209 resultados para Ester-dermasan.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
Las úlceras neuropáticas es una de las complicaciones que con más frecuencia presenta el paciente diabético. El principal objetivo en el tratamiento de las úlceras neuropáticas es potenciar los mecanismos fisiológicos de cicatrización, para ello es necesario actuar sobre los factores que retrasan este proceso. Uno de los principales factores que actúan como desencadenante y agravante en la aparición de una úlcera neuropática es el aumento de la presión plantar, condicionada por una alteración en el apoyo ya sea por causa estructural o biomecánica, al mismo tiempo esta hiperpresión continuada actúa retrasando los mecanismos de cicatrización. El método que ha demostrado mayor efectividad es el tratamiento de las úlceras neuropáticas plantares es el tratamiento con descargas. Vamos a exponer en este trabajo las diferentes técnicas de descarga que se pueden utilizar para tratar una ulcera neuropática a nivel ambulatorio.
El cambio de prolongador del equipo de Diálisis Peritoneal es una intervención competencia de la enfermería que debe ser cumplimentada siguiendo un protocolo que minimice el riesgo de contaminación y por tanto de la aparición de peritonitis. No existen recomendaciones claras y unánimes sobre cómo desinfectar las conexiones, ya que esto va a depender fundamentalmente de si el conector del catéter es de titanio o no y de cómo debe cebarse el nuevo prolongador. Objetivo: Conocer como se realiza el cambio de prolongador en las diferentes unidades nefrológicas del Estado con el fin de consensuar el procedimiento más adecuado. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en febrero de 2008 a partir de un cuestionario estructurado y autocumplimentado de diseño propio del que garantizó su validez y fiabilidad. En la encuesta se recogió la experiencia de la persona encuestada en el campo de la DP, el sistema utilizado, y el cumplimiento de los ítems que se consideraron fundamentales para una buena praxis en el procedimiento del cambio de prolongador, basados en la literatura consultada y el las recomendaciones de los proveedores de los productos para DP. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 53 encuestas de enfermeras que manifestaron tener experiencia en DP entre 3 meses y 32 años. El grado de cumplimiento de las acciones necesarias para cambiar el prolongador (lavado de manos, preparación campo estéril, lavado del conector) fue entre un 95 y un 100%, mientras que los ítems desinfección de la conexión y drenaje de líquido peritoneal tras el cambio obtuvieron grados de cumplimentación entre un 28 y un 83%. Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio presenta limitaciones, ya que se trataba de hacer una prospección inicial sobre el tema, se debe profundizar en él y consensuar un protocolo válido de cambio de prolongador para cualquiera de los sistemas que ofrece la industria y definir muy claramente el proceso de desinfección del conector y la conveniencia o no de realizar un recambio peritoneal completo tras el cambio.
Microbial mats are complex but stable, multi-layered and multi-functional biofilms, which are the most frequent bacterial formations in nature. The functional strategies and physiological versatility of the bacterial populations growing in microbial mats allow bacteria to resist changing conditions within their environment. One of these strategies is the accumulation of carbon- and energy-rich polymers that permit the recovery of metabolic activities when favorable conditions are restored. In the present study, we systematically screened microbial mats for bacteria able to accumulate large amounts of the ester carbon polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Several of these strains were isolated from Ebro Delta microbial mats and their ability to accumulate PHA up to 40-60 % of their dry weight was confirmed. According to two identification approaches (16S rRNA and ropD genes), these strains were identified as Halomonas alkaliphila (MAT-7, -13, -16), H. neptunia (MAT-17), and H. venusta (MAT-28). To determine the mode of growth yielding maximum PHA accumulation, these three different species were cultured in an artificial biofilm in which the cells were immobilized on alginate beads. PHA accumulation by cells that had detached from the biofilm was compared with that of their planktonic counterparts. Experiments in different culture media showed that PHA accumulation, measured as the relative fluorescence intensity after 48 h of incubation at 30 °C, was higher in immobilized than in planktonic cells, with the exception of cells growing in 5 % NaCl, in which PHA accumulation was drastically lower in both. Therefore, for obtaining high PHA concentrations, the use of immobilized cells may be a good alternative to the PHA accumulation by bacteria growing in the classical, planktonic mode. From the ecological point of view, increased PHA accumulation in detached cells from biofilms would be a natural strategy to improve bacterial dispersion capacity and, consequently, to increase survival in stressed environments.
Las terapias complementarias y alternativas (TCA) son las intervenciones y prácticas que no forman parte del sistema sanitario convencional. En la obstetricia, su uso es cada día más frecuente. Para asesorar a las gestantes es necesario tener unos conocimientos adecuados al respecto. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la oferta formativa de las matronas en TCA para la atención al parto mediante una revisión bibliográfica y la consulta de fuentes documentales. El actual programa de formación no las contempla y su aprendizaje depende de motivaciones personales. Existe poca información al respecto. Para recomendarlas y utilizarlas con eficacia y seguridad, es necesario dedicar más recursos a la investigación e incorporarlas en los planes convencionales de estudio.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
Las terapias complementarias y alternativas (TCA) son las intervenciones y prácticas que no forman parte del sistema sanitario convencional. En la obstetricia, su uso es cada día más frecuente. Para asesorar a las gestantes es necesario tener unos conocimientos adecuados al respecto. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la oferta formativa de las matronas en TCA para la atención al parto mediante una revisión bibliográfica y la consulta de fuentes documentales. El actual programa de formación no las contempla y su aprendizaje depende de motivaciones personales. Existe poca información al respecto. Para recomendarlas y utilizarlas con eficacia y seguridad, es necesario dedicar más recursos a la investigación e incorporarlas en los planes convencionales de estudio.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) are members of the MAPK family and can be activated by different stimuli such as cellular stress, heat shock and ultra-violet irradiation. JNKs have different physiological functions and they have been linked to apoptosis in different cell types. Therefore, the JNK signalling pathway is an important target to prevent cell death. In the present chapter, the role of JNKs in neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed, as well as the pharmacological compounds that inhibit this signalling pathway as therapeutic intervention to prevent neuronal death.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) are members of the MAPK family and can be activated by different stimuli such as cellular stress, heat shock and ultra-violet irradiation. JNKs have different physiological functions and they have been linked to apoptosis in different cell types. Therefore, the JNK signalling pathway is an important target to prevent cell death. In the present chapter, the role of JNKs in neurodegenerative diseases will be discussed, as well as the pharmacological compounds that inhibit this signalling pathway as therapeutic intervention to prevent neuronal death.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.