976 resultados para Arxius -- Edificis-- Sarrià (Barcelona, Catalunya : Barri)
Every year, flash floods cause economic losses and major problems for undertaking daily activity in the Catalonia region (NE Spain). Sometimes catastrophic damage and casualties occur. When a long term analysis of floods is undertaken, a question arises regarding the changing role of the vulnerability and the hazard in risk evolution. This paper sets out to give some information to deal with this question, on the basis of analysis of all the floods that have occurred in Barcelona county (Catalonia) since the 14th century, as well as the flooded area, urban evolution, impacts and the weather conditions for any of most severe events. With this objective, the identification and classification of historical floods, and characterisation of flash-floods among these, have been undertaken. Besides this, the main meteorological factors associated with recent flash floods in this city and neighbouring regions are well-known. On the other hand, the identification of rainfall trends that could explain the historical evolution of flood hazard occurrence in this city has been analysed. Finally, identification of the influence of urban development on the vulnerability to floods has been carried out. Barcelona city has been selected thanks to its long continuous data series (daily rainfall data series, since 1854; one of the longest rainfall rate series of Europe, since 1921) and for the accurate historical archive information that is available (since the Roman Empire for the urban evolution). The evolution of flood occurrence shows the existence of oscillations in the earlier and later modern-age periods that can be attributed to climatic variability, evolution of the perception threshold and changes in vulnerability. A great increase of vulnerability can be assumed for the period 1850¿1900. The analysis of the time evolution for the Barcelona rainfall series (1854¿2000) shows that no trend exists, although, due to changes in urban planning, flash-floods impact has altered over this time. The number of catastrophic flash floods has diminished, although the extraordinary ones have increased.
This paper presents an observational study of the tornado outbreak that took place on the 7 September 2005 in the Llobregat delta river, affecting a densely populated and urbanised area and the Barcelona International airport (NE Spain). The site survey confirmed at least five short-lived tornadoes. Four of them were weak (F0, F1) and the other one was significant (F2 on the Fujita scale). They started mostly as waterspouts and moved later inland causing extensive damage estimated in 9 million Euros, three injured people but fortunately no fatalities. Large scale forcing was provided by upper level diffluence and low level warm air advection. Satellite and weather radar images revealed the development of the cells that spawned the waterspouts along a mesoscale convergence line in a highly sheared and relatively low buoyant environment. Further analysis indicated characteristics that could be attributed indistinctively to non-supercell or to mini-supercell thunderstorms.
Es descriu el servei de biblioteca del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona. En primer lloc es fa una breu explicació de l'organització del centre penitenciari per unitats de convivència, així com de les principals característiques dels seus interns (edat, medi sociocultural, nivell cultural, estudis en curs, etc.). Posteriorment es descriu pròpiament el servei de biblioteca del centre des de diferents punts de vista: administració, serveis, pressupost, personal, localització i condicionament, fons, catàleg i promoció i difusió. Per últim, es comparen i valoren les principals dades d'aquest servei amb les que estableixen les recomanacions de l'IFLA per a biblioteques de presó.
Se cita por primera vez el hallazgo de un coral colonia en Montjuich, Thegioastrea multisepta (SISMONDA) y se estudian las posibles causas de la rareza de este tipo de organismos en este yacimiento
Amb aquest treball es dona testimoni de l'existència i activitats de l'Acadèmia d'Estudiants de Medicina entre els anys 1845 i 1850, una associació que agrupava els estudiants dels dos últims anys de Medicina. A més a més, els autors fan una descricpció acurada del marc acadèmic per a l'estudi de la medicina en aquella època: el funcionament de la facultat, el nombre de catedràtics, professors i alumnes, les instal·lacions, etc. El treball conté també un registre de les sessions acadèmiques (a raó d'una per setmana) cel·lebrades de les què es guarda referència. Ja per últim, s'inclouen a l'addenda, tres memòries amb tres dissertacions de mans d'Eliseu Forest i Cardona, Antoni de la Creu Roca i Flaquer i Francesc Sunyer i Capdevila.
El document consisteix en el programa d'aquest Primer Congrès Català de Medicina del Treball i és una crida a la participació de tots aquells que hi tinguin alguna cosa a aportar.
L'obra recull per ordre cronòlogic tots els goigs, des del primer conegut, cantats a l'Hospital de la Santa Creu. També estan recollits els càntics actuals de les Germanes Hospitalàries de la Santa Creu.
Marginación e inadaptación: notas para un estudio sobre la llamada delincuencia juvenil en Barcelona
Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.
Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.
Un total de vint ceràmiques altmedievals, en la major part espatulades, procedents de diversos contextos de les excavacions de Barcelona, han estat caracteritzades arqueomètricament per Fluorescència de Raigs X(FRX), Difracció de Raigs X (DRX) i Microscòpia Òptica de polarització per làmina prima (MO). Els resultats han permès establir una diversitat de produccions d"orígens possiblement locals i/o regionals.