119 resultados para Space objects
This paper discusses some of the key concepts in the consideration of public art as a central element in urban regeneration processes, especially in reference to its role in the processes of citizen participation.
Context.Massive stars form in dense and massive molecular cores. The exact formation mechanism is unclear, but it is possible that some massive stars are formed by processes similar to those that produce the low-mass stars, with accretion/ejection phenomena occurring at some point of the evolution of the protostar. This picture seems to be supported by the detection of a collimated stellar wind emanating from the massive protostar IRAS 16547-4247. A triple radio source is associated with the protostar: a compact core and two radio lobes. The emission of the southern lobe is clearly non-thermal. Such emission is interpreted as synchrotron radiation produced by relativistic electrons locally accelerated at the termination point of a thermal jet. Since the ambient medium is determined by the properties of the molecular cloud in which the whole system is embedded, we can expect high densities of particles and infrared photons. Because of the confirmed presence of relativistic electrons, inverse Compton and relativistic Bremsstrahlung interactions are unavoidable. Aims.We aim to make quantitative predictions of the spectral energy distribution of the non-thermal spots generated by massive young stellar objects, with emphasis on the particular case of IRAS 16547-4247. Methods.We study the high-energy emission generated by the relativistic electrons which produce the non-thermal radio source in IRAS 16547-4247. We also study the result of proton acceleration at the terminal shock of the thermal jet and make estimates of the secondary gamma rays and electron-positron pairs produced by pion decay. Results.We present spectral energy distributions for the southern lobe of IRAS 16547-4247, for a variety of conditions. We show that high-energy emission might be detectable from this object in the gamma-ray domain. The source may also be detectable in X-rays through long exposures with current X-ray instruments. Conclusions.Gamma-ray telescopes such as GLAST, and even ground-based Cherenkov arrays of new generation can be used to study non-thermal processes occurring during the formation of massive stars.
We report optical spectroscopic observations of a sample of 6 low-galactic latitude microquasar candidates selected by cross-identification of X-ray and radio point source catalogs for |b|<5 degrees. Two objects resulted to be of clear extragalactic origin, as an obvious cosmologic redshift has been measured from their emission lines. For the rest, none exhibits a clear stellar-like spectrum as would be expected for genuine Galactic microquasars. Their featureless spectra are consistent with being extragalactic in origin although two of them could be also highly reddened stars. The apparent non-confirmation of our candidates suggests that the population of persistent microquasar systems in the Galaxy is more rare than previously believed. If none of them is galactic, the upper limit to the space density of new Cygnus X-3-like microquasars within 15 kpc would be 1.1\times10^{-12} per cubic pc. A similar upper limit for new LS 5039-like systems within 4 kpc is estimated to be 5.6\times10^{-11} per cubic pc.
L’Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Vic disposa d’una cèl·lula de fabricació flexible del fabricant Festo, que simula un procés d’emmagatzematge automàtic, aquesta cèl·lula esta composta per quatre estacions de muntatge diferenciades i independents, l’estació palets, l’estació plaques, l’estació magatzem intermedi i l’estació transport. Cada una d’aquestes estacions està formada per sensors i actuadors elèctrics i pneumàtics del fabricant Festo que van connectats a un PLC SIEMENS S7-300.Els quatre PLC’s (un per cada estació) estan connectats entre ells mitjançant el bus de comunicacions industrials Profibus. L’objectiu d’aquest treball consisteix en l’adaptació de la programació dels PLC’s i la realització d’un SCADA per tal de controlar el funcionament del conjunt de la cèl·lula de fabricació a través del software Vijeo Citect, d’aquesta manera es coneixerà el funcionament de la cèl·lula i permetrà treure’n rendiment per la docència. Aquest projecte ha estat realitzat en quatre fases principals. 1. Estudi i coneixement de les estacions, en aquesta fase s’han estudiat els manuals de funcionament de les estacions i s’han interpretat els codis de programació dels seus PLCs, amb l’objectiu de conèixer bé el programa per tal de interaccionar-hi més endavant amb el sistema SCADA 2. Disseny i programació del sistema SCADA, en aquesta fase s’ha realitzat tot el disseny gràfic de les pantalles de la interfície SCADA així com la programació dels objectes, la connexió amb els PLCs i la base de dades. 3. Posada en marxa del sistema complert, quan es coneixia abastament el funcionament de les estacions i el sistema SCADA estava completat s’ha fet la posada en marxa del conjunt i s’ha comprovat el correcte funcionament i interacció dels sistemes. 4. Realització de la memòria del projecte, en aquesta ultima fase s’ha realitzat la memòria del projecte on s’expliquen les característiques i funcionament de totes les estacions i del sistema SCADA. La conclusió més rellevant obtinguda en aquest treball, és la clara visualització de la potència i simplicitat que han aportat els sistemes SCADA al món de l’automatització, anys enrere per la supervisió de l’estat d’un sistema automatitzat era necessari disposar d’un gran espai amb grans panells de control formats per una gran quantitat de pilots lluminosos, potenciòmetres, interruptors, polsadors, displays i sobretot un voluminós i complexa cablejat, gràcies als sistemes SCADA avui en dia tot això pot quedar reduït a un PC o terminal tàctil, amb pantalles gràfiques clares i una gran quantitat d’opcions de supervisió control i configuració del sistema automatitzat.
Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles requires the recognition of the navigable areas and the potential obstacles. In this paper we describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist the navigation of autonomous vehicles that operate in industrial environments. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using a rule-based cooperative expert system
We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm
There are several determinants that influence household location decisions. More concretely, recent economic literature assigns an increasingly important role to the variables governing quality of life. Nevertheless, the spatial stationarity of the parameters is implicitly assumed in most studies. Here we analyse the role of quality of life in urban economics and test for the spatial stationarity of the relationship between city growth and quality of life.
We adapt the Shout and Act algorithm to Digital Objects Preservation where agents explore file systems looking for digital objects to be preserved (victims). When they find something they “shout” so that agent mates can hear it. The louder the shout, the urgent or most important the finding is. Louder shouts can also refer to closeness. We perform several experiments to show that this system works very scalably, showing that heterogeneous teams of agents outperform homogeneous ones over a wide range of tasks complexity. The target at-risk documents are MS Office documents (including an RTF file) with Excel content or in Excel format. Thus, an interesting conclusion from the experiments is that fewer heterogeneous (varying skills) agents can equal the performance of many homogeneous (combined super-skilled) agents, implying significant performance increases with lower overall cost growth. Our results impact the design of Digital Objects Preservation teams: a properly designed combination of heterogeneous teams is cheaper and more scalable when confronted with uncertain maps of digital objects that need to be preserved. A cost pyramid is proposed for engineers to use for modeling the most effective agent combinations
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Ethernet is becoming the dominant aggregation technology for carrier transport networks; however, as it is a LAN technology, native bridged ethernet does not fulfill all the carrier requirements. One of the schemes proposed by the research community to make ethernet fulfill carrier requirements is ethernet VLAN-label switching (ELS). ELS allows the creation of label switched data paths using a 12-bit label encoded in the VLAN TAG control information field. Previous label switching technologies such as MPLS use more bits for encoding the label. Hence, they do not suffer from label sparsity issues as ELS might. This paper studies the sparsity issues resulting from the reduced ELS VLAN-label space and proposes the use of the label merging technique to improve label space usage. Experimental results show that label merging considerably improves label space usage
With the aim of better understanding avalanche risk in the Catalan Pyrenees, the present work focuses on the analysis of major (or destructive) avalanches. For such purpose major avalanche cartography was made by an exhaustive photointerpretation of several flights, winter and summer field surveys and inquiries to local population. Major avalanche events were used to quantify the magnitude of the episodes during which they occurred, and a Major Avalanche Activity Magnitude Index (MAAMI) was developed. This index is based on the number of major avalanches registered and its estimated frequency in a given time period, hence it quantifies the magnitude of a major avalanche episode or winter. Furthermore, it permits a comparison of the magnitude between major avalanche episodes in a given mountain range, or between mountain ranges, and for a long enough period, it should allow analysis of temporal trends. Major episodes from winter 1995/96 to 2013/14 were reconstructed. Their magnitude, frequency and extent were also assessed. During the last 19 winters, the episodes of January 22-23 and February 6-8 in 1996 were those with highest MAAMI values,followed by January 30-31, 2003, January 29, 2006, and January 24-25, 2014. To analyze the whole twentieth century, a simplified MAAMI was defined in order to attain the same purpose with a less complete dataset. With less accuracy, the same parameters were obtained at winter time resolution throughout the twentieth century. Again, 1995/96 winter had the highest MAAMI value followed by 1971/72, 1974/75 and 1937/38 winter seasons. The analysis of the spatial extent of the different episodes allowed refining the demarcation of nivological regions, and improving our knowledge about the atmospheric patterns that cause major episodes and their climatic interpretation. In some cases, the importance of considering a major avalanche episode as the result of a previous preparatory period, followed by a triggering one was revealed.
In this paper we propose a latent variable model, in the spirit of Israilevich and Kuttner (1993), to measure regional manufacturing production. To test the validity of the proposed methodology, we have applied it for those Spanish regions that have a direct quantitative index. The results demonstrate the accuracy of the methodology proposed and show that it can overcome some of the difficulties of the indirect method applied by the INE, the Spanish National Institute of Statistics.
Galactic microquasars are certainly one of the most recent additions to the field of high energy Astrophysics. These new objects are just X-ray binaries with the ability to generate relativistic jets and their interest has been growing during the last decade. Today, they represent primary targets for all space based observatories working in the X-ray and [gamma]-ray domains. Behind such interest, there is hope that their study will assist us to understand some of the analog phenomena observed in distant quasars and active galactic nuclei, wich share with microquasars practically the same scaled-up physics. Microquasars are also believed to be among the different kind of sources responsible for the violent and ever changing appearance of the [gamma]-ray ski. In this paper we review the general situation of the microquasar topic, their identification and study, including comments on the recent observational and theoretical discoveries most relevant in our opinion.
The purpose of this article is linked to some forms of recovery of social and urban spaces fallen into oblivion that are evident in the social transformation of urban space in Bogotá between 1850 and 1880.The following paper presents the preliminary results of the research entitled practices and social uses of water in Bogotá (1850-1888). The text links in first discussions about the understanding of the city as a drawing in space, moving to describe, the growth of the city, integrating its historical, social and cultural structuring