em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This study examines how structural determinants influence intermediary factors of child health inequities and how they operate through the communities where children live. In particular, we explore individual, family and community level characteristics associated with a composite indicator that quantitatively measures intermediary determinants of early childhood health in Colombia. We use data from the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Adopting the conceptual framework of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), three dimensions related to child health are represented in the index: behavioural factors, psychosocial factors and health system. In order to generate the weight of the variables and take into account the discrete nature of the data, principal component analysis (PCA) using polychoric correlations are employed in the index construction. Weighted multilevel models are used to examine community effects. The results show that the effect of household’s SES is attenuated when community characteristics are included, indicating the importance that the level of community development may have in mediating individual and family characteristics. The findings indicate that there is a significant variance in intermediary determinants of child health between-community, especially for those determinants linked to the health system, even after controlling for individual, family and community characteristics. These results likely reflect that whilst the community context can exert a greater influence on intermediary factors linked directly to health, in the case of psychosocial factors and the parent’s behaviours, the family context can be more important. This underlines the importance of distinguishing between community and family intervention programmes.


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Treball amb l’objectiu d’aproximar-se teòricament i analitzar a través d’un treball de camp, com es planifica en els PDC i reflexionar sobre els elements que incideixen d’una forma o un altre en aquest procés, així com els efectes que pot generar una bona o mala planificació en la pràctica quotidiana d’un PDC. Parteix de les pràctiques de l’autora en el pla comunitari, el Pla Educació i Convivència de Santa Eugènia, Sant Narcís i Can Gibert del Pla de Girona


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En este artículo se plantea que la planificación y la evaluación pueden y deben reforzar los aspectos democráticos y participativos de cualquier proyecto o programa de animación sociocultural, ya que todo proceso de planificación de servicios y programas sociales en general, y de programas de animación sociocultural en particular, presenta elementos de control y elementos de cambio social, y entre estas dos dimensiones existe una relación dialéctica simétrica inversamente proporcional. Finalmente, se desarrolla un modelo democrático, social y participativo de planificación y evaluación.


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En este artículo se apuntan algunas características de un modelo democrático, social y participativo de planificación y evaluación. Se defiende una visión positiva y constructiva del control que representa la evaluación aplicada tanto a los servicios como a programas sociales, ya que este control es positivo cuando valora la eficacia, la efectividad y la eficiencia de un programa, siempre buscando optimizar los resultados, así como el impacto en relación con la finalidad principal de dichos programas: mejorar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas directa e indirectamente afectadas.


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La intervenció socioeducativa troba en les activitats artístiques interessants possibilitats per a treballar amb una gran varietat de col·lectius socials. La col·laboració interdisciplinaria entre diferents arees i entre diferents professionals, educadors, treballadors socials, art-terapeutes, pedagogs i artistes dóna lloc a tot el món línies d'investigació i de projectes d'intervenció socioeducativa amb l'art i altres produccions culturals com a protagonistes. Els professionals de la intervenció socioeducativa tenen eines valuoses per al seu treball.


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El trabajo comunitario tiene una larga tradición en España, aunque la denominación Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario (DCC) es mucho más reciente. En éste artículo, defendemos ésta designación; revisamos sus antecedentes, remontándonos a los años posteriores a la II Guerra Mundial y vemos cómo ha evolucionado hasta llegar a nuestros días. Nos detenemos en las políticas culturales, el concepto de ciudadanía y los modelos de sociedad de acogida; abordamos el reto de la participación, fundamental en los procesos de trabajo comunitario; tratamos el papel de la cultura y de la creatividad en los procesos de trabajo comunitario y vemos cuál ha sido la aportación de los artistas. Por último trazamos las líneas de lo que sería el marco metodológico de intervención en proyectos DCC y exponemos las fases de desarrollo de los proyectos: diagnóstico, desarrollar la toma de conciencia de la dimensión colectiva, concretar cooperativamente los objetivos de cada fase del proyecto, planificación de la intervención, desarrollo del proyecto, y por último la evaluación.


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La intervención socioeducativa encuentra en las actividades artísticas interesantes posibilidades para trabajar con una gran variedad de colectivos sociales. La colaboración interdisciplinaria entre distintas áreas y entre distintos profesionales, educadores, trabajadores sociales, arte-terapeutas, pedagogos y artistas da lugar a todo el mundo líneas de investigación y de proyectos de intervención socioeducativa con el arte y otras producciones culturales como protagonistas. Los profesionales de la intervención socioeducativa tienen herramientas valiosas para su trabajo.


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We propose a procedure for analyzing and characterizing complex networks. We apply this to the social network as constructed from email communications within a medium sized university with about 1700 employees. Email networks provide an accurate and nonintrusive description of the flow of information within human organizations. Our results reveal the self-organization of the network into a state where the distribution of community sizes is self-similar. This suggests that a universal mechanism, responsible for emergence of scaling in other self-organized complex systems, as, for instance, river networks, could also be the underlying driving force in the formation and evolution of social networks.


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We propose a procedure for analyzing and characterizing complex networks. We apply this to the social network as constructed from email communications within a medium sized university with about 1700 employees. Email networks provide an accurate and nonintrusive description of the flow of information within human organizations. Our results reveal the self-organization of the network into a state where the distribution of community sizes is self-similar. This suggests that a universal mechanism, responsible for emergence of scaling in other self-organized complex systems, as, for instance, river networks, could also be the underlying driving force in the formation and evolution of social networks.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of human capital, advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), and new work organizational practices on firm productivity, while taking into account the synergies existing between them. This study expands current knowledge in this area in two ways. First, in contrast with previous works, we focus on AMT and not ICT (information and communication technologies). Second, we use a unique employer-employee data set for small firms in a particular area of southern Europe (Catalonia, Spain). Using a small firm data set, allows us to analyse the particular case of small and medium enterprises, since we cannot assume they have the same characteristics as large firms. The results provide evidence in favor of the complementarity hypothesis between human capital, advanced manufacturing technologies, and new work organization practices, although we show that the complementarity effects depend on what type of work organization practices are used by a firm. For small and medium Catalan firms, the only set of work organization practices that improve the benefits of human capital and technology investment are those practices which are more quality oriented, such as quality circles, problem-solving groups or total quality management.


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The paper assesses the relationship between the use of alternative workplace practices (AWP) and job satisfaction. Using a unique employeremployee data set with rich information on both firm and employee characteristics we test whether there is a positive impact of AWPs on job satisfaction (motivation hypothesis) or it is negative (intensification hypothesis). We expand a growing empirical literature focusing on small and medium size firms from a southern European area. Our results show an overall positive effect, depending on the specific practice considered. We also obtain some sort of time-dependence with the effects turning from negative to positive once the practice has been implemented for some time. Keywords: Job satisfaction, work organization, unobserved heterogeneity.


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Desenvolupament d'una aplicació web amb projecció a comunitat virtual d’usuaris, que també integra un sistema de transmissió de streaming. Mitjançant aquest sistema els usuaris són capaços d’emetre o d’escoltar un programa radiofònic en temps real o offline.


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Michigan State University and OER Africa are creating a win-win collaboration of existing organizations for African publishing, localizing, and sharing of teaching and learning materials that fill critical resource gaps in African MSc agriculture curriculum. By the end of the 18-month planning and pilot initiative, African agriculture universities, faculty, students, researchers, NGO leaders, extension staff, and farmers will participate in building AgShare by demonstrating its benefits and outcomes and by building momentum and support for growth.