784 resultados para Girona (Catalonia)


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Between late spring and early fall, the development of storms is common in Catalonia. Despite the fact that they usually produce heavy showers of short duration, they can also involve severe weather with ice pellets or hail. While the latter usually affect inland regions, and there are numerous publications on these cases; the analysis of events affecting the coast and causing damage to public and private properties is not so well developed. The aim of this study is to provide additional thermodynamic indicators that help differentiate storms with hail from storms without hail, considering cases that have affected various regions of Catalonia, mainly coastal areas. The aim is to give more information to improve prognosis and the ability to detail information in these situations. The procedure developed involved the study of several episodes of heavy rainfall and hail that hit Catalonia during the 2003-2009 period, mainly in the province of Girona, and validated the proposal during the campaign of late summer and fall of 2009, as well as 2012. For each case, several variables related to temperature, humidity and wind were analyzed at different levels of the atmosphere, while the information provided by the radio sounding in Barcelona was also taken into account. From this study, it can be concluded that the temperature difference between 500 hPa and 850 hPa, the humidity in the lower layers of the atmosphere and the LI index are good indicators for the detection of storms with associated hail.


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The main objective of this Master Thesis is to discover more about Girona’s image as a tourism destination from different agents’ perspective and to study its differences on promotion or opinions. In order to meet this objective, three components of Girona’s destination image will be studied: attribute-based component, the holistic component, and the affective component. It is true that a lot of research has been done about tourism destination image, but it is less when we are talking about the destination of Girona. Some studies have already focused on Girona as a tourist destination, but they used a different type of sample and different methodological steps. This study is new among destination studies in the sense that it is based only on textual online data and it follows a methodology based on text-miming. Text-mining is a kind of methodology that allows people extract relevant information from texts. Also, after this information is extracted by this methodology, some statistical multivariate analyses are done with the aim of discovering more about Girona’s tourism image


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Aquest article vol mostrar que la industrialització de Catalunya també va ser important a les comarques properes a la ciutat de Girona, especialment a la vall d’Anglès, ja que en aquesta població es conserva el vapor Burés, una màquina de vapor del principi del segle XX en molt bon estat. L'article es presenta en un to divulgador amb ànim de provocar anàlisis mes rigoroses dels temes tractats. En aquest sentit, l'apartat de la descripció tècnica del vapor Burés pretén estimular el seu estudi amb mes profunditat. Finalment, es fan un seguit de propostes, des de ben simples fins a mes agosarades, que caldria tenir en compte per avançar en una bona proposta d'ús públic dels elements patrimonials relacionats amb el vapor Burés


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This master thesis presents a research on the analysis of film tourism stakeholders in Catalonia applying the network analysis approach. The research aims to provide an analysis of the relations between local tourism stakeholders with local film offices through their websites. Therefore, the development of the present work involved the review of literature on the themes of film tourism and network analysis. Then the main stakeholders of film and tourism of Catalonia were identified and their websites analyzed. The measures indicators for network analysis such as centrality, closeness and betweenness degree have been applied on the analysis of the websites to determine the extent of the relations of film and tourism stakeholders in Catalonia. Results and conclusions are presented on the referred sections


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és “analitzar quina és la imatge turística que el segon tipus d’agents inductius encoberts projecten de la demarcació de Girona”. En aquest estudi, la mostra es concentra en els viatges de premsa que el Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona va registrar durant l’any 2010. Mitjançant els resultats en paper i web que els periodistes han publicat posteriorment al viatge de premsa, es pot esbrinar quina és la imatge que aquest tipus d’agents fan arribar als turistes potencials sobre la demarcació de Girona. En aquest cas, s’han exclòs els resultats dels viatges de premsa audiovisuals perquè requeria un altre tipus de metodologia més especifica


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Rural depopulation and abandonment of farming activities have resulted in an intense transformation of the characteristic landscapes of Mediterranean mountains. A dynamic characterized by an intense process of expansion of forested cover in detriment to livestock and agricultural areas. This process, which produces effects such as biodiversity and cultural heritage loss and contributes to the spread of wildfires, can be mapped, quantified and described with high accuracy through the means of digital mapping, geographic information systems and landscape indexes. But what is the perception and valuation of these changes by the stakeholders involved in the management of these territories? This article attempts to answer this question in the protected area of Alta Garrotxa (Girona), where a strong correlation between landscape dynamics and their perception by the stakeholders is revealed. On the other hand, the valuation and future prospects produce diverse and often contradictory points of views that illustrate the existing difficulties to management


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és “analitzar quina és la imatge turística que el segon tipus d’agents inductius encoberts projecten de la demarcació de Girona”. En aquest estudi, la mostra es concentra en els viatges de premsa que el Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona va registrar durant l’any 2010. Mitjançant els resultats en paper i web que els periodistes han publicat posteriorment al viatge de premsa, es pot esbrinar quina és la imatge que aquest tipus d’agents fan arribar als turistes potencials sobre la demarcació de Girona. En aquest cas, s’han exclòs els resultats dels viatges de premsa audiovisuals perquè requeria un altre tipus de metodologia més especifica


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Anàlisi empírica de la imatge turística de la ciutat de Girona que transmeten els agents orgànics mitjançant els blogs d’Internet i, a partir d’aquí, deducció de quina és la imatge percebuda pels turistes potencials


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In the region of Alt Empordà (Girona), olive groves historically shaped a landscape of high economic value, cultural and environmental although since mid-twentieth century is in sharp decline. One of the municipalities located on the edge of the plana altoampurdanesa that best exemplify this process of abandonment and near disappearance of that crop is Navata. This article analyzes the changes in the olive grove of this municipality in the period 1957-2004, both through the development of mapping land use and land cover level of detail as the analysis of data sources and oral exercise that makes emphasizes the loss of 90% of the existing olive grove in the middle of last century. The frost of February of 1956 was one of the main causes, but not unique. However, both the importance of the olive groves as an identity and conservation of biodiversity as the differential nature of the oil obtained from varieties natives to the area (especially argudell), justify the need to promote policies that will help your recovery


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Este artículo propone el enfoque contextual como nuevo marco de estudio de las inundaciones históricas. El enfoque contextual tiene su origen en la reflexión geográfica sobre los riesgos naturales iniciada en la escuela geográfica norteamericana hace ya más de medio siglo y pone especial énfasis en la dimensión humana de estos fenómenos definida geográfica e históricamente, sin olvidar los aspectos físicos de las inundaciones en el territorio objeto de estudio. En una primera parte del presente artículo se describen los niveles de análisis y componentes que componen el estudio de las inundaciones histórica5 desde el enfoque contextual. La segunda parte es una aplicación del enfoque contextual al caso de la ciudad de Girona


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Articles que estudia la transformació experimentada pels propietaris rurals de les comarques gironines durant el segle XX i, sobretot, durant els darrers cinquanta o seixanta anys


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En un entorno de crisis económica como el actual, la internacionalización abre posibilidades al sector turístico para ayudar a mantener y aumentar su competitividad. A partir del análisis del contexto en el que se encuentra el sector turístico de Girona, esta investigación analiza las oportunidades y amenazas de su entorno así como las principales fortalezas y debilidades del sector para formular una estrategia óptima de internacionalización. El estudio plantea diferentes estrategias corporativas, competitivas y funcionales para la internacionalización que han de permitir el crecimiento y la cooperación de las empresas del sector turístico y destaca las principales áreas de actuación para maximizar la productividad de los recursos y habilidades disponibles. Aunque se analiza el caso específico de las comarcas de Girona, las conclusiones pueden ser extensibles a otros destinos similares, destinos maduros, masificados y con un elevado papel del turismo estacional vinculado al sol y la playa


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Tourists do not follow random behavior in heritage cities, but they are consciously or unconsciously guided by socially constructed itineraries. This article studies the shaping of these itineraries in a heritage city (Girona), using the direct observation methodology during the visit (following the tourists from a prudent distance and gathering all the information about their visits) and the conventional questionnaire at the end of the visit. It also establishes which the sociodemographic, environmental and informative factors are that explain this behavior. The simultaneous use of the observation method and a questionnaire was found to be a useful technique for analyzing tourists' behavior and the factors that explain this behavior


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This article is based on the presentation of the results of a study made in the city of Girona, with the objective to determinethe perceived image of the historical center. The article as much emphasizes the general image of the city that perceives the tourists,like the most particular image. Also, it is analyzed the different sight seens from the old city and the degree of interest of each oneis determined


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La formación y enseñanza en materia turística en España ha sufrido, en el último lustro, importantes cambios con el fin de adaptar estosestudios a las necesidades reales de uno de los sectores económicos más productivos de nuestro país. Esta evolución no ha sido ajena a las necesidades informativas y documentales tanto de alumnos como de docentes y profesionales que trabajan en dicha materia. En este artículo se analiza la evolución de la Biblioteca de Turismo de la EOTGC (Escola Oficial de Turisme de la Generalitat de Catalunya) desde su creación hasta su plena integración en la estructura universitaria de la Universidad de Girona, así como una reflexión sobre su rol actual y de futuro