100 resultados para CO2-laser-MAG-hybridihitsaus

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Objectives: To compare upper lip frenulum reinsertion, bleeding, surgical time and surgical wound healing in frenectomies performed with the CO2 laser versus the Er, Cr:YSGG laser. Study design: A prospective study was carried out on 50 randomized pediatric patients who underwent rhomboidal resection of the upper lip frenulum with either the CO2 laser or the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Twenty-five patients were assigned to each laser system. All patients were examined at 7, 14, 21 days and 4 months after the operation in order to assess the surgical wound healing. Results: Insertion of the frenulum, which was preoperatively located between the upper central incisors, migrated to the mucogingival junction as a result of using both laser systems in all patients. Only two patients required a single dose of 650 mg of paracetamol, one of either study group. CO2 laser registered improved intraoperative bleeding control results and shorter surgical times. On the other hand, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser achieved faster healing. Conclusions: Upper lip laser frenectomy is a simple technique that results in minimum or no postoperative swelling or pain, and which involves upper lip frenulum reinsertion at the mucogingival junction. The CO2 laser offers a bloodless field and shorter surgical times compared with the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. On the other hand, the Er,Cr:YSGG laser achieved faster wound healing.


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Objective: An evaluation and comparison is made of the thermal increment at different implant surfaces during irradiation with CO2 and ErCr:YSGG lasers. Study design: Five threaded and impacted implants with four types of surfaces were inserted in an adult pig rib: two implants with a hydroxyapatite surface (HA)(impacted and threaded, respectively), a machined titanium surface implant (TI mach), a titanium plasma spray surface implant (TPS), and a sandblasted, acid-etched surface implant (SBAE). A 0.5-mm diameter bone defect was made in the implant apical zone, and a type-K thermocouple (Termopar)® was placed in contact with the implant. The implants were irradiated in the coronal zone of each implant with a CO2 (4 W continuous mode) and an ErCr:YSGG laser (1.5 W, pulsed mode) first without and then with refrigeration. The temperature variations at the implant apical surface were recorded. Results: An apical temperature increase was recorded in all cases during CO2 and ErCr:YSGG laser irradiation without refrigeration. However, when the ErCr:YSGG was used with a water spray, a decrease in temperature was observed in all implants. The acid-etched and sandblasted surfaces were those most affected by the thermal changes. Conclusions: The ErCr:YSGG laser with a water spray applied to the sealing cap or coronal zone of the implants does not generate thermal increments in the apical surface capable of adversely affecting osseointegration and the integrity of the peri-implant bone tissue


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Objective: To compare the results obtained after oral mucocele resection with the scalpel versus the CO2 laser, based on the complications and recurrences after surgery Patients and Methods: Of the 68 patients we studied who have mucocele, 38 were resected with a scalpel and the remaining 30 with the CO2 laser (5-7 W). Patient sex and age were documented, along with location of the lesion as well as size, symptoms, duration, etiological factors, type of treatment, complications and recurrences after surgical removal. Results: The sample comprised 40 males and 28 females, aged between 6-65 years. The histological diagnosis was extravasation mucocele in 95% of the cases. The most frequent location was the lower lip (73.5%). The mean lesion diameter was 9 mm , and in most cases no evident etiological factor was recorded. The mean duration of the lesion was 4 months. Among the cases of conventional surgical removal of mucocele, recurrence was recorded in 8.8% of the cases, and 13.2% of the patients suffered postoperative complications - the most frequent being the presence of fibrous scars. There were no complications or relapses after a minimum follow-up of 12 months in the cases subjected to CO2 laser treatment. Conclusions: Oral mucocele ablation with the CO2 laser offers more predictable results and fewer complications and recurrences than conventional resection with the scalpel


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Objective: The aim of this in vitro experimental study was to perform histological evaluation of the thermal effect produced on soft tissue irradiated with CO2, Er,Cr:YSGG or diode lasers. Study design: Porcine oral mucosa samples were irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser at 1 W with and without water / air spray, at 2 W with and without water / air spray, and at 4 W with water / air spray, with CO2 laser at 1 W, 2 W, 10 W, 20 W continuous mode and 20 W pulsed mode and diode laser at 2W, 5W, and 10W pulsed mode. The thermal effect was evaluated measuring the width of damaged tissue adjacent to the incision, stained positively for hyalinized tissue with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson Trichrome stains. Besides, histological changes in the irradiated tissue were described using subjective grading scales. Results: The evaluated lasers developed a wide range of thermal damage with significant differences between groups. The samples with lowest thermal effect were those irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser using water / air spray, followed by CO2 and diode lasers. Conclusions: Emission parameters of each laser system may influence the thermal damage inflicted on the soft tissue, however, the wave length of each laser determines the absorption rate characteristics of every tissue and the thermal effect


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RESUM Avui en dia, l’alta competitivitat que existeix al mercat, fa que les empreses hagin d’esprémer al màxim les seves possibilitats per no quedar-se enrere. Un dels processos en que aquest fet hi és més present és el productiu. L’empresa JCM Technologies també engloba aquest camp i és en un dels seus processos productius on aquest projecte pren part. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte final de carrera ha estat desenvolupar un sistema per poder marcar caixes mitjançant un làser de CO2 i un automatisme manipulador de caixes. D’aquesta manera aquest procés productiu té una durada molt inferior a l’antic procés, que consistia en enganxar una etiqueta al lloc on ara és marcat pel làser. Per satisfer els objectius, s’ha creat una aplicació de Windows que per mitjà d’una interfície gràfica, permet a l’usuari realitzar els passos necessaris per fer el marcatge. Primerament es recullen les dades procedents de la comanda; seguidament es seleccionen les que s’han de marcar a les caixes i s’envien al làser mitjançant comunicació sèrie; una vegada aquesta inicialització ha finalitzat correctament, s’engega la seqüència de marcatge de les caixes, que en marcarà la quantitat indicada. Aquest procés de marcatge consisteix en supervisar l’estat en que es troben certes senyals, procedents de l’automatisme i del làser, i depenent d’aquestes generar-ne unes altres. Aconseguint així realitzar el procés de marcatge de cada caixa. Com a conclusions cal dir, que els objectius s’han complert, ja que s’ha aconseguit un procés de marcatge ràpid i robust. També s’ha aconseguit que les parts de configuració de l’aplicació, i de les caixes siguin de fàcil manipulació. Per tant, amb l’acompliment dels objectius d’aquest projecte, aconseguim completar el sistema de marcatge, i permetre que les caixes siguin marcades de forma correcta, ràpida i eficient.


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Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum is a benign salivary gland tumor most frequently located in the parotid gland (Warthin"s tumor). Its presentation in other major, or in minor, salivary glands is rare. Clinically, it manifests as a slow growing tumor, fluctuant on palpation due to its cystic morphology. The treatment of choice is complete excision with wide tumor-free margins. We present a 73-year-old female patient with an asymptomatic tumor of 8 years evolution in the right posterior area of the hard palate. We performed surgical excision and a biopsy, which was reported as papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. During the post-operative examination carried out after 3 weeks, it was observed that the lesion had recurred. The lesion was re-operated, performing the excision with CO2 laser and including the periosteum to ensure complete resection of the tumor. At 10 months follow-up, there was no recurrence of the lesion. This article includes a review of this condition and discusses its most important clinical and pathologic features and therapeutic approaches.


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Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum is a benign salivary gland tumor most frequently located in the parotid gland (Warthin"s tumor). Its presentation in other major, or in minor, salivary glands is rare. Clinically, it manifests as a slow growing tumor, fluctuant on palpation due to its cystic morphology. The treatment of choice is complete excision with wide tumor-free margins. We present a 73-year-old female patient with an asymptomatic tumor of 8 years evolution in the right posterior area of the hard palate. We performed surgical excision and a biopsy, which was reported as papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. During the post-operative examination carried out after 3 weeks, it was observed that the lesion had recurred. The lesion was re-operated, performing the excision with CO2 laser and including the periosteum to ensure complete resection of the tumor. At 10 months follow-up, there was no recurrence of the lesion. This article includes a review of this condition and discusses its most important clinical and pathologic features and therapeutic approaches.


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Avui en dia, l’alta competitivitat que existeix al mercat, fa que les empreses hagin d’esprémer al màxim les seves possibilitats per no quedar-se enrere. Un dels processos en que aquest fet hi és més present és el productiu. L’empresa JCM Technologies també engloba aquest camp i és en un dels seus processos productius on aquest projecte pren part. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte final de carrera ha estat desenvolupar un sistema per poder marcar caixes mitjançant un làser de CO2 i un automatisme manipulador de caixes. D’aquesta manera aquest procés productiu té una durada molt inferior a l’antic procés, que consistia en enganxar una etiqueta al lloc on ara és marcat pel làser. Per satisfer els objectius, s’ha creat una aplicació de Windows que per mitjà d’una interfície gràfica, permet a l’usuari realitzar els passos necessaris per fer el marcatge. Primerament es recullen les dades procedents de la comanda; seguidament es seleccionen les que s’han de marcar a les caixes i s’envien al làser mitjançant comunicació sèrie; una vegada aquesta inicialització ha finalitzat correctament, s’engega la seqüència de marcatge de les caixes, que en marcarà la quantitat indicada. Aquest procés de marcatge consisteix en supervisar l’estat en que es troben certes senyals, procedents de l’automatisme i del làser, i depenent d’aquestes generar-ne unes altres. Aconseguint així realitzar el procés de marcatge de cada caixa. Com a conclusions cal dir, que els objectius s’han complert, ja que s’ha aconseguit un procés de marcatge ràpid i robust. També s’ha aconseguit que les parts de configuració de l’aplicació, i de les caixes siguin de fàcil manipulació. Per tant, amb l’acompliment dels objectius d’aquest projecte, aconseguim completar el sistema de marcatge, i permetre que les caixes siguin marcades de forma correcta, ràpida i eficient.


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La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías en las ciencias de la salud es, hoy en día, una realidad, ante la cual los profesionales sanitarios deben estar preparados. La tecnología láser ofrece numerosas ventajas en casi la totalidad de las especialidades odontológicas. De la amplia gama de láseres disponibles, el láser de CO2 destaca por sus aplicaciones en el ámbito de la cirugía bucal, especialmente en la cirugía de los tejidos blandos, aunque su uso también ha sido estudiado en otras disciplinas como la odontología conservadora y la endodoncia. Su uso no está exento de riesgos, y el odontólogo especializado en cirugía bucal debe poseer los conocimientos y las habilidades pertinentes para su utilización. Las características del láser de CO2 permiten una cirugía rápida y cómoda para el profesional y unas molestias postoperatorias mínimas para el paciente.


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This paper analyzes the advantages and implications of the implementation of a European tax on carbon dioxide emissions as an own resource of the European Union. In contrast to a harmonized tax, which would only have distributive effects within each member state, a tax collected at European scale would also have important distributive effects among different countries. These effects would also depend on the use of tax revenues. The paper investigates the distributive effects among the member states of three tax models: a pure CO2


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The purpose of this paper is to study the possible differences among countries as CO2 emitters and to examine the underlying causes of these differences. The starting point of the analysis is the Kaya identity, which allows us to break down per capita emissions in four components: an index of carbon intensity, transformation efficiency, energy intensity and social wealth. Through a cluster analysis we have identified five groups of countries with different behavior according to these four factors. One significant finding is that these groups are stable for the period analyzed. This suggests that a study based on these components can characterize quite accurately the polluting behavior of individual countries, that is to say, the classification found in the analysis could be used in other studies which look to study the behavior of countries in terms of CO2 emissions in homogeneous groups. In this sense, it supposes an advance over the traditional regional or rich-poor countries classifications .


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This paper analyses the inequality in CO2 emissions across countries (and groups of countries) and the relationship of this inequality with income inequality across countries for the period (1971-1999). The research employs the tools that are usually applied in income distribution analysis. The methodology used here gives qualitative and quantitative information on some of the features of the inequalities across countries that are considered most relevant for the design and discussion of policies aimed at mitigating climate change. The paper studies the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP and shows that income inequality across countries has been followed by an important inequality in the distribution of emissions. This inequality has diminished mildly, although the inequality in emissions across countries ordered in the increasing value of income (inequality between rich and poor countries) has diminished less than the “simple” inequality in emissions. Lastly, the paper shows that the inequality in CO2 emissions is mostly explained by the inequality between groups with different per capita income level. The importance of the inequality within groups of similar per capita income is much lower and has diminished during the period, especially in the low-middle income group.


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En el presente artículo se analiza la evolución de las emisiones de CO2 –el principal gas de efecto invernadero– en las diferentes áreas del mundo, prestando mayor atención a lo ocurrido en la Unión Europea y España. El análisis se centra especialmente en lo sucedido desde 1990, año de referencia en el protocolo de Kioto para la gran mayoría de países. Se investigan también los principales factores determinantes de las emisiones y su evolución utilizando el análisis de los factores de la identidad de Kaya. El análisis permite explicar las grandes diferencias que se dan entre unas zonas y otras y las distintas variaciones que se ha


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En el presente artículo se revisan las propuestas sobre fiscalidad energética y, en concreto, sobre un impuesto europeo que grave las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y las dificultades con que se han encontrado. Se estudian las posibles implicaciones que tendría un impuesto, no ya armonizado, sino recaudado a nivel del conjunto de la Unión Europea. Este tipo de impuesto tendría importantes efectos distributivos no solo a nivel de un país (como un impuesto armonizado) sino también entre diferentes países. El trabajo estudia dichos efectos potenciales según diferentes modelos concretos de implantación (un modelo puro sobre el CO2; un modelo 50%/50% energía-CO2; un modelo puro sobre el CO2 pero gravando también la energía nuclear) y de destino de los fondos recaudados.


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Here we present an approach that allows the identification of the "key" productive sectors responsible for CO2 emission. For this purpose, we develop an input–output methodology from a supply perspective. We focus on the impact of an increase in the value-added of the different productive sectors on total CO2 emissions and we identify the productive sectors responsible for the increase in CO2 emissions when there is an increase in the income of the economy. The approach shows the contribution of the various sectors to CO2 emission from a production perspective and allows us to identify the sectors that deserve more consideration for mitigation policies. This analysis is complementary to the input–output analysis from a demand perspective. The methodology is applied to the Spanish economy.