15 resultados para 94-34

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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El projecte de recerca “Església, poder i societat als comtats catalans d'origen carolingi (877-1010)” contempla l'estudi de l'Església catalana del segle X en tots els seus vessants: com a estructura formada per diferents institucions (seus episcopals, cenobis, parròquies i esglésies-oratoris); com a conjunt de persones (clergues i laics que participen de diferent manera i amb diferent implicació dels afers eclesiàstics); en relació al poder polític-administratiu dels comtats catalans (comtes, vescomtes, senyors i altres delegats del poder i la justícia); com en relació amb els aspectes socioeconòmics i d'ordenació territorial (la gran massa de camperols, l'acaparament de terres per part dels grans propietaris, l'articulació d'un sistema de rendes, els vincles entre persones de diferents rangs, la compartimentació d'un espai creixent). Observem, doncs, que l'Església catalana altmedieval resta present en tots els àmbits de la vida i que el seu estudi permet, de retruc, un coneixement més profund i rigorós de la societat. Tot això, contextualitzat durant el segle X, a cavall entre dos períodes ben estudiats i que en ocasions l'han ennuvolat. El segle X és un període privilegiat per a l'estudi d'un bon nombre de dinàmiques polítiques, socials, econòmiques i culturals que demostren que aquesta centúria tenia una personalitat pròpia i que la posen en rellevància respecte als temps anteriors i posteriors. La historiografia tradicional altmedieval catalana tendeix a buscar l'origen dels canvis socials, institucionals i polítics, de la Catalunya medieval, en dos moments concrets: el món carolingi o els anys immediatament posteriors al canvi de mil•lenni. No obstant això, l'augment de fonts històriques, el millor coneixement dels conceptes i de les institucions i l'apropament a la història mitjançant nous enfocaments i paradigmes, permet visualitzar el segle X com a moment de continuació, però també de naixement de situacions prou importants com per a no ser negligides.


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L’objectiu del projecte final titulat Shostakovich i el violí és l’estudi de la vida, el context històric i l’obra del cèlebre compositor rus Dmitri Shostakovich, parant una especial atenció en dues de les seves composicions: el Concert per a violí núm. 1 opus 77 i els Preludis per a piano opus 34 (arranjats per a violí i piano per Dmitri Tsyganov). La metodologia usada en l’elaboració del treball ha consistit en la recerca d’informació a través de biografies de Shostakovich, reculls de les seves memòries, records de persones pròximes al compositor, articles i cartes publicades per ell, així com estudis o anàlisis de les seves obres musicals. La conclusió extreta és que l’obra de Shostakovich està íntimament lligada amb el context històric en el qual va viure, és a dir, amb la seva època, tal com es pot apreciar tant en la seva escriptura com en el contingut emocional de les seves obres.


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Aquest treball té com a objecte l’estudi de la responsabilitat extracontractual a la jurisprudència del Tribunal Suprem. Primerament, s’analitza doctrinalment i jurisprudencial l’ambigu sistema de responsabilitat civil avui en dia establert per la legislació espanyola. A continuació es contraposa aquest amb l’aplicació de la responsabilitat objectiva, teoria que ha anat envaint poc a poc àmbits que abans li eren vedats. Finalment, s’exposen algunes reflexions i conclusions sobre les conseqüències que aquests canvis interpretatius i normatius han tingut pel sistema de responsabilitat aquiliana.


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Objective: To analyse whether bone mineral density (BMD) assessment is required in postmenopausal women presenting with low trauma vertebral fracture. Methods: Women with vertebral fracture diagnosed over a 10 year period were recruited from our database. The following were excluded: (a) patients with high energy trauma; (b) patients with malignancies; (c) patients with a metabolic bone disease other than osteoporosis. All postmenopausal women were included in whom BMD had been evaluated at both the lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual energy x ray absorptiometry during the six months after the diagnosis. Patients with a potential cause of osteoporosis other than age and menopause were not considered. A total of 215 patients were identified. Results: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 65.9 (6.9) years. BMD at the lumbar spine was 0.725 (0.128) g/cm2 and the T score was ¿2.94 (1.22); BMD at the femoral neck was 0.598 (0.095) g/cm2 and the T score was ¿2.22 (0.89). The BMD of the patients was significantly lower than that of the general population at both the lumbar spine and femoral neck. When the lowest value of the two analysed zones was considered, six patients (3%) showed a normal BMD, 51 (23.5%) osteopenia, and 158 (73.5%) osteoporosis. The prevalence of osteoporosis at the femoral neck increased with age; it was 25% in patients under 60, 35% in patients aged 60¿70, and 60% in patients over 70. Conclusion: These results indicate that bone densitometry is not required in postmenopausal women with clinically diagnosed vertebral fractures if it is performed only to confirm the existence of a low BMD.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS/METHODS During hepatic vein catheterisation, in addition to measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), iodine wedged retrograde portography can be easily obtained. However, it rarely allows correct visualisation of the portal vein. Recently, CO2 has been suggested to allow better angiographic demonstration of the portal vein than iodine. In this study we investigated the efficacy of CO2 compared with iodinated contrast medium for portal vein imaging and its role in the evaluation of portal hypertension in a series of 100 patients undergoing hepatic vein catheterisation, 71 of whom had liver cirrhosis. RESULTS In the overall series, CO2 venography was markedly superior to iodine, allowing correct visualisation of the different segments of the portal venous system. In addition, CO2, but not iodine, visualised portal-systemic collaterals in 34 patients. In cirrhosis, non-visualisation of the portal vein on CO2 venography occurred in 11 cases; four had portal vein thrombosis and five had communications between different hepatic veins. Among non-cirrhotics, lack of portal vein visualisation had a 90% sensitivity, 88% specificity, 94% negative predictive value, and 83% positive predictive value in the diagnosis of pre-sinusoidal portal hypertension. CONCLUSIONS Visualisation of the venous portal system by CO2 venography is markedly superior to iodine. The use of CO2 wedged portography is a useful and safe complementary procedure during hepatic vein catheterisation which may help to detect portal thrombosis. Also, lack of demonstration of the portal vein in non-cirrhotic patients strongly suggests the presence of pre-sinusoidal portal hypertension.


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To assess the diagnostic usefulness of temporal artery biopsy in temporal arteritis (TA) and establish clinical features capable of predicting its positivity we have retrospectively studied the biopsy specimens and the clinical features of 103 patients who had undergone temporal artery biopsy. Temporal artery biopsy reached a positive predictive value of 90.2% with respect to the final diagnosis based on the criteria proposed by Ellis and Ralston and the clinical course. The simultaneous presence of recent onset headache, jaw claudication, and abnormalities of the temporal arteries on physical examination had a specificity of 94.8% with respect to the histological diagnosis and of 100% with respect to final diagnosis. The presence of any of these clinical features, though of little specificity (34.4%), had a sensitivity of 100% with respect to histological diagnosis, selecting a group of patients in whom temporal artery biopsy has more discriminative value.


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We used high-resolution swath-bathymetry data to characterise the morphology of the abandoned subaqueous Sol de Riu delta lobe in the Ebro Delta, Western Mediterranean Sea. This study aims to assess the influence of an abandoned delta lobe on present-day coastal dynamics in a micro-tidal environment. Detailed mapping of the relict Sol de Riu lobe also showed a set of bedforms interpreted as footprints of human activities: seasonal V-shaped depressions on the middle shoreface due to boat anchoring and old trawling marks between 16 and 18 m water depth. Estimations of the mobility of bottom sediment showed that the shallowest shoreface (i.e. less than 7 m depth) is the most dynamic part of the relict lobe, while the middle shoreface experienced significant morphological changes since the lobe was abandoned. The deepest shoreface (i.e. water depth in excess of 15 m), which corresponds to the front of the lobe, is defined by a very small potential for morphological change. Simulations showed that while the relict lobe does not significantly affect the typical short period waves (Tp ≈4 s) in the study area, it does interfere with the most energetic wave conditions (Tp ≥ 7 s) acting as a shoal leading to the concentration of wave energy along the shoreline northwest of the lobe. The consequence of such modification of the high-energy wave propagation pattern by the relict lobe is an alteration of the wave-induced littoral sediment dynamics with respect to a situation without the lobe.


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El present projecte té per objecte definir les obres necessàries per a la millora del Camí del Santuari de Santa Orosia a Cortillas, situat a la zona de Sobrepuerto al T.M. de Yebra de Basa, a l’Alto Gállego, Osca.El camí parteix dels prats de Santa Orosia amb una cota de 1580,40 m i finalitza al pk 6+800,09 al poble de Cortillas amb una cota de 1391,34 m. Es preveu un temps d’execució de 94 dies i el pressupost d’execució per contracta ascendeix a la quantitat de 397.457,96 €.


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Objetivo general: Determinar los indicadores de incidencia y prevalencia de úlceras por presión en tobillo-pie en lesionados medulares ingresados. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico controlado de 549 lesionados medulares, durante 48 meses. Resultados: La incidencia promedio de pacientes con UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado fue de: 1"178 pac./mes. La incidencia promedio de UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado fue de: 1"789 UPP-TP/mes. La prevalencia promedio de pacientes con UPP-TP de todo el periodo estudiado, respecto al total de pacientes fue de: 7"75%. La prevalencia promedio de todo el periodo de las UPP-TP, respecto al total de UPP fue de: 39"28%. La prevalencia promedio de todo el periodo estudiado de las UPP-TP, respecto al total de heridas (UPP+Traumáticas) fue de: 24"39%. Todos los pacientes crónicos con UPP-TP presentaban LM completa, por tanto ningún pac. crónico incompleto presento UPP-TP. Un 39"66% (23 pac.) presentaron más de 1 lesión. El 47"72% de las UPP-TP se presentaron en talón y un 19"32 en maléolo ext, siendo respectivamente las zonas de mayor localización de las lesiones. Un 13"63% de las UPP-TP se presentaron en dedos a pesar de la no deambulación de estos y de los 6 pac. que tuvieron la lesión en 1º dedo 4 pac. padecieron onicocriptosis. En el 19"23% (5 pac.) de los pac. crónicos sus UPPTP presentaron estadio IV, 3 pac. la presentaron en su domicilio y 2 pac. en ULM. El 25"86% de los pac. cicatrizaron sus lesiones dentro del 1º mes. Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta que el 29"30% de los pacientes, la incidencia de su UPP-TP, tuvo origen en el domicilio habitual, que de estos el 94% eran crónicos con LM completa y que el 34"48% del total de pacientes afectos de UPP-TP del estudio fueron dados de alta a su domicilio sin la curación de su úlcera, es notoria la importancia del seguimiento domiciliario de proximidad, la educación sanitaria de pacientes y familiarescuidadores, así como el uso de guías clínicas preventivas en nuestra asistencia podológica, especialmente en pacientes con lesión medular completa.


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Macrofossil analysis of a composite 19 m long sediment core from Rano Raraku Lake (Easter Island)was related to litho-sedimentary and geochemical features of the sediment. Strong stratigraphical patterns are shown by indirect gradient analyses of the data. The good correspondence between the stratigraphical patterns derived from macrofossil (Correspondence Analysis) and sedimentary and geochemical data (Principal Component Analysis) shows that macrofossil associations provide sound palaeolimnological information in conjunction with sedimentary data. The main taphonomic factors in fluencing the macrofossil assemblages are run-off from the catchment, the littoral plant belt, and the depositional environment within the basin. Five main stages during the last 34,000 calibrated years BP (cal yr BP) are characterised from the lithological, geochemical, and macrofossil data. From 34 to 14.6 cal kyr BP (last glacial period) the sediments were largely derived from the catchment, indicating a high energy lake environment with much erosion and run-off bringing abundant plant trichomes, lichens, and mosses into the centre of Raraku Lake.


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to combine clinical results from the European Cohort of the REVERSE study and costs associated with the addition of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with mild symptomatic (NYHA I-II) or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction and markers of cardiac dyssynchrony in Spain. Methods: A Markov model was developed with CRT + OMT (CRT-ON) versus OMT only (CRT-OFF) based on a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis. Raw data was derived from literature and expert opinion, reflecting clinical and economic consequences of patient"s management in Spain. Time horizon was 10 years. Both costs (euro 2010) and effects were discounted at 3 percent per annum. Results: CRT-ON showed higher total costs than CRT-OFF; however, CRT reduced the length of hospitalization in ICU by 94 percent (0.006 versus 0.091 days) and general ward in by 34 percent (0.705 versus 1.076 days). Surviving CRT-ON patients (88.2 percent versus 77.5 percent) remained in better functional class longer, and they achieved an improvement of 0.9 life years (LYGs) and 0.77 years quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). CRT-ON proved to be cost-effective after 6 years, except for the 7th year due to battery depletion. At 10 years, the results were 18,431 per LYG and 21,500 per QALY gained. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed CRT-ON was cost-effective in 75.4 percent of the cases at 10 years. Conclusions: The use of CRT added to OMT represents an efficient use of resources in patients suffering from heart failure in NYHA functional classes I and II.