109 resultados para Alemania-Constitución
International texts recognise the buyer's right to the repair or replacement if the goods do not conform with the contract, and at the same time, establish exceptions to their application and certain rules of protection for the seller (Art. 46 CISG, Art. 7.2.3 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Art.9:102 PECL and Arts. 4:202 y 4:204 (1) PEL S). This approach is a result of a compromise between civil law systems and the common law and it has been widely extended to the regulation of consumer sales over the last decade (Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, Art. III.-3:302 DCFR, Art. 26 of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights). These norms regulate the different ways of requiring the fulfilment of a contractual obligation from a new paradigm which has little to do with a need to protect the weak consumer which governed the origins of consumer policy in the European Community. Now the idea of the consumer who shall behave economically efficiently prevails in Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, a norm which is clearly influenced by the international texts and whose transposing into the national legislation of Member States has created important problems for traditional dogmas. In this sense there are still some unclear issues, such as the possibility of replacing in sales of goods of specific nature or second-hand goods, some aspects on the exercise of repair and replacement, and, even, their use as primary remedies rather than a reduction in price or a rescission of the contract. With regard to this, in England the possibility of offering the consumer free choice between these measures if the goods do not conform with the contract has been raised. This is far from the principle of pacta sunt servanda and is clearly contrary to the economic approach of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights. Up to now Spain has limited itself to implementing Art. 3.3 Directive 1999/44/CE into its legal system in almost literal terms and the case law on the issue has completely turned out to be insufficient. By contrast with Germany, the Spanish legislator has not extended the application of the rules of repair and replacement of Directive 1999/44/CE to nonconsumer sales, even though two draft bill proposals along these lines presented by the General Commission for Codifying (“Comisión General de Codificación”), the last one being in January, 2009
This article aims to explain the main references that characterize the educational research in our context. This requires assessing the main external influences and the way how are you we have been conditioned. Briefly describes the trajectory of specific teaching in Spain give to his creation to the present moment, to understand the passage of its constitution to create the research and its effects. Highlights the emerging methodologies and proposed findings that point to new perspectives on the proposed interdisciplinary teaching compared
Este trabajo analiza cómo se puede crear valor a través del uso de las TIC. Para ello se utiliza el Modelo de creación de valor en e-business desarrollado por Amit y Zott (2001) y se aplica a una tipología de nuevos intermediarios que opera en el sector de los contenidos digitales: gregadores de noticias. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha realizado un estudio exploratorio y un estudio de casos a través de entrevistas personales con informadores estratégicos y un análisis del contenido de las páginas web de 56 empresas relacionadas con el sector y cuestionarios, principalmenteSe han analizado empresas de EEUU, Canadá, España, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Suiza
En el presente artículo se hace un breve repaso de las circunstancias académicas, institucionales y de algunos de los avatares que han venido sucediendo hasta dar lugar a la constitución de la Asociación de Psicología Ambiental (PSICAMB) y sus primeros años. Junto a este recorrido, también se ha prestado atención a los trabajos que se han presentado en las doce jornadas y congresos bianuales que se han celebrado hasta la actualidad. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido de los 1065 títulos recogidos en estos eventos. Por lo que respecta al nivel de participación se observa que cada vez este es más alto tanto en el número trabajos presentados cómo en los autores que los avalan. Por lo que respecta al análisis de los títulos, se observó que las quince categorías utilizadas se subsumían en cinco: 'aspectos teóricos, conceptuales y metodológicos', 'medio construido' 'medio natural' la 'psicología de la conservación' 'los riesgos y los desastres'. Los resultados del análisis muestran un alto volumen en cada una de estas categorías salvo en el 'medio natural' y se observa como con el devenir de los años se ha ido prestando atención más a unos temas que a otros.