806 resultados para Emigració i immigració-Aspectes socials


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En este artículo hemos pretendido reconsiderar algunas de las formas de pensar las relaciones entre espacio y sociedad, en particular por lo que hace a contextos urbanos socioculturalmente heterogéneos. Con este fin, hemos esbozado una triple crítica a lo que damos en llamar ?razón espacial?, esto es, a aquellas formas de aprehensión de las relaciones espacio-sociedad en las que lo espacial no sólo disuelve lo social, generando un enturbamiento de las relaciones y posiciones sociales en juego, sino que impiden percibir una multiplicidad de prácticas cotidianas de intercambio, transacción, comunicación u hospitalidad, en suma de reconocimiento, entre unos y otros grupos o sectores sociales. De este modo, hemos acabado poniendo especial énfasis en las complejas relaciones entre distancia y hospitalidad.


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Actualment el flux migratori internacional s"ha feminitzat, quasi la meitat és compost per dones. No obstant això, malgrat exercir una influència en el comportament i en els projectes migratoris, la variable de gènere habitualment no ha estat recollida com a variable específica. L"article posa atenció en el col·lectiu de treballadores de la llar atesa la poca visibilitat que tenen en el debat públic. Al mateix temps, ha d"assumir un triple risc d"exclusió social (dones, migrants i amb precarietat laboral). Aquest col·lectiu ha estat un suport important per a moltes famílies europees en permetre a la dona, que continua assumint amb major grau la responsabilitat de la llar, conciliar la vida familiar i professional. Les qüestions clau sobre les quals reflexionarem són les possibilitats de conciliació que tenen les mateixes «reconciliadores », i també les oportunitats de participació i, per tant, d"integració a la societat d"acollida. El sector econòmic no afavoreix l"accés a aquests dos processos atès que l"accés a drets laborals és desigual i també hi ha una part important de situacions dins l"economia submergida. Aquesta realitat no ha estat abordada en profunditat dins del debat públic. Són els moviments de dones dins del marc del feminisme dialògic els que estan formulant estratègies més efectives i equitatives d"inclusió social i d"igualtat d"oportunitats. Paraules clau: gènere, immigració, conciliació, inclusió.


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Resulta muy difícil estimar el aporte al crecimiento natural de las personas venidas de fueras y nuevos residentes, de acuerdo con la propuesta de Naciones Unidas. Históricamente, No ha habido acuerdo acerca de la fecundidad de los migrantes. Andorka consideró que la migración producía un efecto depresor en la fecundidad. Estudios sobre la fecundidad de los migrantes internos en la sociedad catalana han mostrado el contraste entre un creciente indicador sintético de fecundidad (ISF) y un efecto reducido en la fecundidad longitudinal. Un intento de explicación basado en el tiempo, nacimientos pospuestos y adaptación, se presenta. Se trata de una combinación de la propuesta de Andorka del efecto depresor de la fecundidad, con un segundo tiempo de recuperación en destino. Esta Hipótesis en dos Tiempos (H2T) tiene carácter tentativo. Considera sólo un efecto de calendario. Se utilizan datos oficiales de la Encuesta de Fecundidad de 1999, de un Censo anterior y de natalidad. La H2T se considera una explicación posible de las altas tasas de natalidad de Europa y América.Estimaciones sobre la evolución de los nacimientos futuros de mujeres extranjeras, en al menos dos escenarios, son contemplados al final del artículo.


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Las adolescentes extranjeras son madres, más frecuentemente que las españolas. Eso implica una futura desigualdad en la continuación de los estudios, en el acceso a una mejor calificación y por ende, empleo y futuros ingresos. Las razones que se apuntan son normalmente, culturales: el sexo fuera del matrimonio está mejor aceptado en ciertas culturas extra-europeas -aunque no en otras- y por ende, sus consecuencias, también.El objetivo de este trabajo es poner en evidencia el riesgo de embarazo y de ser madres a tan temprana edad, del colectivo de adolescentes extranjeras -sin distinción de origen- en el contexto de una sociedad europea, la española.Se trata de construir y analizar indicadores de fecundidad y de IVE (Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo), compararlos con las adolescentes locales o el conjunto de adolescentes que viven en España, con el fin de delimitar un problema de salud cuyas opciones de salida implican un marco de valores. Lo reciente de las migraciones extranjeras y de las reunificaciones familiares hace pensar que las adolescenteshan sido socializadas en la sociedad de origen y viven ahora, en otro contexto y en otras circunstancias. Por lo pronto,la diferencia de niveles y las tendencias, se apartan de lo observado para el conjunto de España.


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I would like to thank Pierre Moret for his praises -which I certainly do not deserve- as well as for his valuable comments and criticisms. An intellectual discussion with such a prominent scholar is a satisfying experience, even if I do not wholly agree with his opinions. His reactions are related to three different topics: the definition of the geographical area covered in my article; the role of population increase in social evolution and the role of migrations.


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The phenomenon of human migration is certainly not new and it has been studied from a variety of perspectives. Yet, the attention on human migration and its determinant has not been fading over time as confirmed by recent contributions (see for instance Cushing and Poot 2004 and Rebhun and Raveh 2006). In this paper we combine the recent theoretical contributions by Douglas (1997) and Wall (2001) with the methodological advancements of Guimarães et al. (2000, 2003) to model inter-municipal migration flows in the Barcelona area. In order to do that, we employ two different types of count models, i.e. the Poisson and negative binomial and compare the estimations obtained. Our results show that, even after controlling for the traditional migration factors, QoL (measured with a Composite Index which includes numerous aspects and also using a list of individual variables) is an important determinant of short distance migration movements in the Barcelona area.


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Aquest article és una aproximació a l'estudi de la mal anomenada segona generació d'immigrants per a poder comprendre com viuen aquests joves entre cultures. ¿Quins sentiments i conductes genera aquesta situació? ¿Amb qui i quan se veu en la necessitat d'identificar-se amb un o altre grup? ¿Com es situa amb respecte a la cultura majoritària i al grup familiar d'origen? ¿Quins són els seus grups de participació i pertenença? ¿Quines respostes reben del seu entorn? ¿Aquesta situació és vivida com un avantatge o com un desavantatge?. En definitiva, es tracta d'abordar i analitzar comprensivament les avantatges i les dificultats d'aquesta generació que viu "entre cultures" i s'ofereix un model explicatiu denominat "Model de pertenença i competències culturals". També s'exposen algunes recomanacions educatives amb l'objectiu d'optimitzar els processos educatius i que les avantatges de les seves competències pluriculturals puguin ser aplocables a tot l'alumnat e incorporat al currículum del futur.


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This article presents some of the results of a research project whose main objective was to analyse the relationship between resilience and school success of students of foreign origin at a time of special academic vulnerability: the transition from compulsory secondary education (ESO) to post-compulsory education (PO). By non-probabilistic-incidental sampling, the study was conducted in four schools of Barcelona and province, with 94 participants from 15 to 18 years old. This research of a longitudinal design had five phases combining strategies to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The results presented here are the result of the SV-RES adapted scale and two other self-produced toolsa center scale and a general questionnaire. The results obtained have confirmed the fulfilment of the hypothesis: immigrant students who manage to persevere in post-compulsory stages (Spanish Baccalaureate and/or Vocational Training) show higher levels of resilience.


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Emigrating and having to leave children behind may be a risk factor for the mental health of immigrants. This study aimed to compare the psychological symptoms reported by immigrants mothers and fathers who took their children with them with those who left their children behind. The sample comprised 213 Latin American immigrants (123 women and 90 men). The results showed that mothers who did not have children with them reported more psychological symptoms than those who did. Few differences were observed in the case of fathers, except that those who had their children with them reported more symptoms related with somatization. After controlling for possible confounding variables ('time since immigration', ·having a job', 'legal status', and social support') it is concluded that for mothers not being accompanied by own's children explains the largest proportion of the psychological synptoms analyzed, although the time since immigration also accounts for some of the variance in the case of depressive sympthomatology and general distress. It is likely that the despair and frustation felt by mothers grows as time goes on and they remain unable to reunite the family. These results may be useful in terms of designing prevention and intervention programs with immigrants mothers.


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Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.


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Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.


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By analysing entry policies and regularisation procedures in Spain from the 1990s to 2007, this article examines how the mismatch between very restrictive immigration policies and increasing foreign labour demands translated into a model of illegal migration, which in turn gave rise to the need to carry out periodical regularisation drives. This double 'policy gap' between legality and reality, and between entry policies and regularisation procedures, is explained as a policy in itself and as a way to solve in practice the apparently unsolvable dilemma between the demands for closure and the insatiable demands for foreign workers.


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An increasing body of research has pointed to the relevance of social capital in studying a great variety of socio-economic phenomena, ranging from economics growth and development to educational attainment and public health. Conceptually, our paper is framed within the debates about the possible links between health and social capital, on one hand, and within the hypotheses regarding the importance of social and community networks in all stages of the dynamics of international migration, on the other hand. Our primary objective is to explore the ways social relations contribute to health differences between the immigrants and the native-born population of Spain. We also try to reveal differences in the nature of the social networks of foreign-born, as compared to that of the native-born persons. The empirical analysis is based on an individual-level data coming from the 2006 Spanish Health Survey, which contains a representative sample of the immigrant population. To assess the relationship between various health indicators (self-assessed health, chronic conditions and long-term illness) and social capital, controlling for other covariates, we estimate multilevel models separately for the two population groups of interest. In the estimates we distinguish between individual and community-level social capital. While the Health Survey contains information that allows us to define individual social capital measures, the collective indicators come from other official sources. In particular, for the subsample of immigrants, we proxy community-level networks and relationships by variables contained in the Spanish National Survey of Immigrants 2007. The results obtained so far point to the relevance of social capital as a covariate in the health equation, although, the significance varies according to the specific health indicator used. Additionally, and contrary to what is expected, immigrants’ social networks seem to be inferior to those of the native-born population in many aspects; and they also affect immigrant’s health to a lesser extent. Policy implications of the findings are discussed. Keywords: health status, social capital, immigration, Spain