10 resultados para ASS
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Treball Final Carrera sobre la gestió d'un projecte web, de gestió de continguts multimèdia, de creació i coordinació d'un equip de voluntaris per a la divulgació en línia i el foment dels viatges culturals als llocs Patrimoni de la Humanitat realitzats per una entitat intercultural catalana, Amics de la UNESCO de Barcelona.
Alternantherarepens (L.j Steud. ( =A. achymnthaR. Br.). Amarantácea procumbente, de hojas elíptico-orbiculares y glomérulos blanco-plateados. Fué hallada en el puerto de Barcelona, junto a las vías del ferrocarril, hacia la parte central del muelle denominado de Barcelona.
Aquest article estudia la vegetació dels sembrats (classe Secalietea Br.-Bl. 1952) de la Baixa Cerdanya i zones adjacents mitjançant el mètode fitocenològic i fa un repàs d'aquest tipus de comunitats a la Catalunya extramediterrània. Els sembrats dels terrenys àcids són referits a l'associació Scleranthetum anuui Br.-Bl. 1915, de l'aliança Scleranthion annui, força rara a la Cerdanya. Pel que fa a les comunitats neutròfiles, adscrites a l'aliança Caucalidion lappulae, discutim de primer el tractament sintaxonòmic rebut per aquest tipus de vegetació als Pirineus i altres zones peninsulars en treballs precedents. Hi reconeixem tres associacions: Kickxio-Nigelletum gallicae Fanlo 1988, coneguda només dels Pirineus centrals; Violo-Legousietum Hybridae O. Bolòs 1959, estesa pels Prepirineus calcaris i la Catalunya central; i Biforo radiantis-Centaureetum cyani Vigo, Carreras, Carrillo et I. Soriano, ass nova, dins de la qual proposem d'incloure les comunitats cerdanes
Descripció de la vegetació higronitròfila dels embassaments dels cursos superiors dels rius Segre i Noguera Pallaresa. Hom proposa els següents nous sintàxons: Xanthio-Polygonetum persicariae O. de Bolòs 1957 subass. rorippetosum sylvestris Molero and Romo, subss. nova i Filaginello uliginosae_Veronicetum peregrinae Molero and Romo, ass. nova, ambdues dins de l'aliança Chenopodion rubri Timar 1950; sobre llims lleugerament salins es presenta la nova associació Junco gerardi-Crypsietum schoenoidis Molero and Romo, inclosa dins d'aliança Heleochloion Br.-Bl. 1952
Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, feofícea originaria de Japón (Pacífico Oeste), está extendiendo rápidamente su área de distribución, asociada a los transportes de ostras japonesas (CRITCHLEY, A. & R. DIJKEMA, Bot. Mar. 27:211-216,1984). Actualmente está citada en el Japón, en la costa Pacífica de América del Norte, en el Atlántico europeo de Inglaterra, Canal de la Mancha y Holanda y en el Mediterráneo francés (CRITCHLEY, A. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 63: 617-625, 1983).
Hygronitrophilous plant communities of Pyrenaean Catalonia and its vicinities. The following communities have been recognized: Alliance Bidention tripartitae: Xanthio italici-Polygonetumpersicarine O. Bolòs 1957, Bidentetum tripartitae W. Koch 1926 (= Polygono hydropiperis-Bidentetum tripartitae Lohm. in Tx. 1950) and Myosoto aquaticae-Bidentetum frondosae, ass. nova. Alliance Convolvulion sepium: Arundini-Convolvuletum sepium (Tx. and Oberd.) O. Bolòs 1962, Oenothero glaziovianae-Asteretum pilosi O. Bolòs and R. Masalles 1983 and Oenothero biennis-Helianthetum tuberosi,ass. nova.
Artemisio annuae-Conietum maculati ass. nova is described from the lower valley of Llobregat and Besòs rivers. Communities of this association, which is included into the Silybo-Urticion Sissingh 1950 alliance, are hygronitrophilous meadows up to 3 m high and more than 80% of vegetation cover. They are commonly restricted to the river bed and are made up almost exclussively by therophytes and hemicryptophytes. However, the mostcharacteristic trend of these herbaceous communities is the abundance of neophytes, which stand for 20% of the species but close to 50% of vegetation cover. Several widespread neophytes such as Aster squamatus, Conyza spp., Xanthium spp. are commonly found in these communities, and other rare aliens such as Artemisia annua, Rumex cristatus and R. palustris have recently been recorded. Ecological implications of the neophyte abundance in these communities are discussed in relation to the role of human disturbance and population biology of alien species in general.
This work presents, from the perspective of a freelancer professional, a case study of a practical and real implementation of an Open Source ERP software suite to a very small company, including the development of a custom software module to adapt the suite to the particular needs of the company.
Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) forms part of the whole spectrum of autistic disorders. Until recently it has not been studied in early ages. The aim of this study is to determine the AS’s prevalence of symptoms in general preschool, rural and urban population. In addition, the association of the development areas and symptoms of anxiety and the presence of symptoms of AS was analized. The sample ofthis study consisted in 1104 preschool children between 3-6 years old. The presence of AS’s symptoms was evaluated by a screening tool for psychiatric disorders. This tool was applied to both, preschooler’s parents and their teachers The prevalence of symptoms of AS for parents and teachers was 11.7‰ and 8.1‰, respectively. The presence of AS’s symptoms was associated with language compression delays, general and fine motor coordination, self-help skills and impairment in game activities. In addition, our results showed that the AS has a strong association with specific phobia symptoms and tics. We conclude that an early detection of AS’s symptoms is possible since we found similar prevalence described in other recent researches. Given the impairment associated with AS, its detection is highly recommended