12 resultados para Chown, Marcus

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This paper describes an experiment to explore the effects of the TENCompetence infrastructure for supporting lifelong competence development which is now in development. This infrastructure provides structured, multi-leveled access to learning materials, based upon competences. People can follow their own learning path, supported by a listing of competences and their components, by competence development plans attached to competences and by the possibility to mark elements as complete. We expected the PCM to have an effect on (1) control of participants of their own learning, and (2) appreciation of their learning route, (3) of the learning resources, (4) of their competence development, and (5) of the possibilities of collaboration. In the experiment, 44 Bulgarian teachers followed a distance learning course on a specific teaching methodology for six weeks. Part of them used the TENCompetence infrastructure, part used an infrastructure which was similar, except for the characterizing elements mentioned above. The results showed that in the experimental condition, more people passed the final competence assess-ment, and people felt more in control of their own learning. No differences between the two groups were found on the amount and appreciation of collaboration and on further measures of competence development.


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The achievable region approach seeks solutions to stochastic optimisation problems by: (i) characterising the space of all possible performances(the achievable region) of the system of interest, and (ii) optimisingthe overall system-wide performance objective over this space. This isradically different from conventional formulations based on dynamicprogramming. The approach is explained with reference to a simpletwo-class queueing system. Powerful new methodologies due to the authorsand co-workers are deployed to analyse a general multiclass queueingsystem with parallel servers and then to develop an approach to optimalload distribution across a network of interconnected stations. Finally,the approach is used for the first time to analyse a class of intensitycontrol problems.


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Recent research in macroeconomics emphasizes the role of wage rigidity in accounting for the volatility of unemployment fluctuations. We use worker-level datafrom the CPS to measure the sensitivity of wages of newly hired workers to changesin aggregate labor market conditions. The wage of new hires, unlike the aggregatewage, is volatile and responds almost one-to-one to changes in labor productivity.We conclude that there is little evidence for wage stickiness in the data. We alsoshow, however, that a little wage rigidity goes a long way in amplifying the responseof job creation to productivity shocks.


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We examine the effect of oil price fluctuations ondemocratic institutions over the 1960-2007 period. We also exploitthe very persistent response of income to oil price fluctuations tostudy the effect of persistent (oil price-driven) income shocks ondemocracy. Our results indicate that countries with greater net oilexports over GDP see improvements in democratic institutionsfollowing upturns in international oil prices. We estimate that a 1percentage point increase in per capita GDP growth due to apositive oil price shock increases the Polity democracy score byaround 0.2 percentage points on impact and by around 2 percentagepoints in the long run. The effect on the probability of a democratictransition is around 0.4 percentage points.


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The text of Lucifer Calaritanus' Moriundurn esse shows numerous quotations borrowed from other christian writers, specially Luctance, the anonymous De laude martyrii and Cyprian. The author adapts and orderly inserts those texts in his writing without indicating its source. Some passages borrowed from Cicero's Catil. IV 18 and 20 allow to increase the scarse number of secular quotations indicated in this writing and ut same time they prove that here Lucifer also follows the orderly method of quotation auulied to the christian writers.


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Two reminiscences from the Cicero's speeches against Catiline in the letters of St Jerome and St Augustine.


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L’objectiu de l’estudi és identificar el grau de coneixement que tenen les dones de 30 a 45 anys del municipi de Vallromanes sobre aspectes relacionats amb l’activitat física i la salut, així com identificar quins coneixements són més específics perquè s’adhereixin a la pràctica regular d’activitat física. A més, de comprovar quins d’aquests possibles coneixements relacionats a la promoció de la salut pública són més eficients per fer augmentar el coneixement d’aquest grup de dones i alhora fer-les conscients de la importància de l’activitat física per la salut. Així doncs, a la mostra de l’estudi han participat 35 dones. La informació ha estat recopilada a través del qüestionari per identificar els estadis de canvi de l’activitat física (Marcus, Rossi, Selby, Niaura, i Abrams, 1992) i un qüestionari elaborat específicament per aquesta investigació. Els resultats obtinguts demostren, a trets generals, que les dones que es troben en estadis de canvi on tenen conductes actives físicament o compleixen amb les recomanacions mundials d’activitat física per la salut, tenen un major grau de coneixença i conscienciació sobre coneixements relacionats amb l’activitat física i la salut. Per tant, això porta a concloure que l’augment del coneixement i conscienciació d’aquest és un motiu perquè les dones participants en l’estudi s’adhereixin a la pràctica regular d’activitat física. No obstant, cal tenir present quines estratègies de salut pública són més específiques i eficients per fer augmentar el coneixement del grup de dones estudiat i adherir-les a la pràctica.


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El objetivo del texto es recuperar la intuición de Johan Georg Baiter (1801-­‐‑1877) que propuso Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) como patria de origen de Marco Celio Rufo enmendando una corruptela en la edición orelliana del Pro Caelio ciceroniano. Esta conjetura, desestimada en todas las ediciones posteriores del texto, ha sido recientemente confirmada gracias al hallazgo de un epígrafe que documenta por vez primera en la ciudad lacial un magistrado M. Caelius de época tardorepublicana.