em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Los carbonales son un tipo de bosque secundario originados por el abandono de un sistema de producción silvopastoril. Estos parches de bosque ocupan una superficie importante de la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Natural del Tisey-La Estanzuela, área del bioma más amenazado del mundo, el Bosque Seco Tropical. La principal especie que compone esta comunidad vegetal es la Acacia pennatula, conocida comúnmente como carbón. Actualmente no hay muchos estudios sobre los carbonales, por lo que el presente proyecto pretende caracterizar la estructura y composición de la comunidad y describir algunos índices ecológicos básicos, en dos estadios diferentes. El análisis de los datos proporciona información de las principales diferencias en cuanto a estructura y composición que tienen lugar en los carbonales. La disminución natural de la densidad de individuos de A. pennatula con los años, parece tener un efecto positivo sobre la diversidad, composición y estructura de la comunidad. En base a estos datos, se ha diseñado un protocolo para realizar un estudio experimental de estas comunidades en el CIEA “El Limón”. En el protocolo, mediante diferentes tratamientos de tala en estadios tempranos, se obtendrán áreas de estudio que presenten un gradiente en la variable densidad de individuos de A. pennatula. El objetivo principal es describir y comparar la estructura, composición y dinámica del carbonal a lo largo del tiempo, y determinar que efecto tiene sobre la comunidad modificar esta variable. Los resultados obtenidos en el protocolo pueden utilizarse como base para desarrollar un plan de manejo para los carbonales que facilite la restauración del Bosque Tropical Seco y el aprovechamiento forestal.


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We present ACACIA, an agent-based program implemented in Java StarLogo 2.0 that simulates a two-dimensional microworld populated by agents, obstacles and goals. Our program simulates how agents can reach long-term goals by following sensorial-motor couplings (SMCs) that control how the agents interact with their environment and other agents through a process of local categorization. Thus, while acting in accordance with this set of SMCs, the agents reach their goals through the emergence of global behaviors. This agent-based simulation program would allow us to understand some psychological processes such as planning behavior from the point of view that the complexity of these processes is the result of agent-environment interaction.


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One area which has been largely neglected when studying the acquisition of addiction to smoking with thetranstheoretical model is whether the individual had previously experimented with smoking. The importance of includingthe experimentation variable was supported by this research


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Después de estudiar comparativamente la morfología, corología, ecología, número cromosomático y aceite esencial de los táxones Thymus loscosii Willk. y Thymus loscosii Willk. subsp. fontqueri Jalas, se concluye, de forma razonada, que el status más adecuado para este último es el de especie, combinándose de nuevo cpmo Thymus fontqueri (Jalas) Molero & Rovira; también se propone su inclusión en la sección Serpyllum (Miller) Bentham. En el estudio del aceite esencial de ambos tomillos por CGL e IR se han identificado 14 de sus componentes, destacando el p-citral, mirceno, cineol y alcanfor como mayoritarios. El cromatograma que presentan es muy parecido, pudiéndose atribuir a un quimótipo común P-citral (y otro compuesto no identificado). Entre los componentes la oscilación es máxima para el mirceno, claramente predominante en el T. fontqueri.


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Notwithstanding the functional role that the aggregates of some amyloidogenic proteins can play in different organisms, protein aggregation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of a large number of human diseases. One of such diseases is Alzheimer"s disease (AD), where the overproduction and aggregation of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) are regarded as early critical factors. Another protein that seems to occupy a prominent position within the complex pathological network of AD is the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), with classical and non-classical activities involved at the late (cholinergic deficit) and early (Aβ aggregation) phases of the disease. Dual inhibitors of Aβ aggregation and AChE are thus emerging as promising multi-target agents with potential to efficiently modify the natural course of AD. In the initial phases of the drug discovery process of such compounds, in vitro evaluation of the inhibition of Aβ aggregation is rather troublesome, as it is very sensitive to experimental assay conditions, and requires expensive synthetic Aβ peptides, which makes cost-prohibitive the screening of large compound libraries. Herein, we review recently developed multi-target anti-Alzheimer compounds that exhibit both Aβ aggregation and AChE inhibitory activities, and, in some cases also additional valuable activities such as BACE-1 inhibition or antioxidant properties. We also discuss the development of simplified in vivo methods for the rapid, simple, reliable, unexpensive, and high-throughput amenable screening of Aβ aggregation inhibitors that rely on the overexpression of Aβ42 alone or fused with reporter proteins in Escherichia coli.


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Les invasions biològiques són produïdes per espècies transportades per l'home fora de la regió d'origen a altres regions on s'estableixen i expandeixen. Són actualment de les majors causes de perduda de biodiversitat, amb el canvi d'usos del sòl, tret rellevant en zones insulars. Comprendre mecanismes de competència amb les espècies autòctones és clau per gestionar el problema. L’experiment evidencia diferències de creixement de 7 plantes natives australianes (3 espècies d’eucaliptus, 3 espècies d’acàcia, 1 pasturatge natiu), competint intraespecífica (entre mateixa espècie) i interespecíficament (acàcies o eucaliptus convivint amb pasturatge natiu) plantejant tres tractaments (sense males herbes, males herbes i males herbes a posteriori) per definir la naturalesa de la interacció dels diferents tipus funcionals d'espècies. S’analitzen tendències temporals de creixement de plàntules, així com la supervivència. S’ha detectat una moderada correlació entre taxes de creixement d’espècies i mida de la llavor, (p ≈ 0.6), així com una correlació entre la supervivència i la humitat del sòl (p ≈ 0.5); efectes estacionals. A curt termini i en escenari de primavera la convivència amb males herbes reporta creixement nul. Tractaments sense males herbes, presenten major supervivència en escenaris en competència interespecífica. A llarg termini les espècies amb major supervivència són les que conviuen amb pasturatge natiu i sense males herbes, indicant un efecte beneficiós en espècies millor adaptades a la sequera (E. loxophleba).


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Marked changes in the content of protein in the diet affects the rat"s pattern of growth, but there is not any data on the effects to moderate changes. Here we used a genetically obese rat strain (Zucker) to examine the metabolic modifications induced to moderate changes in the content of protein of diets, doubling (high-protein (HP): 30%) or halving (low-protein (LP): 8%) the content of protein of reference diet (RD: 16%). Nitrogen, energy balances, and amino acid levels were determined in lean (L) and obese (O) animals after 30 days on each diet. Lean HP (LHP) animals showed higher energy efficiency and amino acid catabolism but maintained similar amino acid accrual rates to the lean RD (LRD) group. Conversely, the lean LP (LLP) group showed a lower growth rate, which was compensated by a relative increase in fat mass. Furthermore, these animals showed greater efficiency accruing amino acids. Obesity increased amino acid catabolism as a result of massive amino acid intake; however, obese rats maintained protein accretion rates, which, in the OHP group, implied a normalization of energy efficiency. Nonetheless, the obese OLP group showed the same protein accretion pattern as in lean animals (LLP). In the base of our data, concluded that the Zucker rats accommodate their metabolism to support moderates increases in the content of protein in the diet, but do not adjust in the same way to a 50% decrease in content of protein, as shown by an index of growth reduced, both in lean and obese rats.


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Although approximately 50% of Down Syndrome (DS) patients have heart abnormalities, they exhibit an overprotection against cardiac abnormalities related with the connective tissue, for example a lower risk of coronary artery disease. A recent study reported a case of a person affected by DS who carried mutations in FBN1, the gene causative for a connective tissue disorder called Marfan Syndrome (MFS). The fact that the person did not have any cardiac alterations suggested compensation effects due to DS. This observation is supported by a previous DS meta-analysis at the molecular level where we have found an overall upregulation of FBN1 (which is usually downregulated in MFS). Additionally, that result was cross-validated with independent expression data from DS heart tissue. The aim of this work is to elucidate the role of FBN1 in DS and to establish a molecular link to MFS and MFS-related syndromes using a computational approach. To reach that, we conducted different analytical approaches over two DS studies (our previous meta-analysis and independent expression data from DS heart tissue) and revealed expression alterations in the FBN1 interaction network, in FBN1 co-expressed genes and FBN1-related pathways. After merging the significant results from different datasets with a Bayesian approach, we prioritized 85 genes that were able to distinguish control from DS cases. We further found evidence for several of these genes (47%), such as FBN1, DCN, and COL1A2, being dysregulated in MFS and MFS-related diseases. Consequently, we further encourage the scientific community to take into account FBN1 and its related network for the study of DS cardiovascular characteristics.


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In the past decades drug discovery practice has escaped from the complexity of the formerly used phenotypic screening in animals to focus on assessing drug effects on isolated protein targets in the search for drugs that exclusively and potently hit one selected target, thought to be critical for a given disease, while not affecting at all any other target to avoid the occurrence of side-effects. However, reality does not conform to these expectations, and, conversely, this approach has been concurrent with increased attrition figures in late-stage clinical trials, precisely due to lack of efficacy and safety. In this context, a network biology perspective of human disease and treatment has burst into the drug discovery scenario to bring it back to the consideration of the complexity of living organisms and particularly of the (patho)physiological environment where protein targets are (mal)functioning and where drugs have to exert their restoring action. Under this perspective, it has been found that usually there is not one but several disease-causing genes and, therefore, not one but several relevant protein targets to be hit, which do not work on isolation but in a highly interconnected manner, and that most known drugs are inherently promiscuous. In this light, the rationale behind the currently prevailing single-target-based drug discovery approach might even seem a Utopia, while, conversely, the notion that the complexity of human disease must be tackled with complex polypharmacological therapeutic interventions constitutes a difficult-torefuse argument that is spurring the development of multitarget therapies.


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Lamellarins are a large family of marine alkaloids with potential anticancer activity that have been isolated from diverse marine organisms, mainly ascidians and sponges. All lamellarins feature a 3,4-diarylpyrrole system. Pentacyclic lamellarins, whose polyheterocyclic system has a pyrrole core, are the most active compounds. Some of these alkaloids are potently cytotoxic to various tumor cell lines. To date, Lam-D and Lam-H have been identified as lead compounds for the inhibition of topoisomerase I and HIV-1 integrase, respectively nuclear enzymes which are over-expressed in deregulation disorders. Moreover,these compounds have been reported for their efficacy in treatment of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tumors cells without mediated drug efflux, as well as their immunomodulatory activity and selectivity towards melanoma cell lines. This article is an overview of recent literature on lamellarins, encompassing their isolation, recent synthetic strategies for their total synthesis, the preparation of their analogs, studies on their mechanisms of action, and their structure-activity relationships (SAR).


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Immunotherapy against amyloid-β(Aβ) may improve rodent cognitive function by reducing amyloid neuropathology and is being validated in clinical trials with positive preliminary results. However, for a complete understanding of the direct and long-term immunization responses in the aged patient, and also to avoid significant side effects, several key aspects remain to be clarified. Thus, to investigate brain Aβ clearance and Th2 responses in the elderly, and the reverse inflammatory events not found in the immunized rodent, better Alzheimer"s disease (AD) models are required. In the aged familiar canine with a Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) we describe the rapid effectiveness and the full safety profile of a new active vaccine candidate for human AD prevention and treatment. In these aged animals, besidesa weak immune system, the antibody response activated a coordinated central and peripheral Aβ clearance, that rapidly improved their cognitive function in absence of any side effects. Our results also confirm the interest to use familiar dogs to develop innovative and reliable therapies for AD.


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The existence of a supramolecular organization of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is now being widely accepted by the scientific community. Indeed, GPCR oligomers may enhance the diversity and performance by which extracellular signals are transferred to the G proteins in the process of receptor transduction, although the mechanism that underlies this phenomenon still remains unsolved. Recently, it has been proposed that a trans-conformational switching model could be the mechanism allowing direct inhibition/activation of receptor activation/inhibition, respectively. Thus, heterotropic receptor-receptor allosteric regulations are behind the GPCR oligomeric function. In this paper we want to revise how GPCR oligomerization impinges on several important receptor functions like biosynthesis, plasma membrane diffusion or velocity, pharmacology and signaling. In particular, the rationale of receptor oligomerization might lie in the need of sensing complex whole cell extracellular signals and translating them into a simple computational model.


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Positive and negative reinforcing systems are part of the mechanism of drug dependence. Drugs with abuse potential may change the manner of response to negative emotional stimuli, activate positive emotional reactions and possess primary reinforcing properties. Catecholaminergic and peptidergic processes are of importance in these mechanisms. Current research needs to understand the types of adaptations that underlie the particularly long-lived aspects of addiction. Presently, glutamate is candidate to play a role in the enduring effects of drugs of abuse. For example, it participates in the chronic pathological changes of corticostriatal terminals produced by methamphetamine. At the synaptic level, a link between over-activation of glutamate receptors, [C(a2+)](i) increase and neuronal damage has been clearly established leading to neurodegeneration. Thus, neurodegeneration can start after an acute over-stimulation whose immediate effects depend on a diversity of calcium-activated mechanisms. If sufficient, the initial insult results in calcification and activation of a chronic on-going process with a progressive loss of neurons. At present, long-term effects of drug dependence underlie an excitotoxicity process linked to a polysynaptic pathway that dynamically regulates synaptic glutamate. Retaliatory mechanisms include energy capability of the neurons, inhibitory systems and cytoplasmic calcium precipitation as part of the neuron-glia interactions. This paper presents an integrated view of these molecular and cellular mechanisms to help understand their relationship and interdependence in a chronic pathological process that suggest new targets for therapeutic intervention.


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Although approximately 50% of Down Syndrome (DS) patients have heart abnormalities, they exhibit an overprotection against cardiac abnormalities related with the connective tissue, for example a lower risk of coronary artery disease. A recent study reported a case of a person affected by DS who carried mutations in FBN1, the gene causative for a connective tissue disorder called Marfan Syndrome (MFS). The fact that the person did not have any cardiac alterations suggested compensation effects due to DS. This observation is supported by a previous DS meta-analysis at the molecular level where we have found an overall upregulation of FBN1 (which is usually downregulated in MFS). Additionally, that result was cross-validated with independent expression data from DS heart tissue. The aim of this work is to elucidate the role of FBN1 in DS and to establish a molecular link to MFS and MFS-related syndromes using a computational approach. To reach that, we conducted different analytical approaches over two DS studies (our previous meta-analysis and independent expression data from DS heart tissue) and revealed expression alterations in the FBN1 interaction network, in FBN1 co-expressed genes and FBN1-related pathways. After merging the significant results from different datasets with a Bayesian approach, we prioritized 85 genes that were able to distinguish control from DS cases. We further found evidence for several of these genes (47%), such as FBN1, DCN, and COL1A2, being dysregulated in MFS and MFS-related diseases. Consequently, we further encourage the scientific community to take into account FBN1 and its related network for the study of DS cardiovascular characteristics.