713 resultados para Llenguatge i llengües--Ensenyament
This issue of the Catalan Journal of Linguistics was conceived with the idea to promote comparative studies of the languages spoken in the Iberian Peninsula. The importance of comparison in linguistics dates back to neogrammarians in the xix century due to their interest of discovering the common roots of most of the languages spoken in Europe. In order to get to that objective, comparison of phonological patterns were crucial to retrieve the common Indo-European origins
American English exhibits a great dialectal diversity, easily perceived in lexicon; so that questions are raised about which regionalisms are part of the mythical SAE and which are not. A small sample of regionalisms is checked against three standard dictionaries in order to determine the role regionalisms play in SAE.
Background: Recent research based on comparisons between bilinguals and monolinguals postulates that bilingualism enhances cognitive control functions, because the parallel activation of languages necessitates control of interference. In a novel approach we investigated two groups of bilinguals, distinguished by their susceptibility to cross-language interference, asking whether bilinguals with strong language control abilities ('non-switchers") have an advantage in executive functions (inhibition of irrelevant information, problem solving, planning efficiency, generative fluency and self-monitoring) compared to those bilinguals showing weaker language control abilities ('switchers"). Methods: 29 late bilinguals (21 women) were evaluated using various cognitive control neuropsychological tests [e.g., Tower of Hanoi, Ruff Figural Fluency Task, Divided Attention, Go/noGo] tapping executive functions as well as four subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. The analysis involved t-tests (two independent samples). Non-switchers (n = 16) were distinguished from switchers (n = 13) by their performance observed in a bilingual picture-naming task. Results: The non-switcher group demonstrated a better performance on the Tower of Hanoi and Ruff Figural Fluency task, faster reaction time in a Go/noGo and Divided Attention task, and produced significantly fewer errors in the Tower of Hanoi, Go/noGo, and Divided Attention tasks when compared to the switchers. Non-switchers performed significantly better on two verbal subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Information and Similarity), but not on the Performance subtests (Picture Completion, Block Design). Conclusions: The present results suggest that bilinguals with stronger language control have indeed a cognitive advantage in the administered tests involving executive functions, in particular inhibition, self-monitoring, problem solving, and generative fluency, and in two of the intelligence tests. What remains unclear is the direction of the relationship between executive functions and language control abilities.
Darrerament hem investigat l’emergència del metallenguatge en els infants en contextos d’interaccions comunicatives naturals (Ivern, 2006) i hem establert un sistema de categories metalingüístiques per tal d’identifi car i conceptualitzar aquells comportaments relacionats amb la refl exió sobre el llenguatge, tot emmarcat en una perspectiva evolutiva. Els participants han estat 32 infants, 16 nens i 16 nenes, d’edats compreses entre els 2 anys i 8 mesos i els 8 anys, tots ells de parla castellana. Entre altres aspectes hem analitzat les funcions que compleix, atenent especialment a la relació tripartida entre metallenguatge, metacognició i recursivitat. En darrer terme, ens ha semblat interessant analitzar la relació del metallenguatge amb la teoria de la ment i el sentit de l’humor. La naturalesa metalingüística de l’humor ha estat estudiada des de principis dels anys setanta (Shultz, 1974 i Cazden, 1976) fi ns l’actualitat (Puche, 2001; Puche i Lozano, 2002). Bona part de l’nterès que ha desvetllat és per la seva importància com a indicador de l’activitat cognitiva. A continuació exposem una refl exió breu sobre el paper que juga el sentit de l’humor en els infants des de la perspectiva de la psicologia cognitiva.
Los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta son instrumentos metodológicos que implican, como su nombre indica, el uso de informantes ¿pensando en voz alta¿ mientras llevan a cabo una actividad. Los pensamientos articulados siguiendo esta técnica se graban para poder ser transcritos y son analizados con la ayuda de unas categorías preestablecidas para reflexionar sobre los objetivos del trabajo de investigación. La metodología ha sido ampliamente utilizada para analizar actividades de resolución de problemas (¿problem solving activities¿) en numerosos estudios de psicología cognitiva y su uso se ha extendido para analizar los procesos de escritura. Este análisis pretende explicar los orígenes de los protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta en el marco de la psicología cognitiva y revisar brevemente las obras más influyentes de Ericsson y Simon con el fin de presentar los puntos básicos del marco teórico que estos autores establecieron. A continuación se presentarán algunas consideraciones relacionadas con el hecho de utilizar la técnica de pensamiento en voz alta para analizar los procesos de escritura, y finalmente se proponen unas normas básicas a seguir por aquellas personas interesados en utilizar esta metodología.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és contribuir a l'estudi de la morfologia verbal catalana, en aquest cas amb dades relatives a la varietat nord-occidental. Les formes que forneixen la part descriptiva corresponen a mostres de producció oral obtingudes en informants de 3 -4, 6- 7 i 11- 12 anys, la qual cosa signi ca una descripció morfològica del període de desenvolupament lingüístic del nen. Pel que fa a la interpretació dels resultats es proposa una perspectiva d'anàlisi que inclou tant les consideracions que tenen a veure amb aspectes interns del llenguatge com amb els de caràcter extern.
En aquest article s'analitzen quatre factors que poden incidir en el desenvolupament i el resultats de les tasques de reflexió metalingüística quan es realitzen en grup: tipus de tasca, formes d'interacci ó del grup, condici ó de monolingüe o bilingüe dels participants i llengua objecte de reflexió. Les dades analitzades provenen de la gravació i transcripci ó d'un seguit de sessions de treball en grup en les quals es proposava a nois i noies de secundària (14-15 anys) diferents tasques de tipus metalingüístic. Com a complement de l'an àlisi dels quatre factors esmentats, l'article tamb e inclou un apartat on es compara el proc és de reflexió que segueixen els estudiants de secundària amb el procés que segueixen alumnes del Curs d'Aptitud Pedag ògica (CAP).
Language diversity has become greatly endangered in the past centuries owing to processes of language shift from indigenous languages to other languages that are seen as socially and economically more advantageous, resulting in the death or doom of minority languages. In this paper, we define a new language competition model that can describe the historical decline of minority languages in competition with more advantageous languages. We then implement this non-spatial model as an interaction term in a reactiondiffusion system to model the evolution of the two competing languages. We use the results to estimate the speed at which the more advantageous language spreads geographically, resulting in the shrinkage of the area of dominance of the minority language. We compare the results from our model with the observed retreat in the area of influence of the Welsh language in the UK, obtaining a good agreement between the model and the observed data
In this paper we shall try to explain why speakers experience their languages so passionately. One explanation is based on the role language plays in the construction of the community and in the fact that it is a clear mark of belonging. Furthermore, we support another reason. Speakers experience their language as something received from their ancestors and that they are obliged to transmit to their descendents, an imperative which carries an extraordinary emotional charge. In fact, fear of the death of a language is experienced as an act of irreparable non-fulfilment. Why? We believe that language is one of the most evident signs of community, much more than the sum of the individuals of which it is composed. Indeed, it is a long-lasting entity projected into both the past and the future and which, moreover, accumulates within the language the whole of the culture. In the survival of the community and the language we find a response, even though it may be illusory, to the need for transcendence: our ancestors live on in our language and we, if we meet our obligations, live on in the language of our descendents