10 resultados para 424
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
L'estàndard MPEG-1 Layer III va ser creat fa poc més de 10 anys i en aquest curt espai de temps ha revolucionat el fins aleshores estable món de la música. El fet de poder comprimir tota una cançó en uns pocs 'megues' (3 o 4) sense una pèrdua apreciable de qualitat i la proliferació d'ordinadors connectats a Internet va fer que el tràfic de fitxers en aquest format col·lapsés més d'un servidor. Per això, no és estrany que apareguessin autèntiques col·leccions de fitxers musicals en format MP3 procedents de les fonts més variades. Aquest fet (la diversitat de les fonts) i la variabilitat entre els diferents codificadors fa que el volum del so d'aquests fitxers disti molt de ser semblant. I això és precisament el que procura aconseguir aquest projecte: fer que tota col·lecció de fitxers MP3 soni igual de fort.
We explore the role of corporate insiders vs. firms as traders of last resort. We develop a simple model of insider trading in which insiders provide price support, as well as liquidity, in security markets. Consistent with the model predictions we find that in the US markets insiders trading activities have a clear impact on return distributions. Furthermore, we provide empirical evidence on insiders transactions and firm transactions affecting returns in a different manner. In particular, while insiders transactions (both purchases and sales) have a strong impact on skewness in the short run and to a lesser extent in short run volatility, company repurchases only have a clear impact on volatility, both in the short and the long run. We provide explanations for this asymmetry.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a population living in central and southern Portugal, all treated at Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Study Design: This study was a retrospective review of all patients who had a histopathological diagnosis of SCC of the anterior two thirds of the tongue and had been treated in the Head and Neck Surgery Unit at the IPOLFG (Lisbon, Portugal), between 1st January 2001 and 31st December 2009. The risk factors evaluated were: gender; age; alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prosthesis use and the carcinoma site. Results: Of the 424 cases analysed, 71% were men. Mean age of occurrence was in 5th decade for males and the 6th decade for females, and the border of the tongue was the most common location. Alcohol consumption and tobacco had a lower impact in women, being the most common aetiological factors in the male population. No significant association was observed between patients and the use of a prosthesis. Conclusions: In spite of the consumption of aohol and tobacco starting to decline in certain parts of the world, our findings showed both factors still have a significant impact in male population. Further research should be done to determine aetiological factors in females.
Objetivo: Describir la incidencia de la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común (ITcc) y profesional (ITcp) iniciada en 2009 en afiliados a la Seguridad Social (SS) que forman parte de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laboral.Métodos: Cohorte formada por 873.008 afiliados a la SS en España que registraron 163.008 episodios de IT con un tiempo acumulado total en riesgo de 675.923,6 trabajadores-año. Se estimó la tasa de incidencia de todos los primeros episodios de IT y por trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) según variables demográficas y laborales. Posteriormente se calcularon las razones de tasas crudas (RTc) y ajustadas (RTa) mediante un modelo de regresión Poisson.Resultados: La incidencia de la ITcc e ITcp fue de 23,1 y 1,0 casos por 100 trabajadores-año, respectivamente. La incidencia por ITcc fue superior en mujeres, en menores de 26 años y en Navarra (32,8 casos por 100 trabajadores-año), y por ITcp las mayores incidencias se observaron en hombres y en Galicia. Por diagnóstico, los TME presentaron 424,7 casos y 3,6 casos por 10.000 trabajadores-año según contingencia común y profesional respectivamente. Por otra parte, los trabajadores temporales tuvieron más riesgo de desarrollar ITcp (RTa=1,09;IC95%=1,04-1,15) e ITcc (RTa=1,02;IC95%=1,01-1,03) respecto a los permanentes.Conclusiones: La incidencia de la IT sigue un mismo patrón según edad, régimen de afiliación y relación laboral. Por tipo de contingencia se observaron diferencias en la ocupación, sexo, tamaño de empresa, comunidad autónoma y actividad económica. Es necesario estudiar con más detenimiento las diferencias observadas por actividad económica y tipo de relación contractual.
Background: Declining physical activity is associated with a rising burden of global disease. There is little evidence about effective ways to increase adherence to physical activity. Therefore, interventions are needed that produce sustained increases in adherence to physical activity and are cost-effective. The purpose is to assess the effectiveness of a primary care physical activity intervention in increasing adherence to physical activity in the general population seen in primary care. Method and design: Randomized controlled trial with systematic random sampling. A total of 424 subjects of both sexes will participate; all will be over the age of 18 with a low level of physical activity (according to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ), self-employed and from 9 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC). They will volunteer to participate in a physical activity programme during 3 months (24 sessions; 2 sessions a week, 60 minutes per session). Participants from each PHC will be randomly allocated to an intervention (IG) and control group (CG). The following parameters will be assessed pre and post intervention in both groups: (1) health-related quality of life (SF-12), (2) physical activity stage of change (Prochaska's stages of change), (3) level of physical activity (IPAQ-short version), (4) change in perception of health (vignettes from the Cooperative World Organization of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of Family Physicians, COOP/WONCA), (5) level of social support for the physical activity practice (Social Support for Physical Activity Scale, SSPAS), and (6) control based on analysis (HDL, LDL and glycated haemoglobin).Participants' frequency of visits to the PHC will be registered over the six months before and after the programme. There will be a follow up in a face to face interview three, six and twelve months after the programme, with the reduced version of IPAQ, SF-12, SSPAS, and Prochaska's stages. Discussion: The pilot study showed the effectiveness of an enhanced low-cost, evidence-based intervention in increased physical activity and improved social support. If successful in demonstrating long-term improvements, this randomised controlled trial will be the first sustainable physical activity intervention based in primary care in our country to demonstrate longterm adherence to physical activity. Trial Registration: A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Developed by the National Library of Medicine. ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT00714831.
The effect of caponisation on fat composition by parts (wing, breast, thigh, and drumstick) and tissues (skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, intermuscular adipose tissue and muscle) was examined in the present study and fatty acid profiles of abdominal fat and edible meat by parts and tissue components were determined. The sample was made up of twenty-eight castrated and twenty male Penedesenca Negra chicks reared under free-range conditions and slaughtered at 28 wk of age; the birds were castrated at four or eight weeks. Caponisation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the chemical fat content in all parts (16.31% to 37.98% in breast; 21.98% to 34.13% in wing; 21.09% to 49.57% in thigh; 14.33% to 24.82% in drumstick) and led to minor modifications in fat haracteristics, particularly in the thigh and the drumstick, where the unsaturated vs. saturated fatty acid ratio increased from 1.31 to 1.76 ( P < 0.01) and from 1.48 to 2.07 (P < 0.01), respectively. Delaying the age of castration from 4 to 8 weeks increased this ratio by 0.35 in the edible meat. Even though the profile of the abdominal fat is less saturated in capons, all changes occurring on fat quality after caponisation indicate that increased fatness after castration does not imply worse fat nutritional properties.
This study was carried to develop functions that could explain the growth of Oxalis latifolia, in both early stages and throughout the season, contributing to the improvement of its cultural control. Bulbs of the Cornwall form of O. latifolia were buried at 1 and 8 cm in March 1999 and 2000. Samples were destructive at fixed times, and at each time the corresponding BBCH scale codes as well as the absolute number of growing and adult leaves were noted. Using the absolute number of adult leaves (transformed to percentages), a Gaussian curve of three parameters that explains the growth during the season (R2=0.9355) was developed. The BBCH scale permitted the fit of two regression lines that were accurately adjusted for each burial depth (R2=0.9969 and R2=0.9930 respectively for 1 and 8 cm). The best moment for an early defoliation in Northern Spain could be calculated with these regression lines, and was found to be the second week of May. In addition, it was observed that a burial depth of 8 cm does not affect the growing pattern of the weed, but it affects the number of leaves they produce, which decreases to less than a half of those produced at 1 cm.
Se ha estudiado la toxicidad del regulador del crecimiento de insectos (RCI) ciro- macina sobre el parasitoide Encarsia tricolor Foérster. Ciromacina se incluye en la Categoría 1 de la clasificación de la OILB/SROP (producto inocuo) si se mide en términos de reducción de la fecundidad la reducción de la capacidad beneficiosa que produce. Sin embargo, se incluye en la Categoría 2 (ligeramente dañino) si esta reducción se mide en términos de la reducción del número de adultos de la descendencia. El tratamiento con ciromacina a la concentración recomendada aumentó significativamente la mortalidad de huevos y larvas de E. tricolor, hasta un 55% en el caso de larvas jóvenes. Considerando estos resultados, se sugiere que cuando se trata de un RCI, la medida de la reducción de la capacidad beneficiosa que produce debe realizarse de modo diferente al utiizado con los plaguicidas "clásicos".
La situación actual del mercado y del sector de las nuevas tecnologías genera la necesidad de que las marcas y las empresas, se comuniquen como entes sociales y a través de medios como las aplicaciones móviles. En este artículo se describe un análisis basado en la valoración de los usuarios de aplicaciones móviles.