6 resultados para Alimentary Guild
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to cultures of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense or the non-toxic alga Rhodomonas sp. to evaluate the effects of the harmful alga on the mussels and to study recovery after discontinuation of the A. fundyense exposure. Mussels were exposed for 9 days to the different algae and then all were fed Rhodomonas sp. for 6 more days. Samples of hemolymph for hemocyte analyses and tissues for histology were collected before the exposure and periodically during exposure and recovery periods. Mussels filtered and ingested both microalgal cultures, producing fecal pellets containing degraded, partially degraded, and intact cells of both algae. Mussels exposed to A. fundyense had an inflammatory response consisting of degranulation and diapedesis of hemocytes into the alimentary canal and, as the exposure continued, hemocyte migration into the connective tissue between the gonadal follicles. Evidence of lipid peroxidation, similar to the detoxification pathway described for various xenobiotics, was found; insoluble lipofuchsin granules formed (ceroidosis), and hemocytes carried the granules to the alimentary canal, thus eliminating putative dinoflagellate toxins in feces. As the number of circulating hemocytes in A. fundyense-exposed mussels became depleted, mussels were immunocompromised, and pathological changes followed, i.e., increased prevalences of ceroidosis and trematodes after 9 days of exposure. Moreover, the total number of pathological changes increased from the beginning of the exposure until the last day (day 9). After 6 days of the exposure, mussels in one of the three tanks exposed to A. fundyense mass spawned; these mussels showed more severe effects of the toxic algae than non-spawning mussels exposed to A. fundyense. No significant differences were found between the two treatments during the recovery period, indicating rapid homeostatic processes in tissues and circulating hemocytes.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. A partir d’ous exemplars de dues espècies d’agapornis -nigrigenis i lilianae-, es pretén realitzar un estudi comparatiu d’ambdues, tant pel que fa a l’etologia com a la reproducció, als hàbits alimentaris, etc. La idea inicial parteix de la possibilitat d’intercanviar alguns ous de cada espècie per mirar d’esbrinar si els ocells reproductors s’adonen de tal canvi. La hipòtesi inicial del treball considera que els ocells els criaran de la mateixa forma que si es tractés dels seus propis pollets. Les conclusions, però, han anat més enllà de la formulació de la hipòtesi inicial, de tal manera que, al final, i en forma de diagrama, s’ha pogut parlar de l’eclosió o manca d’eclosió dels ous d’aquesta espècie, tot relacionant temes diversos que van des de la fertilitat a les diferents mides dels ous. A més, l’autor també ha pogut concloure que els Agapornis lilianae són capaços de criar ocells d’una altra espècie (en aquest cas d Agapornis roseicollis) amb tota normalitat.
The Asian Diaspora in the Americas in the 16th and 17th has been neglected by scholars for a long time. This fact is baffling, not only for the great interest of this topic in of itself, but also because it could provide new knowledge of colonial Mexico, especially in terms of the interaction among the many groups that populated the colony. This early movement of people and ideas across the largest extension of water in the planet is characteristic of what has been called the ¿archaic globalization,¿ and thus research on these matters could contribute to the history of globalization.In this presentation, I seek to further elaborate on the themes outlined by Edward Slack in The Chinos in New Spain: A Corrective Lens for a Distorted Image, an article published in 2009 in the Journal of World History. Firstly, I would like to bring forth some evidence that indicates that Asian religious practices were present in Mexico in the 1600s. Furthermore, I will argue that the traces of these practices are still visible today, in the form of a popular fortune-telling tradition. Secondly, I intend to provide some information about the arrival, settlement and distribution of the Asian Diaspora. I will focus on their distribution within Mexico City. Thirdly, I will elaborate on their occupations, social status and daily life, as well as in the patterns in marriages and relations with other groups. And lastly, I will show how the guild of barbers served as an Asian immigrant reception network.
La recerca que aquí es presenta es centra en tres objectius. Primerament, obtenir informació d’altres experiències de mentoria d’alumnat immigrat desenvolupades en altres països (Alemanya, Àustria, Eslovènia, Estats Units, Israel, Noruega, Suècia, Suïssa, etc.) amb l’objectiu d’elaborar un marc teòric sòlid que ajudi a argumentar científicament el projecte "Rossinyol". Aquest objectiu s’ha treballat mitjançant la recerca bibliogràfica i documental a nivell nacional, estatal i internacional. Posteriorment, realitzar una primera anàlisi dels ímputs que aporta el projecte Rossinyol al territori on es porta a terme. Mitjançant l’elaboració i passi d’una entrevista a mentors, mestres (dels mentorats) i enllaços territorials (persones del territori que es posen en contacte amb les escoles per seleccionar els mentorats –entre d’altres tasques-) s’ha analitzat: els punts forts i febles del projecte, els possibles efectes de la mentoria en el mentorat i el tipus de relacions que s’han establert entre els agents que participen en el projecte. Finalment, establir uns criteris d’avaluació que permetin donar pautes per desenvolupar aquest projecte –o projectes similars de mentoria- en altres llocs del nostre país. En aquest apartat del treball s’ha elaborat una proposta d’indicadors amb el conseqüent instrument per, en una fase posterior, recollir informació que permetin fer un seguiment acurat, objectiu i extens del projecte.
La filòloga i novel·lista Helena Valentí i Petit (Barcelona, 1940-1990) s’exilià de ben jove a Anglaterra, on buscà en la traducció el mitjà de vida. Entre altres autors i autores, traslladà al castellà William Blake, Marilyn French, Nicholas Guild, Najib Mahfuz, Harold Robbins, Bernice Rubens, Roger T. Taylor i Doris Lessing, de la qual traduí El quadern daurat. De retorn a Catalunya, el 1974, decidí compaginar la traducció amb la narrativa pròpia. Girà a la llengua catalana Al far i Una cambra pròpia de l’anglesa Virginia Woolf i La garden party i altres contes i Un home casat i altres crueltats de la neozelandesa Katherine Mansfield. En els anys vuitanta traslladà El factor humà de Graham Greene i Jo, Claudi de Robert Graves, i féu una breu incursió en la narrativa per a joves. Viatges indiscrets de Lisa St. Aubin, un recull de contes d’autores del segle XX, fou l’última traducció.
Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen were used to test the hypothesis that stomach content analysis has systematically overlooked the consumption of gelatinous zooplankton by pelagic mesopredators and apex predators. The results strongly supported a major role of gelatinous plankton in the diet of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), spearfish (Tetrapturus belone) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the oceanic stage and ocean sunfish (Mola mola) also primarily relied on gelatinous zooplankton. In contrast, stable isotope ratios ruled out any relevant consumption of gelatinous plankton by bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), blue shark (Prionace glauca), leerfish (Lichia amia), bonito (Sarda sarda), striped dolphin (Stenella caerueloalba) and loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the neritic stage, all of which primarily relied on fish and squid. Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were confirmed as crustacean consumers. The ratios of stable isotopes in albacore (Thunnus alalunga), amberjack (Seriola dumerili), blue butterfish (Stromaeus fiatola), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hyppurus), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) were consistent with mixed diets revealed by stomach content analysis, including nekton and crustaceans, but the consumption of gelatinous plankton could not be ruled out completely. In conclusion, the jellyvorous guild in the Mediterranean integrates two specialists (ocean sunfish and loggerhead sea turtles in the oceanic stage) and several opportunists (bluefin tuna, little tunny, spearfish, swordfish and, perhaps, blue butterfish), most of them with shrinking populations due to overfishing.