26 resultados para Angela Merkel

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Conté: La anemia de Europa; La Europa de Niza; Las grandes vísperas de Europa; La cara oscura de Europa; El doble salto de la Unión Europea; La UE, ante una empinada cuesta; La Constituación deseada y temida; La Europa constitucional, aplazada; Europa, esperanza y desencanto; Turquía, dilema europeo; ¿Turquía es Europa?; ¿Cómo hay que ser europeo?; El voto del rechazo; La Unión Europea, bloqueada; La UE que llega al mar Negro; La Europa de Angela Merkel; El mundo en que nació la CEE; Turquía, en el lindar europeo; Que el tiempo decida…; La UE, entre dos extremos; La UE, cuestión de supervivencia


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Recently, three new polyomaviruses (KI, WU and Merkel cell polyomavirus) have been reported to infect humans. It has also been suggested that lymphotropic polyomavirus, a virus of simian origin, infects humans. KI and WU polyomaviruses have been detected mainly in specimens from the respiratory tract while Merkel cell polyomavirus has been described in a very high percentage of Merkel cell carcinomas. The distribution, excretion level and transmission routes of these viruses remain unknown. Here we analyzed the presence and characteristics of newly described human polyomaviruses in urban sewage and river water in order to assess the excretion level and the potential role of water as a route of transmission of these viruses. Nested-PCR assays were designed for the sensitive detection of the viruses studied and the amplicons obtained were confirmed by sequencing analysis. The viruses were concentrated following a methodology previously developed for the detection of JC and BK human polyomaviruses in environmental samples. JC polyomavirus and human adenoviruses were used as markers of human contamination in the samples. Merkel cell polyomavirus was detected in 7/8 urban sewage samples collected and in 2/7 river water samples. Also one urine sample from a pregnant woman, out of 4 samples analyzed, was positive for this virus. KI and WU polyomaviruses were identified in 1/8 and 2/8 sewage samples respectively. The viral strains detected were highly homologous with other strains reported from several other geographical areas. Lymphotropic polyomavirus was not detected in any of the 13 sewage neither in 9 biosolid/sludge samples analyzed. This is the first description of a virus isolated from sewage and river water with a strong association with cancer. Our data indicate that the Merkel cell polyomavirus is prevalent in the population and that it may be disseminated through the fecal/urine contamination of water. The procedure developed may constitute a useful tool for studying the excreted strains, prevalence and transmission of these recently described polyomaviruses.


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Este estudio explora las diferencias en los hábitos de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, entre jóvenes de Barcelona y Bogotá. Evalúa la influencia de la percepción de riesgo sobre hábitos de consumo y estrategias de afrontamiento. Adicionalmente examina la influencia de la gravedad percibida de una situación estresante sobre estas últimas. Participaron 865 jóvenes de ambas ciudades, entre los 15 y los 18 años. Se utilizaron las variables de riesgo estudiadas por Benthin, Slovic y Severson (1993) para evaluar la percepción de riesgo. Los hábitos de consumo se evaluaron mediante la frecuencia, la intención de consumo, así como la edad de inicio. Se utilizó el CRI:Youth de Moos (1992) para determinar las estrategias de afrontamiento y la valoración del problema estresante. Se encontró que existen diferencias en la edad en que se inicia el consumo de alcohol y en la que se embriagan por primera vez según el género, la ciudad donde residen y la edad del adolescente. Los jóvenes de Barcelona tienen una propensión y un consumo real de marihuana y tabaco mayor que los jóvenes de Bogotá. Percibir placer o beneficios predice un incremento en la intención y la frecuencia de consumo de la mayoría de las sustancias. La facilidad para acceder a éstas sólo presenta una asociación con el uso frecuente del tabaco. Los datos sugieren que la gravedad percibida de estresores relativos a las drogas y la ciudad de residencia tienen un efecto sobre la utilización de las estrategias de evitación y aproximación cognitiva. Adicionalmente no se detectaron diferencias en función de las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas según las variables de percepción de riesgo a excepción de la presión percibida, la cual aumenta el uso de la reevaluación del problema y la búsqueda de recompensas.


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S’han estudiat els interns per delictes contra la seguretat viària de dos centres penitenciaris per esbrinar quin percentatge representen del total i les seves possibles característiques diferencials respecte dels altres interns i de la població general. Especialment s’ha estudiat si són persones que presenten psicopatologia o alcoholisme o bé són socialment i psicopatològicament normatives però han patit un cúmul de circumstàncies fortuïtes relacionades amb la conducció i l’alcohol que els ha dut a la presó. Els principals resultats són: - Un 5% del total dels internaments dels dos centres penitenciaris estudiats estan relacionats amb el consum d’alcohol. Aquest és un percentatge prou alt que indica la influència de l’alcohol en les conductes delictives, cosa ben coneguda fa anys en els àmbits sanitari i social i que desmitifica la imatge “socialitzadora” de l’alcohol. - El 88% de la mostra estudiada presentava algun indicador d’alcoholisme, la qual cosa confirma la sospita que per ingressar en un centre penitenciari per un delicte contra la seguretat viària cal un patró estable i inflexible de conducta desadaptada i perillosa de consum d’alcohol, com és l’alcoholisme. És improbable que una persona amb consums puntuals sigui tan irreflexiva com per no modificar una conducta de tant de risc. - Es detecten percentatges de psicopatologia baixos (10%), inferiors als que es troben a les presons i contradictoris amb l’abundància dels diagnòstics d’alcoholisme, l’elevada comorbiditat psiquiàtrica dels malalts alcohòlics i el consum abusiu de benzodiazepines, cànnabis i altres drogues. Probablement hi ha queixes de diversos símptomes psicològics conjunturals relacionats amb l’internament, però alhora una elevada ocultació, o manca de consciència de la patologia crònica, prèvia a l’internament i possiblement relacionada amb la personalitat de base. - Malgrat que és una població aparentment normalitzada i adaptada socialment (de més edat, amb més feina estable), les tres quartes parts dels interns tenien antecedents: l’alcohol fa perdre progressivament els valors normatius i els contactes socials. Gent inicialment “bevedora social” pot acabar en una espiral de reincidència penitenciària desencadenada per l’alcohol.


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El estudio se ha centrado en conocer las diferencias en los perfiles de los penados en prisión por delitos de conducción y sus diferencias respecto con la población penitenciaria ordinaria. Se ha querido conocer la influencia del alcohol en este tipo de delitos.


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El tractament antitrombòtic després d’una hemorragia intracerebral secundaria a tractament anticoagulant no està ben definit. Realitzem un estudi restropectiu per analitzar els riscos i beneficis de l’antiagregació vs anticoagulació. Evaluem 39 pacients, es va reiniciar l’anticoagulació en 25 i es va canviar a antiagregants a 14 pacients. Després d’un seguiment promig de 54 +/- 31 mesos, trobem que el tractament anticoagulant sembla augmentar el risc de nous events hemorràgics i la mortalitat, sense significació estadística. Son necessaris estudis prospectius per definir el millor tractament després de patir una hemorràgia cerebral per anticoagulants.


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El libro, coordinado por el Director de ACCEPLAN, Fernando Alonso López, viene a ser un reflejo de los avances entorno a la búsqueda de accessibilidad universal en los espacios públicos urbanizados. Para aproximarse a la realidad normativa y técnica de la Orden Ministerial el libro se estructura en artículos referentes al contexto normativo, a los contenidos de la Orden, y a reflexiones y criterios en torno a la accesibilidad en la ciudad. Del conjunto de artículos, por su variedad y por su carácter multidiciplinar, se extrae un libro de referencia que ofrece la variedad de enfoques del tema y que ayuda a interpretar mejor la Orden Ministerial, su contribución a los objetivos de la Ley 51/2003 de Igualdad de Oportunidades No Discriminación y Accesibilidad Universal, LIONDAU, y su utilidad en la comformación de unas ciudades cada vez más abiertas a la diversidad funcional y a la convivencia.


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Este trabajo de investigación aborda la noción de revelación cinematográfica y lo hace partiendo del corpus teórico realista de Kracauer y Bazin. En primer lugar, se estudia la obra de los hermanos Lumière y de Jean Painlevé, analizando la capacidad de sus filmes para desvelar la realidad física. En segundo lugar, se toma la obra de Yervant Gianikian y Angela Ricci-Lucchi para explorar, a partir de las teorías de Benjamin y Didi-Huberman, el papel que pueden jugar ciertas imágenes de archivo para"redimir" la historia. En tercer lugar, se analizan una serie de instantes particularmentesignificativos capaces de provocar una revelación íntima en el espectador cinematográfico.


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Scattering characteristics of multilayer fluoride coatings for 193 nm deposited by ion beam sputtering and the related interfacial roughnesses are investigated. Quarter- and half-wave stacks of MgF2 and LaF3 with increasing thickness are deposited onto CaF2 and fused silica and are systematically characterized. Roughness measurements carried out by atomic force microscopy reveal the evolution of the power spectral densities of the interfaces with coating thickness. Backward-scattering measurements are presented, and the results are compared with theoretical predictions that use different models for the statistical correlation of interfacial roughnesses.


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A method for characterizing the microroughness of samples in optical coating technology is developed. Measurements over different spatial-frequency ranges are composed into a single power spectral density (PSD) covering a large bandwidth. This is followed by the extraction of characteristic parameters through fitting of the PSD to a suitable combination of theoretical models. The method allows us to combine microroughness measurements performed with different techniques, and the fitting procedure can be adapted to any behavior of a combined PSD. The method has been applied to a set of ion-beam-sputtered fluoride vacuum-UV coatings with increasing number of alternative low- and high-index layers. Conclusions about roughness development and microstructural growth are drawn.


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Surface topography and light scattering were measured on 15 samples ranging from those having smooth surfaces to others with ground surfaces. The measurement techniques included an atomic force microscope, mechanical and optical profilers, confocal laser scanning microscope, angle-resolved scattering, and total scattering. The samples included polished and ground fused silica, silicon carbide, sapphire, electroplated gold, and diamond-turned brass. The measurement instruments and techniques had different surface spatial wavelength band limits, so the measured roughnesses were not directly comparable. Two-dimensional power spectral density (PSD) functions were calculated from the digitized measurement data, and we obtained rms roughnesses by integrating areas under the PSD curves between fixed upper and lower band limits. In this way, roughnesses measured with different instruments and techniques could be directly compared. Although smaller differences between measurement techniques remained in the calculated roughnesses, these could be explained mostly by surface topographical features such as isolated particles that affected the instruments in different ways.


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Single layers of MgF2 and LaF3 were deposited upon superpolished fused-silica and CaF2 substrates by ion-beam sputtering (IBS) as well as by boat and electron beam (e-beam) evaporation and were characterized by a variety of complementary analytical techniques. Besides undergoing photometric and ellipsometric inspection, the samples were investigated at 193 and 633 nm by an optical scatter measurement facility. The structural properties were assessed with atomic-force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, TEM techniques that involved conventional thinning methods for the layers. For measurement of mechanical stress in the coatings, special silicon substrates were coated and analyzed. The dispersion behavior of both deposition materials, which was determined on the basis of various independent photometric measurements and data reduction techniques, is in good agreement with that published in the literature and with the bulk properties of the materials. The refractive indices of the MgF2 coatings ranged from 1.415 to 1.440 for the wavelength of the ArF excimer laser (193 nm) and from 1.435 to 1.465 for the wavelength of the F2 excimer laser (157 nm). For single layers of LaF3 the refractive indices extended from 1.67 to 1.70 at 193 nm to ~1.80 at 157 nm. The IBS process achieves the best homogeneity and the lowest surface roughness values (close to 1 nmrms) of the processes compared in the joint experiment. In contrast to MgF2 boat and e-beam evaporated coatings, which exhibit tensile mechanical stress ranging from 300 to 400 MPa, IBS coatings exhibit high compressive stress of as much as 910 MPa. A similar tendency was found for coating stress in LaF3 single layers. Experimental results are discussed with respect to the microstructural and compositional properties as well as to the surface topography of the coatings.


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Real-world images are complex objects, difficult to describe but at the same time possessing a high degree of redundancy. A very recent study [1] on the statistical properties of natural images reveals that natural images can be viewed through different partitions which are essentially fractal in nature. One particular fractal component, related to the most singular (sharpest) transitions in the image, seems to be highly informative about the whole scene. In this paper we will show how to decompose the image into their fractal components.We will see that the most singular component is related to (but not coincident with) the edges of the objects present in the scenes. We will propose a new, simple method to reconstruct the image with information contained in that most informative component.We will see that the quality of the reconstruction is strongly dependent on the capability to extract the relevant edges in the determination of the most singular set.We will discuss the results from the perspective of coding, proposing this method as a starting point for future developments.


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Objectives: To develop European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations for the management of large vessel vasculitis. Methods: An expert group (10 rheumatologists, 3 nephrologists, 2 immunolgists, 2 internists representing 8 European countries and the USA, a clinical epidemiologist and a representative from a drug regulatory agency) identified 10 topics for a systematic literature search through a modified Delphi technique. In accordance with standardised EULAR operating procedures, recommendations were derived for the management of large vessel vasculitis. In the absence of evidence, recommendations were formulated on the basis of a consensus opinion. Results: Seven recommendations were made relating to the assessment, investigation and treatment of patients with large vessel vasculitis. The strength of recommendations was restricted by the low level of evidence and EULAR standardised operating procedures. Conclusions: On the basis of evidence and expert consensus, management recommendations for large vessel vasculitis have been formulated and are commended for use in everyday clinical practice.