195 resultados para ND


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Ecological economics is a recently developed field, which sees the economy as a subsystem of a larger finite global ecosystem. Ecological economists question the sustainability of the economy because of its environmental impacts and its material and energy requirements, and also because of the growth of population. Attempts at assigning money values to environmental services and losses, and attempts at correcting macroeconomic accounting, are part of ecological economics, but its main thrust is rather in developing physical indicators and indexes of sustainability. Ecological economists also work on the relations between property rights and resource management, they model the interactions between the economy and the environment, they study ecological distribution conflicts, they use management tools such as integrated environmental assessment and multi-criteria decision aids, and they propose new instruments of environmental policy.


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Shrimps are produced in two different ways. They are fished in the sea (sometimes at the cost of turtle destruction) or they are "farmed" in ponds in coastal areas. Such aquaculture is increasing around the world as shrimps become a valuable item of world trade. Mangrove forests are sacrificed for commercial shrimp farming. This paper considers the conflict between mangrove conservation and shrimp exports in different countries.Who has title to the mangroves, who wins and who loses in this tragedy of enclosures? Which languages of valuation are used by different actors in order to compare the increase in shrimp exports and the losses in livelihoods and in environmental services? The economic valuation of damages is only one of the possible languages of valuation which are relevant in practice. Who has the power to impose a particular language of valuation?


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In this article some historical and contemporary environmental conflicts are described. The international environmental liability of mining corporations is discussed. Comparisons are made with conflicts in the United States and in South Africa which fall under the rubric of the Environmental Justice movement. Such conflicts are fought out in many languages, and the economic valuation of damages is only one of such languages. Who has the power to impose particular languages of valuation? Who rules over the ways and means of simplifying complexity, deciding that some points of view are out of order? Who has power to determine which is the bottom-line in an environmental discussion?


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La capacidad de las formas de tenencia, y más concretamente de la aparcería, para estimular el crecimiento agrario ha dado origen a un amplio debate, iniciado por los economistas clásicos del siglo XVIII y mantenido hasta nuestros días. Hasta la década de 1970 dominaron las opiniones poco favorables a la aparcería; sin embargo, a partir de esta fecha, han aparecido bastantes trabajos empíricos y teóricos cuestionando dichas tesis. Se trata mayoritariamente de trabajos vinculados a enfoques neoinstitucionalistas, distantes del pensamiento neoclásico más ortodoxo, que parten de la inexistencia de un mercado perfectamente competitivo con el que supuestamente se alcanzaría una asignación razonable de recursos, y que concluyen que la aparcería podía alcanzar notables niveles de eficiencia, aunque fuera una eficiencia del second best. Estas conclusiones coinciden en parte con algunas investigaciones sobre la agricultura española y catalana contemporánea, cuyos resultados contradicen la imagen dominante de una agricultura poco proclive al cambio y con escasa capacidad de crecimiento. En este artículo se pretende exponer el funcionamiento de la aparcería en Cataluña y cuestionar que dicha forma de tenencia sea un factor explicativo relevante del moderado crecimiento de la agricultura catalana.


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El objetivo del presente capítulo consiste en presentar un breve análisis de la diversidad de comportamientos de las regiones, en el curso del proceso de integración europea, desde que se consolidó la democracia y el Estado de las autonomías y se produjo la efectiva incorporación de España a la Comunidad Económica Europea, el 1 de enero de 1986. Con la perspectiva del tiempo transcurrido, es posible componer ya un balance de urgencia de la distinta fortuna de las regiones en el nuevo marco institucional. El trabajo se centra en la trayectoria de cada una de las comunidades autónomas y en los factores de crecimiento que poseen. El estudio está organizado en cuatro secciones. Una primera parte recuerda las relaciones con la Unión Europea y presenta los hitos esenciales del proceso de regionalización. La segunda sección se ocupa de la evolución de las comunidades autónomas, desde la incorporación a la CEE, en tres apartados relativos a población, ocupación y empleo y producto. La tercera analiza los principales factores de crecimiento: inversión directa extranjera, inversión pública, acción comunitaria, comercio internacional, investigación y desarrollo y densidad del tejido productivo. El texto se cierra con un apartado de recapitulación y conclusiones.


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The circumstances that were the driving forces behind Europe's economic growth beginning in the 19th century are diverse, and not easily prioritized. Until the 1970's, specifically, in Economy and Economic History, attention was focused on different institutional and technological variables, and various regularities were proposed. Nevertheless, new studies also underlined that the evolution of economic activity could not be understood considering only the new production possibilities offered by market economies. As a result, today it is also accepted that those processes can not be explained without considering two additional circumstances: the energy flows that sustained them, and the changes undergone in their transformation In this context, a question arises that takes on special importance. Which was the influence of the biological change in the economic growth?. A part of the flows of energy must be made into food, and this transformation can only happen with the participation.


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We provide some guidelines for deriving new projective hash families of cryptographic interest. Our main building blocks are so called group action systems; we explore what properties of this mathematical primitives may lead to the construction of cryptographically useful projective hash families. We point out different directions towards new constructions, deviating from known proposals arising from Cramer and Shoup's seminal work.


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We consider linear stochastic differential-algebraic equations with constant coefficients and additive white noise. Due to the nature of this class of equations, the solution must be defined as a generalised process (in the sense of Dawson and Fernique). We provide sufficient conditions for the law of the variables of the solution process to be absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure.