106 resultados para online student feedback


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Using econometric evidence, this article confirms that distribution ofmedicines online is split into two market segments of very diversequality, and identifies the factors that drive quality and qualityassurance in this activity. Unlike fraudulent, rogue, websites, whichoffer scant guarantees and usually sell just a few medicines withoutprescription, online pharmacies offering insurance coverage and linkedto conventional pharmacies typically sell a wholerange of drugs, require third-party medical prescriptions and provideabundant information to patients. It is shown that, where onlinepharmacies are allowed to act legally, market forces enhance quality,as private insurers require professional standards, and specialized thirdparties make a business of certifying them. Furthermore, older onlinepharmacies and those running conventional operations offer higherquality, probably because of reputational investments. Overall, this evidence supports licensing online pharmacies, especiallyconsidering that prohibiting them is ineffective against fraudulent sites.


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In most firms, managers periodically assess workers' performance. Evidence suggeststhat managers withhold information during these reviews, and some observersargue that this necessarily reduces surplus. This paper assesses the validity of thisargument when workers have career concerns. Disclosure has two effects: it exposesthe worker to uncertainty about future effort levels, but allows him to use current effortto influence his employer's beliefs about future effort. The surplus-maximizingdisclosure policy reveals output realizations in the center of the distribution, butnot in the tails. Thus, it is efficient for firms to reveal some but not all performanceinformation.


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Confidence in decision making is an important dimension of managerialbehavior. However, what is the relation between confidence, on the onehand, and the fact of receiving or expecting to receive feedback ondecisions taken, on the other hand? To explore this and related issuesin the context of everyday decision making, use was made of the ESM(Experience Sampling Method) to sample decisions taken by undergraduatesand business executives. For several days, participants received 4 or 5SMS messages daily (on their mobile telephones) at random moments at whichpoint they completed brief questionnaires about their current decisionmaking activities. Issues considered here include differences between thetypes of decisions faced by the two groups, their structure, feedback(received and expected), and confidence in decisions taken as well as inthe validity of feedback. No relation was found between confidence indecisions and whether participants received or expected to receivefeedback on those decisions. In addition, although participants areclearly aware that feedback can provide both confirming and disconfirming evidence, their ability to specify appropriatefeedback is imperfect. Finally, difficulties experienced inusing the ESM are discussed as are possibilities for further researchusing this methodology.


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This paper studies the effect of providing relative performance feedback information onindividual performance and on individual affective response, when agents are rewardedaccording to their absolute performance. In a laboratory set-up, agents perform a realeffort task and when receiving feedback, they are asked to rate their happiness, arousaland feeling of dominance. Control subjects learn only their absolute performance, whilethe treated subjects additionally learn the average performance in the session.Performance is 17 percent higher when relative performance feedback is provided.Furthermore, although feedback increases the performance independent of the content(i.e., performing above or below the average), the content is determinant for theaffective response. When subjects are treated, the inequality in the happiness and thefeeling of dominance between those subjects performing above and below the averageincreases by 8 and 6 percentage points, respectively.


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Youth is one of the phases in the life-cycle when some of the most decisivelife transitions take place. Entering the labour market or leaving parentalhome are events with important consequences for the economic well-beingof young adults. In this paper, the interrelationship between employment,residential emancipation and poverty dynamics is studied for eight Europeancountries by means of an econometric model with feedback effects. Resultsshow that youth poverty genuine state dependence is positive and highly significant.Evidence proves there is a strong causal effect between poverty andleaving home in Scandinavian countries, however, time in economic hardshipdoes not last long. In Southern Europe, instead, youth tend to leave theirparental home much later in order to avoid falling into a poverty state that ismore persistent. Past poverty has negative consequences on the likelihood ofemployment.


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Aquest TFC proposa la implementació d'un gestor de contrasenyes online que ha de garantir unes funcionalitats mínimes de desar i recuperar contrasenyes alhora que ha de garantir la confidencialitat de les dades emmagatzemades al servidor.


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Amb la revolució digital van apareixe noves eines informàtiques i plataformes q donen lloc a les jnteraccions en línea, com les xarxes socials i Blogs, aquestes han canviat la manera de comunicació entre les marques i les seves audiències. L' indústria de la moda no ha estat inmune a aquestes transformacions i ha estat adaptar-se al nou format. La recerca presenta una estructura deductiva: Moda Marca Moda- Marques de Moda Espanyola i altres exemples-cas moda- estudio maneta de comunicació online i offline. En aquest últim apartat mostra els resultats de l'anàlisi de les accions comunicatives quotidianes de Marca de Moda Mango, en un període determinat de temps. L'estudi conclou q les accions online i offline és completamenten, es relacionen entre si, evolucionen i donen lloc a una nova forma de comunicació


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El presente proyecto de investigación se presenta como trabajo final del Máster en Estudis Avançats en Comunicació Social y pretende sentar las bases de la futura tesis doctoral. Se plantea una investigación que tiene como objetivo determinar la capacidad que tuvo el uso de las redes digitales de comunicación para modificar la esfera pública durante la primavera árabe en Túnez y el posterior proceso de Transición llevado a cabo. Para ello la investigación se aborda desde tres conceptos clave: el pluralismo mediático, la relevancia mediàtica y los procesos comunicativos. La investigación se abordará triangulando los métodos cuantitativo y cualitativo y se propone como técnica el anàlisis de contenido sobre la nueva legislación tunecina en materia de Políticas de Comunicación, así como del contenido generado por los usuarios en las redes digitales de comunicación y las noticias de medios de referencia online árabes (3) y occidentales (4) en relación con el objeto de estudio.


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Avui en dia, Internet permet ampliar l'horitzó d'alguns serveis, donant-los un altre caire més versàtil i còmode pel client final. El fet de posar a disposició del client un servei com el de la dietètica i la nutrició 24 hores al dia i 7 dies a la setmana, sense que perdi el seu valor i continui sent individualitzat, ofereix al client un coaching en aquest terreny i, al negoci, una altra visió del mateix. Així doncs, el principal objectiu és desenvolupar un lloc web, on l'usuari final pugui rebre una valoració dietètica i nutricional del seu estat actual de manera automàtica i, a la vegada, se li aportin els punts on pot millorar i una dieta escaient. Tot i així, la figura del professional en dietètica participarà del procés, ja que sempre existiran casos més complicats que d'altres.


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Botiga virtual en format web, feta amb arquitectura J2EE i treballada amb Struts2. S'ha utilitzat el PostgreSQL per tractar les dades en taules i HTML pel disseny de les pàgines web.


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Gestión del proyecto para la creación de una plataforma online de intercambio, compra o venta de ayudas técnicas para personas con discapacidad entre particulares.


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Fascination is a project for design students, developed jointly by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and the University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), which works with two groups of students, one group of participants in Spain and another group in Thailand where, hands-on activities, a range of technologies are used to prepare students for the lessons, through learning activities and content. This research paper presents the test of both a general model and a tool for measuring the participants’ experiences in a course that uses a blended learning methodology, with the aim of collecting empirical evidence to justify the effort of applying this methodology, based on the participants’ satisfaction. The procedure used in the conceptualization of the survey, the generation of topics, the collection of data, and the validation of the scale of various items are described here. The information, provided by the 26 people surveyed about the course and the virtual environment that was used, was analyzed to measure their perceptions and explore possible relations. Finally the conclusions of the research and the future work are presented.


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La pedagogía crítica acentúa la falta de neutralidad de la escuela respecto a las relaciones de poder que existen en la sociedad. Su propuesta consiste en modificar las relaciones de poder en el aula en el sentido de transformar las relaciones coercitivas –las que reproducen las relaciones existentes– en relaciones colaborativas partiendo del reconocimiento y la participación de los alumnos en las actividades escolares. Desde esta perspectiva, uno de los objetivos de las actividades es que los niños produzcan «textos identitarios», entendidos como artefactos que los alumnos se pueden apropiar para promover su desarrollo cognitivo. El artículo muestra el trabajo educativo integrado desde Educación Infantil hasta 6.º de Primaria de una escuela de la provincia de Girona en la que el 97% de los alumnos es de origen extranjero y cuyo propósito es incrementar las habilidades lingüísticas orales y escritas en la lengua escolar, así como la utilización de otros lenguajes multimedia. La unidad didáctica consiste en la elaboración de un cuento a lo largo de un curso escolar por parte de todo el alumnado con la ayuda de los profesores, de dos autores y de tres ilustradores. Cada ciclo escolar decide los personajes y el escenario y explicita textualmente el transcurso de la acción. Los ilustradores producen las imágenes y los autores posibilitan la transición de aquello que ha elaborado un ciclo al producto del siguiente. La actividad basada en la participación y la utilización de procedimientos democráticos de decisión se inserta en la propuesta educativa y lingüística de la escuela, así como en sus concreciones curriculares. Los resultados muestran que los textos construidos por los niños se apoyan en sus «fondos de conocimiento» sociales y familiares y constituyen una fuente de progreso en la consecución de las competencias básicas y en la construcción de valores democráticos


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We present analytical calculations of the turn-on-time probability distribution of intensity-modulated lasers under resonant weak optical feedback. Under resonant conditions, the external cavity round-trip time is taken to be equal to the modulation period. The probability distribution of the solitary laser results are modified to give reduced values of the mean turn-on-time and its variance. Numerical simulations have been carried out showing good agreement with the analytical results.