263 resultados para Anguilla anguilla -- Catalonia -- Fluvià (River)
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Estudi de la connectivitat fluvial del riu Fluvià en relació a l’anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla). S’identifiquen les barreres físiques transversals del curs principal d’aquest riu, es valora la connectivitat longitudinal mitjançant l’índex de connectivitat fluvial (ICF) i es proposen mesures correctores per tal de millorar la migració de l’anguila i el moviment natural d’altres espècies
L’anguila en els darrers 50 anys ha patit un fort declivi, es consideren diversos factors que han fet disminuir la seva població. Aquests factors són: la pesca, els obstacles, centrals hidroelèctriques, pèrdua d’hàbitat, depredació, paràsits i malalties, canvi climàtic i de corrents oceàniques. Aquesta espècie està definida per la UICN a la “llista vermella” d’espècies en perill d’extinció amb la categoria de “críticament amenaçada”. És per això que el Consell Europeu obliga a cada Estat membre que té pesqueries d’anguila a les seves conques a realitzar un PGA, que alhora, obliga a realitzar unes mesures de gestió. Una d’aquestes mesures, és la repoblació (def. Tornar a poblar un lloc amb anguiles, en aquest cas). En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat l’estat de les conques internes de Catalunya, realitzant una descripció pel que fa a l’àrea d’estudi i els impactes que s’hi poden trobar. Seguidament, mitjançant l’estudi de índex de qualitat i paràmetres ambientals, s’han indicat els trams òptims pel repoblament on pot sobreviure l’anguila degut a les condicions d’hàbitat. S’ha realitzat també un estudi comparatiu de densitats arreu de la comunitat de Catalunya, i un anàlisi de l’estat de la població d’anguila provinent del Llémena, observant al laboratori el seu estat sanitari. L’exportació d’anguila japonesa que s’ha realitzat en els darrers anys ha implantat un paràsit (A. Crassus) que li pot arribar a causar la mort
Pleistocene and Quaternary sediments adjacent to the medium course of the Fluvià river are a source of aggregate in the Garrotxa. Four lithological units can be used directly, or with a minimal processing as coarse aggregate. They have been mapped in detail at the 1:5.000 escale. The stratigraphic analysis have made possible the four units to be ordered in relation to their suitibility for usage as aggregate. From high to low relative quality they are: the basaltic flow, fluviatile deposits, plio-quaternary conglomerates, and glacis deposits
The main environmental impacts related to the gravel pits in the medium course of the Fluvià river have been assessed. In order to compute the global impact and index based on the numerical values of different impacts has been defined. This index is applied to different areas and the results reveal that the environmental impact expected for a gravel pit is high or moderate close to the main streams and low in the rest of the territory
This article compares the mid-nineteenth century landscape of the River Tordera delta with the present day landscape, based, above all, on the changes that have occurred in land use and land cover. The mid 19th century landscape was reconstructed using data obtained from the amillaraments (land inventories) and other historical documents. Present-day land use and cover was established through photo interpretation and field work. The most important changes detected concern the almost complete disappearance of certain crops, such as vineyards, which were very important in the 19th century; the expansion of forest in place of abandoned tilled land and the increase in built up areas, which, taken together, produce a highly fragmented landscape pattern
Estudi de la distribució del pteridòfit invasor Azolla filiculoides al tram mitjà-baix del riu Ter, entre El Pasteral i la seva desembocadura, anàlisi dels factors ambientals que afecten el seu creixement i descripció del cicle biològic. Es proposen diverses pautes per a la seva gestió
Estudi de les plantes ornamentals conreades al sector esquerra de les ribes del Ter al seu pas per Girona, incidint en les espècies no autòctones i elaboració d’una cartografia digital dels arbres i arbusts de la zona de Sant Ponç (Girona)
The depth of the water table and the clay content are determinant factors for the exploitability of natural aggregates, such as the alluvial sands and gravels found on the fluvial domain of the Ter River. In this preliminary study, carried out in the Celri basin, we conclude that these variables can be determined by means of geophysical methods and recornmends the use of such methods in studies of regional character
It is a contribution to the study of the terraces of the river Ter along its mid-course in the town of Girona, since that is the last speace where it is still possible to observe four of these terraces with clear characteristics of climatical deposition. Itsmorphological peculiarities are described as well as the morphometrical and lithological parameters of its pebbles. These terraces are compared with others which have been studied in other areas of the regions and conclusions are drawn concerning deposition, source àrea and chronology
Starting from the discovery of a cheek-booth Dinotherium giganteum KAUP in the river Oñar in Gerona we can consider that the Miocene formations of La Selva expand up to this area
Artemisio annuae-Conietum maculati ass. nova is described from the lower valley of Llobregat and Besòs rivers. Communities of this association, which is included into the Silybo-Urticion Sissingh 1950 alliance, are hygronitrophilous meadows up to 3 m high and more than 80% of vegetation cover. They are commonly restricted to the river bed and are made up almost exclussively by therophytes and hemicryptophytes. However, the mostcharacteristic trend of these herbaceous communities is the abundance of neophytes, which stand for 20% of the species but close to 50% of vegetation cover. Several widespread neophytes such as Aster squamatus, Conyza spp., Xanthium spp. are commonly found in these communities, and other rare aliens such as Artemisia annua, Rumex cristatus and R. palustris have recently been recorded. Ecological implications of the neophyte abundance in these communities are discussed in relation to the role of human disturbance and population biology of alien species in general.
Biological water quality changes in two Mediterranean river basins from a network of 42 sampling sites assessed since 1979 are presented. In order to characterize the biological quality, the index FBILL, designed to characterize these rivers" quality using aquatic macroinvertebrates, is used. When comparing the data from recent years to older ones, only two headwater sites from the 42 had improved their water quality to good or very good conditions. In the middle or low river basin sites or even in headwater localities were river flow is reduced, the important investment to build up sewage water treatment systems and plants (more than 70 in 15 years) allowed for a small recovery from poor or very poor conditions to moderate water quality. Nevertheless still a significant number (25 %) of the localities remain in poor conditions. The evolution of the quality in several points of both basins shows how the main problems for the recovery of the biological quality is due to the water diverted for small hydraulic plants, the presence of saline pollution in the Llobregat River, and the insufficient water depuration. In the smaller rivers, and specially the Besòs the lack of dilution flows from the treatment plants is the main problem for water quality recovery.
Durante abril de 2005 se realizó una campaña de muestreo de la vegetación acuática macroscópica en las cuencas de los ríos Foix, Besòs y Llobregat, sumando un total de 68 estaciones de muestreo. El objetivo principal fue evaluar el estado trófico de dichas cuencas mediante el índice trófico generado en España denominado IVAM (Índice de Vegetación Acuática Macroscópica). Se identificaron un total de 44 táxones, 8 géneros de Cyanophyta, 5 de Rodophyta, 2 de Xantophyceae, 3 de Bacillariophyceae, 15 de Clorophyta, 8 de Spermatophyta, 1 liquen y 2 briófitos (musgos y hepáticas). La cuenca del Llobregat fue la más diversa (37 t´axones), seguida del Besós (33) y el Foix (25). Los táxones más frecuentes fueron Cladophora, Vaucheria, Oedogonium, Apium, Rorippa y Oscillatoria, además de los musgos. Las fanerógamas fueron escasas, destacando los g´eneros Ranunculus, Zannichellia y Potamogeton. Los táxones que alcanzaron una mayor puntuación del IVAM (valor de tolerancia, vt = 8), aunque poco frecuentes, fueron Ranunculus, Cymbella, Rivularia, Nostoc, Tolypothrix, Chroococcus y Lemanea, todos indicadores de aguas oligotr´oficas. En aguas de buena calidad pero algo eutrofizadas (aguas mesotróficas, vt = 6), los táxones más frecuentes fueron Chara, Monostroma y Hildenbrandia, además de las hepáticas y un liquen. Según la calificación de los tramos en clases de estado trófico realizada por el IVAM, el 38.2% de los tramos presentaron una buena calidad (clases I y II) mientras que el 61.8% presentaron un estado trófico alterado (clases III, IV y V). La respuesta del IVAM a la concentración de nutrientes (fosfato, amonio, nitrito y nitrato) fue siempre significativa, destacando la alta correlación alcanzada con el ión fosfato (r = 0.71, p < 0.001), superior a la alcanzada por otros índices de diatomeas y macrófitos de resolución taxonómica específica. Este hecho confirma la ventaja de utilizar el IVAM en la evaluación del estado trófico de los ríos, ya que sin necesidad de alcanzar un nivel taxonómico de especie se obtiene una respuesta adecuada a dicha perturbación.
The Onyar River basin is situated in the depression of la Selva. His origins are related to tectonic activity during Neogen in this region. In his evolution, we note a slowly and continuous downfall which directs the morphodinamical behaviour. In this sense, the drainage network has a directional trend towards the north, as consecuence of fault systems, and specially the N-S oriented one. A fault of this system has an important influence in the basin morphology, directs the drainage towards the north and avoids a closely drainage in the basin
Se describen los domos graníticos de la cuenca del río Ridaura. Sus caraterísticas geométricas se relacionan estrechamente con la disposición de las fracturas. Su génesis deriva de una fase subsuperficial, bajo un manto de alteración, presumiblemente desarrollada durante el Plioceno, y una fase de exhumación torrencial, que comprende desde el Plioceno terminal hasta la actualidad