96 resultados para náutica
Hacia una teoría general de la seguridad marítima. Discurso de ingreso Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea
La comunicación pretende ser una aproximación holística a la Seguridad Marítima, enel sentido aristotélico del término: “el todo es mayor que la suma de sus partes». Elholismo es el tratamiento de un tema de tal forma que se consideren todos suscomponentes, incluyendo sus relaciones invisibles pero igualmente evidentes oexistentes. El elemento central del discurso es el tratamiento del riesgo: partiendo que elriesgo, en cualquier actividad humana nunca es 0, la seguridad se reduce a una opciónentre riesgos. Cuando hablamos de riesgo, debemos abordarlo desde una tripledimensión: el análisis del riesgo, la evaluación del riesgo y de manera principal lagestión del riesgo. La seguridad siempre es una opción de riesgo.
Postprint (published version)
Humanity system of life is highly supported by maritime transport when circa 8 thousand million people require about 8.800 million tons of merchandises by sea, going in some 105.000 merchant ships of over 100 GT, sailing every thinkable dangerous waters 365 days year 24 hours day. All that Enormous activity plus others different factors produce accidents, as is shown in an ascendant 1.7 rate related to ships lost with big number in life, cargoes losses, and pollution. That is why this study pretend to detect causes factors of maritime accidents, to try to reduce them, and with that targetin mind it was tested the new theory of Induced Maritime Accidents, crossing itsproposals with relevant sinister of different times and circumstances, as Andrea Doria, Torrey Canyon, Costa Concordia, among others. Those cases were re evaluated to establish the key points of such theory, as they are the Production Pressure, the Risk Homeostasis, technological advances and the rupture of safety margin. Cases studies gave as result the existence of referred key points, in a manner combined that the chain of events derived to the fatality, and more than that highlights the possibility that been suppressed to acceptable limits the production pressure or the risk homeostasis, a permissible safety margin were been maintained, avoiding catastrophe.
Memòria de la Biblioteca de la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona de l'any 2014.