125 resultados para Foster, Sue
L"article primer de la Convenció de Drets de l"Infant (Nacions Unides, 20 de novembre de 1989) entén per infant tota persona des del seu naixement fins als divuit anys d"edat. El preàmbul d"aquest text jurídic, entre altres aspectes molt importants, reafirma «la necessitat de proporcionar als infants la cura i l"assistència especials a causa de la seva vulnerabilitat».
The thesis or hypothesis of this paper is that the multiple connections of explicit andimplicit life styles foster the construction of hybrid, multiple or complex identities. Wemean by hybrid identities the confluence of multiple identifications in the personalbiography. If the globalization and cultural diversity are the fundamental forms ofglobal life, the mobility is its principal ingredient. We describe different cultural traitsin Chiapas. Internet, migration to United States, or the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA), between North America, Canada, and Mexico, were hybridizedwith the heterogeneity of identity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious). It is discussed thesocial and political consequences of the hybrid contemporary societies
Research on residential care is still scarce despite its high implementation in Spain. This article presents the results of a research using qualitative methods. The study analyses the situation experienced by young people who lived in foster care in the province of Girona (1994-2002) based on their opinions and perceptions expressed in a semi-structured interview. The results, clustered into subcategories, show lack of knowledge about the reasons why they needed foster care, if it was better being there than staying with their parents, and the lack of support for transition to adulthood. The study shows implications for children and youth policies, professional practice and research
Aquest treball es proposa reflexionar, des de la mirada de l’ètica aplicada, al voltant de dues qüestions centrals: la demora en els estudis-diagnòstics dels infants en mesura d'acolliment d’Urgència i Diagnòstic, i la incertesa que contenen una bona part de les mesures de protecció que s'acorden posteriorment. Una i altra qüestió poden tenir, en una hipòtesi inicial, conseqüències de gravetat considerable, que afectarien tant els infants - la vida dels quals quedaria fàcilment condicionada pel tipus de decisió que es prengui en aquests moments-, les seves famílies i les famílies acollidores, com, en últim extrem, el propi sistema de protecció. Això, deixant de banda la violència interna que poden arribar a generar en els i les professionals. Però també, des d'una mirada menys conseqüencialista, les dues qüestions tenen a veure amb una forma determinada d'entendre i d'atendre la vulnerabilitat extrema d'aquests infants. Fer-ho be significarà que acollir-lo ara donarà resposta a la necessitat immediata d’atenció i de cura; que respondrem a la seva vulnerabilitat amb les millors condicions possibles. També significarà respondre, en clau de futur, al seu dret a una vida digna, arrelada, estable i en igualtat d'oportunitats
Educational system and equal opportunities for young people in care: Recent studies in the UK. Publications on research about formal educational itineraries of people who were cared for by the social protection public systems when they were children are scarce, and restricted to a few countries. In recent years, statistics from some European countries have been published, showing that the young people who were cared for are overrepresented in practically all the clusters of people that accumulate indicators of social disadvantage, and it has therefore been argued that they can be considered one of the groups of population with the highest risk for social exclusion. In the present review, the emergence of new data and research results in some European countries —particularly in the United Kingdom, where the fact that less than 5% of this population reaches university studies has been underlined— is tentatively contextualised. Although the extent to which current available data can be extrapolated to other contexts and countries is yet unclear, such results raise important challenges for social intervention and social policies, as well as for psychosocial research, in all countries of the European space