4 resultados para A-RFLP
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Source: Description: pKM-19 is a 1.0 kb EcoRI human genomic fragment inserted in pUC13, that detects a Scrfl (CC/NGG) RFLP (1, 2). We report here the primer sequences suitable for the detection of this RFLP by PCR...
La detecció de soques hipovirulentes a Catalunya ha fet necessari l'estudi genètic de Cryphonectria hypovirus. Mitjançant mostrejos, es van obtenir les soques hipovirulentes i es va comprovar el seu caràcter hipovirulent mitjançant l'extracció del dsRNA. Mitjançant RT-PCR i RFLP es va estudiar la diversitat genètica de les poblacions de Cryphonectria hypovirus. En aquest estudi s'ha observat que la hipovirulència a Catalunya és encara un fenomen localitzat. D'altra banda, s'ha obervat certa diversitat genètica del hipovirus, fet que suggereix que C. hypovirus va ser introduït a Catalunya reiterades vegades. Aquestes reiterades introduccions de C. hypovirus també s'han observat a nivell parcel•lari. La majoria de les mostres pertanyen al subtipus CHV1-I, la qual cosa significa que és d'esperar un increment de la presència del hipovirus a les masses, en ser aquest subtipus el més adequat per dispersar en el medi. S'han detectat altres soques amb patrons RFLP encara no descrits, que podrien pertànyer a altres subtipus. Per tant, s'hauria de fer un estudi genètic més detallat d'aquestes mostres. D'altra banda, hi ha certa diversitat de GCVs associada a les soques amb l'hipovirus. Aquest fet podria suggerir que els GCVs presents a Catalunya tenen una bona capacitat per transmetre el virus o bé seria una altra evidència que C. hypovirus ha estat introduït reiteradament a Catalunya. Finalment s'ha detectat una zona especialment interessant amb diversitat de hipovirus i amb hipovirus encara no descrits, així com soques que podrien pertànyer a CHV1-E. Això suggereix que a la zona podria haver encara més diversitat del hipovirus i per tant podria ser interessant realitzar-hi nous mostreigs.
Bacteria are highly diverse and drive a bulk of ecosystem processes. Analysis of relationships between diversity and single specific ecosystem processes neglects the possibility that different species perform multiple functions at the same time. The degradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) followed by respiration is a key bacterial function that is modulated by the availability of DOC and the capability to produce extracellular enzymes. In freshwater ecosystems, biofilms are metabolic hotspots and major sites of DOC degradation. We manipulated the diversity of biofilm forming communities which were fed with DOC differing in availability. We characterized community composition using molecular fingerprinting (T-RFLP) and measured functioning as oxygen consumption rates, the conversion of DOC in the medium, bacterial abundance and the activities of five specific enzymes. Based on assays of the extracellular enzyme activity, we calculated how the likelihood of sustaining multiple functions was affected by reduced diversity. Carbon source and biofilm age were strong drivers of community functioning, and we demonstrate how the likelihood of sustaining multifunctionality decreases with decreasing diversity
We describe the distribution and the ecology of three Armillaria species observed in silver fir (Abies alba) forests of the Pyrenees. We surveyed the presence and abundance of Armillaria above and belowground in 29 stands. Isolates were identified by the PCR-RFLP pattern of the IGS-1 region of their ribosomal DNA. We measured several ecological and management parameters of each stand in order to describe Armillaria infected sites. Armillaria cepistipes was the most abundant of three species observed. Armillaria gallica was dominant in soils with a higher pH and at lower elevations. Armillaria ostoyae seemed to be more frequent in stands where A. alba recently increased its dominance relative to other forest tree species. Thinning activities correlated with an increased abundance of Armillaria belowground. In 83% of the stands the same Armillaria species was observed above and belowground. It seems that in a conifer forest, A. cepistipes can be more frequent than A. ostoyae, a virulent conifer pathogen. Since logging is related to a higher abundance of Armillaria in the soil, the particular Armillaria species present in a given stand could be considered an additional site factor when making management decisions.