148 resultados para Cellular materials
En aquest treball presentem una revisió del jaciment ibèric de la Serra de l"Espasa (Capçanes, Priorat) a partir de l"estudi, amb criteris actualitzats, del material conservat en el Museu Salvador Vilaseca de Reus. Els resultats són contrastats amb les darreres investigacions arqueològiques desenvolupades en el curs inferior de l"Ebre. A l"últim, s"analitzen les possibles interpretacions d"aquest conjunt, en particular la hipotètica existència d"un santuari, i les seves implicacions en el procés de romanització en aquesta zona
[cat]El present treball ofereix una revisió de les pintures murals de la basílica de «Es Cap des Port» (Fornells, Menorca), així com un estudi de caracterització arqueomètrica deIs materials i tècniques per microscòpia òptica, tant amb lupa binocular com amb microscopi petrogràfic mitjançant làmina prima, difracció de raigs X i microscòpia electrònica de rastreig. Els resultats han permès identificar els pigments emprats, així com la seva tècnica d'aplicació. Igualment, han permès caracteritzar els morters i han desvelat l' existència de dos tipus diferents de suport. Malgrat aquestes diferències en els morters, els pigments són sempre els mateixos per a tots els conjunts pictòrics caracteritzats [eng] The present paper offers a revision of the wall paintings found at the early Christian church of 'Es Cap des Port' (Fornells, Menorca). Moreover, the materials and techniques employed have been archaeometrically studied by means of optical microscopy, both with steromicroscope and petrographic microscope by thin section, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results enable to identify the pigments used, as well as the techniques of application. It has also been possible to characterize the mortars, revealing the existence of two different types of support. In spite of these differences in the mortars, the pigments used are the same ones for all the studied wall paintings
Presentem en aquest treball una revalorització d' aquestjaciment a partir de I'estudi amb criteris actualitzats del material conservat en el Museu Salvador Vilaseca de Reus. Els resultats són contrastats amb les darreres investigacions arqueologiques desenvolupades en el curs inferior de I'Ebre. Per últim, s'analitzen les possibles interpretacions d'aquest conjunt, i les seves implicacions en els inicis de la iberització en aquesta zona.
[cat]El Serrat dels Espinyers constitueix, per si mateix, un punt important en el poc conegut poblament ibéric del Pallars. En el panorama arqueològic català esdevé un cas únic pel que fa a la utiliztzació dels animals en activitats rituals vinculades tant a espais funeraris com domèstics, en particular pel volum i la qualitat de les dades aportades. L'anàlisi de les restes òssies animals i d'altes materials associats han procurart un conjunt de dades que permeten establir hipòtesis sobre els comportaments rituals de la societat ibèrica que va ocupar el jaciment. D'altra banda, es posa en evidència la importància de dos tàxons: els èquids i els gossos, i la seva relació amb l'activitat econòmica que hi va poder tenir lloc. [eng]Serrat dels Espinyers is an important site within the little known Iberian culture settlement of the Pallars area in Catalonia. Regarding the use of animals in ritual activities related to both domestic and funerary spaces, the data provided by this site are unique within the Catalan archaeology. The results obtained in the analysis of animal bones and other associated materials have allowed us to establish new hypotheses about the ritual behavior in Iberian society. Moreover, the importance of two taxa: horses and dogs, has been highlighted, as well as their relationship with the economic activity that could have taken place on the site.
Materials science is a multidisciplinary research topic related to the development of physics and technology. Mechanical alloying of ribbon flakes is a two steps route to develop advanced materials. In this work, a Fe based alloy was obtained using three pathways: mechanical alloying, melt-spinning and mechanical alloying of previously melt-spun samples. Processing conditions allow us to obtain amorphous or nanocrystalline structures. Furthermore, a bibliographic revision of mechanical alloying is here presented
L’ús de materials compostos de matriu polimèrica (FRP, Fibre Reinforced Polymer) en el reforç intern d'estructures de formigó
Corrosion reduces the lifetime of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) superheater tubes more than any other cause. It can be minimized by the careful selection of those materials that are most resistant to corrosion under operating conditions. Since thousands of different materials are already known and many more are developed every year, here the selection methodology developed by Prof. Ashby of the University of Cambridge was used to evaluate the performance of different materials to be used as MSWI superheater tubes. The proposed materials can operate at steam pressures and temperatures over 40 bars and 400ºC, respectively. Two case studies are presented: one makes a balanced selection between mechanical properties and cost per thermal unit; and the other focuses on increasing tube lifetime. The balanced selection showed that AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel (wrought, hard tempered) is the best candidate with a good combination of corrosion resistance, a relatively low price (0.83-0.92 e/kg) and a good thermal conductivity (23-27 W/m K). Meanwhile, Nitronic 50/XM-19 stainless steel is the most promising candidate for longterm selection, as it presents high corrosion resistance with a relatively low price (4.86-5.14 e/kg) compared to Ni-alloys.
The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPc), a GPI-anchored protein, into a protease-K-resistant and infective form (generally termed PrPsc) is mainly responsible for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), characterized by neuronal degeneration and progressive loss of basic brain functions. Although PrPc is expressed by a wide range of tissues throughout the body, the complete repertoire of its functions has not been fully determined. Recent studies have confirmed its participation in basic physiological processes such as cell proliferation and the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Other studies indicate that PrPc interacts with several molecules to activate signaling cascades with a high number of cellular effects. To determine PrPc functions, transgenic mouse models have been generated in the last decade. In particular, mice lacking specific domains of the PrPc protein have revealed the contribution of these domains to neurodegenerative processes. A dual role of PrPc has been shown, since most authors report protective roles for this protein while others describe pro-apoptotic functions. In this review, we summarize new findings on PrPc functions, especially those related to neural degeneration and cell signaling.
Rapid manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technology based on layer-by-layer manufacturing to produce a part. This paper presents experimental work carried out to investigate the effects of scan speed, layer thickness, and building direction on the following part features: dimensional error, surface roughness, and mechanical properties for DMLS with DS H20 powder and SLM with CL 20 powder (1.4404/AISI 316L). Findings were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. According to the experimental results, build direction has a significant effect on part quality, in terms of dimensional error and surface roughness. For the SLM process, the build direction has no influence on mechanical properties. Results of this research support industry estimating part quality and mechanical properties before the production of parts with additive manufacturing, using iron-based powders
Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential in order to combat invading viruses and trigger antiviral responses. Paradoxically, in the case of HIV-1, DCs might contribute to viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes viral capture and transmission to target cells, especially after DC maturation. In this review, we highlight recent evidence identifying sialyllactosecontaining gangliosides in the viral membrane and the cellular lectin Siglec-1 as critical determinants for HIV-1 capture and storage by mature DCs and for DC-mediated trans-infection of T cells. In contrast, DC-SIGN, long considered to be the main receptor for DC capture of HIV-1, plays a minor role in mature DC-mediated HIV-1 capture and trans-infection.
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of visual loss in individuals under the age of 55. Most investigations into the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy have been concentrated on the neural retina since this is where clinical lesions are manifested. Recently, however, various abnormalities in the structural and secretory functions of retinal pigment epithelium that are essential for neuroretina survival, have been found in diabetic retinopathy. In this context, here we study the effect of hyperglycemic and hypoxic conditions on the metabolism of a human retinal pigment epithelial cell line (ARPE-19) by integrating quantitative proteomics using tandem mass tagging (TMT), untargeted metabolomics using MS and NMR, and 13C-glucose isotopic labeling for metabolic tracking. We observed a remarkable metabolic diversification under our simulated in vitro hyperglycemic conditions of diabetes, characterized increased flux through polyol pathways and inhibition of the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Importantly, under low oxygen supply RPE cells seem to consume rapidly glycogen storages and stimulate anaerobic glycolysis. Our results therefore pave the way to future scenarios involving new therapeutic strategies addressed to modulating RPE metabolic impairment, with the aim of regulating structural and secretory alterations of RPE. Finally, this study shows the importance of tackling biomedical problems by integrating metabolomic and proteomics results.
Amb el present treball es vol aprofundir en la manera que influeix l’organització d’espais, d’ambients i les característiques dels materials en el procés educatiu. A partir d’una recerca teòrica en base les necessitats educatives de la societat actual, les necessitats evolutives dels infants, i en base a l’observació i anàlisi d’escoles reggianes i catalanes referents que tenen en compte com a agent educador l’espai, els ambients i els materials, es volen reunir quines són les característiques bàsiques de l’organització dels espais, ambients i materials per garantir una educació de qualitat a l’etapa infantil (3-6).
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.