111 resultados para lex credendi


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En el context de crisi tan greu que travessa l’economia i la població espanyola, fuetejada per un greu problema hipotecari que ha deixat a milers de persones sense el seu habitatge. Un petit nucli de persones va sentir la necessitat de crear la “Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca”, la PAH. Una Plataforma per combatre la sagnia de desnonaments mitjançant diversos mecanismes. Aquesta Plataforma a poc a poc s’ha donat a conèixer i ha anat creixent fins instal·lar-se en tots racons de la geografia espanyola. Per a poder seguir creixent han d’intentar per tots els mitjans, fer-se escoltar, de qualsevol manera possible. La seva intenció és poder sortir en tots els mitjans de comunicació, tant els tradicionals com els més nous, per així poder conscienciar a quanta gent es pugui de les seves accions i reclamacions. Per ajudar a totes les persones que estan en un seriós risc de perdre el seu habitatge. Com es podrà veure al llarg del treball, la Plataforma sí funciona com un veritable Gabinet de Premsa, on les diferents plataformes s’ajuden i cooperen per poder ser més efectives en la seva comunicació.


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The human exploitation of marine resources is characterised by the preferential removal of the largest species. Although this is expected to modify the structure of food webs, we have a relatively poor understanding of the potential consequences of such alteration. Here, we take advantage of a collection of ancient consumer tissues, using stable isotope analysis and SIBER to assess changes in the structure of coastal marine food webs in the South-western Atlantic through the second half of the Holocene as a result of the sequential exploitation of marine resources by hunter-gatherers, western sealers and modern fishermen. Samples were collected from shell middens and museums. Shells of both modern and archaeological intertidal herbivorous molluscs were used to reconstruct changes in the stable isotopic baseline, while modern and archaeological bones of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis and Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus were used to analyse changes in the structure of the community of top predators. We found that ancient food webs were shorter, more redundant and more overlapping than current ones, both in northern-central Patagonia and southern Patagonia. These surprising results may be best explained by the huge impact of western sealing on pinnipeds during the fur trade period, rather than the impact of fishing on fish populations. As a consequence, the populations of pinnipeds at the end of the sealing period were likely well below the ecosystem's carrying capacity, which resulted in a release of intraspecific competition and a shift towards larger and higher trophic level prey. This in turn led to longer and less overlapping food webs.


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The esterification of fragment C1-C8 (2) with fragment C16-C23 (3) to give iodo derivative 4, followed by a Pd-catalysed coupling with a C9-C15 fragment (7 or 8), may provide a common precursor of most palmerolides. Ligands and reaction conditions were exhaustively examined to perform the C15-C16 bond formation via Negishi reaction. With simple models, pre-activated Pd-Xantphos and Pd-DPEphos complexes were the most efficient catalysts at RT. Zincation of the C9-C15 fragment (8) and cross coupling with 4 required 3 equiv of t-BuLi, 10 mol % of Pd-Xantphos and 60 °C.


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