5 resultados para Colby Dean Runnals
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
La proposta de tesi pren com a punt de partida les respostes artístiques i teòriques dutes a terme a partir dels anys seixanta contra un context de coneixement tradicional fonamentalment racionalista, que segueix la tradició lògica de la modernitat i que troba el seu reflex i aplicació social en l’ordre espaial i per extensió, en la geometria. Un cop descrites les nocions que d’aquesta modernitat han estat aplicades a l’art dels anys 50 i 60, es mostra com les crítiques de determinats filòsofs i artistes han anat conformant un corpus teòric i artístic que ha implicat un intent d’enderrocament d’aquest sistema tradicional de coneixement, interpretació, lectura i atorgament de sentit a les obres artístiques. Aquests són: M.Foucault, J.Derrida, R. Smithson, R. Serra, R. Morris, Mona Hatoum, Imi Knoebel o Tacita Dean, entre d’altres. Seguidament es presenta un anàlisi més profund i detallat d’aquelles respostes artístiques més paradigmàtiques, tant al sistema de pensament tradicional com a l’ordre espaial que aquest conseqüentment implica. Aquestes crítiques s’organitzen en dues parts antagòniques: l’una és “L’adveniment del caos”, i l’altra és la “Crítica de l’ordre”. Els artistes són: L. Bourgeois, E.Hesse, A.Mendieta i P.Halley. En una tercera part, es descriu com aquest inici deconstructor del paradigma de coneixement tradicional iniciat als anys seixanta es desenvolupa durant els següents vint anys tenint en aquest cas com a fonament teòric les crítiques de R.Krauss, J. Baudrillard, P.Virilio, i com artistes els arquitectes P. Eienmann i F. Gehri, entre d’altres. La conclusió fonamental d’aquests apartats intenta posar de manifest la subversió o infracció de la geometria com a contenidora dels conceptes de la modernitat: raó i ordre moral. Finalment, en una quarta part s’inclou el propi projecte artístic que representa l’experimentació i praxi de les conclusions teòriques d’aquesta tesi.
Emergent molecular measurement methods, such as DNA microarray, qRTPCR, andmany others, offer tremendous promise for the personalized treatment of cancer. Thesetechnologies measure the amount of specific proteins, RNA, DNA or other moleculartargets from tumor specimens with the goal of “fingerprinting” individual cancers. Tumorspecimens are heterogeneous; an individual specimen typically contains unknownamounts of multiple tissues types. Thus, the measured molecular concentrations resultfrom an unknown mixture of tissue types, and must be normalized to account for thecomposition of the mixture.For example, a breast tumor biopsy may contain normal, dysplastic and cancerousepithelial cells, as well as stromal components (fatty and connective tissue) and bloodand lymphatic vessels. Our diagnostic interest focuses solely on the dysplastic andcancerous epithelial cells. The remaining tissue components serve to “contaminate”the signal of interest. The proportion of each of the tissue components changes asa function of patient characteristics (e.g., age), and varies spatially across the tumorregion. Because each of the tissue components produces a different molecular signature,and the amount of each tissue type is specimen dependent, we must estimate the tissuecomposition of the specimen, and adjust the molecular signal for this composition.Using the idea of a chemical mass balance, we consider the total measured concentrationsto be a weighted sum of the individual tissue signatures, where weightsare determined by the relative amounts of the different tissue types. We develop acompositional source apportionment model to estimate the relative amounts of tissuecomponents in a tumor specimen. We then use these estimates to infer the tissuespecificconcentrations of key molecular targets for sub-typing individual tumors. Weanticipate these specific measurements will greatly improve our ability to discriminatebetween different classes of tumors, and allow more precise matching of each patient tothe appropriate treatment
Modern methods of compositional data analysis are not well known in biomedical research.Moreover, there appear to be few mathematical and statistical researchersworking on compositional biomedical problems. Like the earth and environmental sciences,biomedicine has many problems in which the relevant scienti c information isencoded in the relative abundance of key species or categories. I introduce three problemsin cancer research in which analysis of compositions plays an important role. Theproblems involve 1) the classi cation of serum proteomic pro les for early detection oflung cancer, 2) inference of the relative amounts of di erent tissue types in a diagnostictumor biopsy, and 3) the subcellular localization of the BRCA1 protein, and it'srole in breast cancer patient prognosis. For each of these problems I outline a partialsolution. However, none of these problems is \solved". I attempt to identify areas inwhich additional statistical development is needed with the hope of encouraging morecompositional data analysts to become involved in biomedical research
The mean-field theory of a spin glass with a specific form of nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions is investigated. Depending on the sign of the interaction matrix chosen we find either the continuous replica symmetry breaking seen in the Sherrington-Kirkpartick model or a one-step solution similar to that found in structural glasses. Our results are confirmed by numerical simulations and the link between the type of spin-glass behavior and the density of eigenvalues of the interaction matrix is discussed.
Emitter spacings of 0.3 to 0.6 m are commonly used for subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) of corn on the deep, silt loam soils of the U.S. Great Plains. Subsurface drip irrigation emitter spacings of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m were examined for the resulting differences in soil water redistribution, corn grain yield, yield components, seasonal water use, and water productivity in a 4‐year field study (2005 through 2008) at the Kansas State University Northwest Research‐Extension Center, Colby, Kansas. The results indicate that there is increased preferential water movement along the dripline (parallel) as compared to perpendicular to the dripline and that this phenomenon partially compensates for wider emitter spacings in terms of soil water redistribution. Corn yield and water productivity (WP) were not significantly affected by the emitter spacing with application of a full irrigation regime