54 resultados para Bubbly Flow Structures
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Flow cytometry has become a valuable tool in cell biology. By analyzing large number of cells individually using light-scatter and fluorescence measurements, this technique reveals both cellular characteristics and the levels of cellular components. Flow cytometry has been developed to rapidly enumerate cells and to distinguish among different cell stages and structures using multiple staining. In addition to high-speed multiparametric data acquisition, analysis and cell sorting, which allow other characteristics of individual cells to be studied, have increased the interest of researchers in this technique. This chapter gives an overview of the principles of flow cytometry and examples of the application ofthe technique.
Morphological transitions are analyzed for a radial multiparticle diffusion-limited aggregation process grown under a convective drift. The introduction of a tangential flow changes the morphology of the diffusion-limited structure, into multiarm structures, inclined opposite to the flow, whose limit consists of single arms, when decreasing density. The case of shear flow is also considered. The anisotropy of the patterns is characterized in terms of a tangential correlation function based analysis. Comparison between the simulation results and preliminary experimental results has been done.
Material throughput is a means of measuring the so-called social metabolism, or physical dimensions of a society’s consumption, and can be taken as an indirect and approximate indicator of sustainability. Material flow accounting can be used to test the dematerialisation hypothesis, the idea that technological progress causes a decrease in total material used (strong dematerialisation) or material used per monetary unit of output (weak dematerialisation). This paper sets out the results of a material flow analysis for Spain for the period from 1980 to 2000. The analysis reveals that neither strong nor weak dematerialisation took place during the period analysed. Although the population did not increase considerably, materials mobilised by the Spanish economy (DMI) increased by 85% in absolute terms, surpassing GDP growth. In addition, Spain became more dependent on external trade in physical terms. In fact, its imports are more than twice the amount of its exports in terms of weight.
We describe an equivalence of categories between the category of mixed Hodge structures and a category of vector bundles on the toric complex projective plane which verify some semistability condition. We then apply this correspondence to define an invariant which generalises the notion of R-split mixed Hodge structure and compute extensions in the category of mixed Hodge structures in terms of extensions of the corresponding vector bundles. We also give a relative version of this correspondence and apply it to define stratifications of the bases of the variations of mixed Hodge structure.
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Qin [J. Eco. Th., 1996] recently showed that in a game of endogenous formation of cooperation structure, if the underlying TU-game is superadditive, then the full cooperation structure is stable. In this note, we characterize the class of games that ensure the stability of the full cooperation structure, and show that this class is much larger than that of superadditive TU-games.
This paper studies the stability of a finite local public goods economy in horizontal differentiation, where a jurisdiction's choice of the public good is given by an exogenous decision scheme. In this paper, we characterize the class of decision schemes that ensure the existence of an equilibrium with free mobility (that we call Tiebout equilibrium) for monotone distribution of players. This class contains all the decision schemes whose choice lies between the Rawlsian decision scheme and the median voter with mid-distance of the two median voters when there are ties. We show that for non-monotone distribution, there is no decision scheme that can ensure the stability of coalitions. In the last part of the paper, we prove the non-emptiness of the core of this coalition formation game
This technical background paper describes the methods applied and data sources used in the compilation of the 1980-2003 data set for material flow accounts of the Mexican economy and presents the data set. It is organised in four parts: the first part gives an overview of the Material Flow Accounting (MFA) methodology. The second part presents the main material flows of the Mexican economy including biomass, fossil fuels, metal ores, industrial minerals and, construction minerals. The aim of this part is to explain the procedures and methods followed, the data sources used as well as providing a brief evaluation of the quality and reliability of the information used and the accounts established. Finally, some conclusions will be provided.
In this paper we compare the resource flows of Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru between 1980 and 2000. In this time span, the domestic extraction of materials increased in the four countries, mainly due to the mining sector in Chile and Peru, biomass and oil in Ecuador and construction minerals in Mexico. Imports and exports increased too, due to the increasing integration in the international markets, prompted by the liberalization policies undertaken by the four countries between the late 1970s and the late 1990s. The four countries had a negative physical trade balance for most of the period analyzed, meaning that their exports exceeded their imports in terms of weight. However, the increase of imports reduced the physical deficit in Chile, Mexico and Peru. Ecuador’s physical deficit was the highest and did not decrease in the period analyzed. Also, a diversification of exports away from bulk commodities could be observed in Chile and Mexico, and to a lesser extent in Peru, whereas in Ecuador the export sector remained mainly based on oil and biomass. More research is needed to explore the environmental effects of this phenomenon. Also, the indirect flows associated to the direct physical flows deserve to be subject to further analysis.
Aquest projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d’estructures hardware digitals, sintetitzables sobre FPGA i realitzades des d’un entorn gràfic de disseny a nivell de sistema (alt nivell). S'ha escollit el Simulink (entorn gràfic que treballa sobre el software matemàtic Matlab de Mathworks) com a entorn de disseny, i que gràcies a la interfície proporcionada per Altera (DSPBuilder) és capaç de generar codi VHDL sintetitzable. Concretament ens centrarem en la gestió d’un sistema capturador d'imatges de comptadors del cabal d'aigua, en el qual volem fer la caracterització del comptador. Aquest capturador consta bàsicament d'un sensor d'imatge i una FPGA. En aquesta caracterització el que es pretén es ajustar els diferents paràmetres del sistema per fer que la lectura sigui òptima per a cada model de comptador que existeixen al mercat, com ara l'exposició del sensor, el guany d'un color, la realització d'un filtrat de la imatge, etc.
In this paper we obtain several model structures on DblCat, the category of small double categories. Our model structures have three sources. We first transfer across a categorification-nerve adjunction. Secondly, we view double categories as internal categories in Cat and take as our weak equivalences various internal equivalences defined via Grothendieck topologies. Thirdly, DblCat inherits a model structure as a category of algebras over a 2-monad. Some of these model structures coincide and the different points of view give us further results about cofibrant replacements and cofi brant objects. As part of this program we give explicit descriptions and discuss properties of free double categories, quotient double categories, colimits of double categories, and several nerves and categorifications.
In this paper, we study formal deformations of Poisson structures, especially for three families of Poisson varieties in dimensions two and three. For these families of Poisson structures, using an explicit basis of the second Poisson cohomology space, we solve the deformation equations at each step and obtain a large family of formal deformations for each Poisson structure which we consider. With the help of an explicit formula, we show that this family contains, modulo equivalence, all possible formal eformations. We show moreover that, when the Poisson structure is generic, all members of the family are non-equivalent.
We consider a population of agents distributed on the unit interval. Agents form jurisdictions in order to provide a public facility and share its costs equally. This creates an incentive to form large entities. Individuals also incur a transportation cost depending on their location and that of the facility which makes small jurisdictions advantageous. We consider a fairly general class of distributions of agents and generalize previous versions of this model by allowing for non-linear transportation costs. We show that, in general, jurisdictions are not necessarily homogeneous. However, they are if facilities are always intraterritory and transportation costs are superadditive. Superadditivity can be weakened to strictly increasing and strictly concave when agents are uniformly distributed. Keywords: Consecutiveness, stratification, local public goods, coalition formation, country formation. JEL Classification: C71 (Cooperative Games), D71 (Social Choice; Clubs; Committees; Associations), H73 (Interjurisdictional Differentials and Their Effects).
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We study the existence of solutions to general measure-minimization problems over topological classes that are stable under localized Lipschitz homotopy, including the standard Plateau problem without the need for restrictive assumptions such as orientability or even rectifiability of surfaces. In case of problems over an open and bounded domain we establish the existence of a “minimal candidate”, obtained as the limit for the local Hausdorff convergence of a minimizing sequence for which the measure is lower-semicontinuous. Although we do not give a way to control the topological constraint when taking limit yet— except for some examples of topological classes preserving local separation or for periodic two-dimensional sets — we prove that this candidate is an Almgren-minimal set. Thus, using regularity results such as Jean Taylor’s theorem, this could be a way to find solutions to the above minimization problems under a generic setup in arbitrary dimension and codimension.