164 resultados para Agentes de software
Xerrada de cloenda de la Setmana internacional d'accés obert 2011 a la UOC, a càrrec de l'advocat Josep Jover. Per què les estratègies altruistes guanyen les egoistes en el programari lliure i en el #15m? El moviment #15m, igual que el programari, a diferència dels béns materials, no es pot posseir, ja que en pot gaudir (formant-ne part) un nombre indeterminat de persones sense que per això hagi de privar ningú de tenir-lo al seu torn. I això porta a girar com un mitjó la manera com manegen la informació les universitats, i quina és la missió de la universitat en la nova societat. En el futur immediat, valorarem les universitats no per la informació que guarden, que fora sempre serà millor i més extensa, sinó per la capacitat de crear masses crítiques, sia de recerca de coneixement, de capacitació humana, d'enllaç entre iguals... Les universitats hauran d'implantar el model o quedaran relegades.
Closing talk of the Open Access Week 2011 at the UOC, by Josep Jover. Why do altruistic strategies beat selfish ones in the spheres of both free software and the #15m movement? The #15m movement, like software but unlike tangible goods, cannot be owned. It can be used (by joining it) by an indeterminate number of people without depriving anyone else of the chance to do the same. And that turns everything on its head: how universities manage information and what their mission is in this new society. In the immediate future, universities will be valued not for the information they harbour, which will always be richer and more extensive beyond their walls, but rather for their capacity to create critical masses, whether of knowledge research, skill-building, or networks of peers... universities must implement the new model or risk becoming obsolete.
Open source is typically outside of normal commercial software procurement processes.The Challenges.Increasingly diverse and distributed set of development resources.Little/no visibility into the origins of the software.Supply Chain Comparison: Hardware vs Software.Open source has revolutionized the mobile and device landscape, other industries will follow.Supply chain management techniques from hardware are useful for managing software.SPDX A standard format for communicating a software Bill of Materials across the supply chain.Effective management and control requires training, tools, processes and standards.
The use of open source software continues to grow on a daily basis. Today, enterprise applications contain 40% to 70% open source code and this fact has legal, development, IT security, risk management and compliance organizations focusing their attention on its use, as never before. They increasingly understand that the open source content within an application must be detected. Once uncovered, decisions regarding compliance with intellectual property licensing obligations must be made and known security vulnerabilities must be remediated. It is no longer sufficient from a risk perspective to not address both open source issues.
Industry and large Agencies needs ¿agile¿ programming resources, to reinforce their own development staff and take advantage of innovative approaches produced by ¿fresh minds¿ all over the world. At the same time they may be reluctant to engage in classical software development call for tenders and contracts. Such contracts are often ¿trusted¿ by large ICT firms, which will deliver according to their own rigid frameworks (often based on alliances with proprietary software vendors), may propose comfortable quality assurances, but will cover their (real) risks and liability with high contingency costs and will charge for any change request in case the original specifications have not fixed all possible issues. Introducing FLOSS in business implies a new contracting philosophy, based on incentives rather than penalties and liability. Based on 2011 experience with a large Space Agency, Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz pictures the needed legal instruments for a novel approach.
The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) seem far from the military field but in some cases, some technologies normally used for civilian purposes may have military applications. These products and technologies are called dual-use. Can we manage to combine FOSS and dual-use products? On one hand, we have to admit that this kind of association exists - dual-use software can be FOSS and many examples demonstrate this duality - but on the other hand, dual-use software available under free licenses lead us to ask many questions. For example, the dual-use export control laws aimed at stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Dual-use export in United States (ITAR) and Europe (regulation 428/2009) implies as a consequence the prohibition or regulation of software exportation, involving the closing of source code. Therefore, the issues of exported softwares released under free licenses arises. If software are dual-use goods and serve for military purposes, they may represent a danger. By the rights granted to licenses to run, study, redistribute and distribute modified versions of the software, anyone can access the free dual-use software. So, the licenses themselves are not at the origin of the risk, it is actually linked to the facilitated access to source codes. Seen from this point of view, it goes against the dual-use regulation which allows states to control these technologies exportation. For this analysis, we will discuss about various legal questions and draft answers from either licenses or public policies in this respect.
The application of adaptive antenna techniques to fixed-architecture base stations has been shown to offer wide-ranging benefits, including interference rejection capabilities or increased coverage and spectral efficiency.Unfortunately, the actual implementation ofthese techniques to mobile communication scenarios has traditionally been set back by two fundamental reasons. On one hand, the lack of flexibility of current transceiver architectures does not allow for the introduction of advanced add-on functionalities. On the other hand, theoften oversimplified models for the spatiotemporal characteristics of the radio communications channel generally give rise toperformance predictions that are, in practice, too optimistic. The advent of software radio architectures represents a big step toward theintroduction of advanced receive/transmitcapabilities. Thanks to their inherent flexibilityand robustness, software radio architecturesare the appropriate enabling technology for theimplementation of array processing techniques.Moreover, given the exponential progression ofcommunication standards in coexistence andtheir constant evolution, software reconfigurabilitywill probably soon become the only costefficientalternative for the transceiverupgrade. This article analyzes the requirementsfor the introduction of software radio techniquesand array processing architectures inmultistandard scenarios. It basically summarizesthe conclusions and results obtained withinthe ACTS project SUNBEAM,1 proposingalgorithms and analyzing the feasibility ofimplementation of innovative and softwarereconfigurablearray processing architectures inmultistandard settings.
En el trabajo que se presenta se ha tratado de obtener muestras clínicas de onicomicosis distales única mente, para posteriormente hacerlo de onicomicosis con afectación tanto distal como total, en pacientes de la Clínica de Podología de la Universitat de Barcelona. A partir de estas muestras se procedió a aislar los hongos presentes y determinar las especies fúngicas que los afectan. Finalmente se realizó una comparación de las diferentes especies fúngicas aisladas entre las onicomicosis distales y las totales
DDM is a framework that combines intelligent agents and artificial intelligence traditional algorithms such as classifiers. The central idea of this project is to create a multi-agent system that allows to compare different views into a single one.
En esta memoria final se encuentra embebido la investigación realizada para poder generar una aplicación Web que permite registrar los procesos realizados para la producción de leche en el Cantón Cayambe de la provincia de Pichincha en Ecuador, el mismo que gracias a la ayuda del CILEC se pudo llevar a su culminación.En el primer capítulo de este documento se hace una breve introducción donde se profundiza la problemática del proyecto, así mismo se puntualiza los objetivos con los cuales se determina las directrices que dieron la guía al proyecto; en este capítulo también se topa brevemente sobre el estado del arte en el cual se puntualiza sobre los trabajos realizados hasta la actualidad.El segundo capítulo presenta el análisis realizado durante la recolección de requerimientos funcionales, deduciendo la automatización de los mismos, luego en mediante la aplicación de la metodología XP se pudo generar los diagramas que dieron el flujo del sistema. Aquí también se describe la estructura de la base de datos que se va a utilizar dentro de la aplicación. En consecución del diseño del sistema se procede a desarrollar la aplicación descrita en el tercer capítulo, donde se describe brevemente los paquetes creados y las configuraciones pertinentes, así mismo se plantea las pruebas de funcionamiento del sistema. En el cuarto capítulo se muestra los resultados de la aplicabilidad del sistema en función de los módulos determinados del sistema. Por último se expone las conclusiones como las referencias bibliográficas que se usó para el presente documento.
Quality management has become a strategic issue for organisations and is very valuable to produce quality software. However, quality management systems (QMS) are not easy to implement and maintain. The authors' experience shows the benefits of developing a QMS by first formalising it using semantic web ontologies and then putting them into practice through a semantic wiki. The QMS ontology that has been developed captures the core concepts of a traditional QMS and combines them with concepts coming from the MPIu'a development process model, which is geared towards obtaining usable and accessible software products. Then, the ontology semantics is directly put into play by a semantics-aware tool, the Semantic MediaWiki. The developed QMS tool is being used for 2 years by the GRIHO research group, where it has manages almost 50 software development projects taking into account the quality management issues. It has also been externally audited by a quality certification organisation. Its users are very satisfied with their daily work with the tool, which manages all the documents created during project development and also allows them to collaborate, thanks to the wiki features.
En esta memoria final se encuentra embebida la investigación realizada para poder generar una aplicación web que permite registrar los procesos realizados para la producción de leche en el Cantón Cayambe de la provincia de Pichincha en Ecuador.