9 resultados para Berthet, Marcel (1888-1953)
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.
The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.
The fundamental debt of E. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author’s hypothesis, O’Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader’s right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O’Neill’s work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author’s article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O’Neill’s drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.
La “retórica de la libertad” ocupó una posición dominante durante la primera época de la revista Cuadernos, publicación en castellano del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura, donde colaboraron numerosos intelectuales republicanos exiliados. El Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura, fundado durante la guerra fría cultural por el gobierno de los EEUU, y organizado y financiado por sus servicios secretos (CIA), utilizó grandes ideales, como la lucha antitotalitaria y la independencia intelectual, con el fin de promover determinadas actitudes en la intelectualidad occidental, con el fin de “vacunarla” a la influencia del comunismo. --------- La “retòrica de la llibertat” va ocupar una posició dominant durant la primera època de la revista Cuadernos, publicació en castellà del Congrés per la Llibertat de la Cultura, on van col•laborar nombrosos intel•lectuals republicans exiliats. El Congrés per la Llibertat de la Cultura, fundat durant la guerra freda cultural pel govern dels EEUU, i organitzat i finançat pels seus serveis secrets (CIA), va utilitzar grans ideals, com la lluita antitotalitaria i la independència intel•lectual, amb la finalitat de promoure determinades actituds en la intel•lectualitat occidental, amb la finalitat de “vacunar-la” a la influència del comunisme.
Entre las décadas de 1930 y 1950 Misael Acosta Solís, miembro de la elite económica serrana y destacado geobotánico y forestal, lideró un proceso de institucionalización del conservacionismo en el Ecuador. Instituciones privadas y gubernamentales de corte conservacionista, exposiciones, libros y artículos, revistas científicas, estaciones de investigación forestal y agroecológica, leyes y políticas, congresos y encuentros, fueron algunos de sus legados. En este trabajo se revisan esos hechos en el contexto de la historia económica, social y ambiental del Ecuador. Asimismo, se sientan algunas premisas sobre las cuales continuar la construcción de la historia ambiental de esa nación.
Escrit que parla d’un mapa del Montseny, les Guilleries i el Collsacabra, realitzat pel tinent topògraf de l’ exèrcit, Juli Serra, l’any 1888
Después de breve y grave enfermedad ha muerto en Lagenthal, Suiza, el gran liquenólogo helvético Dr. E. Frey. A lo largo de su dilatada vida trabajó en el campo de la taxonomía de los liqúenes (monografía de Cladoniáceas y Umbilicariáceas en la Rabenhorst's Kryptogamenflora, 1933), y en los de la florística y de la fitosociología de los liqúenes, campo este último en el que debe considerársele pionero en la aplicación de la metodología sigmatista al estudio de las comunidades de liqúenes de los Alpes Suizos.
Aquest treball estudia els personatges femenins de la filmografia de Yasujiro Ozu durant el període d'ocupació nord-americana a l'estat japonès (1945-1953).