em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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El análisis de criterios clásicos de rentabilidad, como la Tasa Interna de Rendimiento o el Cociente Beneficio/Coste, revela que, contra lo que se suponía, concuerdan con el criterio Valor Actual Neto si se aplican correctamente. Lo mismo ocurre con los viejos criterios Valor Final Neto y Anualidad Equivalente y los nuevos Demora Máxima de Beneficios y Plazo de Recuperación de Costes. Se demuestra, además, que para elegir entre dos proyectos mutuamente excluyentes, la aplicación de los criterios citados al proyecto diferencia o incremental es una condición suficiente para que exista concordancia con el criterio Valor Actual Neto.


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El análisis de criterios clásicos de rentabilidad, como la Tasa Interna de Rendimiento o el Cociente Beneficio/Coste, revela que, contra lo que se suponía, concuerdan con el criterio Valor Actual Neto si se aplican correctamente. Lo mismo ocurre con los viejos criterios Valor Final Neto y Anualidad Equivalente y los nuevos Demora Máxima de Beneficios y Plazo de Recuperación de Costes. Se demuestra, además, que para elegir entre dos proyectos mutuamente excluyentes, la aplicación de los criterios citados al proyecto diferencia o incremental es una condición suficiente para que exista concordancia con el criterio Valor Actual Neto.


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El objetivo del presente Trabajo Final de Carrera ha consistido en realizar un estudio de investigación sobre estrategias comerciales aplicables en la gestión de proyectos, con el fin de identificar y proponer estrategias de gestión para el desarrollo e implementación de estrategias comerciales que posibiliten la reducción de costes y creación de nuevos modelos comerciales que permitan maximizar el retorno de inversión en proyectos de índole tecnológica. El estudio ha tratado las diversas áreas funcionales y de conocimiento que convergen en la gestión económica y financiera de un proyecto: (1) El área de Marketing y la concepción del plan estratégico. (2) La gestión y control de costes. (3) La gestión del suministro y compras. (4) El plan comercial de ventas. (5) La estrategia y gestión de un proyecto. En definitiva el presente proyecto representa un estudio de rigor de las áreas funcionales y del conocimiento que aquí se citan, así como sus implicaciones a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un proyecto.


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This paper describes the improvement that took place in the Spanish transport system between 1800 and 1936. The text points out that, despite the investment efforts that were carried out between 1840 and 1855, the process of transport cost reduction only experienced substantial progress after 1855. The largest transport cost decrease of the period under consideration took place during the three decades between 1855 and the great depression of the late nineteenth century, through the substitution of the railroad for the traditional transport means in the main routes of the country, as well as through the gradual reduction of the price of railway transport. The process went on more slowly later on, thanks to the construction of additional raillway lines (until 1895) and the enlargement of the secondary road network. The process of transport cost reduction accelerated again from the 1920s onwards, thanks to the diffusion of the automobile technology.


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This paper analyzes the cost implications of privatization and cooperation in the provision of solid waste services for a sample of small municipalities. In conducting this empirical analysis, a survey is first designed and administered to municipalities in the Spanish region of Aragon, and then an estimation of the determinants of service costs is undertaken, considering the possible endogeneity of delivery choices. Our findings indicate that cooperation is more effective than privatization in saving costs. Both production forms can enable small municipalities to cut costs by exploiting scale economies. However, the fact that inter-municipal cooperation involves lower transaction costs and is less likely to be affected by competition problems would seem to account for the fact that it is a more effective way of reducing costs.


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Intermunicipal cooperation is being increasingly adopted in various countries as a part of local service delivery reforms. This paper draws on survey data from Spain’s municipalities to examine the reasons underpinning the decisions of local governments to engage in intermunicipal cooperation and privatisation. Our empirical analysis indicates that small municipalities prefer to rely on cooperation for reducing costs, while their larger counterparts prefer to privatise the delivery of services. By cooperating, scale economies can be achieved with lower transaction costs and fewer concerns for competition than is the case via private production.


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This paper analyses the factors that determine solid waste service costs. The empirical analysis is based on information derived from a survey conducted in a sample of Galician municipalities. The results reveal economies of scale in municipalities of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, such that cooperation between these municipalities could lead to cost savings. It also appears that private delivery is not cheaper than public delivery. Finally, designating a larger proportion of the total waste volume to recycling does not imply greater costs.


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The first objective of this study is to furnish new evidence concerning the aggregate profitability of the accumulation of human capital. In addition to the traditional measure of the return to human capital, combining the information on its shadow price with the social cost of providing education allows us to confirm the profitability of human capital investments as a tool for promoting economic growth. The possibility of obtaining estimations of these effects for each Spanish region enables us to empirically evaluate the amount of heterogeneity across economies in the effects of human capital. As a second objective, we provide evidence on the indirect effect of human capital in making private capital investment more attractive. Among the main explanations for this process, we observe that higher worker skill levels enable higher returns to be extracted from investment in physical capital.


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This paper provides novel empirical evidence of the indirect effect of educational attainment on regional economic growth, through its influence on the profitability of investment in physical capital. We test the hypothesis that the regional heterogeneity of the return to physical capital can be directly related to the existing heterogeneity in the educational attainment of workers. The results for the Spanish case support our hypothesis that the higher the educational attainment of workers the greater the returns on investment in physical capital. In fact, this effect seems to be sufficiently strong to have counterbalanced the traditional mechanism of decreasing returns to capital accumulation.


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The empirical literature about factors explaining local government delivery choices has traditionally focused the attention on the public or private production dilemma. However, hybrid organizational forms such as mixed public-private firms are increasingly used in several European countries. This paper makes use of survey data from Spanish municipalities to examine motivations of local governments for engaging in hybrid organizational forms. Data refer to two very relevant local services: water distribution and solid waste collection. The empirical analysis indicates that the use of mixed firms emerge as a type of pragmatically based ‘third way’ between pure public and pure private production. Indeed, local governments make use of mixed firms when cost considerations (scale economies, transaction costs and soon), financial constraints and private interests exert contradictory pressures. On the contrary, political and ideological factors do not play any significant role on the local government decision of engaging or not in joint ventures with private partners.


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Several empirical studies have analyzed the factors that influence local privatization. Variables related to fiscal stress, cost reduction, political processes and ideological attitudes are the most common explanatory variables used in these studies. In this paper, we add to this literature by examining the influence of transaction costs and political factors on local governments’ choices through new variables. In addition to this, we consider the role of additional aspects, such as intermunicipal cooperation as a potential alternative to privatization in order to exploit scale economies or scope economies. We consider two relevant services: solid waste collection and water distribution. Results from our estimates show that privatization (that is, contracting out to a private firm) is less common for water distribution than for solid waste collection. Higher transaction costs in water distribution are consistent with this finding. Furthermore, we find that municipalities with a conservative ruling party privatize more often regardless of the ideological orientation of the constituency. This shows that those political interests able to influence local elections are more important in determining the form of delivery than is the basic ideological stance of the constituency. Finally, we find that intermunicipal cooperation is an alternative to local privatization.


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Background: Assessing of the costs of treating disease is necessary to demonstrate cost-effectiveness and to estimate the budget impact of new interventions and therapeutic innovations. However, there are few comprehensive studies on resource use and costs associated with lung cancer patients in clinical practice in Spain or internationally. The aim of this paper was to assess the hospital cost associated with lung cancer diagnosis and treatment by histology, type of cost and stage at diagnosis in the Spanish National Health Service. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive analysis on resource use and a direct medical cost analysis were performed. Resource utilisation data were collected by means of patient files from nine teaching hospitals. From a hospital budget impact perspective, the aggregate and mean costs per patient were calculated over the first three years following diagnosis or up to death. Both aggregate and mean costs per patient were analysed by histology, stage at diagnosis and cost type. Results: A total of 232 cases of lung cancer were analysed, of which 74.1% corresponded to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and 11.2% to small cell lung cancer (SCLC); 14.7% had no cytohistologic confirmation. The mean cost per patient in NSCLC ranged from 13,218 Euros in Stage III to 16,120 Euros in Stage II. The main cost components were chemotherapy (29.5%) and surgery (22.8%). Advanced disease stages were associated with a decrease in the relative weight of surgical and inpatient care costs but an increase in chemotherapy costs. In SCLC patients, the mean cost per patient was 15,418 Euros for limited disease and 12,482 Euros for extensive disease. The main cost components were chemotherapy (36.1%) and other inpatient costs (28.7%). In both groups, the Kruskall-Wallis test did not show statistically significant differences in mean cost per patient between stages. Conclusions: This study provides the costs of lung cancer treatment based on patient file reviews, with chemotherapy and surgery accounting for the major components of costs. This cost analysis is a baseline study that will provide a useful source of information for future studies on cost-effectiveness and on the budget impact of different therapeutic innovations in Spain.


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El uso de recursos compartidos en las redes de interconexión de alta performance puede provocar situaciones de congestión de mensajes que degradan notablemente las prestaciones, aumentando la latencia de trasporte y disminuyendo la utilización de la red. Hasta el momento las técnicas que intentan solucionar este problema utilizan la regulación de la inyección de mensajes. Esta limitación de la inyección traslada la contención de mensajes desde los conmutadores hacia los nodos fuente, incrementando el valor de la latencia promedio global, pudiendo alcanzar valores muy elevados. En este trabajo, proponemos una técnica de control de congestión para redes InfiniBand basada en un mecanismo de encaminamiento adaptativo que distribuye el volumen de comunicaciones entre diversas trayectorias alternativas quitando carga de la zona de congestión, lo que permite eliminarla. La experimentación realizada muestra la mejora obtenida en latencia y throughput, respecto al mecanismo de control de congestión original de InfiniBand basado en la regulación de la inyección. El mecanismo propuesto es totalmente compatible y no requiere que se modifique ningún aspecto de la especificación, debido a que se utilizan componentes de gestión definidos en el estándar InfiniBand.


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Proyecto para gestión de valores de temperatura y luz obtenidos mediante RF, de una mote a otra conectada a un PC.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera té com a objectiu fer el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de control de projectes per a una organització, de manera que la seva estructura interna i funcionament segueixin els paràmetres especificats a l'enunciat proporcionat per la consultora de l'assignatura. El sistema ha de recollir informació sobre quan de temps i en què treballa cada treballador, i quines han estat les despeses mentre ha estat assignat a cada projecte o tasca. D'aquesta manera, a més de tenir un control horari del treballador, l'organització sabrà perfectament si la realització d'un projecte ha estat rendible i disposarà, durant el desenvolupament, de dades sobre l'evolució de costos i hores per a executar les actuacions correctives pertinents.