em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Disseny d'un espai multidisciplinar que permeti l'interpretació del Patrimoni Industrial i Cultural de la Finca agroindustrial de San Julián (Guatemala), amb l'objectiu de fomentar la difusió i la conservació del Patrimonio Industrial del país


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Proteins of the Hha/YmoA family co-regulate with H-NS the expression of horizontally acquired genes in Enterobacteria. Systematic mutations of conserved acidic residues in Hha have allowed the identification of D48 as an essential residue for H-NS binding and the involvement of E25. Mutations of these residues resulted in deregulation of sensitive genes in vivo. D48 is only partially solvent accessible, yet it defines the functional binding interface between Hha and H-NS confirming that Hha has to undergo a conformational change to bind H-NS. Exposed acidic residues, such as E25, may electrostatically facilitate and direct the approach of Hha to the positively charged region of H-NS enabling the formation of the final complex when D48 becomes accessible by a conformational change of Hha.


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Lettuce greenhouse experiments were carried out from March to June 2011 in order to analyze how pesticides behave from the time of application until their intake via human consumption taking into account the primary distribution of pesticides, field dissipation, and post-harvest processing. In addition, experimental conditions were used to evaluate a new dynamic plant uptake model comparing its results with the experimentally derived residues. One application of imidacloprid and two of azoxystrobin were conducted. For evaluating primary pesticide distribution, two approaches based on leaf area index and vegetation cover were used and results were compared with those obtained from a tracer test. High influence of lettuce density, growth stage and type of sprayer was observed in primary distribution showing that low densities or early growth stages implied high losses of pesticides on soil. Washed and unwashed samples of lettuce were taken and analyzed from application to harvest to evaluate removal of pesticides by food processing. Results show that residues found on the Spanish preharvest interval days were in all cases below officially set maximum residue limits, although it was observed that time between application and harvest is as important for residues as application amounts. An overall reduction of 40–60% of pesticides residues was obtained from washing lettuce. Experimentally derived residues were compared with modeled residues and deviate from 1.2 to 1.4 for imidacloprid and azoxystrobin, respectively, presenting good model predictions. Resulting human intake fractions range from... for imidacloprid to ... for azoxystrobin.


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El present Projecte Final de Carrera té com a objectiu la instal·lació de mòduls fotovoltaics en la coberta d’una nau situada a un polígon industrial de Lleida, de dimensions 70 x 30 m, orientada amb un acimut de -30º, per tal de vendre l’energia produïda a la companyia distribuïdora i aconseguir un benefici econòmic. La instal·lació consta de 690 mòduls de silici monocristal·lí de 235 Wp (model HEE215MA65-235) i de dos camps de captació diferenciats en cada ala de la nau, tots ells orientats cap el sud (0º acimut) i inclinats 30º. El camp 1 consta de 360 mòduls i el camp 2 de 330 mòduls, connectats al seu corresponent inversor de 76 kW i 68 kW (models Sunway TG 100-800V i Sunway TG 90-600V). El cost total de la instal·lació és de 707.201,36 Є euros i té un període de retorn de 9 anys. És un projecte rendible i una bona opció ambiental que aconsegueix reduir les emissions de CO2 en 117,6 tones anuals.


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The aim of this work is to optimize and validate methods for the multiresidue determination of series of families of antibiotics as quinolones, penicillins and cephalosporins included in European regulation in food samples using LC-MS/MS. Different extraction techniques and clean-up applied to antibiotics in meat were compared. The quality parameters were established according with EU guideline. The developed method was applied to 49 positive raw milk samples from animal medicated with different antibiotics; the 63% of the analyzed samples were found to be compliant. ___________________________________________________________________________________________


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The present work describes the development of a fast and robust analytical method for the determination of 53 antibiotic residues, covering various chemical groups and some of their metabolites, in environmental matrices that are considered important sources of antibiotic pollution, namely hospital and urban wastewaters, as well as in river waters. The method is based on automated off-line solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–QqLIT). For unequivocal identification and confirmation, and in order to fulfill EU guidelines, two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per compound are monitored (the most intense one is used for quantification and the second one for confirmation). Quantification of target antibiotics is performed by the internal standard approach, using one isotopically labeled compound for each chemical group, in order to correct matrix effects. The main advantages of the method are automation and speed-up of sample preparation, by the reduction of extraction volumes for all matrices, the fast separation of a wide spectrum of antibiotics by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography, its sensitivity (limits of detection in the low ng/L range) and selectivity (due to the use of tandem mass spectrometry) The inclusion of β-lactam antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins), which are compounds difficult to analyze in multi-residue methods due to their instability in water matrices, and some antibiotics metabolites are other important benefits of the method developed. As part of the validation procedure, the method developed was applied to the analysis of antibiotics residues in hospital, urban influent and effluent wastewaters as well as in river water samples