115 resultados para paralinguistic expressions


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Al cervell li costa entendre i generar metàfores. Comprendre el llenguatge figuratiu implica necessàriament la utilització simultània de diversos circuits neurals, que han d"extreure informació no literal a partir de paraules que tanmateix també tenen un significat concret. Per entendre aquesta facultat exclusivament humana, Nira Mashal i els seus col·laboradors, de la Universitat Ben-Ilan de Ramat Gan i del centre de salut mental Aviv-Brull de Tel Aviv, a Israel, han monitoritzat el funcionament del cervell en un grup de voluntaris mentre comprenien metàfores o expressions literals, i l"han comparat amb el de malalts d"esquizofrènia, una patologia que es caracteritza, entre altres aspectes, per la incapacitat d"entendre-les.


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El problema de la regresión simbólica consiste en el aprendizaje, a partir de un conjunto muestra de datos obtenidos experimentalmente, de una función desconocida. Los métodos evolutivos han demostrado su eficiencia en la resolución de instancias de dicho problema. En este proyecto se propone una nueva estrategia evolutiva, a través de algoritmos genéticos, basada en una nueva estructura de datos denominada Straight Line Program (SLP) y que representa en este caso expresiones simbólicas. A partir de un SLP universal, que depende de una serie de parámetros cuya especialización proporciona SLP's concretos del espacio de búsqueda, la estrategia trata de encontrar los parámetros óptimos para que el SLP universal represente la función que mejor se aproxime al conjunto de puntos muestra. De manera conceptual, este proyecto consiste en un entrenamiento genético del SLP universal, utilizando los puntos muestra como conjunto de entrenamiento, para resolver el problema de la regresión simbólica.


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The Garvey-Kelson relations (GKRs) are algebraic expressions originally developed to predict nuclear masses. In this letter we show that the GKRs provide a fruitful framework for the prediction of other physical observables that also display a slowly-varying dynamics. Based on this concept, we extend the GKRs to the study of nuclear charge radii. The GKRs are tested on 455 out of the approximately 800 nuclei whose charge radius is experimentally known. We find a rms deviation between the GK predictions and the experimental values of only 0.01 fm. This should be contrasted against some of the most successful microscopic models that yield rms deviations almost three times as large. Predictions -with reliable uncertainties- are provided for 116 nuclei whose charge radius is presently unknown.


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Un dels pilars fonamentals de totes les societats humanes que permet el seu funcionament i la cohesió dels seus membres és la capacitat d'entendre's. La comunicació entre persones s'estableix utilitzant formes verbals i no verbals a través de les paraules i també de gesticulacions, expressions facials, etc. Tots els sistemes humans de comunicació, però, presenten un alt grau d'ambigüitat pel que fa a la interpretació. Com aconseguim entendre'ns entre nosaltres? O, dit d'una altra manera, ¿de quina manera l'activitat neural del cervell contribueix a compartir el significat del que comuniquem?


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A theoretical model for the noise properties of n+nn+ diodes in the drift-diffusion framework is presented. In contrast with previous approaches, our model incorporates both the drift and diffusive parts of the current under inhomogeneous and hot-carrier conditions. Closed analytical expressions describing the transport and noise characteristics of submicrometer n+nn+ diodes, in which the diode base (n part) and the contacts (n+ parts) are coupled in a self-consistent way, are obtained


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The directional consistency and skew-symmetry statistics have been proposed as global measurements of social reciprocity. Although both measures can be useful for quantifying social reciprocity, researchers need to know whether these estimators are biased in order to assess descriptive results properly. That is, if estimators are biased, researchers should compare actual values with expected values under the specified null hypothesis. Furthermore, standard errors are needed to enable suitable assessment of discrepancies between actual and expected values. This paper aims to derive some exact and approximate expressions in order to obtain bias and standard error values for both estimators for round-robin designs, although the results can also be extended to other reciprocal designs.


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In this work we present the formulas for the calculation of exact three-center electron sharing indices (3c-ESI) and introduce two new approximate expressions for correlated wave functions. The 3c-ESI uses the third-order density, the diagonal of the third-order reduced density matrix, but the approximations suggested in this work only involve natural orbitals and occupancies. In addition, the first calculations of 3c-ESI using Valdemoro's, Nakatsuji's and Mazziotti's approximation for the third-order reduced density matrix are also presented for comparison. Our results on a test set of molecules, including 32 3c-ESI values, prove that the new approximation based on the cubic root of natural occupancies performs the best, yielding absolute errors below 0.07 and an average absolute error of 0.015. Furthemore, this approximation seems to be rather insensitive to the amount of electron correlation present in the system. This newly developed methodology provides a computational inexpensive method to calculate 3c-ESI from correlated wave functions and opens new avenues to approximate high-order reduced density matrices in other contexts, such as the contracted Schrödinger equation and the anti-Hermitian contracted Schrödinger equation


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Els humans som uns imitadors excel·lents. Som capaços d'imitar els moviments dels altres, les seves expressions i també els seus sentiments. Aquesta és la base de la literatura, la poesia, la música i el teatre, manifestacions culturals cent per cent humanes que ens fan vibrar com si allò que llegim, escoltem o veiem ho estiguéssim vivint realment nosaltres, en un procés d'imitació mental que fa que ens hi sentim reflectits [...].


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This preliminary study aims to investigate children’s ability to understand that the emotional expressions that occur in pretend play do not necessarily coincide with the emotions people feel inside. Previous research has found that children aged 4 and 6 have difficulty to distinguish between the external and the internal emotion of a character who pretends an emotion. In the present work, thirteen 4-year-olds and eight 6-year-olds were administered stories in which a character simulated an emotion. Differently from previous research, the questions addressed to the children did not focus on the distinction external/internal emotion but on the distinction between real/pretend emotion. Furthermore, since previous research has suggested that children may understand better selfpretence than pretence of others, the participants in our study were engaged in a pretence situation where they had to pretend to be happy. The results obtained showed that, contrary to previous research, most 4- and 6-year-olds realize that pretend emotions may not be real, and this was true both for self-pretence and for the pretence of others