21 resultados para 502
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We analyze a continuous-time bilateral double auction in the presence of two-sided incomplete information and a smallest money unit. A distinguishing feature of our model is that intermediate concessions are not observable by the adversary: they are only communicated to a passive auctioneer. An alternative interpretation is that of mediated bargaining. We show that an equilibrium using only the extreme agreements always exists and display the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of (perfect Bayesian) equilibra which yield intermediate agreements. For the symmetric case with uniform type distribution we numerically calculate the equilibria. We find that the equilibrium which does not use compromise agreements is the least efficient, however, the rest of the equilibria yield the lower social welfare the higher number of compromise agreements are used.
El "Lecciones de Historia Natural", publicat a Barcelona l'any 1820, és considerat el primer llibre de text sobre història natural original i publicat en llengua castellana. El seu autor, Agustí Yàñez, fou un personatge molt conegut de la societat barcelonina de la primera meitat del segle XIX i una peça principal en el desenvolupament de l'ensenyament universitari de la farmàcia i en la difusió de la ciència a la societat. L'estudi del seu llibre de text i el d'altres fonts permeten copsar com s'ensenyava la història natural al Col·legi de farmàcia de Barcelona en aquell període.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. El treball pretén analitzar les causes que motiven el fenomen d’invasió de formigues l’espècie Linepithema humile d’algunes zones de l’illa de Menorca. Així, es planteja la pregunta sobre si l’espècie invasora és més competitiva que l’espècie autòctona Aphaenogaster senilis, i si és així en quines circumstàncies, o si, per contra, simplement la invasió és conseqüència d’un canvi de medi que ha afavorit l’espècie invasora. En una primera part és contextualitza la matèria basantse en una recerca bibliogràfica. En la part pràctica s’han seleccionat àmbits concrets del comportament de les formigues i, mitjançant observacions fetes en cada una de les dues espècies, se n’han comparat els resultats. Així, trobem el camp del reclutament on, mitjançant un esquer, s’observa la manera que cada espècie se’l menja o se l’emporta cap al niu, cosa que mostra la forma d’aprofitar els recursos de les formigues. A més, també hi ha observacions sobre l’activitat tant diària com nocturna d’ambdues espècies, la seva distribució geogràfica i la dieta. En definitiva, l’èxit de l’espècie invasora està íntimament lligat a l’alteració humana dels ecosistemes. Malgrat això, hi ha diferències evidents entre les dues espècies, ja que, malgrat la clara frontera que separa zones ocupades per l’espècie invasora i zones ocupades per l’autòctona, les característiques de totes dues espècies han jugat un paper fonamental a l’hora de confinar l’espècie autòctona a un medi concret i fer-la desaparèixer d’ambients alterats per l’home on la Linepithema humile es mostra clarament com una competidora més eficient.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. S’explica el procès de treball que ha comportat l’ edició d’ un DVD sobre el canvi climàtic amb l’objectiu de conscienciar els joves dels seus efectes.
Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Lund, Sweden, between May and September 2007. A landscape-scale research approach has been highlighted by a growing body of literature as essential for understanding important ecosystem services as biological control. Aphids are victims of a diversity of enemies making the aphid-enemy interaction a nice example for the role of enemy diversity for the functioning of biological control. Here it is examined the effects of landscape complexity on cereal aphids and associated natural enemies that varied in the degree of specialization. Parasitoids wasps abundance did not differ between landscape types but was strongly negatively related to the percentage of arable land. In contrast, abundances of generalist predators like Coccinellidae were significantly higher in simple landscapes since can benefit from the high availability of a variety of alternative resources within cropping systems. Consequently coccinellidae-to-aphid ratio was significantly higher in fields in homogenous landscapes as compared to fields included in an heterogeneous landscape, suggesting that enemy pressure on cereal aphids increases with landscape simplification. The landscape effect will depend mainly on the degree of specialization of functionally dominant natural enemies, so that the results imply that conservation actions aiming to optimise abundance for one taxonomic group in the agricultural landscape will not automatically increase abundance of other groups. Given that the strength of natural enemy impact on biocontrol depends on landscape features and the role of functionally dominant natural enemies. So, therefore it is essential to focus the future empirical work in examining the schedule of agricultural landscapes that maintain a diversity of generalist and specialist natural enemies.
El present projecte pretén donar una visió de la situació actual de la tortuga mediterrània (Testudo hermanni hermanni) a Catalunya, incloent un estudi més exhaustiu del cas del Garraf. Aquesta subespècie, que segons el registre fòssil es present a Catalunya des del neolític, troba actualment espais com la Serra del Montsant, l’Albera, el delta de l’Ebre o el Massís de Garraf, hàbitats potencials per al seu desenvolupament. En el cas del Garraf, dels resultats obtinguts, cal destacar l’alt grau de desconeixença que els visitants del Parc tenen sobre la tortuga mediterrània, i es per això, que cal portar a terme un programa d’educació ambiental, amb efectes també de reduir el número d’espolis d’exemplars, que s’estima en 4 exemplars a l’any. Altres factors com els incendis o les depredacions també són factors importants en el declivi de les poblacions.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és estudiar el grau de fidelitat al model especificat que manté el codi generat automàticament per l'eina CASE Poseidon Professional for UML. Concretament, estudiarem el codi que es genera en Java i SQL mitjançant un diagrama de classes determinat.
The main instrument used in psychological measurement is the self-report questionnaire. One of its majordrawbacks however is its susceptibility to response biases. A known strategy to control these biases hasbeen the use of so-called ipsative items. Ipsative items are items that require the respondent to makebetween-scale comparisons within each item. The selected option determines to which scale the weight ofthe answer is attributed. Consequently in questionnaires only consisting of ipsative items everyrespondent is allotted an equal amount, i.e. the total score, that each can distribute differently over thescales. Therefore this type of response format yields data that can be considered compositional from itsinception.Methodological oriented psychologists have heavily criticized this type of item format, since the resultingdata is also marked by the associated unfavourable statistical properties. Nevertheless, clinicians havekept using these questionnaires to their satisfaction. This investigation therefore aims to evaluate bothpositions and addresses the similarities and differences between the two data collection methods. Theultimate objective is to formulate a guideline when to use which type of item format.The comparison is based on data obtained with both an ipsative and normative version of threepsychological questionnaires, which were administered to 502 first-year students in psychology accordingto a balanced within-subjects design. Previous research only compared the direct ipsative scale scoreswith the derived ipsative scale scores. The use of compositional data analysis techniques also enables oneto compare derived normative score ratios with direct normative score ratios. The addition of the secondcomparison not only offers the advantage of a better-balanced research strategy. In principle it also allowsfor parametric testing in the evaluation
Actualment a la nostra societat estan molt de moda els grans temes. Ens agrada parlar i criticar sobre grans esdeveniments, sobre fets que ens commouen encara que sigui per un període de temps determinat i de curta durada. Això sí, no sempre la magnitud de la importància que li donem (a través sobretot dels mitjans de comunicació) és la importància real. Grans temes com el futbol, els personatges mediàtics que mouen el dia a dia de la nostra societat... i, des de fa no gaire, el canvi climàtic. Des de fa ja molt de temps, petits grups socials ens han estat alertant sobre un possible canvi en les temperatures de la Terra que tindrien efectes en molts aspectes de la nostra vida diària en un futur no gaire llunyà. Però no ha estat fins que les persones realment influents en el planeta s’han preocupat per, aparentment, donar una cobertura especialment mediàtica al tema que la gent ha començat a despertar. Tot i així, la frivolitat amb la que es tracta fa pensar que és una altra d’aquelles modes que comentàvem abans: tal vegada quan la gent se’n cansi, tot tornarà a ser com abans. I en aquesta onada d’impulsos que ens mouen avui dia, cal destacar altres aspectes socials, com ara la immigració, la seguretat, el treball...i l’habitatge. Aquest últim és un dels temes dels darrers anys que més preocupen a la gent del carrer. I no es tracta precisament d’una moda passatgera. Tant és així que la classe política actual centra bona part dels seus discursos en aquest aspecte. És a dir, si fem convergir dos dels grans temes que avui dia estan a primera línia d’actualitat, ens dóna com a resultat el tema del nostre treball: els habitatges sostenibles. No pretenem donar cap solució a l’encariment dels preus dels pisos, ja que no és l’objecte del nostre estudi. Les nostres motivacions inicials són completament diferents: com que no podem incidir en el principal problema que és el preu, intentem disminuir el consum i fomentar l’estalvi en energies que permetin una reducció de la despesa en els subministraments de les famílies.
Sap la gent quin és el model de recollida selectiva porta a porta? Ajuda aquest sistema a la preservació del medi ambient o es tracta simplement d’un mite? Això és el que ens vam preguntar nosaltres a l’inici del treball. Aquest model s’aplica des del mes de novembre del 2008 a Palau-solità i Plegamans, un municipi del Vallès Occidental. A partir de l’estudi d’aquest cas pràctic hem volgut analitzar la viabilitat d’aquest sistema i la seva acceptació social. Comprovarem que aquest sistema és deficitari i que els impostos juguen un paper molt important en el finançament del sistema actual.Un altre objectiu és comparar el sistema porta a porta que hi ha actualment amb el que es va proposar en l’anterior legislatura, basat en la divisió del poble en dues zones amb models de recollida diferents. Concretament, ens interessa saber si va ser una bona idea canviar de sistema i, tal com veurem més endavant, la resposta és afirmativa.També volem saber si aquest model es podria aplicar a altres municipis amb densitat i poblacions diferents. A través d’aquest treball, veurem que la densitat de la població és un dels factors més importants, malgrat que influeixen altres elements (per exemple, l’acceptació social).
The Maximum Capture problem (MAXCAP) is a decision model that addresses the issue of location in a competitive environment. This paper presents a new approach to determine which store s attributes (other than distance) should be included in the newMarket Capture Models and how they ought to be reflected using the Multiplicative Competitive Interaction model. The methodology involves the design and development of a survey; and the application of factor analysis and ordinary least squares. Themethodology has been applied to the supermarket sector in two different scenarios: Milton Keynes (Great Britain) and Barcelona (Spain).
The size, growth and spawning characteristics of pompano dolphin (N=150) and common dolphinfish (N=36) caught off the Canary Islands between May and September 1995 and between July and September 1996 were examined. Fork length (FL) of pompano dolphin was in the range 28.3-62.8 cm. In 1995, the mean length increased significantly from June to September. However, in 1996, the mean length was significantly larger in July than in September. The overall length-weight relationship was W=0.0287*FL2.774 (r=0.97), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.031*FL2.758 (r=0.98) and W=0.0282*FL2.776 (r=0.97), for males and females respectively. Spawning takes place at the beginning of the Summer (June-July). All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, but females showed a higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =3.10±1.73), and decreased progressively towards the end of the season (September), when the average of this index was x- = 1.86±0.87. Similarly, the condition index decreased significantly from June to September. The proportion of females was always significantly higher than males, except in July 1996 when it was 1:1. There was a high correspondence between growth rates determined by annuli scale interpretation and modal progression analysis. According to scale annuli interpretation, the individuals caught showed more than five age classes. However, there are doubts about age assignation from scales. Fork length of common dolphinfish was in the range of 76.5-103.0 cm. The length-weight relationships obtained for all the specimens caught was W=0.00095FL3.527 (r=0.96), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.00398FL3.222 (r=0.94) and W=0.01656FL2.873 (r=0.91), for males and females respectively. Spawning probably takes place at the beginning of the Summer. All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, although the GSI of females were higher than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =5.50±2.17). In the same way, the condition index decreased from May to June. The proportion of females was always slightly higher than males (1:1.4), but the ratio was not significantly different from 1:1
Objectives: We undertook a systematic literature review as a background to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations for conducting clinical trials in anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody associated vasculitis (AAV), and to assess the quality of evidence for outcome measures in AAV. Methods: Using a systematic Medline search, we categorised the identified studies according to diagnoses. Factors affecting remission, relapse, renal function and overall survival were identified. Results: A total of 44 papers were reviewed from 502 identified by our search criteria. There was considerable inconsistency in definitions of end points. Remission rates varied from 30% to 93% in Wegener granulomatosis (WG), 75% to 89% in microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) and 81% to 91% in Churg¿Strauss syndrome (CSS). The 5-year survival for WG, MPA and CSS was 74¿91%, 45¿76% and 60¿97%. Relapse (variably defined) was common in the first 2 years but the frequency varied: 18% to 60% in WG, 8% in MPA, and 35% in CSS. The rate of renal survival in WG varied from 23% at 15 months to 23% at 120 months. Methods used to assess morbidity varied between studies. Ignoring the variations in definitions of the stage of disease, factors influencing remission, relapse, renal and overall survival included immunosuppressive therapy used, type of organ involvement, presence of ANCA, older age and male ender. Conclusions: Factors influencing remission, relapse, renal and overall survival include the type of immunosuppressive therapy used, pattern of organ involvement, presence of ANCA, older age and male gender. Methodological variations between studies highlight the need for a consensus on terminology and definitions for future conduct of clinical studies in AAV.
About sixty small water bodies (coastal lagoons, marshes, salt pans, channels, springs, etc.) of the Spanish Mediterranean coast were sampled seasonally for one year (1979-1980), in order to study different aspects of their chemical composition. The concentrations of major ions (alkalinity, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), nutrients (N.NO-3, N.NO2-, TRP and Si), oxygen and pH were determined for this purpose. The salt concentrations measured range between 0.4 and 361.3 g l-1. The samples have been divided into four classes of salinity (in g l-1): Cl, S < 5; C2, 5 40. Within these classes, the pattern of ionic dominance recorded is remarkably constant and similar to that found in most coastal lagoons (Cl- > So42- > Alk., for the anions, and Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+, for the cations), although other models occur especially in the first class. The dominance of Na+ and Cl-, as well as the molar ratios Mg2+/Ca2+ and Cl- / SO42- ,clearly increase from class Cl to class C4. The hyperhaline waters include different subtypes of the major brine type"c",, of EUGSTER & HARDIE (1978), the Na+ - (Mg2+) - Cl- - (SO42-) being the most frequent. Nutrient concentrations fall within a wide range (N.NO3 from 0.1 to 1100 mg-at 1-1; PRT from 0.01 to 23.56 mg-at l-1 and Si from 1.0 to 502.0 mg-at l-1). The oxygen values are very variable too, ranging between 0 and 14.4 ml l-1. Four different patterns of nutrient distribution have been distinguished based on the mean concentrations of N.NO3-, and TRP (mean values in mg-at l-1): A, N.NO3- < 10, TRP > l ; B, N.NO3- > 100, TRP < 1; C, 10 < N.NO3- < 100, TRP < 1; C, D, N.NO3- < 10, TRP < 1. As a rule, lagoons of low salinity (C1 and C2 classes) display the nutrient pattern C, and lagoons of high salinity (C3 and C4) show the nutrient pattern D. Model A only appears in waters of very low salinity, whereas model B does not seem to be related to salinity.