21 resultados para BAYS
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The analysis of the phytoplankton and environmental parameters of the time series in Alfacs and Fangar bays (north western Mediterranean) from 1990 to 2009 shows some trends. There is an increase in the average water column temperature, 0.11, 0.01, 0.80 and 0.23 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter respectively in Alfacs Bay and 1.76, 0.71, 1.33, 0.89 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter in Fangar Bay. The trends in phytoplankton populations show a shift in the timing of occurrence of Karlodinium spp. blooms and an increase of the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. There is a lack of correlation between the average seasonal temperatures and the toxic phytoplankton abundances.
Alfacs and Fangar Bay in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean are the major sites in Catalonia for shellfish cultivation. These bays are subject to occasional closures in shellfish harvesting due to the presence of phycotoxins. Fish kills have also been associated with harmful algal blooms. The comparison of phytoplankton dynamics in both bays offers the opportunity to reveal differences in bloom patterns of species known to be harmful for the ecosystem and aquaculture activities. Field research is underway under the GEOHAB framework within the Core Research Project on HABs in Fjords and Coastal Embayments. The overall objective of this study is to improve our understanding of HAB biogeographical patterns, and key elements driving bloom dynamics in time and space within these semi-constrained embayments. Via the comparative approach we aim to improve the prediction for monitoring purposes, with a focus on Karlodinium spp. associated with massive kills of aquaculture species. This objective is addressed by incorporating long-term time series of phytoplankton identification and enumeration with the first results of recent field work in both bays. The latter includes the application of optical sensors, to yield a complementary view with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of bloom phenomena.
L`electrocardiograma és la primera eina diagnòstica fàcilment disponible per la detecció de l´infart a la práctica clínica. El seu valor va ser donat principalment amb estudis antics anatomopatològics. La ressonància magnètica cardíaca actualment és la tècnica d`elecció per la detecció de l`infart. Aquest estudi investiga el valor de l`electrocardiograma ( sensibilitat i especificitat) per detectar infarts de la zona anteroseptal. Conclusiò: la sensibilitat y la especificitat de quatre patents electrocardiogràfiques de la zona anteroseptal va ser valorada. Així mateix, encara que s`observin extenses ones Q en les derivacions anteriors la necrosis és usualment limitada si VL no está afectat. 3
Estudiem l’efecte de l’atorvastatina sobre perfil lipídic, funció renal, marcadors d’inflamació, peptidoma plasmàtic i urinari de 54 pacients trasplantats renals. L’estudi proteòmic es basa en tecnologia d’esferes magnètiques combinada amb espectrometria de masses MALDI-TOF. L’atorvastatina va millorar el perfil lipídic dels pacients i va provocar canvis significatius al peptidoma plasmàtic. Es va observar la disminució en plasma de pèptids derivats de fragments del quininogen i de C4. Atès que bradiquinina i C4a, que s’alliberen de quininogen i C4, son potents mediadors de la inflamació, els nostres resultats poden aclarir els efectes antiinflamatoris atribuïts a les estatines.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte fi de carrera és en primer lloc, determinar les modificacions a realitzar en el laboratori de lubricants i combustibles de l’EPS per a la utilització de l’espectrofotòmetre d’absorció atòmica de flama; en segon lloc, posar a punt l’aparell establint els paràmetres i les condicions d’assaig idònies per a portar a terme les anàlisis de metalls de desgast presents en olis lubricants usats de motors de combustió interna. I finalment, establir un protocol de treball al laboratori i estudiar la viabilitat d’oferir el servei d’anàlisi de lubricants a empreses i particulars
El Laboratori de Mecànica de l’Escola Politècnica Superior disposa d’una màquina equilibradora de rotors. El projecte consisteix a fer un nou disseny de l’equilibradora i els seus components,realitzar tots els càlculs necessaris per assegurar-ne el bon funcionament i pressupostar la màquina per si, en un futur, es creu convenient construir-la. A l’hora de fer aquest nou disseny s’ha mantingut un principi de funcionament i un manteniment el més senzill possible. També s’ha procurat que l’aparell tingui una gran flexibilitat a l’hora de plantejar casos pràctics, ja que la finalitat d’aquesta equilibradora de rotors és realitzar pràctiques de laboratori. Pel que fa a la part mecànica s’ha hagut d’assegurar una bona transmissió de moviment entre el motor i el rotor, i garantir una bona lectura dels aparells de mesura. El fet de ser un aparell d’ús docent ha fet que es donés molta importància a la seguretat
Hermes Comunicacions és el primer grup de comunicació escrita en català, quecompta amb 54.000 exemplars cada dia al carrer i prop de 600.000 lectors ainternet. És la responsable de les publicacions: El Punt Avui (edicions Nacionali Comarques Gironines), Presència, L’Econòmic, Sortim, Catalonia Today i El 9Esportiu.Actualment, es disposa de tres vies per difondre les diferents publicacions: paper, web i El quiosc (web d’accés a subscriptors). Aquest projecte pretén desenvolupar l’aplicació i entorn necessaris per lacreació d’una quarta via de difusió dels diferents productes, facilitant-ne lavisualització mitjançant dispositius mòbils. Concretament ens centrarem en elsdispositius mòbils d’Apple basats en el sistema operatiu iOS.Degut a que ens trobem davant d’un nou entorn per als desenvolupadors i peral client, preveiem que aniran sorgint canvis durant el transcurs del projecte.Per tant decidim utilitzar una metodologia flexible als canvis de requeriments.Les metodologies àgils són les que millor s’ajusten al desenvolupament que esvol fer. Dins el conjunt de metodologies àgils, hem escollit Scrum. Tot i que és unametodologia pensada per a treball en equip, l’adaptem al nostre cas
Eating disorders (EDs) are complex psychiatric diseases that include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and have higher than 50% heritability. Previous studies have found association of BDNF and NTRK2 to ED, while animal models suggest that other neurotrophin genes might also be involved in eating behavior. We have performed a family-based association study with 151 TagSNPs covering 10 neurotrophin signaling genes: NGFB, BDNF, NTRK1, NGFR/p75, NTF4/5, NTRK2, NTF3, NTRK3, CNTF and CNTFR in 371 ED trios of Spanish, French and German origin. Besides several nominal associations, we found a strong significant association after correcting for multiple testing (P = 1.04 × 10−4) between ED and rs7180942, located in the NTRK3 gene, which followed an overdominant model of inheritance. Interestingly, HapMap unrelated individuals carrying the rs7180942 risk genotypes for ED showed higher levels of expression of NTRK3 in lymphoblastoid cell lines. Furthermore, higher expression of the orthologous murine Ntrk3 gene was also detected in the hypothalamus of the anx/anx mouse model of anorexia. Finally, variants in NGFB gene appear to modify the risk conferred by the NTRK3 rs7180942 risk genotypes (P = 4.0 × 10−5) showing a synergistic epistatic interaction. The reported data, in addition to the previous reported findings for BDNF and NTRK2, point neurotrophin signaling genes as key regulators of eating behavior and their altered cross-regulation as susceptibility factors for EDs.
Murine models and association studies in eating disorder (ED) patients have shown a role for the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in eating behavior. Some studies have shown association of BDNF -270C/T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with bulimia nervosa (BN), while BDNF Val66Met variant has been shown to be associated with both BN and anorexia nervosa (AN). To further test the role of this neurotrophin in humans, we screened 36 SNPs in the BDNF gene and tested for their association with ED and plasma BDNF levels as a quantitative trait. We performed a family-based association study in 106 ED nuclear families and analyzed BDNF blood levels in 110 ED patients and in 50 sib pairs discordant for ED. The rs7124442T/rs11030102C/rs11030119G haplotype was found associated with high BDNF levels (mean BDNF TCG haplotype carriers = 43.6 ng/ml vs. mean others 23.0 ng/ml, P = 0.016) and BN (Z = 2.64; P recessive = 0.008), and the rs7934165A/270T haplotype was associated with AN (Z =-2.64; P additive = 0.008). The comparison of BDNF levels in 50 ED discordant sib pairs showed elevated plasma BDNF levels for the ED group (mean controls = 41.0 vs. mean ED = 52.7; P = 0.004). Our data strongly suggest that altered BDNF levels modulated by BDNF gene variability are associated with the susceptibility to ED, providing physiological evidence that BDNF plays a role in the development of AN and BN, and strongly arguing for its involvement in eating behavior and body weight regulation.
MicroRNAs (miRNA) are recognized posttranscriptional gene repressors involved in the control of almost every biological process. Allelic variants in these regions may be an important source of phenotypic diversity and contribute to disease susceptibility. We analyzed the genomic organization of 325 human miRNAs (release 7.1, miRBase) to construct a panel of 768 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering approximately 1 Mb of genomic DNA, including 131 isolated miRNAs (40%) and 194 miRNAs arranged in 48 miRNA clusters, as well as their 5-kb flanking regions. Of these miRNAs, 37% were inside known protein-coding genes, which were significantly associated with biological functions regarding neurological, psychological or nutritional disorders. SNP coverage analysis revealed a lower SNP density in miRNAs compared with the average of the genome, with only 24 SNPs located in the 325 miRNAs studied. Further genotyping of 340 unrelated Spanish individuals showed that more than half of the SNPs in miRNAs were either rare or monomorphic, in agreement with the reported selective constraint on human miRNAs. A comparison of the minor allele frequencies between Spanish and HapMap population samples confirmed the applicability of this SNP panel to the study of complex disorders among the Spanish population, and revealed two miRNA regions, hsa-mir-26a-2 in the CTDSP2 gene and hsa-mir-128-1 in the R3HDM1 gene, showing geographical allelic frequency variation among the four HapMap populations, probably because of differences in natural selection. The designed miRNA SNP panel could help to identify still hidden links between miRNAs and human disease.
Entre els dies 13 i 17 de novembre de 2002 va tenir lloc a la ciutat de Sevilla el III Congrés Ibèric sobre Gestió i Planificació de l’Aigua, que, en aquesta ocasió, portava per títol «La Directiva Marc de l’Aigua: realitats i futurs». El congrés fou organitzat per la Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, amb la col•laboració de la Universidad de Sevilla i d’una àmplia sèrie d’institucions relacionades amb la investigació o gestió d’aquest recurs. Considerant l’anàlisi i la diagnosi de la situació actual contingudes a les edicions anteriors (Saragossa 1998 i Porto 2000) i l’ampli debat dels últims anys, el III Congrés Ibèric es caracteritza per un plantejament d’avenç i propostes i per incloure alguns dels aspectes de la política de l’aigua menys atesos fins aleshores
Background: The ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation pathway is essential for the proteolysis of intracellular proteins and peptides. Deubiquitinating enzymes constitute a complex protein family involved in a multitude of cellular processes. The ubiquitin-specific proteases (UBP) are a group of enzymes whose predicted function is to reverse the ubiquitinating reaction by removing ubiquitin from a large variety of substrates. We have lately reported the characterization of human USP25, a specific-ubiquitin protease gene at 21q11.2, with a specific pattern of expression in murine fetal brains and adult testis. Results: Database homology searches at the DNA and protein levels and cDNA library screenings led to the identification of a new UBP member in the human genome, named USP28, at 11q23. This novel gene showed preferential expression in heart and muscle. Moreover, cDNA, expressed sequence tag and RT-PCR analyses provided evidence for alternatively spliced products and tissue-specific isoforms. Concerning function, USP25 overexpression in Down syndrome fetal brains was shown by real-time PCR. Conclusions: On the basis of the genomic and protein sequence as well as the functional data, USP28 and USP25 establish a new subfamily of deubiquitinating enzymes. Both genes have alternatively spliced exons that could generate protein isoforms with distinct tissue-specific activity. The overexpression of USP25 in Down syndrome fetal brains supports the gene-dosage effects suggested for other UBP members related to aneuploidy syndromes.
A 38 year old woman having chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction associated with mitochondrial myopathy is reported. The clinical and radiographic features suggested the diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction. Muscular atrophy and ophthalmoplegia led to muscle biopsy, which disclosed accumulation of normal and abnormal mitochondria ('ragged red fibres'), characteristic of mitochondrial myopathy.
Shoreline undulations extending into the bathymetric contours with a length scale larger than that of the rhythmic surf zone bars are referred to as shoreline sand waves. Many observed undulations along sandy coasts display a wavelength in the order 1-7 km. Several models that are based on the hypothesis that sand waves emerge from a morphodynamic instability in case of very oblique wave incidence predict this range of wavelengths. Here we investigate the physical reasons for the wavelength selection and the main parametric trends of the wavelength in case of sand waves arising from such instability. It is shown that the existence of a minimum wavelength depends on an interplay between three factors affecting littoral drift: (A) the angle of wave fronts relative to local shoreline, which tends to cause maximum transport at the downdrift flank of the sand wave, (B) the refractive energy spreading which tends to cause maximum transport at the updrift flank and (C) wave focusing (de-focusing) by the capes (bays), which tends to cause maximum transport at the crest or slightly downdrift of it. Processes A and C cause decay of the sand waves while process B causes their growth. For low incidence angles, B is very weak so that a rectilinear shoreline is stable. For large angles and long sand waves, B is dominant and causes the growth of sand waves. For large angles and short sand waves C is dominant and the sand waves decay. Thus, wavelength selection depends on process C, which essentially depends on shoreline curvature. The growth rate of very long sand waves is weak because the alongshore gradients in sediment transport decrease with the wavelength. This is why there is an optimum or dominant wavelength. It is found that sand wave wavelength scales with λ0/β where λ0 is the water wave wavelength in deep water and β is the mean bed slope from shore to the wave base.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of a method based on microwave spectrometry to detect structural distortions of metallic stents in open air conditions and envisage the prospects of this approach toward possible medical applicability for the evaluation of implanted stents. Methods: Microwave absorbance spectra between 2.0 and 18.0 GHz were acquired in open air for the characterization of a set of commercial stents using a specifically design setup. Rotating each sample over 360º, 2D absorbance diagrams were generated as a function of frequency and rotation angle. To check our approach for detecting changes in stent length (fracture) and diameter (recoil), two specific tests were performed in open air. Finally, with a few adjustments, this same system provides 2D absorbance diagrams of stents immersed in a water-based phantom, this time over a bandwidth ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 GHz. Results: The authors show that metallic stents exhibit characteristic resonant frequencies in their microwave absorbance spectra in open air which depend on their length and, as a result, may reflect the occurrence of structural distortions. These resonances can be understood considering that such devices behave like dipole antennas in terms of microwave scattering. From fracture tests, the authors infer that microwave spectrometry provides signs of presence of Type I to Type IV stent fractures and allows in particular a quantitative evaluation of Type III and Type IV fractures. Recoil tests show that microwave spectrometry seems able to provide some quantitative assessment of diametrical shrinkage, but only if it involves longitudinal shortening. Finally, the authors observe that the resonant frequencies of stents placed inside the phantom shift down with respect to the corresponding open air frequencies, as it should be expected considering the increase of dielectric permittivity from air to water. Conclusions: The evaluation of stent resonant frequencies provided by microwave spectrometry allows detection and some quantitative assessment of stent fracture and recoil in open air conditions. Resonances of stents immersed in water can be also detected and their characteristic frequencies are in good agreement with theoretical estimates. Although these are promising results, further verifica tion in a more relevant phantom is required in order to foresee the real potential of this approach.