129 resultados para Herrera, Matilde
Estudi centrat en la caracterització de la població de peresosos (Choloepus Hoffmanni i Bradypus variegatus) d’INBioparque (Costa Rica) per tal de donar continuïtat al projecte de Casalé i Delclòs, 2010. S’ha determinat en 15 el nombre d’individus amb els que compta el parc i que les seves estructures poblacionals s’han vist alterades degut a la disminució d’individus respecte al 2010. S’han definit diferències significatives en la localització dels individus, essent els més freqüentats els hàbitats de bosc V.Central i bosc Humit, i detectat una gran variabilitat d’espècies arbòries tant ingerides com freqüentades, destacant el gènere Cecròpia. Pel que fa als registres d’activitat, tot hi la gran variabilitat i diferències entre espècies i sexes, és majoritàriament nul·la. També s’ha estudiat la població d’Iguana iguana com a limitadora de la població de peresosos d’INBioparque, sense obtenir uns resultats que permetin assegurar cap tipus de competència interespecífica.
The genome of the bladderwort Utricularia gibba provides an unparalleled opportunity to uncover the adaptive landscape of an aquatic carnivorous plant with unique phenotypic features such as absence of roots, development of water-filled suction bladders, and a highly ramified branching pattern. Despite its tiny size, the U. gibba genome accommodates approximately as many genes as other plant genomes. To examine the relationship between the compactness of its genome and gene turnover, we compared the U. gibba genome with that of four other eudicot species, defining a total of 17,324 gene families (orthogroups). These families were further classified as either 1) lineage-specific expanded/contracted or 2) stable in size. The U. gibba-expanded families are generically related to three main phenotypic features: 1) trap physiology, 2) key plant morphogenetic/developmental pathways, and 3) response to environmental stimuli, including adaptations to life in aquatic environments. Further scans for signatures of protein functional specialization permitted identification of seven candidate genes with amino acid changes putatively fixed by positive Darwinian selection in the U. gibba lineage. The Arabidopsis orthologs of these genes (AXR, UMAMIT41, IGS, TAR2, SOL1, DEG9, and DEG10) are involved in diverse plant biological functions potentially relevant for U. gibba phenotypic diversification, including 1) auxin metabolism and signal transduction, 2) flowering induction and floral meristem transition, 3) root development, and 4) peptidases. Taken together, our results suggest numerous candidate genes and gene families as interesting targets for further experimental confirmation of their functional and adaptive roles in the U. gibba's unique lifestyle and highly specialized body plan.
[cat] Els quatre textos que composen aquesta taula rodona tracten, des de diverses perspectives metodològiques les aportacions més recents en geografia humana de teoria i metodologia. [spa] Los cuatro textos que componen esta mesa redonda tratan, desde diversas perspectivas metodológicas las aportaciones más recientes en geografía humana de teoría y metodología. [eng] The four texts of this round table presents, from different methodological standpoints the most recent methodological and theoretical contributions in human geography
Species structure and composition in Mediterranean riparian forests are determined by hydrological features, longitudinal zonation, and riverbank topography. This study assesses the distribution of four native riparian plants along the riverbank topographic gradient in three river stretches in southern Spain, with special emphasis on the occupation of adult and young feet of each species. The studied stretches suffered minimal human disturbances, displayed semi-arid conditions, and had wide riparian areas to allow the development of the target species: black alder (Alnus glutinosa), salvia leaf willow (Salix salviifolia), narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia), and oleander (Nerium oleander). Thalweg height was used to define the riverbank topographic gradient. The results showed a preferential zone for black alder and salvia leaf willow in the range of 0-150 cm from the channel thalweg, with adult alders and willows being more common between 51 and 150 cm and young alders being more common under 50 cm. Conversely, narrow-leafed ash and oleander were much more frequent, and showed greater development, in the ranges of 151-200 cm and 201-250 cm, respectively, whereas the young feet of both species covered the entire topographic range. Adult feet of the four species were spatially segregated along the riverbank topographic gradient, indicating their differential ability to cope with water stress from the non-tolerant alders and willows to more tolerant narrow-leafed ash trees and oleanders. Young feet, however, showed a strategy more closely linked to the initial availability of colonisation sites within riparian areas to the dispersion strategy of each species and to the distribution of adult feet. In Mediterranean areas, where riparian management has traditionally faced great challenges, the incorporation of species preferences along riverbank gradients could improve the performance of restoration projects.
Pla de comunicació extern i de xarxes socials de la Biblioteca del Campus del Baix Llobregat (BCBL).
El present projecte realitza una anàlisi de les claus criptogràfiques utilitzades en bitcoin. El projecte introdueix les nocions bàsiques necessàries de les corbes el·líptiques, la criptografia de corbes el·líptiques i els bitcoins per a realitzar l’anàlisi. Aquesta anàlisi consisteix en explorar el codi de diferents wallets bitcoin i realitzar un estudi empíric de l’aleatorietat de les claus. Per últim, el projecte introdueix el concepte de wallet determinista, el seu funcionament i alguns dels problemes que presenta.
El bitcoin és una moneda virtual descentralitzada que es basa en la criptografia per al seu correcte funcionament. S’utilitza la criptografia en diversos processos de la moneda: creació de comptes, validació de transaccions, generació de moneda, etc. La mineria és el procés mitjançant el qual les transaccions són validades i a la vegada també és el procés amb el qual es genera nova moneda. Aquest projecte està centrat en l’anàlisi d’aquest procés.
An efficient approach for organizing large ad hoc networks is to divide the nodesinto multiple clusters and designate, for each cluster, a clusterhead which is responsible forholding intercluster control information. The role of a clusterhead entails rights and duties.On the one hand, it has a dominant position in front of the others because it manages theconnectivity and has access to other node¿s sensitive information. But on the other hand, theclusterhead role also has some associated costs. Hence, in order to prevent malicious nodesfrom taking control of the group in a fraudulent way and avoid selfish attacks from suitablenodes, the clusterhead needs to be elected in a secure way. In this paper we present a novelsolution that guarantees the clusterhead is elected in a cheat-proof manner.
Performance of symmetric and asymmetriccryptography algorithms in small devices is presented. Both temporaland energy costs are measured and compared with the basicfunctional costs of a device. We demonstrate that cryptographicpower costs are not a limiting factor of the autonomy of a deviceand explain how processing delays can be conveniently managedto minimize their impact.