136 resultados para Cultural integration
In this paper we use a gravity model to study the trade performance of French and Spanishborder regions relatively to non-border regions, over the past two decades. We find that,controlling for their size, proximity and location characteristics, border regions trade onaverage between 62% and 193% more with their neighbouring country than other regions,and twice as much if they are endowed with good cross border transport infrastructures.Despite European integration, however, this trade outperformance has fallen for the mostperipheral regions within the EU. We show that this trend was linked in part to a shift in the propensity of foreign investors to move their affiliates from the regions near their home market to the regions bordering the EU core.
With the beginning of the European Monetary Union (EMU), euro-area sovereign securities¿ adjusted spreads over Germany (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) experienced an increase that caused a lower than expected decline in borrowing costs. The objective of this paper is to study what explains that rising. In particular, if it took place a change in the price assigned by markets to domestic (credit risk and/or market liquidity) or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence supports the idea that a change in the market value of liquidity occurred with the EMU. International and default risk play a smaller role
The recent death of the art historian motives this approach to his works. Gombrich studies connected art with many other fields of human knowledge. In this article the author focused the Gombrich conception of the relationship between art and cultural history.
This article describes the ways in which cotton goods were commercialised during the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth. Several national cases are analysed: Britain, as the Workshop of the World; France, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as core economies; and Italy and Spain as countries on the European periphery. The main question that we address is why some cotton industries vertically integrated their production and commercialisation processes, but others did not. We present a model that combines industrial district size and product differentiation to explain why vertical integration was present in most cases and why there was vertical specialisation in Lancashire and Lowell.
The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration
In this paper we estimate, analyze and compare the term structures of interest rates in six different countries over the period 1992-2004. We apply the Nelson-Siegel model to obtain the term structures of interest rates at weekly intervals. A total of 4,038 curves are estimated and analyzed. Four European Monetary Union countries¿Spain, France, Germany and Italy¿are included. The UK is also included as a European non-member of the Monetary Union. Finally the US completes the analysis. The goal is to determine the differences in the shapes of the term structure of interest rates among these countries. Likewise, we can determine the most usual term structure shapes that appear for each country.*****
La present recerca s’emmarca doncs, a l’eix 3 definit pel Pacte Nacional per a la Immigració (PNI), sobre la integració de la nova població catalana i de la societat d’acollida en una cultura pública comuna, mantenint la cohesió social. Entenem la integració com un procés dinàmic d’apropament i empatia recíprocs entre la persona migrada i la societat d’acollida, fet que suposa el reconeixement dels valors de cada grup en la seva diferència i en la seva igualtat per tal d’ enriquir al conjunt social. Apostem per la integració des d’un enfocament intercultural de diàleg i intercanvi, on el reconeixement de la condició de ciutadania, és indispensable i, ha de permetre tenir presents totes les dimensions de la integració: estructural, cognitiva i cultural, social i de la identitat (Martínez, 2006). Aquest repte es tradueix en la construcció de la ciutadania des de la diversitat ètnica i cultural avançant així cap a una autèntica interculturalitat. Es parteix d’un concepte d’integració bidireccional, dinàmic i continu, entre els joves migrats i la resta, coincideix totalment amb el que reconeix el PNI. La finalitat d’aquesta recerca és identificar els elements clau de l’estat actual de la integració dels joves migrats a Catalunya, per això cal definir tant els elements constitutius com els entramats del procés de la integració d’aquesta joventut al context català. La metodologia serà un estudi per enquesta, amb una mostra de 3000 joves de Catalunya. L’estudi descriptiu es complementarà amb grups de discussió de joves i entrevistes a agents socials i educatius implicats en l’acompanyament a aquests joves. Plantegem, per tant, un estudi descriptiu-comprensiu, que combina el treball sobre dades quantitatives i dades qualitatives en funció de l’objecte a valorar, sota una lògica de complementarietat (Bericat, 1998). En l’estudi per enquesta, s’aplicarà el “Qüestionari de cohesió social entre joves” elaborat per Palou (2009). Per l’aproximació qualitativa, es faran grups de discussió amb joves per analitzar en profunditat la seva realitat; i finalment, es faran entrevistes en profunditat a agents socials i educatius. El rigor metodològic permetrà que aquesta anàlisi en profunditat tingui per fruit línies clares per a elaborar propostes afavoridores per la convivència i la cohesió social.La integració a una cultura pública comuna (objectiu clau del PNI i el Pla de ciutadania i immigració 2009-2012) passa per l'Administració més propera a les persones (en aquest cas, els joves migrats i migrades del municipi), a través de les polítiques de ciutadania per a la joventut. Els resultats del present projecte pretenen orientar propostes d’actuació en aquest nivell, bé sigui en clau d’acollida i coneixement de la llengua i l’entorn com d’integració al teixit social i associatiu del barri o municipi.Més enllà de la política pública local, l’aplicabilitat del projecte que es presenta també troba un altre encaix en les polítiques educatives de Catalunya i, més concretament, en el Pla per a la llengua i la cohesió social. Educació i convivència intercultural (Departament d’Educació, 2007), Dins de les seves línies estratègiques, aquest Pla contempla el reforç de la xarxa estable de l’entorn escolar amb la col•laboració dels diferents serveis i recursos municipals (entitats d'àmbit social, cultural o esportiu), a través d’iniciatives com els Plans Educatius d’Entorn (PEE).
In this paper we use a gravity model to study the trade performance of French and Spanishborder regions relatively to non-border regions, over the past two decades. We find that,controlling for their size, proximity and location characteristics, border regions trade onaverage between 62% and 193% more with their neighbouring country than other regions,and twice as much if they are endowed with good cross border transport infrastructures.Despite European integration, however, this trade outperformance has fallen for the mostperipheral regions within the EU. We show that this trend was linked in part to a shift in the propensity of foreign investors to move their affiliates from the regions near their home market to the regions bordering the EU core.
With the beginning of the European Monetary Union (EMU), euro-area sovereign securities¿ adjusted spreads over Germany (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) experienced an increase that caused a lower than expected decline in borrowing costs. The objective of this paper is to study what explains that rising. In particular, if it took place a change in the price assigned by markets to domestic (credit risk and/or market liquidity) or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence supports the idea that a change in the market value of liquidity occurred with the EMU. International and default risk play a smaller role
The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration
[cat] Com afecten l’obertura comercial i financera a la volatilitat macroeconòmica? La literatura existent, tant empírica com teòrica, no ha assolit encara un consens. Aquest article usa un model microfonamentat de dos països simètrics amb entrada endògena d’empreses per estudiar-ho. L’anàlisis es du a terme per tres règims econòmics diferents amb diferents nivells d’integració internacional: una economia tancada, una autarquia financera i una integració plena. Es consideren diversos nivells d’obertura comercial, en forma de biaix domèstic de la demanda i l’economia pot patir pertorbacions en la productivitat del treball i en innovació. El model conclou que la incertesa macroeconòmica, representada principalment per la volatilitat del consum, la producció i la relació real d’intercanvi internacional, depèn del grau d’obertura i del tipus de pertorbació.
The author exposes the main research lines in the history of local culture. He briefly considers the main lines in cultural contemporary history investigation. The author studies the introduction and development of cultural history based on the concept of intellectual professional in Catalan historiography at a moment when economical and social research were preferred by a large part of local historians.
The author exposes the main research lines in the history of local culture. He briefly considers the main lines in cultural contemporary history investigation. The author studies the introduction and development of cultural history based on the concept of intellectual professional in Catalan historiography at a moment when economical and social research were preferred by a large part of local historians.