148 resultados para programació multi nucli
This paper presents a programming environment for supporting learning in STEM, particularly mobile robotic learning. It was designed to maintain progressive learning for people with and without previous knowledge of programming and/or robotics. The environment was multi platform and built with open source tools. Perception, mobility, communication, navigation and collaborative behaviour functionalities can be programmed for different mobile robots. A learner is able to programme robots using different programming languages and editor interfaces: graphic programming interface (basic level), XML-based meta language (intermediate level) or ANSI C language (advanced level). The environment supports programme translation transparently into different languages for learners or explicitly on learners’ demand. Learners can access proposed challenges and learning interfaces by examples. The environment was designed to allow characteristics such as extensibility, adaptive interfaces, persistence and low software/hardware coupling. Functionality tests were performed to prove programming environment specifications. UV BOT mobile robots were used in these tests
Influenza vaccines are recommended for administration by the intramuscular route. However, many physicians use the subcutaneous route for patients receiving an oral anticoagulant because this route is thought to induce fewer hemorrhagic side effects. Our aim is to assess the safety of intramuscular administration of influenza vaccine in patients on oral anticoagulation therapy. Methods: Design: Randomised, controlled, single blinded, multi-centre clinical trial. Setting: 4 primary care practices in Barcelona, Spain. Participants: 229 patients on oral anticoagulation therapy eligible for influenza vaccine during the 20032004 season. Interventions: intramuscular administration of influença vaccine in the experimental group (129 patients) compared to subcutaneous administration in the control group (100 patients). Primary outcome: change in the circumference of the arm at the site of injection at 24 hours. Secondary outcomes: appearance of local reactions and pain at 24 hours and at 10 days; change in INR (International Normalized Ratio) at 24 hours and at 10 days. Analysis was by intention to treat using the 95% confidence intervals of the proportions or mean differences. Results: Baseline variables in the two groups were similar. No major side effects or major haemorrhage during the follow-up period were reported. No significant differences were observed in the primary outcome between the two groups. The appearance of local adverse reactions was more frequent in the subcutaneous administration group (37,4% vs. 17,4%, 95% confidence interval of the difference 8,2% to 31,8%). Conclusion: This study shows that the intramuscular administration route of influenza vaccine in patients on anticoagulant therapy does not have more side effects than the subcutaneous administration route
We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.
We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.
Aplicació per a dispositius mòbils usant HTML5. VFreezer és un congelador virtual que permet la gestió d'un o més congeladors i dels productes que contenen.
S'apliquen els mètodes d'optimització que ofereix el mètode matemàtic de la programació lineal i es fa una valoració sobre aquesta aplicació en l'enginyeria d'edificació mitjançant exemples de problemes proposats.
Aquest projecte final de carrera pretén realitzar la concentració parcel·lària d’una zona de 1.421,4476 hectàrees afectada per una zepa (zona especial de protecció d’aus) i que alhora és regable pel canal segarra-garrigues, al terme municipal de Tàrrega (Urgell), i més concretamente als voltants del nucli de la Figuerosa. La concentración parcel·lària és un procediment de reorganització de la propietat jurídica i pretén millorar la viabilitat económica de les explotacions, ja que moltes d’elles presenten nombroses parcel·les distribuïdes pel territorio. Alhora, la CP puposa ajustar l’estructura i dimensión de les finques i per tant els costos d’explotació dels propietaris beneficiats.
The use of contextual information in mobile devices is receiving increasing attention in mobile and ubiquitous computing research. An important requirement for mobile development today is that devices should be able to interact with the context. In this paper we present a series of contributions regarding previous work on context-awareness. In the first place, we describe a client-server architecture that provides a mechanism for preparing target non context-aware applications in order to be delivered as context-aware applications in a semi-automatic way. Secondly, the framework used in the server to instantiate specific components for context-awareness, the Implicit Plasticity Framework, provides independence from the underlying mobile technology used in client device, as it is shown in the case studies presented. Finally, proposed infrastructure deals with the interaction among different context constraints provided by diverse sensors. All of these contributions are extensions to the infrastructure based on the Dichotomic View of plasticity, which now offers multi-purpose support.
Inter-individual diet variation within populations is likely to have important ecological and evolutionary implications. The diet-fitness relationships at the individual level and the emerging population processes are, however, poorly understood for most avian predators inhabiting complex terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we use an isotopic approach to assess the trophic ecology of nestlings in a long-lived raptor, the Bonelli"s eagle Aquila fasciata, and investigate whether nestling dietary breath and main prey consumption can affect the species" reproductive performance at two spatial scales: territories within populations and populations over a large geographic area. At the territory level, those breeding pairs whose nestlings consumed similar diets to the overall population (i.e. moderate consumption of preferred prey, but complemented by alternative prey categories) or those disproportionally consuming preferred prey were more likely to fledge two chicks. An increase in the diet diversity, however, related negatively with productivity. The age and replacements of breeding pair members had also an influence on productivity, with more fledglings associated to adult pairs with few replacements, as expected in long-lived species. At the population level, mean productivity was higher in those population-years with lower dietary breadth and higher diet similarity among territories, which was related to an overall higher consumption of preferred prey. Thus, we revealed a correspondence in diet-fitness relationships at two spatial scales: territories and populations. We suggest that stable isotope analyses may be a powerful tool to monitor the diet of terrestrial avian predators on large spatio-temporal scales, which could serve to detect potential changes in the availability of those prey on which predators depend for breeding. We encourage ecologists and evolutionary and conservation biologists concerned with the multi-scale fitness consequences of inter-individual variation in resource use to employ similar stable isotope-based approaches, which can be successfully applied to complex ecosystems such as the Mediterranean.
Creació de dos prototips, un per Android i l'altre perUnity, establint les bases per a la producció d'un videojoc d'acció lateral (Beat 'em up)amb plataformes (puzles) anomenat "Ouroboros". Android és un sistema operatiu basat en Linux, designat primerament per mòbils tàctils(smartphones) i tabletes. En concret s'utilitzarà el SDK (Software Development Kit) dins del'entorn de programació Eclipse amb llenguatge Java, i les bases d'un frameworkanomenat LibGDX. Unity, en canvi, és un motor de videojocs multi-plataforma amb un entorn dedesenvolupament integrat, del que nosaltres utilitzarem la versió en Javascript.Es volen explorar les dues plataformes per tal d'esbrinar quina de les dues vies és la mésidònia de cares a la producció final d'un joc
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és traspassar totes les característiques que tenia fins ara el projecte de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en programació estructurada en PHP a programació orientada a l'objecte també en PHP, mantenint les funcionalitats i l'aspecte de la web, però millorant el reaprofitament de codi i facilitant la tasca de fer nous formularis.
La programació, en televisió, consisteix a situar els diferents espais en uns horaris d’emissió determinats segons diversos patrons que depenen, entre d’altres, dels objectius empresarials de les diferents cadenes. Els espais esmentats es poden catalogar en gèneres, que evolucionen constantment per adequar-se a les preferències de l’audiència. En aquest article, es presenta una anàlisi de la programació per gèneres de les principals cadenes de televisió en l’àmbit de Catalunya, en el període 1998-2003, segons la classificació utilitzada per Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS). Es comenten les similituds i les diferències observades en les diferents cadenes, tenint-ne en compte la titularitat i l’àmbit de cobertura.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar live CDs per tal de facilitar als alumnes de les assignatures obligatòries del Departament de Química Física que inclouen pràctiques amb ordinadors el treball fora de les aules, com a complement del realitzar durant les sessions de pràctiques.
[cat] En aquest treball introduïm la classe de "multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games", que generalitza la coneguda classe de jocs d’assignació de Böhm-Bawerk bilaterals a situacions amb un nombre arbitrari de sectors. Trobem els extrems del core de qualsevol multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game a partir d’un joc convex definit en el conjunt de sectors enlloc del conjunt de venedors i compradors. Addicionalment estudiem quan el core d’aquests jocs d’assignació és estable en el sentit de von Neumann-Morgenstern.