the trial.


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Estudi retrospectiu per analitzar la incidència, factors de risc i tractament de la hemoglobinuria macroscòpica i oliguria després del tractament de malformacions venoses amb escleroteràpia. Un total de 475 procediments es van realitzar en 131 malalts usant etanol, sulfat tetradecil sòdic o ambdos. Hemoglobinuria temporal es va donar després del 34% de procediments i el 57% d’aquests es van asociar amb oliguria temporal. Aquest risc augmenta amb el increment de dosis. La resolució de la hemoglobinuria i oliguria va ser satisfactòria en tots els malalts. El risc d’hemoglobinuria augmenta a les malformacions que afecten les extremitats inferiors i a les de localitzacions mútiples.


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La conciencia de los problemas asociados a la gestión de los residuos orgánicos y el interés por las oportunidades de su recuperación y valorización han ido tomando importancia en los últimos años, tanto en el campo de las deyecciones ganaderas como en el sector de las aguas residuales. Consecuentemente, las combinaciones tecnológicas que permitan cerrar los ciclos de los nutrientes y la recuperación energética han adquirido mayor importancia en la investigación así como en las nuevas normativas sectoriales. En este contexto se sitúa el trabajo realizado durante el periodo becado (octubre 2010 - noviembre 2011). En una primera etapa de estudio bibliográfico se identificaron i) el aumento de la eficiencia en el uso del nitrógeno en la agricultura y en la ganadería, ii) la reutilización del nitrógeno en los mismos ecosistemas agrícolas y iii) el tratamiento de las deyecciones para redistribuir el nitrógeno a zonas con poca disponibilidad, como las tres direcciones principales hacia las cuales se está focalizando el interés del sector agrícola. Se puso en marcha una planta piloto de stripping y absorción para estudiar la posibilidad de recuperar y valorizar el amoniaco presente en los purines en forma de solución amoniacal para la industria de fertilizantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron el rol fundamental de las características iníciales del substrato en el rendimiento global del proceso. En particular, elevados contenidos en materia orgánica resultaron en bajas eficiencias y en elevadas contaminaciones del producto obtenido. Finalmente, considerando sus potenciales ventajas tanto en la gestión de los residuos ganaderos como de las aguas residuales y focalizándose en las perdidas de nitrógeno se estudió un sistema descentralizado de separación de orina instalado en un centro de investigación. Los resultados preliminares permitieron caracterizar los principales procesos que ocurren en el sistema e identificar las posibles líneas futuras de investigación.


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Electrodeposition experiments conducted in a thin-layer horizontal cell containing a nonbinary aqueous electrolyte prepared with cupric sulfate and sodium sulfate gave rise to fingerlike deposits, a novel and unexpected growth mode in this context. Both the leading instability from which fingers emerge and some distinctive features of their steady evolution are interpreted in terms of a simple model based on the existing theory of fingering in fluids.


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The ability to entrap drugs within vehicles and subsequently release them has led to new treatments for a number of diseases. Based on an associative phase separation and interfacial diffusion approach, we developed a way to prepare DNA gel particles without adding any kind of cross-linker or organic solvent. Among the various agents studied, cationic surfactants offered particularly efficient control for encapsulation and DNA release from these DNA gel particles. The driving force for this strong association is the electrostatic interaction between the two components, as induced by the entropic increase due to the release of the respective counter-ions. However, little is known about the influence of the respective counter-ions on this surfactant-DNA interaction. Here we examined the effect of different counter-ions on the formation and properties of the DNA gel particles by mixing DNA (either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA)) with the single chain surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium (DTA). In particular, we used as counter-ions of this surfactant the hydrogen sulfate and trifluoromethane sulfonate anions and the two halides, chloride and bromide. Effects on the morphology of the particles obtained, the encapsulation of DNA and its release, as well as the haemocompatibility of these particles, are presented, using the counter-ion structure and the DNA conformation as controlling parameters. Analysis of the data indicates that the degree of counter-ion dissociation from the surfactant micelles and the polar/hydrophobic character of the counter-ion are important parameters in the final properties of the particles. The stronger interaction with amphiphiles for ssDNA than for dsDNA suggests the important role of hydrophobic interactions in DNA.


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Background: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) released by adrenal glands may be converted to androgens and estrogens mainly in the gonadal, adipose, mammary, hepatic and nervous tissue. DHEA is also a key neurosteroid and has antiglucocorticoid activity. DHEA has been used for the treatment of a number of diseases, including obesity; its pharmacological effects depend on large oral doses, which effect rapidly wanes in part because of its short half-life in plasma. Since steroid hormone esters circulate for longer periods, we have studied here whether the administration of DHEA oleoyl ester may extend its pharmacologic availability by keeping high circulating levels. Results: Tritium-labelled oleoyl-DHEA was given to Wistar male and female rats by gastric tube. The kinetics of appearance of the label in plasma was unrelated to sex; the pattern being largely coincident with the levels of DHEA-sulfate only in females, and after 2 h undistinguishable from the results obtained using labelled DHEA gavages; in the short term, practically no lipophilic DHEA label was found in plasma. After 24 h only a small fraction of the label remained in the rat organs, with a different sex-related distribution pattern coincident for oleoyl- and free- DHEA gavages. The rapid conversion of oleoyl-DHEA into circulating DHEA-sulfate was investigated using stomach, liver and intestine homogenates; which hydrolysed oleoyl-DHEA optimally near pH 8. Duodenum and ileum contained the highest esterase activities. Pure hog pancreas cholesterol-esterase broke down oleoyl-DHEA at rates similar to those of oleoyl-cholesterol. The intestinal and liver esterases were differently activated by taurocholate and showed different pH-activity patterns than cholesterol esterase, suggesting that oleoyl-DHEA can be hydrolysed by a number of esterases in the lumen (e.g. cholesterol-esterase), in the intestinal wall and the liver. Conclusion: The esterase activities found may condition the pharmacological availability (and depot effect) of orally administered steroid hormone fatty acid esters such as oleoyl-DHEA. The oral administration of oleoyl-DHEA in order to extend DHEA plasma availability has not been proved effective, since the ester is rapidly hydrolysed, probably in the intestine itself, and mainly converted to DHEA-sulfate at least in females.


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The influence of an inert electrolyte (sodium sulfate) on quasi-two-dimensional copper electrodeposition from a nondeaerated aqueous copper sulfate solution has been analyzed. The different morphologies for a fixed concentration of CuSO4 have been classified in a diagram in terms of the applied potential and the inert electrolyte concentration. The main conclusion is the extension of the well-known Ohmic model for the homogeneous growth regime for copper sulfate solutions with small amounts of sodium sulfate. Moreover, we have observed the formation of fingerlike deposits at large applied potential and inert electrolyte concentration values, before hydrogen evolution becomes the main electrode reaction.


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Electrodeposition experiments conducted in a thin-layer horizontal cell containing a nonbinary aqueous electrolyte prepared with cupric sulfate and sodium sulfate gave rise to fingerlike deposits, a novel and unexpected growth mode in this context. Both the leading instability from which fingers emerge and some distinctive features of their steady evolution are interpreted in terms of a simple model based on the existing theory of fingering in fluids.


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Angiogenesis is an important process in chronic inflammatory diseases. We observed that sera from patients with systemic vasculitis stimulated angiogenesis in an in vitro model using human umbilical vein endothelial cells cultured on a basement membrane (Matrigel) substrate. After 40% ammonium sulfate precipitation, angiogenic activity remained in the low molecular weight fraction and could be inactivated by heat. SDS-page of serum FPLC fractions exhibiting maximal angiogenic activity demonstrated two prominent species of 45 and 16-20 kD in patients' sera. These bands were much less apparent in sera obtained from control subjects. Amino-terminal sequencing of the 45-kD protein demonstrated that it was haptoglobin. Purified haptoglobin stimulated angiogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. The angiogenic activity of vasculitis patients' sera was partially inhibited by an antihaptoglobin antibody. Furthermore, serum haptoglobin levels in vasculitis patients correlated both with disease and angiogenic activity. Haptoglobin angiogenic activity was confirmed in two in vivo models using an implanted disc and a subcutaneous injection of basement membrane. Stimulation of angiogenesis is a newly recognized biological function of haptoglobin. The increased levels of haptoglobin found in chronic inflammatory conditions may play an important role in tissue repair. In systemic vasculitis, haptoglobin might also compensate for ischemia by promoting development of collateral vessels.


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L’increment de la salinitat a les aigües subterrànies a prop de la zones de les explotacions mineres salines representa un problema ambiental amb moltes implicacions socio-econòmiques. La part mitja de la conca del riu Llobregat i Cardener és un clar exemple d’aquesta problemàtica. En molts casos l’origen de la salinitat és dubtós, ja que pot provenir del contacte de l’aigua de l’aqüífer amb formacions geològiques salines naturals o per l’afectació de les escombreres produïdes per l’explotació minera de potasses que es troba en aquesta regió. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és demostrar que el Ra pot ser un bon traçador per determinar l’origen de la salinitat de les aigües i complementar les analítiques químiques elementals i dels isòtops del sofre i de l’oxigen del sulfat (δ34SSO4 i δ18OSO4). La presència dels diversos isòtops del Ra en les aigües subterrànies dependrà de la geologia i del temps de residència de l’aigua dins l’aqüífer. L’anàlisi de 12 mostres de la comarca indica que el 226Ra és el millor dels isòtops del Ra que permet diferenciar l’origen de les aigües subterrànies.


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Pig slurry is a valuable nutrient resource but constitutes a waste disposal problem in areas of high animal density. In the semiarid area of Pla d’Urgell, in the Ebro Valley, North-East Spain, irrigated crops receive large amounts of nutrients in the form of manure and mineral fertilizers. We studied the effect of pig slurry and additional side-dress mineral fertilizers on irrigated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., on a coarse loam soil, with high soil P and K levels. Yields increased by 62.3% when using pig slurry. The application of ammonium sulfate nitrate sidedress did not significantly increase wheat production. The average apparent recoveries were higher for potassium (88.7%) than for nitrogen (51.3%) and phosphorus (36.3%). Greater amounts of soil NO3-N were measured over the four growing seasons, which was consistent with the amount of N applied. Macronutrient and micronutrient uptake was significant higher for pig slurry treatments, but only small differences were found between the pig slurry and pig slurry plus ammonium sulfate nitrate treatments. The unfertilized treatment showed significantly lower soil P, K, Cu and Zn content than pig slurry treatments; 34%, 21%, 34%, and 26% respectively. These findings could be used to develop a nutrient management plan based on knowledge of soil test results and crop nutrient removal. This could help to improve the use of pig slurry and mineral fertilizers on limited available land areas and prevent the accumulation of potentially toxic elements in soils and the export of nutrients through agricultural drainage.


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Epicatechin conjugates obtained from grape have shown antioxidant activity in various systems. However, how these conjugates exert their antioxidant benefits has not been widely studied. We assessed the activity of epicatechin and epicatechin conjugates on the erythrocyte membrane in the presence and absence of a peroxyl radical initiator, to increase our understanding of their mechanisms. Thus, we studied cell membrane fluidity by fluorescence anisotropy measurements, morphology of erythrocytes by scanning electron microscopy, and finally, red cell membrane proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our data showed that incubation of red cells in the presence of epicatechin derivatives altered membrane fluidity and erythrocyte morphology but not the membrane protein pattern. The presence in the medium of the peroxyl radical initiator 2,2′-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) resulted in membrane disruptions at all levels analyzed, causing changes in membrane fluidity, cell morphology, and protein degradation. The presence of antioxidants avoided protein oxidation, indicating that the interaction of epicatechin conjugates with the lipid bilayer might reduce the accessibility of AAPH to membranes, which could explain in part the inhibitory ability of these compounds against hemolysis induced by peroxidative insult.


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The effect of different food matrices on the metabolism and excretion of polyphenols is uncertain. The objective of the study was to evaluate the possible effect of milk on the excretion of (2)-epicatechin metabolites from cocoa powder after its ingestion with and without milk. Twenty-one volunteers received the following three test meals each in a randomised cross-over design with a 1-week interval between meals: (1) 250 ml whole milk as a control; (2) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml whole milk (CC-M); (3) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml water (CC-W). Urine was collected before consumption and during the 0-6, 6-12 and 12-24 h periods after consumption. (2)-Epicatechin metabolite excretion was measured using liquid chromatography-MS. One (2)-epicatechin glucuronide and three (2)-epicatechin sulfates were detected in urine excreted after the intake of the two cocoa beverages (CC-M and CC-W). The results show that milk does not significantly affect the total amount of metabolites excreted in urine. However, differences in metabolite excretion profiles were observed; there were changes in the glucuronide and sulfate excretion rates, and the sulfation position between the period of excretion and the matrix. The matrix in which polyphenols are consumed can affect their metabolism and excretion, and this may affect their biological activity. Thus, more studies are needed to evaluate the effect of these different metabolite profiles on the body.