18 resultados para Bowdoin College Grant West

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Using comprehensive administrative data on France's single largest financialaid program, this paper provides new evidence on the impact of large-scaleneed-based grant programs on the college enrollment decisions, persistenceand graduation rates of low-income students. We exploit sharp discontinuitiesin the grant eligibility formula to identify the impact of aid on student outcomesat different levels of study. We find that eligibility for an annual cashallowance of 1,500 euros increases college enrollment rates by up to 5 percentagepoints. Moreover, we show that need-based grants have positive effectson student persistence and degree completion.


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We give a simple and concise proof that so-called generalized median stable matchings are well-defined stable matchings for college admissions problems. Furthermore, we discuss the fairness properties of median stable matchings and conclude with two illustrative examples of college admissions markets, the lattices of stable matchings, and the corresponding generalized median stable matchings.


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En la memoria del trabajo se detallan las tareas realizadas durante los cuatro años en los que he sido beneficiaria de la beca FI, que me permitió incorporarme en el área de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Girona, bajo la dirección del Dr. Joan M. Trayter Jiménez, para la elaboración del proyecto de investigación "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Púbica Urbanística", que una vez terminado dará lugar a la Tesis Doctoral. Durante el primer año realizé y superé los cursos del programa de Doctorado “Globalización y Derecho: el Derecho Europeo como referencia”; que me permitió obtener la renovación de la Beca FI, para la elaboración y defensa en el año posterior de la tesina titulada "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública por cambio de la ordenación territorial o urbanística”; con la consiguiente obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Derecho. En líneas generales, puedo destacar -además de la investigación en la elaboración de la Tesis-, la realización de dos estancias de investigación en la University of Oxford, bajo la tutorización del Prof. Paul Craig, del St. John's College; gracias a la concesión de una beca por parte del "Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics de Catalunya" y otra, por la Generalitat de Catalunya, dirigida a estancias de investigación en el extrangero. También diversas publicaciones traducidas en la participación en dos libros, un artículo, una recensión y una comunicación; así como la asistencia a distintos Congresos de Derecho Administrativo y seminarios, la realización de distintos cursos entre ellos un Posgrado de Derecho Urbanístico en la UdG y la docencia realizada. Asimismo he devenido miembro de los proyectos de investigación del grupo de investigación del Área; importantes por formar parte del Plan Nacional I+D, financiados por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.


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Taking the Royal College of Barcelona (1760 -1843) as a case study this paper shows the development of modern surgery in Spain initiated by Bourbon Monarchy founding new kinds of institutions through their academic activities of spreading scientific knowledge. Antoni Gimbernat was the most famousinternationally recognised Spanish surgeon. He was trained as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgery in Cadiz and was later appointed as professor of theAnatomy in the College of Barcelona. He then became Royal Surgeon of King Carlos IV and with that esteemed position in Madrid he worked resiliently to improve the quality of the Royal colleges in Spain. Learning human bodystructure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education. Gimbernat favoured the study of natural sciences, the new chemistry of Lavoisier and experimental physics in the academic programs of surgery. According to the study of a very relevant set of documents preserved in the library, the so-called “juntas literarias”, among the main subjects debated in the clinical sessions was the concept of human beings and diseases in relation to the development of the new experimental sciences. These documents showed that chemistry andexperimental physics were considered crucial tools to understand the unexplained processes that occurred in the diseased and healthy human bodyand in a medico-surgical context. It is important to stress that through these manuscripts we can examine the role and the reception of the new sciences applied to healing arts.


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Purpose: To evaluate the suitability of an improved version of an automatic segmentation method based on geodesic active regions (GAR) for segmenting cerebral vasculature with aneurysms from 3D X-ray reconstruc-tion angiography (3DRA) and time of °ight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF-MRA) images available in the clinical routine.Methods: Three aspects of the GAR method have been improved: execution time, robustness to variability in imaging protocols and robustness to variability in image spatial resolutions. The improved GAR was retrospectively evaluated on images from patients containing intracranial aneurysms in the area of the Circle of Willis and imaged with two modalities: 3DRA and TOF-MRA. Images were obtained from two clinical centers, each using di®erent imaging equipment. Evaluation included qualitative and quantitative analyses ofthe segmentation results on 20 images from 10 patients. The gold standard was built from 660 cross-sections (33 per image) of vessels and aneurysms, manually measured by interventional neuroradiologists. GAR has also been compared to an interactive segmentation method: iso-intensity surface extraction (ISE). In addition, since patients had been imaged with the two modalities, we performed an inter-modality agreement analysis with respect to both the manual measurements and each of the two segmentation methods. Results: Both GAR and ISE di®ered from the gold standard within acceptable limits compared to the imaging resolution. GAR (ISE, respectively) had an average accuracy of 0.20 (0.24) mm for 3DRA and 0.27 (0.30) mm for TOF-MRA, and had a repeatability of 0.05 (0.20) mm. Compared to ISE, GAR had a lower qualitative error in the vessel region and a lower quantitative error in the aneurysm region. The repeatabilityof GAR was superior to manual measurements and ISE. The inter-modality agreement was similar between GAR and the manual measurements. Conclusions: The improved GAR method outperformed ISE qualitatively as well as quantitatively and is suitable for segmenting 3DRA and TOF-MRA images from clinical routine.


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Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of detecting and quantifying 3D cerebrovascular wall motion from a single 3D rotational x-ray angiography (3DRA) acquisition within a clinically acceptable time and computing from the estimated motion field for the further biomechanical modeling of the cerebrovascular wall. Methods: The whole motion cycle of the cerebral vasculature is modeled using a 4D B-spline transformation, which is estimated from a 4D to 2D + t image registration framework. The registration is performed by optimizing a single similarity metric between the entire 2D + t measured projection sequence and the corresponding forward projections of the deformed volume at their exact time instants. The joint use of two acceleration strategies, together with their implementation on graphics processing units, is also proposed so as to reach computation times close to clinical requirements. For further characterizing vessel wall properties, an approximation of the wall thickness changes is obtained through a strain calculation. Results: Evaluation on in silico and in vitro pulsating phantom aneurysms demonstrated an accurate estimation of wall motion curves. In general, the error was below 10% of the maximum pulsation, even in the situation when substantial inhomogeneous intensity pattern was present. Experiments on in vivo data provided realistic aneurysm and vessel wall motion estimates, whereas in regions where motion was neither visible nor anatomically possible, no motion was detected. The use of the acceleration strategies enabled completing the estimation process for one entire cycle in 5-10 min without degrading the overall performance. The strain map extracted from our motion estimation provided a realistic deformation measure of the vessel wall. Conclusions: The authors' technique has demonstrated that it can provide accurate and robust 4D estimates of cerebrovascular wall motion within a clinically acceptable time, although it has to be applied to a larger patient population prior to possible wide application to routine endovascular procedures. In particular, for the first time, this feasibility study has shown that in vivo cerebrovascular motion can be obtained intraprocedurally from a 3DRA acquisition. Results have also shown the potential of performing strain analysis using this imaging modality, thus making possible for the future modeling of biomechanical properties of the vascular wall.


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We examined the reciprocal influence between educational decisions and the timing of first births, using the Family and Fertility Surveys of France and West Germany. Since these two processes are potentially endogenous, we modelled them jointly, using event history models. We hypothesise that the reciprocal impact of educational and fertility careers, as well as the impact of the common determinants of both processes, are gender specific and context specific.The results show a significant endogeneity for women and men in both countries. This endogeneity is stronger for women than for men, while no substantial differences are found between the two countries. Removing this shared and unobserved heterogeneity, the results show a stronger reciprocal impact between the processes for women than for men. A similar impact of being enrolled in education on first birth in both countries is found, while the effect of the birth (and especially of the pregnancy) of the first child on terminating one’s education appeared to be more marked in West Gernany than in France.


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Este trabajo de investigación plantea un paralelismo entre los marcos en pintura y lostítulos de crédito en cine. Se analizan los créditos de tres películas (Un americano en París, West Side Story y El desprecio) según sus características de indicación, frontera, límite, umbral al imaginario y marco de actividad. Las películas a las que acompañan pertenecen, a su vez, a diferentes medios de producción y jerarquía, aspectos tecnológicos, áreas estéticas y estructuras de emisión y recepción. Los tres marcos son, a su vez, marcos-objeto, marcos-límite, marcos-ventana y marcos-espejo. Se leen de manera centrípeta, entre dos mundos y desde fuera del marco. Para ello se parte de una metodología transdisciplinar basada en la hermenéutica, el análisis crítico de los textos audiovisuales, los estudios sobrela imagen y el marco como objeto social.


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Does the labor market place wage premia on jobs that involve physical strain,job, insecurity or bad regulation of hours? This paper derives bounds on themonetary returns to these job disamenities in the West German labor market.We show that in a market with dispersion in both job characteristics andwages, the average wage change of workers who switch jobs voluntarily and optfor consuming more (less) disamenities,provides an upper (lower) bound on themarket return to the disamenity. Using longitudinal information from workersin the German Socio Economic Panel, we estimate an upper bound of 5% and alower bound of 3.5% for the market return to work strain in a job.


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Since World War II, the United States government has made improved accessto higher education a priority. This e¤ort has substantially increasedthe number of people who complete college. We show that by reducing theeffective interest rate on borrowing for education, such policies canactually increase the gap in wages between those with a college educationand those without. The mechanism that drives our results is the signaling role of education first explored by Spence (1973). We argue that financialconstraints on education reduce the value of education as a signal. Wesolve for the reduced form relationship between the interest rate and thewage premium in the steady state of a dynamic asymmetric information model.In addition, we discuss evidence of decreases in borrowing costs for educationfinancing in the U.S.


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We analyze the rise of the first socio-economic institution in history that limited fertility ? long before theDemographic Transition. The "European Marriage Pattern" (EMP) raised the marriage age of women andensured that many remained celibate, thereby reducing childbirths by up to one third between the 14thand 18th century. To explain the rise of EMP we build a two-sector model of agricultural production ?grain and livestock. Women have a comparative advantage in the latter because plow agriculture requiresphysical strength. After the Black Death in 1348-50, land abundance triggered a shift towards the landintensivepastoral sector, improving female employment prospects. Because women working in animalhusbandry had to remain unmarried, more farm service spelled later marriages. The resulting reductionin fertility led to a new Malthusian steady state with lower population pressure and higher wages. Themodel can thus help to explain the divergence in income per capita between Europe and Asia long beforethe Industrial Revolution. Using detailed data from England after 1290, we provide strong evidence forour mechanism. Where pastoral agriculture dominated, more women worked as servants, and marriageoccurred markedly later. Overall, we estimate that pastoral farming raised female ages at first marriage bymore than 4 years.


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Pablo de Castro, Director de GrandIR, describió la visión que el Grupo euroCRIS tiene de la infraestructura integrada de gestión de la información científica, compuesta por un sistema CRIS institucional, un repositorio de publicaciones y un repositorio de datos y software, y presentó el modelo de infraestructura integrada del Trinity College Dublin (TCD) como estudio de caso internacional. El sistema CRIS del TCD (TCD Research Support System o RSS), desde su primera versión en 2002, está basado en el estándar CERIF, un modelo de descripción de la actividad científica que está adquiriendo una progresiva relevancia como base de los sistemas CRIS en Europa, particularmente en el Reino Unido. Se citaron en la presentación los ensayos para incorporar CERIF al modelo de datos del software ePrints de repositorios, habilitándolo así para soportar parte de las tareas de recolección de información que realiza un CRIS, y la progresiva cobertura de CERIF a ámbitos tales como la gestión de datos de investigación.