558 resultados para Ciència -- Aspectes socials -- TFG

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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En aquest treball, a partir de la teoria de l'actor-xarxa i la Sociologia del Coneixement Científic (SCC), analitzem la creació i evolució de la vacuna contra la malària de l'equip del Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, durant els anys 80 i 90 del passat segle, per mostrar com les interaccions socials participen de manera decisiva en l'acceptació o rebuig d'una proposta científica.


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The dissertation '«Pas de deux». When dance and gender' share stage treats of the impact and the repercussion that have had the fight for the equality women-men and the studies of gender in the practice and in the historiography of dance. It bases in the study of new, classical and recognised bibliographic references on gender and dance, anthropology of dance and history and practice of dance.


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El present treball| estudia l'efecte dels discursos mediàtics en les reformes promogudes en la Llei de Responsabilitat Penal del Menor. Entre 2003 i 2003, 4 esdeveniments delictius, comesos per menors, van causar fort impacte segons l'opinió pública espanyola. A partir de la teoria de l'agenda-setting, observem una transferència de rellevància de l'agenda dels mitjans cap a l'agenda pública que, posteriorment, es va fer present a l'agenda política. Entenem que els professionals de la política van legislar sota la immediatesa d'aquests esdeveniments i el seu eco mediàtic, no contemplant principis constitucionals, en una clara accepció de populisme punitiu.


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In this study we propose an application of the MuSIASEM approach which is used to provide an integrated analysis of Laos across different scales. With the term “integrated analysis across scales” we mean the generation of a series of packages of quantitative indicators, characterizing the performance of the socioeconomic activities performed in Laos when considering: (i) different hierarchical levels of organization (farming systems described at the level of household, rural villages, regions of Laos, the whole country level); and (ii) different dimensions of analysis (economic dimension, social dimension, ecological dimension, technical dimension). What is relevant in this application is that the information carried out by these different packages of indicators is integrated in a system of accounting which establishes interlinkages across these indicators. This is a essential feature to study sustainability trade-offs and to build more robust scenarios of possible changes. The multi-scale integrated representation presented in this study is based on secondary data (gathered in a three year EU project – SEAtrans and integrated by other available statistical sources) and it is integrated in GIS, when dealing with the spatial representation of Laos. However, even if we use data referring to Laos, the goal of this study is not that of providing useful information about a practical policy issue of Laos, but rather, to illustrate the possibility of using a multipurpose grammar to produce an integrated set of sustainability indicators at three different levels: (i) local; (ii) meso; (iii) macro level. The technical issue addressed is the simultaneous adoption of two multi-level matrices – one referring to a characterization of human activity over a set of different categories, and another referring to a characterization of land uses over the same set of categories. In this way, it becomes possible to explain the characteristics of Laos (an integrated set of indicators defining the performance of the whole country) in relation to the characteristics of the rural Laos and urban Laos. The characteristics of rural Laos, can be explained using the characteristics of three regions defined within Laos (Northern Laos, Central Laos and Southern Laos), which in turn can be defined (using an analogous package of indicators), starting from the characteristics of three main typologies of farming systems found in the regions.


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In 1975 the Kribi region (Southern Cameroon) became host of the rubber plantation HEVECAM, the third largest employer in Cameroon. The establishment of the plantation has been preceded by the expropriation of customary land and by the destruction of the rainforest used by local populations. As a result, conflicts – mostly latent – pitting neighbouring Bulu communities against the plantation have occurred, especially during the last few years. Drawing on fieldwork data as well as on anthropological, economic and historical materials, I try to explore a new way of looking at such environmental conflicts by arguing that they reflect the struggle between two distinct institutional logics with different impacts on the environment, i.e. the logic of property versus the one of possession. In short, the logic of possession corresponds to a multi-functional community-based forest management, while the logic of property gave birth to the commercial monoculture model, the highest stage of the transformation of an ecosystem in order to match the requirements of property. It is argued that the conflict between the logic of possession and the logic of property is at the heart of many cases of “environmentalisms of the poor” that arise in reaction to “development”.


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Uranium mines are the - often forgotten - source of nuclear power. The promotion of nuclear energy as a clean alternative and the projected increase of electricity demand in countries such as China and India, have led to a global “uranium rush”, unseen since the peak of the Cold War. This article studies the formation of the expanding nuclear frontier looking at the interaction between the global uranium metabolism, industrial dynamics and local ecologies of resistance using Namibia as a case-study. Namibia, the world´s fourth largest producer of uranium, stands at the frontier of this rush with sixty-six recently granted prospecting licenses that could turn into mines, compared to only three currently operating mines. We focus on three generic attributes that help to explain the emergence and intensity of resistance by local communities to uranium mining: the ecology and geography of the resource; the degree and type of political and economic marginalization of the community; and crucially, the connection and integration of local concerns with broader social movements and political demands. We show with the use of empirical material how these factors play out differently in five Namibian communities that have been, or stand to be, affected by uranium mining, and explain how local ecologies of resistance shape the global uranium rush.


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This document contains a report and summary of the field research activities in a rural community of rice farmers in Kampot province, Cambodia in 2011, which I conducted within the context of my PhD research at ICTA-UAB (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). The purpose of the field research was to gather data for a MuSIASEM analysis (Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism) at the village and household level, in order to analyze the multidimensional challenges that small farmers may face nowadays within the context of global rural change and declining access to land. While the literature on MuSIASEM offers a great variety of theoretical explanations and practical applications, there is little information available for students regarding the practical steps required for doing a MuSIASEM analysis at the local level. Within this context, this report offers not only a documentation of the field research design and data collection methods, but further provides a general overview on some organizational and preparative aspects, including some personal reflections, that one may face when preparing and conducting field research for MuSIASEM analysis. In summary, this document thus serves three objectives: (i) to assure methodological transparency for the future work, based on the collected data during field research, (ii) to share my personal experience on the preparative and practical steps required for field research and data collection for a MuSIASEM analysis at the local level, and (iii) to make available for the further interested reader some more detailed background information on the case study village.


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El presente texto es un extracto de un trabajo prospectivo encargado por SIRC al autor para evaluar la participación de la mujer en los estudios de náutica y su posterior inserción laboral.


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El present treball de recerca posa de relleu que la música és un element fonamental de la configuració de les societats humanes actuals i analitza un cas concret, el de l'artista britànic David Bowie, per il·lustrar els mecanismes pels quals un artista pot convertir-se en una icona i, d'aquesta manera, influir decissivament en la configuració d'elements de l'imaginari social compartit.


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El renovado interés por el estudio de los niveles de vida en las investigaciones de Economía e Historia Económica, ha devuelto la atención de estas disciplinas al que debería ser su último referente. El desarrollo de aquel campo de estudio, además, ha reforzado las conexiones de aquellos ámbitos del conocimiento con otras ciencias, y esta circunstancia ha fomentado la formulación de nuevas preguntas y perspectivas analíticas. Esto es consecuencia del interés que tradicionalmente ha tenido entre muchos historiadores el estudio de los niveles de vida de la población, y de las diversas aportaciones que se han realizado sobre distintos aspectos de la misma variable, especialmente desde finales del siglo XIX, desde las ciencias sociales, experimentales o de la salud. El presente estudio se enmarca en esta problemática y responde, concretamente, a dos de los principales objetivos que guían el grupo de investigación. De un lado, aproximarnos al estudio de los niveles de vida a partir de casos singulares bien definidos, que ayuden a determinar mejor las diferentes variables que condicionaron su evolución y los cambios experimentados en sus mutuas relaciones. Del otro, elaborar un marco analítico más general, mediante la comparación de aquellos casos, que permita explicar más claramente cómo se alteraron algunos parámetros básicos de los niveles de vida con la expansión de la sociedad de mercado.


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We present a model in which an individual's sentiments towards others are determined endogenously on the basis of how they perform relative to the societal average. This, in turn, affects the individual's own behavior and hence other agents' sentiments toward her. We focus on stationary patterns of utility interdependence. To demonstrate the effects of such endogeneity, we consider an example of a production economy with redistributive taxation. There are two types of stationary equilibria: one in which all agents conform to the societal norm, into two or three groups. The main conclusion is that the tax structure, in that it affects behavior which in turn affects sentiments, plays a crucial role in determining which type of equilibrium occurs and its characteristics as well as the extent of altruism and social cohesion in society.


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Un procés participatiu d’informació i debat entorn els transgènics agrícoles presenta l’objectiu de mitigar importants carències que es donen en la situació actual. Una metodologia eficaç per a la resolució de conflictes socioambientals com la qüestió dels OMGAs, és la IAP, una corrent de la sociologia participativa. Representa un mètode d’investigació i acció amb l’objectiu d’obtenir un nou coneixement que cerca la transformació de la situació existent, mitjançant la integració dels sabers de diferents àmbits i basant la investigació en la participació dels propis col·lectius a investigar. Seguint aquesta filosofia, s’han portat a terme dos processos participatius als municipis d’Artesa de Lleida i Alella, amb la intenció de generar un espai de reflexió i debat entorn la temàtica. Tot i ser dos municipis de caràcter diferents, rural i semiurbà, i amb participants procedents de diferents àmbits, els resultats van ser molt similars.