151 resultados para Drets humans -- Congressos


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Amino acid tandem repeats, also called homopolymeric tracts, are extremely abundant in eukaryotic proteins. To gain insight into the genome-wide evolution of these regions in mammals, we analyzed the repeat content in a large data set of rat-mouse-human orthologs. Our results show that human proteins contain more amino acid repeats than rodent proteins and that trinucleotide repeats are also more abundant in human coding sequences. Using the human species as an outgroup, we were able to address differences in repeat loss and repeat gain in the rat and mouse lineages. In this data set, mouse proteins contain substantially more repeats than rat proteins, which can be at least partly attributed to a higher repeat loss in the rat lineage. The data are consistent with a role for trinucleotide slippage in the generation of novel amino acid repeats. We confirm the previously observed functional bias of proteins with repeats, with overrepresentation of transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins. We show that genes encoding amino acid repeats tend to have an unusually high GC content, and that differences in coding GC content among orthologs are directly related to the presence/absence of repeats. We propose that the different GC content isochore structure in rodents and humans may result in an increased amino acid repeat prevalence in the human lineage.


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La creativitat és un estudi transversal relacionat amb la producció i el potencial depensament i acció divergent de les persones. Els models explicatius han emfasitzat els aspectes genètics, ambientals, combinats, de personalitat o cognitius per a donar explicació d’un recurs que forma part de les competències necessàries per a qualsevol mestre. Com a valor és especialmentnecessari en àmbits educatius i de recerca perquè fa avançar el coneixement. Les artssón un espai valuós per a desenvolupar la creativitat de les persones i dels grups humans. Es presenten un seguit de tècniques per desenvolupar la creativitat així com eines i instruments de mesura de la mateixa.


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La creativitat és un estudi transversal relacionat amb la producció i el potencial depensament i acció divergent de les persones. Els models explicatius han emfasitzat els aspectes genètics, ambientals, combinats, de personalitat o cognitius per a donar explicació d’un recurs que forma part de les competències necessàries per a qualsevol mestre. Com a valor és especialmentnecessari en àmbits educatius i de recerca perquè fa avançar el coneixement. Les artssón un espai valuós per a desenvolupar la creativitat de les persones i dels grups humans. Es presenten un seguit de tècniques per desenvolupar la creativitat així com eines i instruments de mesura de la mateixa.


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En la primera, s'explica molt resumidament com s’aborda el coneixement d’un fenomen com el TEH des de la vessant de l’anàlisi. En la segona part s'exposa les dades vinculades a les intervencions que el cos de Mossos d’Esquadra ha efectuat en els darrers anys en l’àmbit del TEH.


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Una víctima és una persona que acaba de patir un afrontament brutal, sobtat i inesperat amb la mort o amb la degradació de la seva integritat psíquica i física. Aquesta experiència la viu amb el trencament de la falsa creença que el món és segur i que tot és controlable (“això no em passarà mai a mi”).


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Es presenta la llista de congressos en les que més han participat els autors del CBL ordenat per centres. Si el centre no apareix vol dir que els congressos en el que han participat els seus autors no están buidats a l’SCOPUS.


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TOP MANTA = conseqüències socials (Informe Confecom febrer 2013) afirma que hi ha (1)Criminalitat organitzada (2)Competència deslleial per comerciants; (3) Pèrdua de llocs de treball als sectors corresponents; (4) Engany al consumidor; (5) Ocupació il·legal de via pública; (6) Frau fiscal; (7) Situació de privació dels venedors (majoritàriament Sudsaharians); (8) Incapacitat per desenvolupar altres feines; (9) Explotació venedors; (10) Vulneració de drets de propietat intelectual i industrial


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We hypothesized that platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent inflammatory mediator, could induce gas exchange abnormalities in normal humans. To this end, the effect of aerosolized PAF (2 mg/ml solution; 24 micrograms) on ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships, hemodynamics, and resistance of the respiratory system was studied in 14 healthy, nonatopic, and nonsmoking individuals (23 +/- 1 [SEM]yr) before and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 15, and 45 min after inhalation, and compared to that of inhaled lyso-PAF in 10 other healthy individuals (24 +/- 2 yr). PAF induced, compared to lyso-PAF, immediate leukopenia (P < 0.001) followed by a rebound leukocytosis (P < 0.002), increased minute ventilation (P < 0.05) and resistance of the respiratory system (P < 0.01), and decreased systemic arterial pressure (P < 0.05). Similarly, compared to lyso-PAF, PaO2 showed a trend to fall (by 12.2 +/- 4.3 mmHg, mean +/- SEM maximum change from baseline), and arterial-alveolar O2 gradient increased (by 16.7 +/- 4.3 mmHg) (P < 0.02) after PAF, because of VA/Q mismatch: the dispersion of pulmonary blood flow and that of ventilation increased by 0.45 +/- 0.1 (P < 0.01) and 0.29 +/- 0.1 (P < 0.04), respectively. We conclude that in normal subjects, inhaled PAF results in considerable immediate VA/Q inequality and gas exchange impairment. These results reinforce the notion that PAF may play a major role as a mediator of inflammation in the human lung.


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We hypothesized that platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent inflammatory mediator, could induce gas exchange abnormalities in normal humans. To this end, the effect of aerosolized PAF (2 mg/ml solution; 24 micrograms) on ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships, hemodynamics, and resistance of the respiratory system was studied in 14 healthy, nonatopic, and nonsmoking individuals (23 +/- 1 [SEM]yr) before and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 15, and 45 min after inhalation, and compared to that of inhaled lyso-PAF in 10 other healthy individuals (24 +/- 2 yr). PAF induced, compared to lyso-PAF, immediate leukopenia (P < 0.001) followed by a rebound leukocytosis (P < 0.002), increased minute ventilation (P < 0.05) and resistance of the respiratory system (P < 0.01), and decreased systemic arterial pressure (P < 0.05). Similarly, compared to lyso-PAF, PaO2 showed a trend to fall (by 12.2 +/- 4.3 mmHg, mean +/- SEM maximum change from baseline), and arterial-alveolar O2 gradient increased (by 16.7 +/- 4.3 mmHg) (P < 0.02) after PAF, because of VA/Q mismatch: the dispersion of pulmonary blood flow and that of ventilation increased by 0.45 +/- 0.1 (P < 0.01) and 0.29 +/- 0.1 (P < 0.04), respectively. We conclude that in normal subjects, inhaled PAF results in considerable immediate VA/Q inequality and gas exchange impairment. These results reinforce the notion that PAF may play a major role as a mediator of inflammation in the human lung.


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El 2010 la cosmètica va generar un volum de negoci de 5.200 milions a Espanya.


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Un nou estudi conclou que els gossos observen les persones quan no se n"adonen amb l"objectiu d"intuir i valorar quines són les seves actituds


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Reproducció digital del document original


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Recent single-cell studies in monkeys (Romo et al., 2004) show that the activity of neurons in the ventral premotor cortex covaries with the animal's decisions in a perceptual comparison task regarding the frequency of vibrotactile events. The firing rate response of these neurons was dependent only on the frequency differences between the two applied vibrations, the sign of that difference being the determining factor for correct task performance. We present a biophysically realistic neurodynamical model that can account for the most relevant characteristics of this decision-making-related neural activity. One of the nontrivial predictions of this model is that Weber's law will underlie the perceptual discrimination behavior. We confirmed this prediction in behavioral tests of vibrotactile discrimination in humans and propose a computational explanation of perceptual discrimination that accounts naturally for the emergence of Weber's law. We conclude that the neurodynamical mechanisms and computational principles underlying the decision-making processes in this perceptual discrimination task are consistent with a fluctuation-driven scenario in a multistable regime.