130 resultados para Mina, Francisco Javier, 1789-1817


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The use of body percussion through BAPNE method in neurorehabilitation offers the possibility of studying the development of motor skills, attention, coordination, memory and social interaction of patients with neurological diseases. The experimental protocol was carried out on 52 patients with severe acquired brain injury. Patients were selected for the cut - off scores in the standard neuropsychologic al tests of sustained attention , divided and alert ; at least one emisoma intact, cut -off scores in the standard for procedural and semantic memory ; eye sight , hearing and speech intact. The first group of patients has supported the protocol BAPNE tougher with the traditional rehabilitation activities . The control group continued to perform exclusively the cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation according to traditional protocols. At 6 months after administration of the protocol is expected to re-test to assess if present , the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation obtained. Experimentation is carried out for 10 weeks following the protocol of BAPNE method in the Roboris Foundation of Rome.


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La línea que dirige la orientación y el propósito de ésta investigación, se centra en realizar de forma panorámica, una visión en la que poner de relieve el grado de implementación de la atención en los distintos métodos didáctico musicales más relacionados con la docencia musical general, desde las propuestas taxonómicas diseñadas por el iniciador Émile Jacques-Dalcroze, pasando por diferentes proposiciones metodológicas, hasta los planteamientos considerados en el reciente método BAPNE. Para ello se tendrán en cuenta las diferentes aportaciones, clasificaciones de las mismas, priorizando aquellas con mayor grado de vinculación hacia los elementos del lenguaje musical más relacionados con el binomio movimiento y atención. De igual forma, se pone de relieve el diferente grado de tratamiento, sistematización y pertinente consideración de la atención con respecto a los diferentes métodos seleccionados en general y del movimiento en ellos de forma particular. El Método BAPNE, propone fundamentada y sistematizadamente, una serie de criterios por los que sus taxonomías optimizan las potencialidades didácticas del binomio movimiento-atención en el diseño de aplicaciones para el aula.


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Análisis, diseño, implementación, prueba y documentación de una aplicación web para gestionar la búsqueda y selección de personal doméstico y administrar los servicios de limpieza contratados por los clientes de MasVidaRed.


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LS 5039 is one of the few TeV emitting X-ray binaries detected so far. The powering source of its multiwavelength emission can be accretion in a microquasar scenario or wind interaction in a young nonaccreting pulsar scenario. Aims.To present new high-resolution radio images and compare them with the expected behavior in the different scenarios. Methods.We analyze Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio observations that provide morphological and astrometric information at milliarcsecond scales. Results.We detect a changing morphology between two images obtained five days apart. In both runs there is a core component with a constant flux density, and an elongated emission with a position angle (PA) that changes by 12 $\pm$ $3\degr$ between both runs. The source is nearly symmetric in the first run and asymmetric in the second one. The astrometric results are not conclusive. Conclusions.A simple and shockless microquasar scenario cannot easily explain the observed changes in morphology. An interpretation within the young nonaccreting pulsar scenario requires the inclination of the binary system to be very close to the upper limit imposed by the absence of X-ray eclipses.


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La ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las Personas en Situación de Dependencia del 14 de diciembre del 2006 permitirá desarrollar en España un modelo de atención a la dependencia de carácter mixto, en el que el sector público garantizará, mediante el copago, unas coberturas básicas y el sector privado podrá mejorar y complementar las prestaciones ofrecidas por el sector público. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el tratamiento actuarial de la prestación privada de dependencia, la cual se puede percibir en forma de renta o de seguro. El objetivo de una renta de dependencia podría ser ayudar a financiar, periódicamente, el coste que supone para el asegurado la situación de dependencia, mientras que el seguro de dependencia estaría más enfocado a financiar la adquisición, o adecuación, de una determinada infraestructura como consecuencia de la falta de autonomía. Calcularemos la prima única y la provisión matemática de una renta y de un seguro de dependencia contratado por una persona autónoma, basándonos en un modelo de dependencia con los tres grados de dependencia, que son los que se contemplan en la Ley, y supondremos que la cuantía de la renta y del seguro es variable según el grado de dependencia que alcance el asegurado. Para realizar las aplicaciones numéricas utilizaremos distribuciones de mortalidad y tasas de prevalencia que pueden ser adecuadas para la población española y que han surgido de un análisis preliminar.


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Se estudian los Moluscos, Foraminíferos, Palinología, Nanoplancton calcáreo de unos nuevos niveles arcilloso-limosos descubiertos en la excavación de un pozo en las proximidades de la Ermita de Berà (Tarragona); la excelente conservación de los restos paleontológicos permite un estudio más exahustivo. En conjunto, la mayoría de las características indican que se trataría de una sedimentación en condiciones neríticas alrededor de los 30 metros de profundidad con ciertas influencias de carácter estuarino. La presencia de abundantes Orbulina, T. mayeri, junto con G. praemenardii y ausencia de G. fohsi peripheroronda (presente en otras secciones próximas) permite atribuir los niveles a la biozona de G. mayeri, de edad Serravalliense; los datos de Nanoplancton son acordes con dicha edad.


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RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es calcular el importe de la prima pura periódica que debe cobrar el reasegurador a la cedente en un reaseguro finite risk en ambiente financiero estocástico. El problema de la convolución de las diferentes variables aleatorias que intervienen en el cálculo de la prima lo hemos solucionado simulando, por Monte-Carlo, trayectorias de siniestralidad para el reasegurador aplicando posteriormente, en cada trayectoria simulada, los criterios de decisión financieros, esperanza, varianza y desviación. En los criterios de la varianza y de la desviación proponemos utilizar una ecuación de recurrencia estocástica para evitar el problema de la dependencia que existe entre los factores de capitalización estocásticos, obteniendo la prima de reaseguro en función del nivel de aversión al riesgo del reasegurador y de la volatilidad del tipo de interés. Palabras clave: Finite risk, ambiente estocástico, ecuación de recurrencia, simulación de Monte-Carlo, prima pura periódica.


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Background The effect of maraviroc on the maintenance and the function of HIV-1-specific T cell responses remains unknown. Methods Subjects recently infected with HIV-1 were randomized to receive anti-retroviral treatment with or without maraviroc intensification for 48 weeks, and were monitored up to week 60. PBMC and in vitro-expanded T cells were tested for responses to the entire HIV proteome by ELISpot analyses. Intracellular cytokine staining assays were conducted to monitor the (poly)-functionality of HIV-1-specific T cells. Analyses were performed at baseline and week 24 after treatment start, and at week 60 (3 months after maraviroc discontinuation). Results Maraviroc intensification was associated with a slower decay of virus-specific T cell responses over time compared to the non-intensified regimen in both direct ex-vivo as well as in in-vitro expanded cells. The effector function profiles of virus-specific CD8+ T cells were indistinguishable between the two arms and did not change over time between the groups. Conclusions Maraviroc did not negatively impact any of the measured parameters, but was rather associated with a prolonged maintenance of HIV-1-specific T cell responses. Maraviroc, in addition to its original effect as viral entry inhibitor, may provide an additional benefit on the maintenance of virus-specific T cells which may be especially important for future viral eradication strategies.


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Wide-range spectral coverage of blazar-type active galactic nuclei is of paramount importance for understanding the particle acceleration mechanisms assumed to take place in their jets. The Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cerenkov (MAGIC) telescope participated in three multiwavelength (MWL) campaigns, observing the blazar Markarian (Mkn) 421 during the nights of April 28 and 29, 2006, and June 14, 2006. Aims. We analyzed the corresponding MAGIC very-high energy observations during 9 nights from April 22 to 30, 2006 and on June 14, 2006. We inferred light curves with sub-day resolution and night-by-night energy spectra. Methods. MAGIC detects γ-rays by observing extended air showers in the atmosphere. The obtained air-shower images were analyzed using the standard MAGIC analysis chain. Results. A strong γ-ray signal was detected from Mkn 421 on all observation nights. The flux (E > 250 GeV) varied on night-by-night basis between (0.92±0.11) × 10-10 cm-2 s-1 (0.57 Crab units) and (3.21±0.15) × 10-10 cm-2 s-1 (2.0 Crab units) in April 2006. There is a clear indication for intra-night variability with a doubling time of 36± min on the night of April 29, 2006, establishing once more rapid flux variability for this object. For all individual nights γ-ray spectra could be inferred, with power-law indices ranging from 1.66 to 2.47. We did not find statistically significant correlations between the spectral index and the flux state for individual nights. During the June 2006 campaign, a flux substantially lower than the one measured by the Whipple 10-m telescope four days later was found. Using a log-parabolic power law fit we deduced for some data sets the location of the spectral peak in the very-high energy regime. Our results confirm the indications of rising peak energy with increasing flux, as expected in leptonic acceleration models.


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En este trabajo se estudian tres modalidades de reaseguro basadas en el número de siniestros: Reaseguro de los siniestros más grandes. Modalidad por la cual el reasegurador se hace cargo de los siniestros más grandes. Reaseguro de exceso del número de siniestros. En este caso la compañía cedente retiene los siniestros más pequeños, cediendo el resto al reaseguro. Reaseguro de exceso del número de siniestros, hasta un tope de siniestralidad. En esta modalidad de reaseguro, la compañía cedente retiene los siniestros más pequeños pero condicionados a que su cuantía no exceda un determinado pleno fijado por ella. De esta manera se consigue limitar la pérdida de la compañía cedente hasta un mkimo conocido. Esta última modalidad de reaseguro puede ser una buena alternativa al reaseguro Stop-loss ya que al igual que éste, elimina la probabilidad de ruina de la cedente. El estudio de estas modalidades de reasegwo pasa por tratar previamente la problemática actuarial de la ordenación de riesgos.


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Es va determinar l’efecte nematicida d’un biopreparat fet a partir de material de mantell de bosc autòcton, tècnica coneguda com a Activació de Microorganismes de Muntanya, sobre una població de Meloidogyne javanica, en cultiu de tomàquet cv. Durinta, en condicions de semicamp i sota hivernacle. Es van realitzar 5 aplicacions de biopreparat actiu (MMactivat) i el mateix biopreparat esterilitzat en autoclau (MMautoclavat) en un volum d’1L de sorra de riera autoclavada a raó de 8,4 mL per planta. La primera aplicació es va fer just desprès de trasplantar el conreu i una setmana abans d’inocular 1 J2·cm-3 de sòl, i els quatre tractaments restants amb cadència setmanal. Paral·lelament, es va determinar les unitats formadores de colònia de fongs i bacteris del biopreparat actiu i esterilitzat, així com la presència de coliformes fecals. Al final de l’assaig, desprès que el nematode completés una generació, es va avaluar el pes sec aeri i el pes fresc de les arrels, el nombre d’ous per planta, i la freqüència d’aïllament de fongs endòfits d’arrel i tija de tomaquera. El pH del biopreparat era de 3,7. Les mostres contenien nivells superiors a 107 UFC ml-1 tant de fongs com de bactèries. No es va detectar la presència de coliformes totals obtenint un valor < 3 NMP/mL amb p≤0,05. No es van aïllar colònies de bacteris termodúrics ni de Pseudomonas aureginosa ni P. fluorescens que poguessin actuar com a organismes de control biològic. El biopreparat no va mostrar cap efecte sobre el desenvolupament aeri i radicular de la planta. La producció d’ous en les plantes tractades amb el biopreparat actiu i esterilitzat va ser un 63% i un 67% menor que en el testimoni sense tractar. Es van detectar fongs endòfits en arrel i tija de tomaquera en la majoria de les mostres sense atendre a cap tractament, inclòs el control sense tractar.


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MGRO J2019+37 is an unidentified extended source of very high energy gamma-rays originally reported by the Milagro Collaboration as the brightest TeV source in the Cygnus region. Its extended emission could be powered by either a single or several sources. The GeV pulsar AGL J2020.5+3653 , discovered by AGILE and associated with PSR J2021+3651 , could contribute to the emission from MGRO J2019+37 . Aims. Our aim is to identify radio and near-infrared sources in the field of the extended TeV source MGRO J2019+37 , and study potential counterparts to explain its emission. Methods. We surveyed a region of about 6 square degrees with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at the frequency 610 MHz. We also observed the central square degree of this survey in the near-infrared -band using the 3.5 m telescope in Calar Alto. Archival X-ray observations of some specific fields are included. VLBI observations of an interesting radio source were performed. We explored possible scenarios to produce the multi-TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37 and studied which of the sources could be the main particle accelerator. Results. We present a catalogue of 362 radio sources detected with the GMRT in the field of MGRO J2019+37 , and the results of a cross-correlation of this catalog with one obtained at near-infrared wavelengths, which contains ~3105 sources, as well as with available X-ray observations of the region. Some peculiar sources inside the ~1° uncertainty region of the TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37 are discussed in detail, including the pulsar PSR J2021+3651 and its pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2+0.1 , two new radio-jet sources, the H II region Sh 2-104 containing two star clusters, and the radio source NVSS J202032+363158 . We also find that the hadronic scenario is the most likely in case of a single accelerator, and discuss the possible contribution from the sources mentioned above. Conclusions. Although the radio and GeV pulsar PSR J2021+3651 / AGL J2020.5+3653 and its associated pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2+0.1 can contribute to the emission from MGRO J2019+37 , extrapolation of the GeV spectrum does not explain the detected multi-TeV flux. Other sources discussed here could contribute to the emission of the Milagro source.


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A major challenge of cardiac tissue engineering is directing cells to establish the physiological structure and function of the myocardium being replaced. In native heart, pacing cells generate electrical stimuli that spread throughout the heartcausing cell membrane depolarization and activation of contractile apparatus. We ought to examine whether electricalstimulation of adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (ATDPCs) exerts phenotypic and genetic changes that enhance theircardiomyogenic potential.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential in order to combat invading viruses and trigger antiviral responses. Paradoxically, in the case of HIV-1, DCs might contribute to viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes viral capture and transmission to target cells, especially after DC maturation. In this review, we highlight recent evidence identifying sialyllactosecontaining gangliosides in the viral membrane and the cellular lectin Siglec-1 as critical determinants for HIV-1 capture and storage by mature DCs and for DC-mediated trans-infection of T cells. In contrast, DC-SIGN, long considered to be the main receptor for DC capture of HIV-1, plays a minor role in mature DC-mediated HIV-1 capture and trans-infection.


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The activated sludge process - the main biological technology usually applied towastewater treatment plants (WWTP) - directly depends on live beings (microorganisms), and therefore on unforeseen changes produced by them. It could be possible to get a good plant operation if the supervisory control system is able to react to the changes and deviations in the system and can take thenecessary actions to restore the system’s performance. These decisions are oftenbased both on physical, chemical, microbiological principles (suitable to bemodelled by conventional control algorithms) and on some knowledge (suitable to be modelled by knowledge-based systems). But one of the key problems in knowledge-based control systems design is the development of an architecture able to manage efficiently the different elements of the process (integrated architecture), to learn from previous cases (spec@c experimental knowledge) and to acquire the domain knowledge (general expert knowledge). These problems increase when the process belongs to an ill-structured domain and is composed of several complex operational units. Therefore, an integrated and distributed AIarchitecture seems to be a good choice. This paper proposes an integrated and distributed supervisory multi-level architecture for the supervision of WWTP, that overcomes some of the main troubles of classical control techniques and those of knowledge-based systems applied to real world systems