8 resultados para Agricultural area expansion
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El Parc del Garraf (PG) ha estat tradicionalment una important zona agrícola, encara que actualment és molt reduïda (representa el 3% del total de la superfície del parc) i està repartida entre unes poques masies. Aquesta activitat humana conviu amb la fauna silvestre de la zona, que en alimentar-se parcialment dels cultius (cereal, vinya, oliveres, arbres fruiters i hortalisses), hi causa diversos impactes. És el cas de diverses aus, com ara la garsa (Pica Pica) i el pardal (Passer domesticus), i també d’alguns mamífers com el porc senglar (Sus scrofa). Hem observat que l’impacte produït per les aus i el porc senglar (Sus scrofa) és molt petit, el que pot ser degut a dos motius principals: possiblement per una elevada producció de fruits salvatges, esdevenint aquest aliment suficient per a les aus; i la baixa densitat poblacional de porc senglar (Sus scrofa) al parc. Els impactes observats presenten una alta variabilitat i depenen de l’època de l’any en que ens trobem. Per tant, cal fer-ne un seguiment més acurat on s’impliquin administració i pagesos per a millorar el coneixement de l’impacte de la fauna salvatge.
La contaminació per nitrats de les aigües subterrànies és un dels problemes mediambientals i de salut pública que més afecten els nostres aqüífers. És per això que un dels eixos del nostre estudi és fer la màxima difusió de l’estat de la qualitat de l’aigua dels aqüífers de diferents àrees de Catalunya. En el present estudi es tracta la contaminació per nitrats a les aigües de 945 punts de mostreig (sobretot d’aigua procedent de pous, d’algunes mines i d’algunes fonts) de Catalunya, situats en 12 comarques diferents, totes elles amb algun o una gran part dels seus municipis englobats en una zona vulnerable. D’aquests punts de mostreig s’ha fet un recull de dades de la concentració de nitrats des de l’any 2003 fins el 2012 per tal d’estudiar-ne l’evolució i la incidència de la pluviometria, així com conèixer en quines comarques les variables externes: superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina poden haver incidit directament en la contaminació. També s’estudia fins a quin punt, aquest deteriorament, ha afectat la mineralització de l’aigua o afecta a llocs d’aigües més mineralitzades. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’ha arribat a les conclusions que la concentració mitjana de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies en la majoria de comarques estudiades és elevada, superior als 50 mg/l que estableix la normativa vigent; que ha tendit a l’estabilitat en els últims deu anys; que afecta llocs d’aigües molt mineralitzades i que la pluviometria incideix notablement en la concentració de nitrats. S’ha observat que les variables externes superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina incideixen directament en la contaminació, excepte al Maresme. Finalment es presenten diferents usos alternatius als de l’aigua de consum per aquestes aigües contaminades amb nitrats i que han posat en pràctica diferents municipis de les comarques estudiades.
In a previous paper [J.Fort and V.Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)], the possible importance of higher-order terms in a human population wave of advance has been studied. However, only a few such terms were considered. Here we develop a theory including all higher-order terms. Results are in good agreement with the experimental evidence involving the expansion of agriculture in Europe
The soy expansion model in Argentina generates structural changes in traditional lifestyles that can be associated with different biophysical and socioeconomic impacts. To explore this issue, we apply an innovative method for integrated assessment - the Multi Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) framework - to characterize two communities in the Chaco Region, Province of Formosa, North of Argentina. These communities have recently experienced the expansion of soy production, altering their economic activity, energy consumption patterns, land use, and human time allocation. The integrated characterization presented in the paper illustrates the differences (biophysical, socioeconomic, and historical) between the two communities that can be associated with different responses. The analysis of the factors behind these differences has important policy implications for the sustainable development of local communities in the area.
Rural depopulation and abandonment of farming activities have resulted in an intense transformation of the characteristic landscapes of Mediterranean mountains. A dynamic characterized by an intense process of expansion of forested cover in detriment to livestock and agricultural areas. This process, which produces effects such as biodiversity and cultural heritage loss and contributes to the spread of wildfires, can be mapped, quantified and described with high accuracy through the means of digital mapping, geographic information systems and landscape indexes. But what is the perception and valuation of these changes by the stakeholders involved in the management of these territories? This article attempts to answer this question in the protected area of Alta Garrotxa (Girona), where a strong correlation between landscape dynamics and their perception by the stakeholders is revealed. On the other hand, the valuation and future prospects produce diverse and often contradictory points of views that illustrate the existing difficulties to management
The impact, on nitrogen and phosphorous dynamics, of applying compost at different rates was investigated in soils developed on schist in new terraced vineyards (NTV) and in undisturbed areas (NC). Repacked soil columns amended with 0 (control), 50 t ha –1 (T1) and 100 t ha–1 (T2) of compost were studied under laboratory conditions simulating both situations. The columns were maintained for 1 year, during which time a total of 300 mm of simulated rainfall was applied in ten 30 mm applications. Soil organic matter (OM), nitrogen and phosphorous contents were analysed at the end of the study period and leachates were analysed after each simulated rainfall event. Significant differences in nitrate leaching were observed between the control and the treated soils and these differences were greater in the NC (control = 1.368 g, T1 = 1.526 g and T2 = 1.686 g) than in the NTV soils (control = 0.61 g, T1 = = 1.068 g and T2 = 1.283 g). The relative effect was greater in the NTV soils (T1/control = 1.11 vs. 1.75 and T2/control = 1.23 vs. 2.1 for NC and NTV, respectively). The nitrate concentration in the leached water reached up to 400 mg L–1, which implied a risk of groundwater pollution. Phosphorous losses through leaching were very low with concentrations of < 0.15 mg L–1, without any significant differences between treatments. The phosphorous concentrations in the surface horizon increased by 50.8% in T1 and by 66.8% in T2 in the NC soils, compared with increases of 20.3% and 38%, respectively, in the NTV soils. Due to the high infiltration capacity of the study soils, leaching effects must be considered in order to prevent groundwater pollution.
Soil properties on the Cap de Creus Peninsula, NE Spain depend primarily on scarce agricultural practices and early abandonment. In the study area, 90% of which is mainly covered by Cistus shrubs, 8 environments representing variations in land use/land cover and soil properties at different depths were identified. In each environment variously vegetated areas were selected and sampled. The soils, collected at different depths, were classified as Lithic Xerorthents according to the United States Department of Agriculture system of soil classification (USDA-NRCS 1975). Differences in soil properties were largely found according to the evolution of the plant canopy and the land use history. To identify underlying patterns in soil properties related to environmental evolution, factor analysis was performed and factor scores were used to determine how the factor patterns varied between soil variables, soil depths and selected environments. The three-factor model always accounted for 80% of the total variation in the data at the different soil depths. Organic matter was the more relevant soil property at 0–2 cm depth, whereas active minerals (silt and clay) were found to be the most relevant soil parameters controlling soil dynamics at the other depths investigated. Results showed that vineyards and olive tree soils are poorly developed and present worse conditions for mineral and organic compounds. Analysis of factor scores allowed independent assessment of soils, depth and plant cover and demonstrated that soils present the best physico-chemical characteristics under Erica arborea and meadows. In contrast, soils under Cistus monspeliensis were less nutrient rich and less well structured
A landscape mosaic is a landscape that consist of various patches, inhabited by different habitat communities over time. Agricultural mosaics area result of the long history between societies and the environment. The understanding of the driving forces for change in this landscapes, and their effect on biodiversity, allow the development of useful tools to assess and manage natural heritage. Plant diversity, endangered plant species and interesting habitats receive the center of attention, because of their capability to integrate and reflect the main changes of this landscapes after medium and long-term.