179 resultados para local contractive affine transformations


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[spa] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si los municipios españoles se ajustan en presencia de un shock presupuestario y (si es así) qué elementos del presupuesto son los que realizan el ajuste. La metodología utilizada para contestar estas preguntas es un mecanismo de corrección del error, VECM, que estimamos con un panel de datos de los municipios españoles durante el período 1988-2006. Nuestros resultados confirman que, en primer lugar, los municipios se ajustan en presencia de un shock fiscal (es decir, el déficit es estacionario en el largo plazo). En segundo lugar, obtenemos que cuando el shock afecta a los ingresos el ajuste lo soporta principalmente el municipio reduciendo el gasto, las transferencias tienen un papel muy reducido en este proceso de ajuste. Por el contrario, cuando el shock afecta al gasto, el ajuste es compartido en términos similares entre el municipio – incrementado los impuestos – y los gobiernos de niveles superiores – incrementando las transferencias. Estos resultados sugieren que la viabilidad de las finanzas pública locales es factible con diferentes entornos institucionales.


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En la última década, distintos estudios han intentado contrastar empíricamente la existencia de una relación entre el stock de capital humanolocal y la productividad del territorio, así como la posible presencia de economías externas asociadas a aquél. El resultado común de dichos estudios ha consistido en encontrar una correlación positiva entre ambas variables Losdiversos autores no coinciden, en cambio, a la hora de explicar dicho resultado: un primer grupo de autores argumenta la presencia de economíasexternas vinculadas al capital humano mientras que un segundo grupo plantea la existencia de relaciones de complementariedad entre los diversos factores productivos y, más en concreto, entre el capital humano y el capital físico.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la existencia de una posible relación positiva entre el nivel de capital humano de las provincias españolas y su productividad de éstas y, a continuación, averiguar si el canal a través delcual se produce el efecto son las economías externas. Para ello, se aplica unametodología que consta de dos etapas. En la primera, se estima una ecuación de Mincer utilizando información de la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares a fin de obtener una estimación de la productividad media de cada una de las provincias españolas una vez controlado el efecto del capital humano de los individuos sobre su propia productividad. En una segunda etapa, la estimación de la productividad provincial media estimada se introduce como variable endógena en una nueva ecuación cuyas variables explicativas intentan aproximar el nivel de capital humano de cada una de las provincias. A partir de esta segunda regresión se detecta una relación positiva entre la productividad media estimada del territorio y el nivel educativo medio delmismo. Sin embargo, la principal conclusión del análisis realizado es que dicha relación no puede explicarse por el impacto de las economías externas generadas exógenamente por el capital humano, sino que debe atribuirse a otros efectos que, actuando también por lado de la demanda, impulsen al alza la productividad.


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A sequential weakly efficient two-auction game with entry costs, interdependence between objects, two potential bidders and IPV assumption is presented here in order to give some theoretical predictions on the effects of geographical scale economies on local service privatization performance. It is shown that the first object seller takes profit of this interdependence. The interdependence externality rises effective competition for the first object, expressed as the probability of having more than one final bidder. Besides, if there is more than one final bidder in the first auction, seller extracts the entire bidder¿s expected future surplus differential between having won the first auction and having lost. Consequences for second object seller are less clear, reflecting the contradictory nature of the two main effects of object interdependence. On the one hand, first auction winner becomes ¿stronger¿, so that expected payments rise in a competitive environment. On the other hand, first auction loser becomes relatively ¿weaker¿, hence (probably) reducing effective competition for the second object. Additionally, some contributions to static auction theory with entry cost and asymmetric bidders are presented in the appendix


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We have investigated the different contributions to the entropy change at the martensitic transition of different families of Cu-based shape-memory alloys. The total entropy change has been obtained through calorimetric measurements. By measuring the evolution of the magnetic susceptibility with temperature, the entropy change associated with conduction electrons has been evaluated. The contribution of the anharmonic vibrations of the lattice has also been estimated using various parameters associated with the anharmonic behavior of these alloys, collected from the literature. The results found in the present work have been compared to values published for the martensitic transition of group-IV metals. For Cu-based alloys, both electron and anharmonic contributions have been shown to be much smaller than the overall entropy change. This finding demonstrates that the harmonic vibrations of the lattice are the most relevant contribution to the stability of the bcc phase in Cu-based alloys.


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We show how to decompose any density matrix of the simplest binary composite systems, whether separable or not, in terms of only product vectors. We determine for all cases the minimal number of product vectors needed for such a decomposition. Separable states correspond to mixing from one to four pure product states. Inseparable states can be described as pseudomixtures of four or five pure product states, and can be made separable by mixing them with one or two pure product states.


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Domain growth in a system with nonconserved order parameter is studied. We simulate the usual Ising model for binary alloys with concentration 0.5 on a two-dimensional square lattice by Monte Carlo techniques. Measurements of the energy, jump-acceptance ratio, and order parameters are performed. Dynamics based on the diffusion of a single vacancy in the system gives a growth law faster than the usual Allen-Cahn law. Allowing vacancy jumps to next-nearest-neighbor sites is essential to prevent vacancy trapping in the ordered regions. By measuring local order parameters we show that the vacancy prefers to be in the disordered regions (domain boundaries). This naturally concentrates the atomic jumps in the domain boundaries, accelerating the growth compared with the usual exchange mechanism that causes jumps to be homogeneously distributed on the lattice.


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Domain growth in a two-dimensional binary alloy is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation of an ABV model. The dynamics consists of exchanges of particles with a small concentration of vacancies. The influence of changing the vacancy concentration and finite-size effects has been analyzed. Features of the vacancy diffusion during domain growth are also studied. The anomalous character of the diffusion due to its correlation with local order is responsible for the obtained fast-growth behavior.


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The longitudinal dipole response of a quantum dot has been calculated in the far-infrared regime using local-spin-density-functional theory. We have studied the coupling between the collective spin and density modes as a function of the magnetic field. We have found that the spin dipole mode and single-particle excitations have a sizable overlap, and that the magnetoplasmon modes can be excited by the dipole spin operator if the dot is spin polarized. The frequency of the dipole spin edge mode presents an oscillation which is clearly filling factor (v) related. We have found that the spin dipole mode is especially soft for even-n values. Results for selected numbers of electrons and confining potentials are discussed.


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Using a scaling assumption, we propose a phenomenological model aimed to describe the joint probability distribution of two magnitudes A and T characterizing the spatial and temporal scales of a set of avalanches. The model also describes the correlation function of a sequence of such avalanches. As an example we study the joint distribution of amplitudes and durations of the acoustic emission signals observed in martensitic transformations [Vives et al., preceding paper, Phys. Rev. B 52, 12 644 (1995)].


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We have investigated the dipole charge- and spin-density response of few-electron two-dimensional concentric nanorings as a function of the intensity of a erpendicularly applied magnetic field. We show that the dipole response displays signatures associated with the localization of electron states in the inner and outer ring favored by the perpendicularly applied magnetic field. Electron localization produces a more fragmented spectrum due to the appearance of additional edge excitations in the inner and outer ring.


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We study spacetime diffeomorphisms in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms of generally covariant systems. We show that the gauge group for such a system is characterized by having generators which are projectable under the Legendre map. The gauge group is found to be much larger than the original group of spacetime diffeomorphisms, since its generators must depend on the lapse function and shift vector of the spacetime metric in a given coordinate patch. Our results are generalizations of earlier results by Salisbury and Sundermeyer. They arise in a natural way from using the requirement of equivalence between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of the system, and they are new in that the symmetries are realized on the full set of phase space variables. The generators are displayed explicitly and are applied to the relativistic string and to general relativity.