111 resultados para Energy facilities
In the present work we review the way in which the electron-matter interaction allows us to perform electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), as well as the latest developments in the technique and some of the most relevant results of EELS as a characterization tool in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Purpose: Despite the fundamental role of ecosystem goods and services in sustaining human activities, there is no harmonized and internationally agreed method for including them in life cycle assessment (LCA). The main goal of this study was to develop a globally applicable and spatially resolved method for assessing land-use impacts on the erosion regulation ecosystem service.Methods: Soil erosion depends much on location. Thus, unlike conventional LCA, the endpoint method was regionalized at the grid-cell level (5 arc-minutes, approximately 10×10 km2) to reflect the spatial conditions of the site. Spatially explicit characterization factors were not further aggregated at broader spatial scales. Results and discussion: Life cycle inventory data of topsoil and topsoil organic carbon (SOC) losses were interpreted at the endpoint level in terms of the ultimate damage to soil resources and ecosystem quality. Human health damages were excluded from the assessment. The method was tested on a case study of five three-year agricultural rotations, two of them with energy crops, grown in several locations in Spain. A large variation in soil and SOC losses was recorded in the inventory step, depending on climatic and edaphic conditions. The importance of using a spatially explicit model and characterization factors is shown in the case study.Conclusions and outlook: The regionalized assessment takes into account the differences in soil erosion-related environmental impacts caused by the great variability of soils. Taking this regionalized framework as the starting point, further research should focus on testing the applicability of the method trough the complete life cycle of a product and on determining an appropriate spatial scale at which to aggregate characterization factors, in order to deal with data gaps on location of processes, especially in the background system. Additional research should also focus on improving reliability of the method by quantifying and, insofar as it is possible, reducing uncertainty.
The environmental impact of the water consumption of four typical crop rotations grown in Spain, including energy crops, was analyzed and compared against Spanish agricultural and natural reference situations. The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was used for the assessment of the potential environmental impact of blue water (withdrawal from water bodies) and green water (uptake of soil moisture) consumption. The latter has so far been disregarded in LCA. To account for green water, two approaches have been applied: the first accounts for the difference in green water demand of the crops and a reference situation. The second is a green water scarcity index, which measures the fraction of the soil-water plant consumption to the available green water. Our results show that, if the aim is to minimize the environmental impacts of water consumption, the energy crop rotations assessed in this study were most suitable in basins in the northeast of Spain. In contrast, the energy crops grown in basins in the southeast of Spain were associated with the greatest environmental impacts. Further research into the integration of quantitative green water assessment in LCA is crucial in studies of systems with a high dependence on green water resources.
Energy security is an important topic on the world agenda and has augmented its importance since the term “peak oil” was coined. Energy security is a crucial issue for most countries but some are more dependent on foreign supply than others. Traditionally, the Baltic States have been dependent on Russia for much of their oil and gas supplies, which makes them vulnerable to political pressure. Therefore, energy security, that is ensuring sufficient supply and safe delivery and in this case reduce dependency on a single provider – Russia, entails a conspicuous foreign policy dimension. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been described as energy islands within the EU. This paper tries to answer the question if energy security of the Baltic States has improved since their accession to the EU in 2004. Additionally, it will analyse the prospects of energy security, noting that one of the Lithuanian aims during its European presidency in 2013 is to improve energy security of the Baltic States by fostering cooperation with EU member states.
En aquest article es pretén explicar breument la viabilitat de la futura gestió i utilització de la biomassa forestal de Bellver de Cerdanya mitjançant un district heating al futur barri del Pla de Tomet. Les particularitats per les quals aquest poble és ideal per a aquest projecte són que l'ajuntament és propietari de gairebé un 90% dels boscos situats en aquest municipi; i que alhora ja ha realitzat diverses instal·lacions que utilitzen la biomassa forestal per a calefacció i ACS. La situació econòmica de la comarca és bastant complicada, ja que s'ha basat en el sector turístic i la construcció, però ambdós no passen pel millor moment. El projecte serviria per donar un valor a la biomassa forestal que fins ara no s'ha donat, i alhora s'intenta buscar nous inputs econòmics per a la Cerdanya. En aquest treball també s'analitza quins haurien de ser els futurs tractaments que s'haurien d'aplicar a la forest, tenint en compte les activitats que es realitzen actualment, i evitant en tot moment possibles efectes negatius, com podria ser la sobreexplotació. També es dedica una part del projecte a explicar els sistemes per obtenir i gestionar de forma correcta la biomassa. A continuació es tracta la part més tècnica, realitzant una estimació del possible futur consum energètic del barri del Pla de Tomet, encara no construït; i decidint quins sistema de calderes seria el més adequat, el tipus d’emmagatzematge més apropiat i els passos a seguir per millorar el rendiment del procés de la gestió i extracció de la biomassa. Seguint tots aquests passos s'arriba a la conclusió que aprofitar la biomassa forestal és millor solució que utilitzar combustibles fòssils. A part dels obvis beneficis medi ambientals, també és millor a nivell econòmic, tant pels futurs veïns com per l'ajuntament.
A raíz de la evolución del precio de la energía y de las medidas adoptadas a nivel mundial para el llamado “desarrollo sostenible”, la legislación europea ha liderado las correcciones a efectuar en los procesos protagonistas del consumo de recursos y de contaminación del medio ambiente. En la última década el proceso viene acelerándose para cumplir con los objetivos marcados, amparándose en unas ya consolidadas estadísticas sobre las repercusiones prácticas de cada una de las iniciativas proyectadas. Una de las tecnologías a emplear es la cogeneración, es decir, la producción simultánea de calor y electricidad. A diferencia de otras soluciones más ambiciosas, y por tanto con mayor incertidumbre en su aplicación práctica, la cogeneración es una respuesta ya madura y viable, directamente aplicable a industrias y con un claro apoyo institucional. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es demostrar mediante un estudio técnico – económico, la viabilidad de la solución planteada en este tipo de edificios, mediante la aportación de datos reales y contrastados. Así como establecer los parámetros e indicadores de medición que permitan elegir dicha tecnología como la solución óptima para el ahorro y eficiencia económica en su sector de aplicación. Entre las conclusiones más destacadas de este proyecto están los beneficios que aporta tanto al usuario del sistema como al conjunto de la sociedad, siendo este último aspecto fundamental en su financiación y subvención. Por otra parte, son instalaciones desconocidas en ciertos edificios por lo que este trabajo debe contribuir a su desarrollo y adopción por parte de las empresas de servicios energéticos.