196 resultados para moîra


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We study the forced displacement of a thin film of fluid in contact with vertical and inclined substrates of different wetting properties, that range from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, using the lattice-Boltzmann method. We study the stability and pattern formation of the contact line in the hydrophilic and superhydrophobic regimes, which correspond to wedge-shaped and nose-shaped fronts, respectively. We find that contact lines are considerably more stable for hydrophilic substrates and small inclination angles. The qualitative behavior of the front in the linear regime remains independent of the wetting properties of the substrate as a single dispersion relation describes the stability of both wedges and noses. Nonlinear patterns show a clear dependence on wetting properties and substrate inclination angle. The effect is quantified in terms of the pattern growth rate, which vanishes for the sawtooth pattern and is finite for the finger pattern. Sawtooth shaped patterns are observed for hydrophilic substrates and low inclination angles, while finger-shaped patterns arise for hydrophobic substrates and large inclination angles. Finger dynamics show a transient in which neighboring fingers interact, followed by a steady state where each finger grows independently.


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Aquest dossier es titula "Jeanne Hersch" i, això no obstant, començaré referint-me a un diccionari i a Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). Prego un temps de benevolència per al següent desplegament de dades que, en aparença, no vénen a tomb. L'any 1979 es publicava a Madrid la sisena edició d'una obra monumental, el Diccionario de Filosofía de José Ferrater Mora (1912-1991). Aquesta edició fou reimpresa, si més no, set cops en vida del seu autor. La setena reimpressió és de 1990,1 i és la que em serveix per a allò que vull comentar aquí.


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We propose an iterative procedure to minimize the sum of squares function which avoids the nonlinear nature of estimating the first order moving average parameter and provides a closed form of the estimator. The asymptotic properties of the method are discussed and the consistency of the linear least squares estimator is proved for the invertible case. We perform various Monte Carlo experiments in order to compare the sample properties of the linear least squares estimator with its nonlinear counterpart for the conditional and unconditional cases. Some examples are also discussed


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A comparative study of the parts played by technetium-99m diphosphonate and gallium-67 citrate bone scanning in the early diagnosis of infectious spondylodiscitis is presented. Nineteen patients were included in the study. All patients (11 men aged 19-70 years and eight women aged 18-72 years) had a history of back pain varying in duration from one to 15 weeks. A 99mTc diphosphonate bone scan was positive in 17 patients. The two patients with negative results had less than two weeks of back pain. The 67Ga citrate bone scan showed uptake in all patients.


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Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness.


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Dentro de la serie de Urgoiti Editores sobre los grandes nombres de la ciencia histórica en España, se publica la tercera obra dedicada a los arqueólogos y prehistoriadores de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Tras los estudios de Jordi Cortadella sobre Pere Bosch Gimpera (1981-1974) y Fernando Wulff sobre Adolf Schulten (1870-1960), y a la espera del trabajo de Gloria Mora sobre Hugo Obermaier (1877-1946), ve la luz el estudio que Margarita Díaz Andreu ha dedicado a una de las figuras más nombradas, pero a la par más desconocidas, de la arqueología española: José Ramón Mélida y Alinari (1856-1933).


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Cova del Gegant is located near the city of Sitges (Barcelona, Spain). The cave is a small karst system which contains Upper Pleistocene archaeological and paleontological material (DauRa et al., 2005). The site was first excavated in 1954 and then in 1972 and 1974- (Viñas, 1972; Viñas & Villalta, 1975) and in 1985 and 1989 (maRtínez et al., 1985; moRa, 1988; maRtínez et al., 1990). Finally, in 2007, Grup de Recerca del Quaternari has restarted the archaeological research at Cova del Gegant (DauRa, 2008; DauRa et al., 2010). A human mandible was recovered during the first field season in 1954 and was recently published by DauRa et al. (2005). In the present study, we describe a new human tooth (left I2) that appeared, like the mandible, in a revision of the faunal material recovered from the site in 1974-1975. The specimen preserves the entire crown and the cervical two thirds of the root (Figure 1). The lack of the root apex makes it difficult to determine if the tooth was fully developed at the time of death. However, CT analysis reveals a pulp cavity that could be still open, suggesting root formation was incomplete. The specimen shows only slight dental wear corresponding to stage 2 of Molnar (1971 en Hillson, 1996). Morphologically, the crown shows slight shovelling and a lingual tubercle and appears similar to Neandertal incisors. Standard crown measurements (buccolingual diameter=7.7 mm; mesiodistal diameter= 7.3 mm) (Figure 2) suggest a fairly large tooth, particularly in the BL dimension, again resembling Neandertals in this regard. Discriminant analysis classified the Gegant incisor as Neandertal with a 99.8% posterior probability (Table 2). Association of this tooth with the previously described mandible is considered unlikely given the different ages at death estimated for each. Thus, there appear to be two individuals preserved in the sediments of the Gegant cave, one adult and one subadult (around 8-10 years old).


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L'estudi de diversos descriptors paleoambientals com ara el pol·len, les diatomees i la sedimentologia, realitzat en sediments procedents del llac de Sanabria (NO de la península Ibèrica), ha aportat informació sobre les oscil·lacions climàtiques atribuïdes als períodes càlids tardoromà i medieval, així com a la petita edat del gel. Entre els anys 440 i 950 dC, el clima es caracteritzà per temperatures suaus i un règim de precipitacions mediterrani, malgrat l¿existència de pulsacions més fredes vers els anys 530 i 700 dC. Les evidències pol·líniques dels usos del sòl indiquen l'extensió d¿activitats ramaderes i agrícoles. Aquesta fase correspon al final del període càlid romà i al període càlid medieval. El canvi de condicions climàtiques es produeix entre els anys 950 i 1100 dC, moment en què els valors mínims de matèria orgànica, pol·len arbori, concentració de diatomees, nitrogen total (TN) i mida del gra indiquen temperatures més baixes i un règim de precipitacions més regular. Aquest període correspon a


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The phenomenon of human migration is certainly not new and it has been studied from a variety of perspectives. Yet, the attention on human migration and its determinant has not been fading over time as confirmed by recent contributions (see for instance Cushing and Poot 2004 and Rebhun and Raveh 2006). In this paper we combine the recent theoretical contributions by Douglas (1997) and Wall (2001) with the methodological advancements of Guimarães et al. (2000, 2003) to model inter-municipal migration flows in the Barcelona area. In order to do that, we employ two different types of count models, i.e. the Poisson and negative binomial and compare the estimations obtained. Our results show that, even after controlling for the traditional migration factors, QoL (measured with a Composite Index which includes numerous aspects and also using a list of individual variables) is an important determinant of short distance migration movements in the Barcelona area.


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Uno de los principales problemas que tienen los deportistas,tanto si son del mundo profesional como amateur, son las lesiones deportivas. Estas pueden ser tanto agudas como crónicas. En la actualidad se observa que los entrenamientos son cada vez más exigentes tanto en el número de horas de entreno como en la intensidad de las cargas. Esto, junto a unos periodos de descanso entre competición insuficientes ha hecho que aparezcan de forma fácil las lesiones deportivas y dentro de estas las lesiones por sobrecarga. Estas lesiones, son muy antipáticas y si no se actúa sobre su etiología es muy fácil que se cronifiquen. El presente trabajo clasifica de forma sistemática y didáctica los distintos factores que a la larga, si incidimos en ellos, pueden disminuir la probabilidad de que aparezca una lesión deportiva. Seguro que nos dejamos unos cuantos, ya que el tema de prevención de lesiones es un tema abierto y permanentemente en revisión. Los avances tecnológicos de la actualidad han hecho que en los últimos años haya cambiado el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la prevención de éstas.


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Aquest dossier es titula "Jeanne Hersch" i, això no obstant, començaré referint-me a un diccionari i a Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). Prego un temps de benevolència per al següent desplegament de dades que, en aparença, no vénen a tomb. L'any 1979 es publicava a Madrid la sisena edició d'una obra monumental, el Diccionario de Filosofía de José Ferrater Mora (1912-1991). Aquesta edició fou reimpresa, si més no, set cops en vida del seu autor. La setena reimpressió és de 1990,1 i és la que em serveix per a allò que vull comentar aquí.


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We analyze the short-time dynamical behavior of a colloidal suspension in a confined geometry. We analyze the relevant dynamical response of the solvent, and derive the temporal behavior of the velocity autocorrelation function, which exhibits an asymptotic negative algebraic decay. We are able to compare quantitatively with theoretical expressions, and analyze the effects of confinement on the diffusive behavior of the suspension.