Principalment, aquest aplicació ha estat pensada perquè els seus futurs usuaris puguin tenir un ampli seguiment interactiu de les Festes de Sant Joan de Ciutadella de Menorca, rebre informació de cadascun dels actes que s'hi realitzen, saber en tot moment on es troben els replecs i caragols de caixers senyors i, si ho desitgen, formar part de la comunitat de "santjoaners virtuals" que podran aportar comentaris i contingut multimèdia damunt el mapa del desenvolupament de les festes. Finalment, permetrà mostrar, per als usuaris registrats, el seguiment mitjançant càmeres IP de les recepcions i visites a cases i palaus de la ciutat.
In this paper we use a Terahertz (THz) time-domain system to image and analyze the structure of an artwork attributed to the Spanish artist Goya painted in 1771. The THz images show features that cannot be seen with optical inspection and complement data obtained with X-ray imaging that provide evidence of its authenticity, which is validated by other independent studies. For instance, a feature with a strong resemblance with one of Goya"s known signatures is seen in the THz images. In particular, this paper demonstrates the potential of THz imaging as a complementary technique along with X-ray for the verification and authentication of artwork pieces through the detection of features that remain hidden to optical inspection.
Non-vertebrate chordates, specifically amphioxus, are considered of the utmost interest for gaining insight into the evolutionary trends, i.e. differentiation and specialization, of gene/protein systems. In this work, MTs (metallothioneins), the most important metal binding proteins, are characterized for the first time in the cephalochordate subphylum at both gene and protein level, together with the main features defining the amphioxus response to cadmium and copper overload. Two MT genes (BfMT1 and BfMT2) have been identified in a contiguous region of the genome, as well as several ARE (antioxidant response element) and MRE (metal response element) located upstream the transcribed region. Their corresponding cDNAs exhibit identical sequence in the two lancelet species (B. floridae and B. lanceolatum), BfMT2 cDNA resulting from an alternative splicing event. BfMT1 is a polyvalent metal binding peptide that coordinates any of the studied metal ions (Zn, Cd or Cu) rendering complexes stable enough to last in physiological environments, which is fully concordant with the constitutive expression of its gene, and therefore, with a metal homeostasis housekeeping role. On the contrary, BfMT2 exhibits a clear ability to coordinate Cd(II) ions, while it is absolutely unable to fold into stable Cu (I) complexes, even as mixed species. This identifies it as an essential detoxification agent, which is consequently only induced in emergency situations. The cephalochordate MTs are not directly related to vertebrate MTs, neither by gene structure, protein similarity nor metal-binding behavior of the encoded peptides. The closest relative is the echinoderm MT, which confirm proposed phylogenetic relationships between these two groups. The current findings support the existence in most organisms of two types of MTs as for their metal binding preferences, devoted to different biological functions: multivalent MTs for housekeeping roles, and specialized MTs that evolve either as Cd-thioneins or Cu-thioneins, according to the ecophysiological needs of each kind of organisms.
Studies on the potential benefits of conveying biofeedback stimulus using a musical signal have appeared in recent years with the intent of harnessing the strong effects that music listening may have on subjects. While results are encouraging, the fundamental question has yet to be addressed, of how combined music and biofeedback compares to the already established use of either of these elements separately. This experiment, involving young adults (N = 24), compared the effectiveness at modulating participants' states of physiological arousal of each of the following conditions: A) listening to pre-recorded music, B) sonification biofeedback of the heart rate, and C) an algorithmically modulated musical feedback signal conveying the subject's heart rate. Our hypothesis was that each of the conditions (A), (B) and (C) would differ from the other two in the extent to which it enables participants to increase and decrease their state of physiological arousal, with (C) being more effective than (B), and both more than (A). Several physiological measures and qualitative responses were recorded and analyzed. Results show that using musical biofeedback allowed participants to modulate their state of physiological arousal at least equally well as sonification biofeedback, and much better than just listening to music, as reflected in their heart rate measurements, controlling for respiration-rate. Our findings indicate that the known effects of music in modulating arousal can therefore be beneficially harnessed when designing a biofeedback protocol.
A Cu/Fe granular film, formed from a multilayer film and composed of particles of Fe imbedded in Cu, has had several of its important properties investigated. Measurements include ferromagentic resonance, magnetoresistance, Mössbauer effect, magnetic viscosity, and magnetization. The two‐phase behavior of these immiscible alloy systems, and the effect of multilayering on the shape of the magnetic precipitates, can explain some of these properties. An explanation of the ferromagnetic resonance line shape is proffered. An extraordinary macroscopic quantum tunneling effect is found to govern the magnetic relaxation at the lowest temperatures.
We compute the shift in the frequency of the spin resonance in a solid that rotates in the field of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Electron-spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ferromagnetic resonance are considered. We show that contrary to the case of the rotating LC circuit, the shift in the frequency of the spin resonance has strong dependence on the symmetry of the receiver. The shift due to rotation occurs only when rotational symmetry is broken by the anisotropy of the gyromagnetic tensor, by the shape of the body or by magnetocrystalline anisotropy. General expressions for the resonance frequency and power absorption are derived and implications for experiment are discussed.
Purpose: To assess the feasibility of a method based on microwave spectrometry to detect structural distortions of metallic stents in open air conditions and envisage the prospects of this approach toward possible medical applicability for the evaluation of implanted stents. Methods: Microwave absorbance spectra between 2.0 and 18.0 GHz were acquired in open air for the characterization of a set of commercial stents using a specifically design setup. Rotating each sample over 360º, 2D absorbance diagrams were generated as a function of frequency and rotation angle. To check our approach for detecting changes in stent length (fracture) and diameter (recoil), two specific tests were performed in open air. Finally, with a few adjustments, this same system provides 2D absorbance diagrams of stents immersed in a water-based phantom, this time over a bandwidth ranging from 0.2 to 1.8 GHz. Results: The authors show that metallic stents exhibit characteristic resonant frequencies in their microwave absorbance spectra in open air which depend on their length and, as a result, may reflect the occurrence of structural distortions. These resonances can be understood considering that such devices behave like dipole antennas in terms of microwave scattering. From fracture tests, the authors infer that microwave spectrometry provides signs of presence of Type I to Type IV stent fractures and allows in particular a quantitative evaluation of Type III and Type IV fractures. Recoil tests show that microwave spectrometry seems able to provide some quantitative assessment of diametrical shrinkage, but only if it involves longitudinal shortening. Finally, the authors observe that the resonant frequencies of stents placed inside the phantom shift down with respect to the corresponding open air frequencies, as it should be expected considering the increase of dielectric permittivity from air to water. Conclusions: The evaluation of stent resonant frequencies provided by microwave spectrometry allows detection and some quantitative assessment of stent fracture and recoil in open air conditions. Resonances of stents immersed in water can be also detected and their characteristic frequencies are in good agreement with theoretical estimates. Although these are promising results, further verifica tion in a more relevant phantom is required in order to foresee the real potential of this approach.
En este trabajo se estudia la preparació n y caracterizació n de las fases de los cristales mixtos de f órmula Li(NH4)1-xKxSO4. La caracterizacói n se ha efectuado por aná lisis té rmico con DSC y ATD, difracci ón de rayos-X sobre polvo cristalino con temperatura variable, difracci n de rayos-X sobre muestra monocristalina a temperatura variable a fin de determina su estructura cristalina y por espectroscop"a Raman a temperatura variable. Se han obtenido dos tipos de fases. Una soluci n s lida con 0.94 < x < 1 que presenta los mismos tipos estructurales que el LiKSO4, pero seg n el m todo de cristalizaci n pueden aparecer nuevas fases que no presenta el LiKSO4. El segundo tipo de compuesto tiene por f rmula Li(NH4)0.53K0.47SO4, el cual presenta una estructura hexagonal con par metro a » 3 aLiKSO4. Este compuesto tiene por encima de la temperatura ambiente una sola transici n a 463K.
Se presenta un estudio exhaustivo del diagrama de fase del sistema binario Li2SO4-Na2SO4. El diagrama de fases se determinó mediante termo-difractometría de rayos-X en muestras de polvo y calorimetría ATD. Se obtiene una nueva fase de fórmula Li2-xNaxSO4, con 1 ¿ x ¿ 1.22. La estructura cristalina de ß-LiNaSO4 se determinó por difracción de rayos-X sobre un monocristal. Este estudio muestra que los cristales usualmente se maclan cuando el crecimiento es por solución, lo cual explica la baja polarización espontánea. Se explica la dispersión Raman de los compuestos Li2SO4, Na2SO4 y LiNaSO4, a partir de los datos estructurales. Las medidas experimentales se han efectuado a diferentes velocidades de calentamiento y enfriamiento.
En el següent estudi s’intenta ajudar a dos docents de cicles formatius a millorar la seva manera d’impartir sessions teòriques. Per fer-ho s’utilitza el punt de vista docent, l’opinió de l’alumne i un observador extern. Els punts de vista del docent i del discent es tenen en compte mitjançant un qüestionari validat per la Universitat Francisco de Vitoria de Madrid i per l’observació externa s’utilitza una eina creada on es barregen aspectes d’instruments validats com són el CBAS i el CAFIAS.
La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
Entre finals del segle XIV i principis del XV es data la redacció del Manuscrit Mòdena, Biblioteca Estense, .M.5.24, un dels principals manuscrits del moment que han arribat als nostres dies, essent un element culminant pel que fa a penetració de l’art polifònic francès a la Itàlia d’inicis del ‘400. En ell es copien quatre peces de Guillaume de Machaut i l’únic poema de l’autor francès musicat per un altre compositor. En els treballs sobre el manuscrit molt sovint s’obvien aquestes quatre peces, i l’estudi sobre Machaut es fa quasi exclusivament des de les fonts franceses. Aquest treball pretén respondre, sobretot, a dues preguntes: Què ens poden explicar aquestes peces sobre el procés d’afrancesament de la música italiana? Què ens poden explicar sobre la difusió de l’obra de Machaut pel vell continent?
Este trabajo intenta analizar los diferentes procesos, roles y herramientas que intervienen en la gestión del conocimiento dentro de la gestión de proyectos informáticos con el fin de conseguir transformar los datos en conocimiento y usar estos como ventaja competitiva.
Very fast magnetic avalanches in (La, Pr)-based manganites are the signature of a phase transition from an insulating blocked charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state to a charge-delocalized ferromagnetic (CD-FM) state. We report here the experimental observation that this transition does not occur either simultaneously or randomly in the whole sample but there is instead a spatial propagation with a velocity of the order of tens of m/s. Our results show that avalanches originate from the inside of the sample, move to the outside, and occur at values of the applied magnetic field that depend on the CD-FM fraction in the sample. Moreover, upon application of surface acoustic waves at constant magnetic fields, we are able to trigger avalanches at very well-determined values of the temperature and magnetic field. Due to the interaction with the acoustic waves, the number of isolated ferromagnetic clusters in La0.225Pr0.40Ca0.375MnO3 starts to grow across the entire sample in the same way as if it were a magnetic deflagration.