23 resultados para Chemical-structure

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compounds for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicaemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors associated with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-negative bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the molecule), core oligosaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide (O antigen), are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chemical structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and L-glycero-D-manno-Heptoses (L,D-Hep), which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida), D,D-Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida), and L,D-Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila). The biological relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the molecule is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A molecules, differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-, penta- and hexaacylated lipid A species and comprising of 4′-monophosphorylated β-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose-(1→6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.


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Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compds. for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors assocd. with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS)​, a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-​neg. bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the mol.)​, core oligosaccharide and O-​specific polysaccharide (O antigen)​, are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chem. structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-​polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-​serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60​% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-​deoxy-​d-​manno-​oct-​2-​ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and l-​glycero-​d-​manno-​Heptoses (l,​d-​Hep)​, which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida)​, d,​d-​Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida)​, and l,​d-​Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila)​. The biol. relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the mol. is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A mols., differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-​, penta- and hexa-​acylated lipid A species and comprising of 4'-​monophosphorylated β-​2-​amino-​2-​deoxy-​d-​glucopyranose-​(1→6)​-​2-​amino-​2-​deoxy-​d-​glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-​activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.


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Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compds. for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors assocd. with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS)​, a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-​neg. bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the mol.)​, core oligosaccharide and O-​specific polysaccharide (O antigen)​, are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chem. structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-​polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-​serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60​% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-​deoxy-​d-​manno-​oct-​2-​ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and l-​glycero-​d-​manno-​Heptoses (l,​d-​Hep)​, which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida)​, d,​d-​Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida)​, and l,​d-​Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila)​. The biol. relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the mol. is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A mols., differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-​, penta- and hexa-​acylated lipid A species and comprising of 4'-​monophosphorylated β-​2-​amino-​2-​deoxy-​d-​glucopyranose-​(1→6)​-​2-​amino-​2-​deoxy-​d-​glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-​activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.


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La incorporació del Moodle com a eina de docència, i l’augment de hores no presencials a les diverses assignatures fa que calgui incorporar les noves tecnologies perquè els alumnes disposin de més material docent al seu abast. Però l’acumulació de material fa que només sigui útil aquell material que es guanyi a l’alumne. En aquest sentit, creiem que les animacions i les eines interactives poden ser materials atractius pels alumnes. En aquest projecte hem creat una eina d’animació interactiva perquè l’estudiant de Bioquímica practiqui i aprengui una de les rutes metabòliques principals: la glucòlisi. Aquesta eina consta d’una pantalla separada en 3 zones: 1) una zona lateral que inclou la ruta metabòlica completa, i en la que l’alumne pot prémer sobre cada un dels passos que estructuren la ruta (finestra del metabolisme); 2) una zona inferior que presenta la reacció individual de la ruta metabòlica, en la que s’observa l’estructura química de les molècules i informació de l’enzim implicat en la reacció (finestra de l’enzim); i 3) una zona central en la que a través d’una animació amb Macromedia Flash MX, l’alumne observa el mecanisme químic de la reacció (finestra del mecanisme químic). Les tres zones són interactives i en prémer sobre elles donen informació, respectivament sobre la ruta completa, l’enzim de cada pas en particular i el mecanisme d’acció. A més, la finestra del mecanisme químic permet aturar en qualsevol moment la animació, tornar enrere i veure els intermediaris. Durant el segon semestre del curs 2006-2007 hem avaluat l’eina amb alumnes de Bioquímica de la Llicenciatura de Química, incorporant-la als dossier electrònics. Creiem que hem assolit els objectius que es proposaven: aprendre una ruta metabòlica, de manera divertida; aprendre el mecanisme de cada un dels passos de la ruta i aprendre l’estructura química dels metabòlits intermediaris de la ruta.


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La incorporació del Moodle com a eina de docència, i l’augment de hores no presencials a les diverses assignatures fa que calgui incorporar les noves tecnologies perquè els alumnes disposin de més material docent al seu abast. Però l’acumulació de material fa que només sigui útil aquell material que es guanyi a l’alumne. En aquest sentit, creiem que les animacions i les eines interactives poden ser materials atractius pels alumnes. En aquest projecte hem creat una eina d’animació interactiva perquè l’estudiant de Bioquímica practiqui i aprengui dues rutes principals del metabolisme de hidrats de carboni: la glucòlisi i la gluconeogènesi. Aquesta eina consta d’una pantalla separada en 3 zones: 1) una zona lateral que inclou la ruta metabòlica completa, i en la que l’alumne pot prémer sobre cada un dels passos que estructuren la ruta (finestra del metabolisme); 2) una zona inferior que presenta la reacció individual de la ruta metabòlica, en la que s’observa l’estructura química de les molècules i informació de l’enzim implicat en la reacció (finestra de l’enzim); i 3) una zona central en la que a través d’una animació amb Macromedia Flash MX, l’alumne observa el mecanisme químic de la reacció (finestra del mecanisme químic). Les tres zones són interactives i en prémer sobre elles donen informació, respectivament sobre la ruta completa, l’enzim de cada pas en particular i el mecanisme d’acció. A més, la finestra del mecanisme químic permet aturar en qualsevol moment la animació, tornar enrere i veure els intermediaris. Durant el segon semestre del curs 2007-2008 hem avaluat l’eina amb alumnes de Bioquímica de la Llicenciatura de Química, incorporant-la als dossier electrònics i al Moodle. Creiem que hem assolit els objectius que es proposaven: que l’alumne aprengui les dues rutes metabòliques, de manera divertida; el mecanisme de cada un dels passos de les rutes i l’estructura química dels metabòlits intermediaris de les rutes.


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A list of opisthobranch molluscs species from the western Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic is presented. These species have natural products that are of interest because of their chemical structure, origin and/or function in benthic ecosystems. This review contains data on the origin and activity of these molecules, collection sites of the animals, and their bibliographic references. A discussion of these subjects is also included.


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A general understanding of interactions between DNA andoppositely charged compounds forms the basis for developing novelDNA-based materials, including gel particles. The association strength,which is altered by varying the chemical structure of the cationiccosolute, determines the spatial homogeneity of the gelation process,creating DNA reservoir devices and DNA matrix devices that can bedesigned to release either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded(dsDNA) DNA. This paper reviews the preparation of DNA gelparticles using surfactants, proteins and polysaccharides. Particlemorphology, swelling/dissolution behaviour, degree of DNAentrapment and DNA release responses as a function of the nature ofthe cationic agent used are discussed. Current directions in thehaemocompatible and cytotoxic characterization of these DNA gelparticles have been also included.


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The Plesiomonas shigelloides 302-73 strain (serotype O1) wb gene cluster encodes 15 proteins which are consistent with the chemical structure of the O1-antigen lypopolysaccharide (LPS) previously described for this strain. The P. shigelloides O1-antigen LPS export uses the Wzy-dependent pathway as correspond to heteropolysaccharides structures. By the isolation of two mutants lacking this O1-antigen LPS, we could establish that the presence of the O1-antigen LPS is crucial for to survive in serum mainly to become resistant to complement. Also, it is an important factor in the bacterial adhesion and invasion to some eukaryotic cells, and in the ability to form biofilms. This is the first report on the genetics from a P. shigelloides O-antigen LPS cluster (wb) not shared by Shigella like P. shigelloides O17, the only one reported until now.


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The presence of residues of antibiotics, metabolites, and thermal transformation products (TPs), produced during thermal treatment to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in milk, could represent a risk for people. Cow"s milk samples spiked with enrofloxacin (ENR), ciprofloxacin (CIP), difloxacin (DIF), and sarafloxacin (SAR) and milk samples from cows medicated with ENR were submitted to several thermal treatments. The milk samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to find and identify TPs and metabolites. In this work, 27 TPs of 4 quinolones and 24 metabolites of ENR were found. Some of these compounds had been reported previously, but others were characterized for the first time, including lactose-conjugated CIP, the formamidation reaction for CIP and SAR, and hydroxylation or ketone formation to produce three different isomers for all quinolones studied.


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The performance of the SAOP potential for the calculation of NMR chemical shifts was evaluated. SAOP results show considerable improvement with respect to previous potentials, like VWN or BP86, at least for the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine chemical shifts. Furthermore, a few NMR calculations carried out on third period atoms (S, P, and Cl) improved when using the SAOP potential


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Linear and nonlinear optical properties of silicon suboxide SiOx films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition have been studied for different Si excesses up to 24¿at.¿%. The layers have been fully characterized with respect to their atomic composition and the structure of the Si precipitates. Linear refractive index and extinction coefficient have been determined in the whole visible range, enabling to estimate the optical bandgap as a function of the Si nanocrystal size. Nonlinear optical properties have been evaluated by the z-scan technique for two different excitations: at 0.80¿eV in the nanosecond regime and at 1.50¿eV in the femtosecond regime. Under nanosecond excitation conditions, the nonlinear process is ruled by thermal effects, showing large values of both nonlinear refractive index (n2 ~ ¿10¿8¿cm2/W) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (ß ~ 10¿6¿cm/W). Under femtosecond excitation conditions, a smaller nonlinear refractive index is found (n2 ~ 10¿12¿cm2/W), typical of nonlinearities arising from electronic response. The contribution per nanocrystal to the electronic third-order nonlinear susceptibility increases as the size of the Si nanoparticles is reduced, due to the appearance of electronic transitions between discrete levels induced by quantum confinement.


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A configurational model for silicon oxide damaged after a high-dose ion implantation of a nonreactive species is presented. Based on statistics of silicon-centered tetrahedra, the model takes into account not only the closest environment of a given silicon atom, but also the second neighborhood, so it is specified whether the oxygen attached to one given silicon is bridging two tetrahedra or not. The frequencies and intensities of infrared vibrational bands have been calculated by averaging over the distributions and these results are in agreement with the ones obtained from infrared experimental spectra. Likewise, the chemical shifts obtained from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis are similar to the reported values for the charge-transfer model of SiOx compounds.


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Nanocrystalline silicon layers have been obtained by thermal annealing of films sputtered in various hydrogen partial pressures. The as-deposited and crystallized films were investigated by infrared, Raman, x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and optical absorption techniques. The obtained data show evidence of a close correlation between the microstructure and properties of the processed material, and the hydrogen content in the as-grown deposit. The minimum stress deduced from Raman was found to correspond to the widest band gap and to a maximum hydrogen content in the basic unannealed sample. Such a structure relaxation seems to originate from the so-called "chemical annealing" thought to be due to Si-H2 species, as identified by infrared spectroscopy. The variation of the band gap has been interpreted in terms of the changes in the band tails associated with the disorder which would be induced by stress. Finally, the layers originally deposited with the highest hydrogen pressure show a lowest stress-which does not correlate with the hydrogen content and the optical band gap¿and some texturing. These features are likely related to the presence in these layers of a significant crystalline fraction already before annealing.


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We present a high‐resolution electron microscopy study of the microstructure of boron nitride thin films grown on silicon (100) by radio‐frequency plasma‐assisted chemical vapor deposition using B2H6 (1% in H2) and NH3 gases. Well‐adhered boron nitride films grown on the grounded electrode show a highly oriented hexagonal structure with the c‐axis parallel to the substrate surface throughout the film, without any interfacial amorphous layer. We ascribed this textured growth to an etching effect of atomic hydrogen present in the gas discharge. In contrast, films grown on the powered electrode, with compressive stress induced by ion bombardment, show a multilayered structure as observed by other authors, composed of an amorphous layer, a hexagonal layer with the c‐axis parallel to the substrate surface and another layer oriented at random


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Thin films of nanostructured silicon (ns-Si:H) were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in the presence of silicon nanoparticles at 100 C substrate temperature using silane and hydrogen gas mixture under continuous wave (cw) plasma conditions. The nanostructure of the films has been demonstrated by diverse ways: transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction, which have shown the presence of ordered silicon clusters (1!=2 nm) embedded in an amorphous silicon matrix. Due to the presence of these ordered domains, the films crystallize faster than standard hydrogenated amorphous silicon samples, as evidenced by electrical measurements during the thermal annealing.