129 resultados para Tedesco, Juan Carlos


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Fundamentos: El examen MIR constituye actualmente el único medio de selección de candidatos para la formación de médicos especialistas en España. Consta de 260 preguntas (10 de ellas son de reserva) de las distintas asignaturas de la licenciatura de medicina. El presente estudio pretende describir la evolución de los contenidos en anatomía humana, bioestadístíca y epidemiología de las distintas convocatorias MIR realizadas desde 1982. Métodos: Se analizaron todos los exámenes MIR generales desde 1982 hasta 1996, incluidas las convocatorias específicas de medicina familiar y comunitaria desde 1995 a 1997. En cada examen, se identificaron los contenidos de todas las preguntas relacionadas con anatomía humana, bioestadistica y epidemiología, según una clasificación en categorías temáticas adaptada de los programas docentes de cada asignatura. El tratamiento estadístico consistió en el análisis descriptivo (tabulación y representación gráfica) de las categorías temáticas y de su accesibilidad para un hipotético opositor/a con unos determinados conocimientos. Resultados: El número de preguntas de cada una de dichas asignaturas no superó en ninguna convocatoria general el 4% del total de preguntas. Las categorías temáticas con mayor frecuencia de aparición fueron, en anatomía humana, extremidad superior e inferior; en bioestadística, probabilidad/pruebas diagnósticas, y epidemiología descriptiva para el caso de epidemiología. Un hipotético opositor/a que no se preparó ningún tema de anatomía humana, bioestadística o epidemiología tan sólo tuvo acceso, respectivamente, a 1, 6 o 3 de las 15 convocatorias generales MIR revisadas. Conclusiones: En el examen MIR, la presencia de contenidos de anatomía humana tiende a disminuir, mientras que los de bioestadística y epidemiología cobran mayor importancia. Un/a opositor/a que domine los conocimientos adquiridos durante su licenciatura tiene acceso temático a la totalidad de preguntas de dichas asignaturas.


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This paper seeks to address the problem of the empirical identification of housing market segmentation,once we assume that submarkets exist. The typical difficulty in identifying housing submarkets when dealing with many locations is the vast number of potential solutions and, in such cases, the use of the Chow test for hedonic functions is not a practical solution. Here, we solve this problem by undertaking an identification process with a heuristic for spatially constrained clustering, the"Housing Submarket Identifier" (HouSI). The solution is applied to the housing market in the city of Barcelona (Spain), where we estimate a hedonic model for fifty thousand dwellings aggregated into ten groups. In order to determine the utility of the procedure we seek to verify whether the final solution provided by the heuristic is comparable with the division of the city into ten administrative districts.


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Using microdata from the 2002-2006 Colombian Continuous Household Survey, we find an elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates of -0.07. However, the elasticity for informal workers is significantly higher, a result which is consistent with efficiency wage theoretical models and relevant for regional labour markets analysis in developing countries.


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El projecte s’ha realitzat a CONSTRUCCIÓ TÈCNICA INDUSTRIAL DEL TERSLU, empresa situada a Aiguaviva, municipi de Girona. Aquesta empresa es dedica a la construcció metàl•lica, però sobretot a la construcción d’estructures metàl•liques lleugeres i pesades, caldereria i manteniment industrial. L’objecte del projecte és buscar un mètode per la reducció del temps de fabricació imillorar la distribució en planta. Per a això s’han d’investigar diferents alternatives icomparar-les entre si per arribar a un resultat final satisfactori. La implantació de la nova distribució en planta com a objectiu final vol aconseguiraugmentar els beneficis globals de l’empresa. Això s.aconsegueix analitzant diferentsdistribucions, l’aplicació de diferents processos de fabricació i muntatge i augmentant lacoordinació entre el departament tècnic i el taller


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Increased production of vasoconstrictive prostanoids, such as thromboxane A2 (TXA2 ), contributes to endothelial dysfunction and increased hepatic vascular tone in cirrhosis. TXA2 induces vasoconstriction by way of activation of the thromboxane-A2 /prostaglandin-endoperoxide (TP) receptor. This study investigated whether terutroban, a specific TP receptor blocker, decreases hepatic vascular tone and portal pressure in rats with cirrhosis due to carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) or bile duct ligation (BDL). Hepatic and systemic hemodynamics, endothelial dysfunction, liver fibrosis, hepatic Rho-kinase activity (a marker of hepatic stellate cell contraction), and the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling pathway were measured in CCl4 and BDL cirrhotic rats treated with terutroban (30 mg/kg/day) or its vehicle for 2 weeks. Terutroban reduced portal pressure in both models without producing significant changes in portal blood flow, suggesting a reduction in hepatic vascular resistance. Terutroban did not significantly change arterial pressure in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats but decreased it significantly in BDL-cirrhotic rats. In livers from CCl4 and BDL-cirrhotic terutroban-treated rats, endothelial dysfunction was improved and Rho-kinase activity was significantly reduced. In CCl4 -cirrhotic rats, terutroban reduced liver fibrosis and decreased alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen-I, and transforming growth factor beta messenger RNA (mRNA) expression without significant changes in the eNOS pathway. In contrast, no change in liver fibrosis was observed in BDL-cirrhotic rats but an increase in the eNOS pathway. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that TP-receptor blockade with terutroban decreases portal pressure in cirrhosis. This effect is due to decreased hepatic resistance, which in CCl4 -cirrhotic rats was linked to decreased hepatic fibrosis, but not in BDL rats, in which the main mediator appeared to be an enhanced eNOS-dependent vasodilatation, which was not liver-selective, as it was associated with decreased arterial pressure. The potential use of terutroban for portal hypertension requires further investigation.


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La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Liver stiffness is increasingly used in the non-invasive evaluation of chronic liver diseases. Liver stiffness correlates with hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) in patients with cirrhosis and holds prognostic value in this population. Hence, accuracy in its measurement is needed. Several factors independent of fibrosis influence liver stiffness, but there is insufficient information on whether meal ingestion modifies liver stiffness in cirrhosis. We investigated the changes in liver stiffness occurring after the ingestion of a liquid standard test meal in this population. METHODS: In 19 patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices (9 alcoholic, 9 HCV-related, 1 NASH; Child score 6.9±1.8), liver stiffness (transient elastography), portal blood flow (PBF) and hepatic artery blood flow (HABF) (Doppler-Ultrasound) were measured before and 30 minutes after receiving a standard mixed liquid meal. In 10 the HVPG changes were also measured. RESULTS: Post-prandial hyperemia was accompanied by a marked increase in liver stiffness (+27±33%; p<0.0001). Changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with PBF changes, but directly correlated with HABF changes (r = 0.658; p = 0.002). After the meal, those patients showing a decrease in HABF (n = 13) had a less marked increase of liver stiffness as compared to patients in whom HABF increased (n = 6; +12±21% vs. +62±29%,p<0.0001). As expected, post-prandial hyperemia was associated with an increase in HVPG (n = 10; +26±13%, p = 0.003), but changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with HVPG changes. CONCLUSIONS: Liver stiffness increases markedly after a liquid test meal in patients with cirrhosis, suggesting that its measurement should be performed in standardized fasting conditions. The hepatic artery buffer response appears an important factor modulating postprandial changes of liver stiffness. The post-prandial increase in HVPG cannot be predicted by changes in liver stiffness.


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Entre finals del segle XIV i principis del XV es data la redacció del Manuscrit Mòdena, Biblioteca Estense, .M.5.24, un dels principals manuscrits del moment que han arribat als nostres dies, essent un element culminant pel que fa a penetració de l’art polifònic francès a la Itàlia d’inicis del ‘400. En ell es copien quatre peces de Guillaume de Machaut i l’únic poema de l’autor francès musicat per un altre compositor. En els treballs sobre el manuscrit molt sovint s’obvien aquestes quatre peces, i l’estudi sobre Machaut es fa quasi exclusivament des de les fonts franceses. Aquest treball pretén respondre, sobretot, a dues preguntes: Què ens poden explicar aquestes peces sobre el procés d’afrancesament de la música italiana? Què ens poden explicar sobre la difusió de l’obra de Machaut pel vell continent?


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Sugar intake has dramatically increased during the last few decades. Specifically, there has been a clear trend towards higher consumption of fructose and high fructose corn syrup, which are the most common added sugars in processed food, soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. Although still controversial, this rising trend in simple sugar consumption has been positively associated with weight gain and obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Interestingly, all of these metabolic alterations have also been related to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The purpose of this review is to discuss the evidence coming from epidemiological studies and data from animal models relating the consumption of simple sugars, and specifically fructose, with an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and to gain insight into the putative molecular mechanisms involved.


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This paper reviews almost four decades of contributions on the subject of supervised regionalization methods. These methods aggregate a set of areas into a predefined number of spatially contiguous regions while optimizing certain aggregation criteria. The authors present a taxonomic scheme that classifies a wide range of regionalization methods into eight groups, based on the strategy applied for satisfying the spatial contiguity constraint. The paper concludes by providing a qualitative comparison of these groups in terms of a set of certain characteristics, and by suggesting future lines of research for extending and improving these methods.


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In this paper we analyse the status of scientific publications in Economics and Business in Spain (1994-2004). We focus our research in showing the preferred journals of the authors affiliated to Spanish universities, the quality of these journals and also the evolution along the decade. Throughout the paper we study deeply the areas of knowledge: which are more productive and also how the articles are distributed among Universities considering the areas of knowledge. The results show an important stability concerning the growth of published articles considering different levels of quality of journals. A second result is the important concentration in a few areas of knowledge: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Applied Economics. We observe a degree of specialization of several universities. Last, we display the relationship between journal publication and university’s publication pattern.


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This paper studies Spanish scientific production in Economics from 1994 to 2004. It focuses on aspects that have received little attention in other bibliometric studies, such as the impact of research and the role of scientific collaborations in the publications produced by Spanish universities. Our results show that national research networks have played a fundamental role in the increase in Spanish scientific production in this discipline.


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Este trabajo analiza cual ha sido la evolución de la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana en España en el período 1991-2000 situándola en el contexto internacional. Para ello, se elaboran rankings de países, autores e instituciones en función de las publicaciones realizadas en una muestra de nueve revistas internacionales ampliamente reconocidas dentro de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la mejora en la posición relativa a nivel internacional encontrada por otros autores para el conjunto de la investigación española en economía también se produce en el contexto de la investigación económica regional y urbana De hecho, hay un claro aumento de la presencia a nivel internacional de los autores e instituciones españolas motivado en buena medida por un incremento de las publicaciones de autores con tradición en la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana pero también por la irrupción con fuerza de 'nuevos' autores.


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Este trabajo analiza cual ha sido la evolución de la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana en España en el período 1991-2000 situándola en el contexto internacional. Para ello, se elaboran rankings de países, autores e instituciones en función de las publicaciones realizadas en una muestra de nueve revistas internacionales ampliamente reconocidas dentro de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la mejora en la posición relativa a nivel internacional encontrada por otros autores para el conjunto de la investigación española en economía también se produce en el contexto de la investigación económica regional y urbana De hecho, hay un claro aumento de la presencia a nivel internacional de los autores e instituciones españolas motivado en buena medida por un incremento de las publicaciones de autores con tradición en la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana pero también por la irrupción con fuerza de 'nuevos' autores.


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The objective of this paper is to analyse the existente or not of a wage curve in Colombia, paying special attention to the differences between formal and informal workers, an issue that has been systematically ignored in the wage curve literature. The obtained results using microdata from the Colombian Continuous Household Survey (CHS) between 2002 and 2006 show the existence of a wage curve with a negative slope for the Colombian economy. Using information on metropolitan areas, the estimates of the elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates was -0.07, a value that is very close to those obtained for other countries. However, the disaggregation of statistical information for formal and informal workers has shown significant differences among both groups of workers. In particular, for the less protected groups of the labour market, informal workers (both men and women), a high negatively sloped wage curve was found. This result is consistent with the conclusions from efficiency wage theoretical models and should be taken into account when analysing the functioning of regional labour markets in developing countries.